Sometimes Surprised

By Joseph Foster

Published on Aug 23, 2007


Sorry its been forever and a day i realize this is my first post for this story in almost a year, but i had to back-burner it for a while, cuz i couldn't think of anything to do with it,now that i have a few more chapters written, i can start to post them, funny how the other stories i do just somehow flow..... and now the long awaited--

Sometimes Surprised

Chapter 13

"Pregnant, you mean like baby miracles big bellies late nights diapers."

"Yeah that's what I mean, I just found out 3 weeks ago and din't know how to tell you and you're father, but then I was gonna tell you before and then we started talking about..."

"Okay mama slow down and sit down."

"Sorry I guess I'm just excited, you know new baby my boy becoming a man, hopefully this one will give me grandchildren."

"Yeah, I dunno about that, but maybe a turkey baster is in order."

"That's disgusting, although I'm sure Ally would carry a baby for you she is so head over heels in love with you it is sickening.."

"Ahh you noticed too."

"How could I not the girls eye practically bug out of her head everytime she sees you, kind of ironic that someone as unattractive as you attracts such beautiful people like her and Matt."

"Mom that's awful!"

"What if he was straight and I was 20 years younger I'd be tryin to tap that."


"Ok I'll stop now I think I've horrified you enough for one night."

"Now go out with your boyfriend I have to get your father all liquored up and horny before I tell him hes getting another shot at becoming a grampa.


"Sorry but it's the truth how do you think I told him I was pregnant with you, of course before I told him I had to take a few drinks myself."

"MOMMY!!! I hate you"

"I love you my boy, and nothing you ever do could possibly change that."

"I love you too, but please get outta here, and please send Matt up."

"Will do my boy."

"What's up with your mom dude she kissed me when she came back down, she must be really happy all things considered."

"I'm gonna have a baby brother or sister."


"Yeah I mean I guess its not that gross since my parents are still in their 30s."

"Yeah but still eew, to know that from her look she only a month in..your parents are still goin at it."

"OH GOD! Thanks a lot, alright I feel like going out now, take me to dinner I'm starving."

"What you in the mood for baby?"


"Real Italian or the shit we can get on the corner pizzeria?"


After dinner the two young men sat to discuss their relationship

"I really am so sorry that I hit you I mean you are perfect no matter what I never should have laid a finger on you, I feel like the biggest ass there is."

"Listen good my love, you are not anything like your father, he was the scum of the earth and you have to know that I only said that ridiculously insulting bullshit when I was really angry."

"He hurt so many women, and their.. I just I wish I could ave been the one to push that button, and watch the life leave him, I wish they still used firing squads you know, then that would have been justice, just give each vic..sniff tim a shot gun and let them loose."

"You don't have to explain, I know how your are feeling I mean if they hadn't caught him when they did he would have started in on our mothers."

"He already had, he would beat my mother until she could barely breath, and then he would hit me unless in her moments of agony she would "relieve" him""

"I never knew, he never did anything to you did he?"

"no just the others, there were so many of them, and oh g god Joe the things they would do to stop him from doing that to their moms, I me..I would of too but he never asked he never took he just hit her."

"Don't think like that baby, you would have been ruined for life, I have been and this is later in my life, I never thought that what Eric did could happen to me, other people sure, but never me, he was everything I wanted to find in a partner, smart, gorgeous, so strong, and amazing.."

"I get it.."

"NO, you don't, amazing in every way, and yeah a great lay too, but I could tell he wasn't always there of course I never told this to him, he seemed withdrawn, and then on the night it all happened, I saw the look in his eyes, sheer hatred like I had done something awful, and unforgivable, I don't even know what but, I just couldn't believe that those were the same innocent blue eyes that had stared into my soul the first time I ever surrendered myself completely to someone, and now they were fierce, almost green with venom, and I cried, as my soul burned in my body and then I passed out, and now look at me a year after and I have a perfect guy that I know would never even consider hurting me, someone I truly trust with my life."

"That is so much more than I thought you would ever tell me, especially since our own little incident in eighth grade when I..well we know what I did, but I never thought we'd be here, a couple, with issues just like heteros, I mean we are real people don't think we are "normal" but look we have the same issues they have and yet we can't get married in like 48 states."

"Yeah I mean really if they want us to stop engaging in "sinful acts" they should let us get married, lord knows most couples stop having sex then, with the exception of my parents."

"Would you like to dance Matthew Stone?"

"Only for you Joe Bennett."

As the couple made their way to the small dance floor they didn't notice the eyes trailing them from every table in the small restaurant a song neither had heard before came on

"Love, wondered inside stronger than you stronger than i And now that it has begun we cannot turn back We can only turn into one I wont ever be too far away to feel you And I wont hesitate at all Whenever you call And ill always remember that part of you so tender I'll be the one to catch your fall Whenever you call

"This song is beautiful it describes us so well" Joe whispered in Matt's ear

And I truly inspired finding my soul There in your eyes And you have opened my heart And lifted me inside By showing me yourself undisguised

Looking Joe straight in the eyes "Joe Bennett, you have my heart, and I love you more than my life"

And I won't ever be too far away to feel you And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call And I'll always remember that part of you so tender I'll be the one to catch your fall Whenever you call

Joe laid his head to rest on Matt strong shoulder

And I will breathe for you each day comfort you through all the pain gently kiss your fears away You can turn to me and cry always understand that I give you what I have inside

No words were spoken as they both just began to tear And I won't ever be too far away to feel you And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call And ill always remember that part of you so tender I'll be the one to catch your fall Whenever you call

I won't ever be too far away to feel you And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call And ill always remember that part of you so tender and be the one to catch your fall Whenever you call

Oh yeah Oh whenever you call Oh whenever you call

"I love you Matt."

Matt kisses Joe tenderly and slowly on the lips, "I Love you too."

Then the boys looked around them, everyone as though frozen in time was watching them, and not a female eye was dry and some male eyes were glistening, everyone began to clap, and they both realized they had been the only couple dancing the entire time.

There were only a few looks of confusion in the crowd and they paid the bill and left hand in hand.

They heard the door open and the sound of high heels clicking.

"Hey guys wait up."

"Ally? What are you doing here?"

"Apparently witnessing the most beautiful scene of love this sprawling megopolis has seen in a while, you guys really moved people, especially we women."

"Ok honestly babe that wasn't planned we didn't realize we were the only ones dancing."

"That's beside the point, until today I wasn't sure if I would ever be ok with you being with Matt, and then I saw the way you two are with each other, and in public no less and I knew you had found the one for you, and I am so proud of you."

"So did Ryan enjoy the show?" Matt had to ask

"Actually Matt, he was in the bathroom, you were only dancing for three minutes or so and it felt like an eternity."

"wow that was the best three minutes of my life."

"True that, I think all the women in there are going to have better orgasms tonight because of us, good work Matt." They both laughed as they knocked fists

"Speaking of orgasms, I am going to take you advice tonight Joey, and I am just gonna throw Ryan down and have my way with him."

"Its good advice, but Matt here is on restriction, so I cant take my own."

"Why, doctor's orders or something?"

"No I'm punishing him for this, and with that Joe smeared the cover up he was wearing."

Before either one of them knew what was happening Ally had punched Matt in the face and he was on the ground

"WOW that girl can HIT!"

"Yeah I taught he everything she knows so that is gonna leave a mark, I always thought it was cheesy for couples to look the same."

"Oh shut up dude I'm in pain here, I think the side walk bruised my ass"

"Shake it off you manly pansy."

"AH HEM, excuse me but why are you still with him if he is responsible for your new prune face look."


"Ok why are you with him if he is responsible for that big ass bruise?"

"Because I deserved it, if I had insulted you the way I insulted him you would have done the same thing, the fact that he's my boyfriend doesn't change that."

"Ok well I need to get back to Ry, we'll discuss this later."

"Ok well lets get home."

On the drive back Joe said something that shocked Matt. "I wanna see him"


"You know damn well who."


"Because I need to close out that chapter of my life, I need to move on with my life, and I cant have people walking on egg shells until the day I die, he still runs a portion of my life and I don't like it one bit."

"Ok, we'll go tomorrow"

"No this is something I have to do alone."

They pulled into Joe's driveway

"Alright well I will be driving you, and waiting for you in the car, this is non negotiable."

"Ok I guess that's fine."

"I'll be here at 1 to pick you up, go on up to bed."

"I love you so much Matt."

"I love you too."

Joe went to bed that night thinking

Can I really do this can I see the one person single handedly responsible for tearing my life to pieces

To be continued

Song is Whenever You Call Duet between Brian McKnight and Mariah Carey, song makes me cry every time so I thought it was perfect, and it's very significant to me

Next: Chapter 11

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