Somtimes/ no further installments


Published on Apr 15, 2001



Hi guys!!! This is my first try at writting any fiction, and this story is mainly a story about true love and the chance that some of us are waiting for at getting that special someone that would make everything right in our lifes. The events that occur in this story are not real, I don't really know any member of the royal family nor do I live any where near the Hudson River Valley. If you don't belong here, anything I have to say to you won't deter you, so enjoy, but don't blame me if you get caught. There is no real graphic sex scenes in this story so you'll just have to imagine the details, If your looking for a quick wank just read some of the other good sex related stories out there. So without further suspense here it's my story. hope You like it.

Sometimes the feeling is right when you've loved for the first time. I have never felt like I felt that summer. You see four years ago my Dad gave me a trip to Europe for the summer, although I had gone before , this time it felt, right. My parents weren't going, my dad gave me a credit card for expenses, stays at the best hotels of the continent, first class plane tickets to the most important cities and a return royal suite on the Cunard Ocean Liner QEII for my first sail across the Atlantic.

Oh my!! Where are me manners. My name is Michael, I'm 5'11, light brown hair that has a mind of its own, on the winter it gets so dark that it almost looks black and in the summer it gets so light that it looks dirty blond. The best thing that i like about me are my eyes, they are light green with shades of blue. Well the day of my trip finally arrived July 7th, Charles our chauffeur took me to the airport in our limo. I got a good window seat on the airplane, which is actually not that hard to do in first class. Next to me sat the cutest guy ever, but I already knew him though. He was the son of one of the most important oil producers of the entire country. His dad was a friend of mine and his house was right across the Hudson River from ours. Once as I was bathing in my pool, which sits on a little hill overlooking the river, I saw him he was in his sailboat without a shirt under the burning sun. Little did I know that I would actually see him with even less. He is one of the most eligible bachelors in the country.

" Hi, my name is Ethan" he said to me with a smile. "Hi my name is Michael, and I already knew your name". "I'm sorry have we met before?" He asked a bit puzzeld at my answer. "Well, not officially but I live across the river from you, and our parents know each other. "Uhm!" He grunted satisfied with my answer but still womdering how I knew so much about him. Before he could utter another word I put on my head phones and set the volume to high.

I had seen him before at one of the many parties at his house. I had always thought of him as a bit stuck up , rich like me, and handsome. An hour before getting to London the first European capital on my trip I opened up my lap top and called an old friend; the future king of England. I had met him while I was attending Eton for my last two years of high school. That's right my friend was William, Prince of Wales. He knew that I was gay and he was very supportive of my life choice. As a matter of fact he had tried to hook me up with some guy he knew but I wasn't exactly on the market just yet. His mother adored me she said that I was the only real friend that her son had, because I knew when to say he was right, but also when to say he was wrong. Anyhow, I got him online.

"Hello your royal shyness", I typed. "Stop that, you know I don't like being call that". He answered. "Ha,Ha,Ha! What is up wombat, how are you?" "Fine, and you?" "O.K., I guess, if you call being stuck on a plane heading to London good." "Your coming ! and you didn't even say, you bastard." "Sorry no time, papa surprised me with this gift trip to Europe." "Oh! well it doesn't matter now you must stay with us at Windsor Castle while you are in London. Mamy will be so happy to see you, and talking of surprises I think I might have one for you." "You convinced me I'll go, only if you promise to take me horseback riding." "See you in a few hours." "Bye."

Finally we started our decent into London Airport when I heard the captain say. "Ladies and Gentleman we are now descending into London Airport. Current temperature is 69 degrees F. Thank you for flying British Airways, hope you had a pleasant trip."

This was it, I was in Europe and I looked forward to a nice vacation filled with fun. Well I finally got to Windsor after an hours drive from the airport. I had never been there, I had visited Buckingham Palace a couple of times but never there. As I arrived at Windsor's main gate William rushed out to greet me, but he stopped halfway under the watchful eye of his grandmother and his father. He ended up extending a hand for me to shake, I did and he quickly told Thomas one of the attendants to take my bags to my room in the east wing. He turned towards me and said: "Come mama wanted to see you as soon as you got here. She is in the library."

I followed him through the castle till we got to this big oak door which opened up to a dim room full of old books, in the middle of the room were some big chairs in front of the fireplace, in one of them was Diana and in the other was Harry, William's brother. "Michael darling",she came towards me with her arms open "when did you arrive?" she hugged me and turning to Harry she said: "Harry this is Michael, your brother's friend from America. "I must have made a big impression on Harry, for he did not say a word. No matter, I was there to enjoy myself. William grabbed me by the hand and pulled me towards the door, saying to his mother that I was tired and that he was taking me to my room.

Again, I followed through endless corridors until we went up some stairs. Then we were standing in front of another oak door, this one was slightly smaller than that of the library but it was still quite impressive. It was engraved with the family code of arms and it had a big iron knob. The room behind it was still more impressive, there was a four post king size bed, three big glass French doors that opened to a small balcony, a big bathroom with a roman tub and gold fixtures, white silk sheets on the bed and fresh cut roses all around the room. "So how is it?" I heard William ask me. "Perfect!... Hey Will what is this surprise you were telling me about?" I asked himwondering what all this mistery was about. "Don't worry you'll see. By the way how is your love life, anything yet." "Nope the guys back home are cute, but most of them are just after quick a fortune and I guess I'm just looking for a little thing called True Love."

He looked at me with kind of a devilish smile on his face and said " Well I'll leave you now to rest, my surprise should be arriving anytime now". As soon as he left, I unpacked and took a bath. As I was getting out of the bathroom I saw Walter the chauffeur driving up to the front door, I guessed it was another family member coming to stay for the weekend.

I got dressed for dinner and went downstairs to the dining room, it was a magnificent Victorian room, oak paneling and dark blue curtains . As I entered the room Diana said "Wow you look mighty handsome this evening", "thank you," I answered. I greeted Charles and Harry who were already in the room. As I turned around to face the stairs that led to the great room, I saw William come down accompanied by someone who I knew perfectly well, it was Ethan, I could not believe it, I had no time to show any emotion, her majesty the Queen was just coming down right behind them. William came over to where I was standing with Ethan and said: "Michael I want you to meet Ethan. Surprise!" "Oh! I think you are a bit to late." I answered. "What do you mean?" he said with a wondering look on his face. "We've already met, on the plane, on the way over." Ethan answered him. "Oh well at least I don't have to be too formal about this." William said.

I just looked at him with a face like.... We end it up sitting down for dinner. William sat next to me and Ethan across the table, next to Harry. After a magnificent dinner William asked me to accompany him to the library. Which I thought kind of improper, due to the fact that his grandmother had just seen me and was expecting me to tell her about my trip and my family back in the States. "Well what did you think? Did you like him?" He started. "Like the guy, he's the biggest jerk. He lives across the river from my house, and frankly I think he is way too stuck up." "Who? Ethan, no way, he is the nicest guy ever, besides according to your standards he is perfect." He said in disbeif "My standards? What would you know about my standards?" I said in shock. "Well, I know you like them blond, blue eyes, tall, slightly built, charming, and rich, wouldn't want them only interested in your money now would we now." "Ok, so you know what I like and he fits the characteristics, still...." "Come on give him a chance, tomorrow we are going riding, come with us." "Okay, I'll go, but don't get any ideas." "What do you mean?"He said as if he did not know to what I was refering to. "Come on Will, I know how you are and when you set your mind to something you don't stop until is the way you want it." "Ok, I promise I won't influence your decision." He said with a slight smile glued to his face.

The next morning at dawn we had breakfast and we were off, William was riding ahead while me and Ethan were getting to know each other a little better a few paces behind. All of the sudden a fox comes out of nowhere and scares my horse who rears in the air knocking me to the ground, the impact knocked me uncontius. Ethan jumped off his horse and checked my pulse, apparently I wasn't breathing, for when I came to he was giving me CPR. Finally William came to see what had happened as Ethan was breathing into my mouth with his lips against mine. I came to, to see that Ethan was leaning over me asking if I was okay, and William behind him winking his eye at me and smiling.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked again. "Yeah, What happened?" "You fell off the horse and you were unconscious." "Thankfully Ethan was here to bring you back to life." William said with a grin on his face.I looked at him as if I wanted to kill him, it was all his fault for convincing me to come anyways. But I could not forget the feeling of Ethan's lips on mine. I was dizzy from the fall and when I tried to stand up I almost fell to the ground again, Ethan caught me in his arms and told Will take my horse back to the castle he was going to stay back and help me. Wow this is going to be mighty interesting I said to myself. Ethan grabbed my hand and put it around his neck and put his other hand around my waist so that I could walk. As we were started to walk Ethan started to talk: "So what do you think of England so far, you like it?" "Yeah is pretty, as a matter of fact I lived here five years while I was attending Eton that is where I met William." "Really I met him when my father came last year invited by the Prince Charles to a state dinner, they were friends when they went to school, at Eton as a matter of fact."

I grunted a little from the pain in my head,I was starting to get a headache. He asked if I was Ok, I told him yeah that I was just getting a little headache. He stopped walking in front of an apple tree, he looked at me in the eyes and said " what would happen if I kissed you, right here right now", I was caught totally by surprise by his question and started to say "I would smack the hel........" before I could finish he locked his lips against mine in the most passionate kiss a guy had ever given me, time slowed down around us I could see the trees and the sounds and the wind literally slowing down and disappear from sight , it was as if we had been transported to a place in time where nothing mattered only us. All I could do was look into his clear blue eyes, as clear as the spring sky and as deep as any ocean, I could not believe I was letting him go on; yet here I was, kissing the cutest guy in the planet for all I was worth I was thinking of how was it going to end, I had to stop it, another in my position would have been wishing the moment never to ended, I didn't feell his lips part from mine as I was left gasping for breath. Then I heard a familiar cough behind me, it was William who had whatched the entire act unfold, and then he said " I was waiting for you two kids to get together" he laughed and started to walk back to the castle leaving me again alone with Ethan.

I could not believe what had happened and that my best friend had seen the entire thing, I knew he was really happy for me, but was I? Did I really want this things to go any further? I had suffered many deceptions before, did I really want to take a chance with Ethan? I couldn't take another betrayal, yet something inside of me said "besides what have you got to lose," I didn't quite believe it, love is a very fragile emtion that if it is hurt too much, it can die or worse turn a person bitter. I decide to let things fall where they may, and that night Ethan came to my room. He brought a bottle of wine he had gotten from the cellar; we sat outside on my balcony, moonlight shining. A romantic setting,the velvet sky full of tiny little specks of light, each like a dimond, adding beauty to an already beautiful scene. The smell of jasmine from the garden below was drowning me in a kind of ecstasy, my head was going wild with excitement over the fact that I, had this stud a few steps away from me. All I could do was to stare into those eyes , the way they looked at me . I could have melted under them,even the stars were spiteful of them, they were like two effulgent sapphires looking at me. An occasional smile from him and I fell in love all over againg. We were both celebrating and getting to know each other better I was sitting across a small table from Ethan . "Each of us represents a star in heaven. Sometimes we shine with the rest and sometimes we twinkle alone " Ethan smirked at my words but was quick to repond ** "Empires may crumble, oceans may dry up, but love will always stand strong."(Jeff McClung) I looked at him with defience and the batlle was on, I said *** "How can one person in one lifetime,speak the words of an eternity?"*(Maryanna Renae) . "Love is like a lottery ticket. If you just throw it away and assume you didn't win you may be passing by something great. Take a chance... it's the only way to win." I chuckled " What is love?" "Love is the answer that every one seeks, love is the language that every heart speaks." I wasn't about to be beaten at my own game so I continued "Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal." Ethan was relentless and kept up the verbal duel "When you love someone, put their name in a circle, not in a heart; because hearts can be broken but circles go on forever." This was my fight for the freedom that i loved, my mind was wrestling with the fact that although Ethan held my eyes captive i didn't want to give him my heart, i was afraid of losing it forever, "Everybody in love is blind," "There are many things in life that catch your eyes, but few that catch your heart, cherish those." It was true Ethan had more than my eyes,it was impossible to deny it any longer

"Truce? " I asked. "Truce."Ethan agreed as we both settled back to enjoy the night and each other. He had had four glasses of wine and I had just started on my first, I'm not really great at drinking, I don't like the taste of alcohol. Wine and I don't get alone too well either, but tonight the wine tasted like the gods nectar or maybe it was just the company. Then Ethan started. "Can I spend the night here?" I was stunned by this."What, right here in my room?" I asked in amassment. "Yeah in the sofa, I'm to drunk to find my room and the servants are provably asleep by now to take me to it." "Yeah, sure." sure I answered softly.I could not believe this hunk was going to be staying on a sofa 5 feet away from my bed. As I slid under the cool sheets all I could think of were the events that had happened that day. I kept thinking of that kiss, those lips, do soft like rose petals. Then I got up walked up to the sofa and stood in front him, and said "why don't you take the bed, your legs are to long for the sofa." He looked at the bed then at me and said "why don't we both sleep on the bed, there is plenty of room for both of us." I could not believe he wanted to share my bed, I mean it was okay when he kissed me and all. I had never gotten that far with a guy before, and I thought he only kissed me to make me feel better or because William told him to do it, to play a prank on me.

Anyways we slid under the covers and I saw his body turn away from me. He was facing the window now and I turned the opposite way so that I could see the door from where I was laying. I couldn't sleep with him so close. I was feeling cold in this big bed. I started to forget the cold and to fall asleep when I felt a hand around my waist and a warm smooth chest press against my back. I did not move nor make a sound. I could feel his warm breath against my neck. He moved closer and whispered in my ear: "Michael are you awake?" I turned around to face him. "What's wrong?" "Nothing I felt you shivering and I thought I could keep you warm, this old castle is really cold at night." "Thanks." "So you cold?" "Yeah very." "Well then come on."

He opened his arms and I rolled into them feeling his warmth around me, our bodies were intertwined around the sheets. My head on his chest, his arms around me. The moon was shining through the open doors and the lace curtains floted in the midnight breese. I could feel Ethan's heart beat and its sound was hypnotizing. His heart was not all i could feel, he had a growing erection that was pressing against my thigh, i looked up to him he was looking at me and again those eyes had me on a spell that i could not break. We moved slowly and we kissed, at first light ly but as time went by our kiss becae more passionate, more demanding, our tongues were wrestling for control of each others mouths, once again i surrender to him.The light of a full moon was all that illuminated our dance of sheets. The smell of sweat , his beautiful eyes shining in the dark like two bright stars in the midnight sky. We made love, my first time, but all I kept thinking was of how beautiful he looked. Then the ultimate moment of happiness, I knew love, the love and passion of another man. He collapsed on top of me fatigued, after a minute or so he grabbed a rose from the night stand and started to move it up and down my body with the intense concentration, he moved it down my throat, down my chest and then he kissed it and told me "what we are is a crime, but if it is a crime to love , for the god who made me live made me love(1)" then he said "I love you" and he colapse on to of me before rolling over to his side. As soon as he fell asleep I walked over to the bathroom I looked at myself on the big mirror in front of me, I was looking at my own reflection and yet it didn't feel like me any more, it was as if I had changed some how. I looked at Ethan still sleeping in the bed, the moon light was lighting up his face, his blond hair was just so perfect, he had a satisfied smile in his face, almost as if he knew I was looking at him. Then I looked in the mirror again and I smiled at the face looking back at me who smiled in return as if it knew what I was thinking of, then I noticed a little blood trickling down my leg. Apparently he had torn me a little, since it was my first time with a guy. It didn't really bother me though. It actually made me feel like there was a physical sign to show that I had given him my virginity, myself and my heart. I wiped off the blood and returned to the bedroom. I fell asleep like a baby.

Then dawn came and the rays of the sun woke me up to an empty bed. The birds were singing but the magic was gone. I did not feel him when he left. I had breakfast in the balcony which has a great view of the tennis court, I could clearly see Ethan and William playing tennis, they had not yet notice me until Diana called out to me " goodmorning Michael, I hear you are a pretty good tennis player", William replied: "Why don't you show Ethan what you've got ?" "No I couldn't." "Come on let's play one." I heard Ethan say.

They finally convinced me and the game was set up. I changed and went downstairs to the tennis court. William was waiting at the door to give me his racket and wish me good luck. I got the ball in my hand and studied it for a few seconds ,then I threw it in the air and hit it with all my force. The ball bounced with equal force off of Ethan's racket only to bounce again from mine. We played like this for an hour and stopped when lunch was announced, only to notice the crowd of people that had gathered around the court, mostly of people that worked in the castle. "Splendid", William shouted "I had never witness a most interesting tennis game", Diana approved and added that she had never seen such good tennis players.

I went for a quick shower before lunch. After a magnificent meal I went to the city to do some shopping, I was going to Italy next and I needed some clothe and film for my camera. When I got back William informed me that my Dad had called to see how I was doing, and that he had talked to his grandmother who had commented on my good manners and the way I had been brought up as a perfect gentleman. She also commented to him "if it were possible for my grandson to be more like your son, I would say England would have a great King". "If she knew half of what you know" I told him. He saw my luggage and asked me with a little bit of sorrow in his voice: "When are you leaving?" "Tomorrow I leave for Rome, from there I'm going to Venice, and after the Swiss Alps." "What about Ethan? He is leaving with you, right?" He asked unsured."I don't know, we might meet in the cabin his father has in Switzerland." "What? You are not taking this trip together? You have been bothering me because you can't find the perfect guy for months and when you finally have him in front of you, as a matter of fact right across from your bedroom, you are going to Italy, and let him go the other way." "Shhhh......! Keep quite, he might hear you." "Oh! no you are not going to let this one slip by you, I'm going to make damn sure that you two end up together until you finish this trip." "William calm down, we can't go to Italy together." "But why not?" "Because last night, well."" What? You two? You little bastard! You've already tasted the honey, haven't you." He added with a smile in his face. "Well, we just need a little time to process things. Besides last night he was drunk so I don't know if what he did, he did out of drunkenness or out of love." "Well have you guys talked about it?" "No, not really that is why we are taking a few days off, to process our feelings." "Well you better keep me informed and I do mean with details".

William left and I continued to pack. When I finished, I must have dosed off to sleep because I woke up with a kiss. Lips, hot lips were pressed against mine, it was Ethan. "Baby wake up" I heard " its dinner time". I opened my eyes and found myself looking into his blue eyes, as beautiful as two sapphires looking down on me. I was kind of tired, I told him to go ahead and to excuse me downstairs that I wasn't feeling to well. He left a little disappointed but came back a few minutes later carrying a tray bearing two dinners. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Why, bringing you dinner." he said while setting the tray on the bed. "Why two plates? Aw you'er having dinner with me? How sweet." "Yeah! that is what William said."

We had dinner on my bed and talked about what we were going to do in Switzerland. He said "you know its snowing around in the cabin right now. On top of the mountain it never stops snowing." "I like the snow there is something magical about it and I think is a great idea to go," I said. He kissed me and that was the last I saw of him for a week.

Rome was splendid, shopping was extremely great, the old city is so beautiful. I would have loved to live in ancient times when this city ruled an empire that ran from one end of the Mediterranium to the other. I took lots of pictures and I saw lots of cuties too. Italian men are so hot it makes the weather seem like an oven. But I already had my man waiting for me on the Swiss Alps.

I finally flew to Switzerland. As I was making my way to the cabin, I saw a car coming down the road. I didn't get to see who was in it for it was already dark, but I thought it to be strange since that road only leads to the cabin. I didn't worry about it. When I got to the cabin Ethan came outside with open arms to welcome me; that night was so magical. Ethan had his private chef make my favorite, Wiener schnitzel(crispy chicken smothered in lemon and oil), white wine, and for dessert Sachrtorte mit schlag(a chocolate fudge cake). After dinner I asked him about the car I had seen and he told it had been his dad that had come to have him sign some papers. I didn't think much of it so I enjoyed the rest of the evening in his arms whatching the snow fall outside. The next few days were a dream, no, a fantasy come to life, I thought happily. We woke together wrapped in each others arms while the sun light flooded in through the windows.

"Come on baby, let's get showered and then I'll give you a tour of the house before breakfast, Ok?" Ethan whispered in my ear.As I was taking a shower he stepped into the tub and turned me around and held me in his hands tightly raising to eye level and kissed me. "No babe don't even think about it, not now anyways." I told him knowing where he was taking this. So he said , "ok baby well have breakfast and go skiing". I looked at him kind of hesitant which he noticed and asked what was wrong. "What is wrong baby?" "Well this has just been so perfect I'm afraid that the moment I leave this room all of this is going to disappear and I'm going to realize this was all just a dream." " Don't worry baby this is not a dream and you have nothing to worry about if it were a dream, when you wake up I'll be next to you ready to make you live it all over again."

Then Ethan went downstairs as I went to my suitcase and took out a robe to wear. As I was finishing putting my robe on he came in with a big smile on his face. "What? What is it?" I asked him. "Well you are going to love me for this, I let the staff go for the day and we've got the cabin all to ourselves. Come on, breakfast is served." " Oh! Babe you are the greatest," said as I hugged him.

As we made our way down the stairs into a big room I noticed the long table with a small buffet, the sun light was shining brightly through the bay windows and snow was falling outside, it could not get any better. "How do you like it?" he asked. "Babe its perfect," I said, "just like you." He sat at the head of the table pulled a chair for me at the right side of his and started breakfast. We started to feed little bits of food into each others mouths. I cought his finger as he was putting a strawberry in my mouth, I sucked on it as I saw his eyes get wide open with astonishment. "Oh Michael, don't get me started". As I let go of his finger we both laughed.

After breakfast we went skiing, I was going so fast that I slid and fell on the snow, he came around to help me up, as he was doing do, I pulled on his arm and he fell flat on top of me. We wrestled around for a while when we stopped he was on top of me again: "I have never been more happy in my life." I said. "I would give up all my life just to be with you. Michael you are the best thing that ever happened to me and I love you now and forever don't ever forget that, no matter what." With this words we kissed as snow started to fall all around us. We made our way back to the cabin under snow flackes. We were really happy with each other, but what would happen when we got back to America? What were we going to do then? I didn't think much of it, I just tried to enjoy Ethan as much as I could. He was making sure that our time together was wonderful as he could, from romantic dinners on the snow, to lunches by the frozen lake, breakfast in bed, and before going to bed chocolate and kisses. I used to call this kisses my Hershey's kisses snack.

After that week we went up to Vienna, I had been wanting to go there since I was a child and in my previous visits to Europe I had never gone to the capital of Waltz. Ethan paid a private and very discrete professor to teach us how to dance Viennese Waltz. Our first lesson was a mess. I stepped all over Ethan's feet, which he didn't mind but after a few practices we got the combination, and 1,2,3; 1,2,3; forward, side, back, side, forward, turn, 1,2,3. We were off in the clouds, I felt like Cinderella in the arms of Prince Charming. Ethan also took me to my first opera, it was "La Trabiata". I had never been to an opera because I though it would be boring but with the company I had, it was like attending a ball with a prince. The Opera House was magnificent, the Greco-Roman architecture was noticeable everywhere, the red carpet that came down the main staircase and the curtains were like Rivers of blood flowing through the floor and walls with the poison of summer love. We also attended the Grand Ball held at the Schonbrunn Imperial Palace , where the annual traditional Waltz was danced by a thousand couples.

Next we flew to St. Petersburg capital of Imperial Russia. To think that this city had withstood constant shelling from nazy artillery, cruel winters, famine, and great loss of life, and still survived is incredible. The city has been rebuilt and the Czars Imperial palace is a sight to behold, thankfully this far up north they still get snow storms in the summer. After the snow settles the city it's blanketed in white, it seems peaceful. The lake behind the hotel we at which we were staying at got frozen and one morning very early Ethan woke me up by saying. "Come on baby, wake up, I want to show you something." " Babe is not even dawn yet, let me sleep a little while longer."I replied. He yanked me out of bed by one arm and said "dress warm its cold outside", then he went out for a few minutes and came back with a box in his hands. "What's in the box?" I asked, "don't worry, you'll see" he answered. I followed him to the little lake behind the hotel. " Great you woke me up to see a frozen lake, I'm going back." " No wait , look." He opened the box and inside there were a pair of skates. "Come on lets ,skate." "Babe I don't know how" I said. I knew perfectly well how to skate I just wanted to go back to bed. I could not refuse this hunk, he is one of those few people who with a smile and those sad puppy dog eyes, can even melt the north pole at will.

"Are you done yet?" He asked anxiously."Yeah! I'm done." I raised my eyes to look at him already on the ice, sliding up and down. " Come on baby get on the ice." " Ok." I stepped onto the ice as if I did not know how to skate. I even pretended I was going to fall and Ethan caught me in his strong arms. "You really don't know how to skate do you?" He asked. "Nope." He instructed me and soon I was skating. "You learn quickly. He remarked amazed. "Okay my turn." I took his arm and started pulling him faster and faster over the ice. "Hey stop! You don't know ho......," and I had him on the air, then I put him down and showed him what I knew. "You've been acting all alone," he said. I looked at him and smile, we had spent all morning skating. Finally, we went for lunch at a local cafe' close to the plaza. "What is going to happen when we get back?"I asked him. He didn't look up. "Well want to go to the Imperial palace? I hear they have a great tour of the Czars' treasures." He said changing the conversation. It was obvious he did not want to talk about our future, so I let it slide also. Anyhow, we ended up going to the palace, what luxury, what beauty, not even Buckingham Palace could compare to it, let alone our houses on the Hudson River Valley. It was magnificent.

We left the next day for Berlin.We spent a week there going to the Opera, museums, and monuments. God how many cute guys we saw. I thought Ethan was going to leave me for one of these cuties. Its like they say beautiful people always end up together, but this wasn't the case.

After that we flew to France we spent a whole week on the French Riviera and four days in Paris. We spent a night in each others arms' in the Ritz Hotel. After that we went back to England to catch our boat back to the States. Six days on the Atlantic in a luxury suit with the man of my dreams was more than enough to satisfy and complete my vacation.

As soon as we docked in New York Ethan's father was there to pick him up. My dad had sent the limo to pick me up. My best friend Margaret was there to welcome me home, I had been writing to her about what was going on and she knew every detail of the situation. She also knew of my concern for what would happen now that I was in America. On my way, home I decided that I would not wait any longer to tell my parents. I got home, I asked my Mom and Dad to the library. I told them I was gay. My mother was devastated, her first born son was gay, my dad did not speak to me for weeks, but he did not throw me out of the house.

I called Ethan and told him what I had done. He supported me, but when I asked him when he was going to do the same he said that now was not a good time. I could not believe it? But I kind of understood his fear and thought that with enough time he would build up the courage to tell his family. After a few weeks my mom was okay with me again, she treated me the same. I even found her supportive, showing me pictures of guys that where gay and of our own social status. My father was accepting too and told me that I would have a home in his house as long as I wanted but that if I ever had a boyfriend it had to be of our social class and that he wanted to meet him first. I did not want to tell him I had a boyfriend already. He and Ethan's father are friends and I would not want my dad to tell him anything before Ethan did. But I told my mom that I had a boyfriend and that it was Ethan, the boy from across the River, I made her promise that she would not say anything. She was thrill that I had done so great all by myself, a cute guy and rich beyond dreams that was the only part she was interested in.

Ethan called to say that he wanted to see me as soon as possible. We met by the river at my house in a gazebo that was near the river's edge. Weeping willows all around us, all full of brown leafs by now. It was a dark autumns day and the wind was turning cold in anticipation of winter. He sailed his boat across the river, I was waiting for him by the dock looking at him as he came closer, I wanted to be in his arms so badly, my parents weren't home, I had let the staff go for the day; we were all alone. When he got there we hugged and kissed, but something was wrong. I could see it in his eyes, they had lost the spark that they had whenever they saw me. I could see myself in them sorrounded by a dark deep blue sea of emotions Just looking into them gave me a chill, his eyes, his urgent call that we needed to talk. We walked to the gazebo where he asked me to sit.

"Michael I have some bad news." "Yes?" "Well, my father knows about us. He hired a private detective to follow me in Europe." "At least we can be truthfull about our love now. Our parents know and we no longer have to hide our feelings." "That is the problem, we can't be together. My father is totally opposed to it." "What? We can't be together? Just because he is opposed to it?!" "Yes I came because I wanted you to know I can't see you anymore, or...." "Or nothing, we knew that our parents could be oppose to what we had since we made love that night back in England, and you told me it was alright, that no matter what, you would always love me and you would fight heaven or hell just to be with me. I trusted you and fell in love with you thinking that you were telling the truth. I put my heart on the line for that promise and now you tell me that you've gone back on it, that we can't see each other just because you are afraid of what your dad would do. Well sorry but I can't accept that." "You'll just have to beacuse I'm breaking up with you." He stammered to say "What? You `re breaking up with me?" "Yes, you have to understand it is for your own good." "My own good was you and what we shared, yet you rather give that up to please your daddy. Well alright." I brushed off a tear from my cheeck and placed it on his hand. "We are finish but know something, the moment you get back to that boat, you have died for all I care, take care of what I gave you,that tear is the only one I'll give you the pleasure off shedding for you."

He turned around and got back on his boat. He crossed the river looking back at me. A cold wind blew from behind, it made the willows' leafs fall all around me, it was as if they were tears, nature was crying the tears that Ethan would never get from me. I got back home with difficulty I was feeling dizzy and the moment I got in, through the back door. As Margaret, who had arrived with my brother Tom entered throught the front. As soon as I saw them I fainted on the steps up to the main floor. When I came too my brother was cheking my pulse, Margaret was next to me. "What happened?" she asked. "I can't say." I looked at my brother and Margaret said."It's Ok, he knows everything." "Yeah big bro, but if you want me to leave I can do it." " No, besides if you know there is no point in me hiding anymore. Ethan and I broke up." "What?" Margaret shouted. "What happened, you two seemed so happy." "I still don't get why, he said it was because his father was opposed to our relationship, but if that were the case, I knew he would have made it clear to his dad that no matter what he would never leave me. I sensed that wasn't the reason." "But what could have made him change his mind?" My little brother interupted. "I don't know, I don't know." My voice fading. "Well if you ask me I think he is the stupidest man on the planet. He would never find some one as thoughtful, and caring as you." "Thanks little bro, but apparently he doesn't see things the way you do." "Well Michael what are you going to do now?" "I don't know. I mean all I ever really wanted was to have a guy who would be there when I got home from work, to have someone I could relax with. To have someone that loved me for who I am and not for what I can offer. I guess I was expecting to much." "No Michael don't do this to yourself. You know you are more than enough and you only wanted what every human being wants, love and a little bit of attention." "No, I asked for to much out of life. I feel like I'm not worth the oxygen in my lungs. Hell I should not have even been born." "Mike, I want you to stop saying that. You are worth everything you have gotten out of life and I don't want you to regret any of the things that you have done," said my little brother really worried. "I'm in so much pain, I can take it anymore, I can't live without him Margaret. He is all I ever really wanted."

"Is okay Mike, here have this."She gave me a pill and a glass of water. I fell asleep there in my bed still crying about Ethan. I knew my brother and friend were really worried about me, but I didn't care, I didn't care about my parents, the world, or my life. All I wanted was for everything to go back to the way it was. Ethan was the first and only guy I ever really loved, the one that made me tingle all inside whenever I saw him, I had given myself to him for heavens sake! How could he do something like this to me?

I soon knew the reason very well, something happened that made what Ethan had done to me seem like child's play. Five weeks after we had broken up, I knew the real truth why he had done what he had done. I read on the newspaper "Ethan McDillan and his fianc Jessica Spencer after spending the summer in Europe ,have the pleasure of announcing their engagement and the wedding will be in two weeks, It should be the wedding of the decade". I felt angry and betrayed , even though I knew that he had spent the entire summer with me. Well not the entire summer, but he in fact was alone in Switzerland for a week, hold on that car I saw when I was going up to the cabin, and when he did not want to answer me when I asked "what would happen when we got back". The two timing bastard had played me all alone to satisfy his urges, ever since he saw me in the airplane he had planed everything, he knew I was staying at Windsor and since he knew William, he asked him for an invitation for him to stay at Windsor so that he could be close to me and try to make me fall in love with him.

He called many times and every time that the phone rang I would tell Marie, the house keeper, to tell him that I wasn't here. "But sir is the third time today." "It'll be the last too, if he calls again hang up."That weekend Margaret stayed with me at my house keeping me company while my parents went on a business trip to California. My brother Tom was away in Florida at our house in Palm Beach."So has Ethan called?" Margaret asked. "Yeah, 15 times this week. I can't stand it anymore as soon as papa comes back I'm going to have him change the phone number." "Oh! you wouldn't do that, I thought you loved him." "I did, but he played with my emotions to satisfy his urges and I could never forgive him for that. I'm not some piece of paper that you use and eventually through away." "Well don't look now but he is crossing the river on his sail boat, and it looks like he is heading this way." "What?" I looked and she was right. "Oh! no you don't!" I said as I threw my glass of lemonade to the floor and ran inside to my dad's armory. I grabbed my hunting riffle and ran outside to the end of the dock and fired a warning shot. "This is private property you come any closer and you are a dead man," I shouted at him. "You won't do it." He said "Really?" I aimed for the rope that holds the sail up and fired. The sail came down and the boat started to drift. "What did you do that for ? Are you crazy you could had hit me." "I have told you a million times to stay away from me." "But let me explain. You don't understand.""Explain what, that you played me for a fool. Oh! I understand pretty good, and another word out of your mouth and you won't have a head to speak with."

He turned around, turned the motor on his boat and started heading towards his home. He kept his eyes on me. The day of his wedding came and my family was invited. I didn't want to go, I begged my dad not to make me go. My mom knew why I didn't want to go but she could not make him understand without breaking her promise to me so she decided not to tell. I asked a friend of mine to accompany me, his name was Andrew, I thought I might actually enjoy his company. I knew he was in love with me, he had confess it before I left for Europe. I told him that I didn't like him that way, and that we should just remain good friends. Anyways I thought that this was the perfect opportunity to get to know him better and forget Ethan. When we arrived I took Andrew to the gardens, I didn't want Ethan to see me , with Andrew much less. We were talking about his summer, laughing about life and then my friend Margaret comes over to say hello.

" Hello Michael, Andrew;" she grabbed me by the arm and said, "Andrew can you excuse us one second." "Sure. Michael, I'll be by the fountain." "Michael what are you doing here? I thought you weren't going to come." "Papa forced me to come." "Yeah! and with Andrew, Michael you are playing with fire and you are going to get burned.""What ever do you mean my dear Margaret?" " Come now Michael, you know perfectly well what I mean, you want to get caught by Ethan on Andrews arms; Michael you are frightening me." Againg my dear friendd you have me at a loss." "You are acting quite irrationally." "I'm not, I'm just here to have fun." "If Ethan sees you the way I saw you with Andrew, well lets say the media was right when they said this would be the wedding of the decade probably the century." "Don't joke Margaret." "Well I'm not joking. If the media as much as sniffs that the groom had an affair with a man prior to the wedding not, only Ethan's family would be affected but yours will as well." "Well what do you want me to do, leave?" "That would be wise." "I refuse, I'm having a remarkable time and nothing can change that." "Then, don't look now, because is about to get a hell of lot worse." "What do you mean?" I asked turning to look in the direction she was looking. I saw Andrew talking to of all people with Ethan. "See I told." "But how?" I asked in disbelief. "Ethan and Andrew went to school together and they are great friends, but what they don't know about each other, is that they are gay. If they find out that they both are interested in you, well the party is officially over." "Oh my God! hide."I pulled her over to the near by bushes. "What??" "Hide, Andrew and Ethan are coming this way." They past us by, my friend Margaret got so nervous."Michael that was a close call I think you should go, I'll tell Andrew you were feeling bad and had to leave." "I agree with you,but I came with Papa in the limo." "Well take my Jaguar, I'll leave with my parents, call me when you get home." _ "Ok! Thanks you are the greatest" "Now go before Ethan sees you."

As I was leaving Ethan must have cought a sight of me because I heard him shout "Stop". Of curse I did not stop, he got in his Mercedes and started to follow me through the roads, beeping and signaling me to pull over. Finally I pulled up at the drive way of my house. I turned off the car, jumped out of the car and started running for the main door. As I was about to reach it Ethan's hand grabbed and pulled me but I got away and entered my house, I closed the door firmly and gave strict orders not to open the door to any one except my parents, no matter what.

I went up to my room and stayed there until the night time when my Mom called that she and Dad were going to stay in New York at our Fifth Avenue apartment, she also said that she had good news for me but that she would give it to me in the morning didn't ask about the wedding for obvious reasons. I was sitting alone in my bedroom, looking out the window at Ethan's house, it was full of light and laughter. I thought it was like a never ending farytale. I was thinking of what we had, what we could have had, what I lost. But all I know is that I'm still in love with him, I'm still in love with him. They say that true love conquers all but this ain't the case.

I fell asleep thinking of him, I could not get him out of my mind with all the things and pain he inflicted on me. I was awoken by a cold wind from the balcony. Then a voice spoke from the dark, "good your awake". I recognized that voice it was Ethan, " Marie, get over here, quickly" I shouted. "No sense in shouting we're alone." "What? How did you get in? Aren't you suppose to be with your wife?" "I climbed up the vine that comes up to your balcony. And as for my wife, well lets say she started the trip without me." "What do you mean?" "Well she never showed up." "To bad for you, still that doesn't explain why are you here." "I'm here because of you." "Really, well you better leave or I will." I stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"Wait!" He stood up and grabbed me by the hand. "God, you are as beautiful as the first time I saw you. For what we felt then let me talk to you, I owe you an explanation." "You owe me nothing, and we have nothing top talk about." "Oh! but we do. You have to know what happened." "I know what happened, you played me for a fool." "No I didn't I was forced into this marriage, it was either that or my father would disown me." "So, you chose money over what we had." "I did it so that I would have something to offer you." "I have money to offer you." "But I was brought up with the notion that the man brings the food to the table." "Sorry but that does not excuse you. First of because we are equals, I am not some home wife that sits at home all day taking care of your every need, I am not and I don't want to be. Besides, I have already made my decision, I won't go back with you, you lied to me once, I won't let that happen again." "But," he turned me around in his arms, "Look me in the eyes and tell me you've stopped loving me, TELL ME!!!!!! and I'll leave you alone." He screamed. "I, I, I can't," a tear rolled down my cheek like a star falling in the night sky."So you still love me;" with that he kissed me like the first time in England, I knew it was wrong, how could I love someone who had given up what I had to offer for money, he was no different than the others before him."Yeah I do," I said parting from his lips, "but love like a flower that flourishes in the spring can wither in the winter if left unattended, or can turn bitter if hurt to much. Good bye Ethan." "But...." "But, nothing. Goodbye. You had your chance and I refused your offer."

He left for Europe the next morning, his father had tried to force him to marry thinking it would change him, but it didn't so he accepted him and put him in charge of his offices in Europe. Weeks later, William called to say that he had gone to see Ethan and that he had found him very depressed, that he missed me and all he did was talk about me. He hated himself for having failed me. I didn't want Ethan to be like that, I would feel even worst if I knew that the only guy I truly loved was in such a state. His father even came to see me asking me to reconsider, then he confessed something that changed my mind about Ethan, His father told me that the night before the wedding, he was passing his son's room and heard him crying, he immediately changed his mind about his son and called the bride's father canceling the wedding, then he called my house and asked my father that under no circumstances he was to leave me at home. He wanted me to be there when Ethan's bride didn't show up so that I would change my mind and forgive his son. I decide to get on a plane and head back to England I wasn't sure what I was going to say, but I missed Ethan and what his father told me made me realize that it wasn't all his fault.

Is been three years since then and I live a perfectly happy life with Ethan. After this time, Ethan finally proposed to me. He took me out to dinner to the most elegant restaurant in London, after a perfect evening, he got in his knees and handed me a rose, inside it was a ring, then he said "I guarantee that we'll have tough times and I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know in my heart you are the only one for me. Will you?(2)" He hesitated for a moment but continued " Will you be my life partner?" I almost bursted out crying it was so beautiful and romantic, " of curse I will." I answered with a breaking voice. Everybody around us aplauded, and we kissed under a every star that was in the sky that evening, the same stars that had been with us every night of our love, all the stars that will be with us for the rest of our lifes toguether.We are planing to go to Denmark in the Spring and get married, since is the only place on the planet we could join our hearts in matrimony. Our parents are thrilled about the idea and Ethan's father is paying for the ceremony. My father is paying for our honeymoon in Hawaii. To you, who ever you are I say this:

"True love is the Rose of Life If you find it, take care of it, you may never find it again Time is too short for those who rejoice, too long for those who grieve and for those who love Time is eternity."

******************************************************************************* OK guys thats it. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it.I don't know if I'll writte anything else, this is a very exusting work and i'm not sure i could do it again, any coments you can Send to

(1) Oscar Wilde (2) Dialog from the movie " Runaway Bride"

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