Somewhere Only We Know

By Jesse Skyline

Published on Feb 16, 2011


Good day readers!

I can honestly say that the truest value I can gain from my art besides self growth, is the appreciation I get from my readers. Keep the praises and your loyalty coming. It is inspiring. Here is the next installment. I hope you enjoy it and if you do, spread the word. Share my section on nifty.

With that being said here is the boring part Disclaimer: If you're not of age (18 or in some areas 21) then leave. The situations in this story are from my mind with some influence from personal experiences. So I'm not writing about YOU. It's all me. Oh yea the story might get graphic too. Always practice safe sex and please don't steal my shit. Writing is my art form.

Enjoy, Jesse Skyline

PS Tell me where you're from if you email

Somewhere only we know - Chapter 4

"No Gio, it's not like that. I'm over that." I heard when I woke up from my sleep.

I laid there in the dark as I heard Shane on the phone with his roommate. I didn't want to disturb him and I kind of wanted to here some more. I wanted to hear more from Shane. I wanted to know if falling for this guy would be a waste. I don't know why thinking "would be" is the proper phrase for it. He's perfect. He is caring, compassionate, empathetic and easy on the eyes.

While a part of me wanted to listen to the conversation I knew it was wrong and no way to treat a friend let a lone a potential whatever he may be. I decided to make my presence aware apparent. Basically, I moaned a bit as my heard was a bit sore.

"I gotta go Gio.." Shane said as he hung up the phone.

He rushed quickly over to my bed from the floor. He kneed down next to my bed and put his hand on my head. "Are you okay Luc?"

"Yea, can I just get some water?"

"Sure." Shane said as he stepped away from my bed to grab a bottle by the bookcase.

He came back to my bedside and helped me sit up to drink the water. He sat next to me and turned on the bedside floor lamp. I squinted my eyes and saw him looking at me. He had this look in his eyes like his little puppy was hurt. I just wanted to curl up into a ball in his arms. It took everything I had to not do just that. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yea, just a little sore. Would you mind if we tried the sleep thing again?" I asked him.

"Oh yea sure." He said as he awkwardly got off my bed.

Shane turned off the floor lamp and got back on the floor. I felt bad that he was sleeping on the floor but I was so happy that he was that close to me.

"Shane, you don't have to sleep on the floor."

"I know. But if something happens I'm that much closer to you."

"Thanks Shane."

"It's cool."

I quickly succumbed to sleep again. I had some pretty vivid dreams that night. Some were sad, some were scary and some were realistic. I remember waking up the next morning to find Shane in my bed with me. I quickly sat up and took my surroundings in. My headache was gone and it was a rainy morning. It kind of made me feel better having it so shitty out. I hate when I don't feel 100% and its nice out.

"Mornin'" Shane said next to me.

"Hey," I began, "what happened last night?"

"You don't remember?"

I shook my head no. I was scared. Scared that I made a move a ruined the potential of something great. Scared the I violated Shane in someway. Scared that I took advantage.

He sat up next to me and began telling me about my night. He told me that I fell asleep mid-conversation with him. Apparently, I had begun tossing and turning an hour or so after that. Then I began crying. "That's when I shot up and asked if you okay. You didn't answer but you were crying. I didn't know what to do but I got in the bed and held you. I'm sorry Luc but I didn't know what else to do."

"I see. It's okay." I said. What the hell else could I say!?!

"Luc I..."

"Hey you did what you thought was best. Thanks for taking care of me. Let me buy us breakfast. I feel lots better." I said as I was heading to take a quick shower.

I quickly showered and wrapped a towel around my waist. I didn't mean to act like I was upset about the holding me thing. I just didn't want Shane to think I enjoyed it too much. I couldn't handle him getting freaked out. I know I just met him but the thought of not having him in my life would not be a good way to start off the school year.

"Shower's free!" I said as I came back in the room. AND I said it mightily cheery too!

Shane got off the bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door. I took off my towel when I heard him start up the shower. I quickly dressed and checked my email. He was out of the bathroom just as quick as I was but was dressed.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yup!" I said as I grabbed a hat to head out the door.

When we got outside it was pouring. I looked at Shane and smiled. He looked at me confused and then like a light bulb went off in his head, he smiled back. I took off running with Shane behind me. The dining hall wasn't too far but running in the rain felt pretty damn good.

Shane was behind me when I stopped and he almost collided with me. "What's up?" he asked.

I don't what it was but I was just in a great mood. I looked at him in the eyes. We were drenched at the point and having my hat on backwards wasn't helping. Water was dripping down both our faces. "Tag you're it!" I said as I hit him in the arm and ran into the green, or at this point, the mud."

Shane took off after me and we ended up on the green in the mud. Shane might be on the football team but he was no match for my speed and agility. He couldn't catch me. He tried his hardest. I kinda felt bad so I slowed down a bit. He got me.

"Stop!" I said.

"What?" he asked

"Look!" I replied as I pointed out the rest of the green.

Apparently, other members of the student body decided to have some fun in the mud too. Shane looked and began laughing. He came up next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "You're a born leader Luc!"

"Nah! I just like to have fun. By the way, TAG!" I said as I took off towards the food hall.

When we finally got there I held onto the building and called base. Shane wasn't too far behind me, catching his breath. We were so wet and it still was pouring rain with no signs of letting up.

We went inside and went to the bathroom. I quickly took my shirt off and started to drench it. Shane did the exact same thing. It was hard not to look at his muscled chest and abs but I valued what I had with him too much. We put our shirts back on and headed to eat.

We quickly ate and bullshitted about the gym and football and what I expected my freshman year to be like. Shane gave me some tips on some of my professors and the lay of the land. It was a nice conversation.

We finished up breakfast and headed towards the doors of the hall. "Holy shit! It's still pouring out." Shane exclaimed.

"After that meal, I'll hurl if I run." I told him

"Ditto. Let's just walk and get wet." He winked at me as he opened the door.

We begin the walk and were instantly drenched. Our t-shirts clinged to our bodies as we walked back over the green. Rain tag was still going on. I guess I started a new game.

I chuckled as Shane made a comment about me starting a new sport. Then he got a little quiet. "So do you umm wanna grab dinner later tonight?"

Did he just ask me out on a date?

End of chapter 4

Bitching? Ranting? Comments? Suggestions?

Next: Chapter 5

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