Son Takes Control

By Dillon Forsythe

Published on Jun 18, 2023


I was really getting into eating his ass, and he was kind of thrashing around a bit, very obviously enjoying it, when with no warning, the door opened, and Tim walked in.... Tim stopped in the door, and we were clearly visible to him just a few feet in front of him........... "Tyler, what are you doing?" asked Tim. I scrambled to pull the blanket over myself, and heard Tyler say, "Tim, you're early. It's only 9PM. I told you to text me before you came over."

Tyler sounded angry. I was mortified. I grabbed the nearest thing to me, which happened to be Tyler's shirt, covered myself, and headed down the hall to my room. I entered, and closed the door...... what the hell had just happened. How am I going to keep the shit in the horse, now? I put on some shorts, and a shirt, and then listened at the door. I could hear muffled voices, but couldn't make out a word of what they were saying. After about 10 minutes, I heard a soft knock on my door, and Tyler came into my room. He had thrown on his pants, but hadn't buttoned them. He had a serious look on his face. I looked at him, and said, "OK, so how bad is it?"

Tyler looked at me and said, "It isn't as bad as you think. I'm sure that things will be ok. This wasn't what I had planned, but there's nothing we can do about it now. Let me explain a little bit, so you'll calm down. You look like you're ready to jump out the window, dad, and I promise you this is going to be ok."

I leaned back, sat down on my bed, and said, "I can't wait to hear how this is going to be ok....."

Tyler pulled a chair up, sat down, and said, "There are some things that I haven't told you. Do you remember when I told you that I let another boy suck me when I was a sophomore, and that the same boy paid me to fuck him when we were seniors? That boy was Tim. He is gay, and has been totally hot for me since we were in high school. When he decided to move in with me at school here, it was on the condition that if I had any needs that he could satisfy, he would do it. He is very much the same as you are, dad - he likes to be controlled. That is why I'm sure that things will be ok. When he walked in on us, he was upset - not because of what I was doing, but because it freaked him out that it was with my own dad. There is another reason he was freaked out, and felt bad, but you'll see why in a little while." He leaned back in the chair, and looked at me reassuringly, and waited for me to respond.

It took a moment or two for what he'd just explained to process in my mind. Tim was ok with the sex, but freaked out about the who... me.... What did that mean? I said, "I guess I trust that you think this will be ok, but how are you going to get him past the 'who' part of his freak-out?"

He said, "Tim likes you and he thinks you're cool. He was the one that pointed out that you were checking us out during the day we moved in. I have to admit, I didn't believe him - I thought he was imagining things. So, when you came over last weekend, I made a point to notice, and sure enough, he was right. I don't believe that the 'who' bothers Tim as much as you might imagine, he was actually hoping he was right when we talked about it. Now, he knows that he was, and like you, he's processing things right now. So, any questions so far?"

I said, "I have several... in no particular order.... You said that Tim is like me, and likes to be controlled... is that why you were so comfortable with spanking me, and the whole punishment thing?"

He said, "To be honest, I have not ever spanked Tim. I looked at his Internet history while he was working, and saw that he liked that kind of thing, and then once the cat was out of the bag with you, I decided to try it out on you. He's mentioned it a couple of times in the past, but other than a light smack or two on his ass while I fucked him, I never really did it. Next?"

I asked, "How often do you fuck him, or let him suck you? Do you suck him, too, or let him fuck you?"

He said, "So far, it has been every few days that I fuck him, and usually once a day that I let him suck me. I do not suck, or get fucked - ever. I don't think that Tim is really fulfilled by our arrangement, but it is what he agreed to. We'll be discussing this more in a little while. For now, why don't you head out to the patio, and have a smoke. I'll have a short chat with Tim, and we'll join you on the patio in a little bit."

He stood up, opened the door, and motioned for me to head out. I walked rapidly through the living room, heading to the patio, and didn't make eye contact with Tim on the way through. His head turned as I walked through, but Tyler started talking to him just as I reached the door, and fortunately, he didn't get a chance to speak. I sat at the patio table, leaned forward, grabbed a cigarette, lit it, and leaned back. I was still nervous. but the dice had been thrown, and all I could do was trust Tyler, and see what happened.

After about 5 minutes, the patio door slid open, and they came outside. Tyler said, "Tim, dad, I want you two to talk with each other - honestly, candidly, and openly. I am going to run to the apartment and get some things for overnight, and I should be back in about a half an hour. In the meantime, you two need to talk. I don't want to be here to influence things, but I will check up on you later, so like I said, open, honest, and candid - the time for secrets is past. Tim, give me the car keys." Tim reached into his pocket, and tossed the car keys to Tyler. Tyler turned, went into the house, and a moment later, I heard the front door close.

Tim sat down at the table. I looked at Tim. Tim looked at me. I had no idea what to say, or where to start. I lit another cigarette, and Tim pointed at my pack and asked, "May I?" I had no idea that he smoked, but I nodded, and he took one and lit it. I cleared my throat, and said, "So....."

Tim looked over at me, and said, "Yeah.... So......." It was clear that we were both still processing.

I said, "He seemed serious about wanting us to talk, and I have no idea where to start. All I can say is that at this point, nothing is too personal, or off limits as far as I'm concerned. I know you're still thinking, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate - just blurt out what's on your mind, and we'll try to make sense of this. Is that ok?"

He nodded, and said, "I have to admit, I was shocked when I walked in. I want to say that I agree - no question is too personal at this point, so the same goes for you - if you have anything on your mind, just say or ask it. I do have a first question for you. When was the first time that you and Tyler did anything like this?"

I told him that last Sunday was the first time... ever.... and that I was still trying to figure out how that happened.

He asked, "OK, can you tell me exactly what happened, how it happened? I'm curious, but not sure what to ask."

I explained the whole story about what happened last weekend, including the spanking. I told him that Tyler seemed very confident, and was a lot more hard-core than I had imagined for someone his age. I felt it was my turn, and I asked, "So, same question, plus the details. Tit for tat?"

He explained that he had been looking at Tyler, and had a crush on him from when they were in junior high school. When they were in 10th grade, he and Tyler had gone to a party together, and Tim got a little bit more drunk than he should have. Tyler decided to help him home since he lived only two houses away. On the way home, he stopped for a piss, and Tyler pissed too. He said that his liquid confidence made him actually look directly at Tyler's cock - he'd wanted to see it for years. Tyler noticed him looking, and called him a 'fag', and Tim said, "I still don't know to this day where it came from, but I just said, "Tyler, I really want to suck your cock."

Tyler said, "No, dude... You're drunk."

Tim said, "I told him that I'd always wanted to do it, and that if not now, then when? It literally got to the point where I was begging him. After a couple of minutes, he said, ok, but that it was for two reasons - 1, just to get me to shut up, and 2 because he hadn't had any luck at all tonight. He started to walk behind the church, and into the bushes where it was dark, and when we got there, he just dropped his pants. I got down on my knees, and for the first time in my life, I sucked a cock. I am sure I was terrible at it, and he never did cum, but I know that he enjoyed it for the most part. After it became obvious that it wasn't going to happen, he finally said, "Let's get you home, dude." He pulled up his pants, and we walked the rest of the block to my house, and he dropped me off. I wondered what he was going to say when I saw him next.

The funny part was that he didn't mention it at all for about 2 months. Then, as we headed out to a party again, he said, "At least I know that I'm going to get my cock sucked no matter how things go at the party, right, dude?" My face turned red, and I looked over at him, and just nodded. So, that's how things happened the first time."

We sat for a moment, digesting our thoughts, and then he said, "So, any idea how this is going to go now?"

I said, "To be honest, I was worried that you were going to turn me in to my ex. I had no idea about anything that had happened between you two in the past, and I think Tyler wanted it that way. I have no idea what's on his mind, but based on what I've seen in the past week or two, I don't think we'll have long to wait to find out. One more question - and you don't have to answer if you don't want to... Has he ever been with a girl, or had a girlfriend?"

He said, "He has dated a couple of girls once or twice, and I think he actually fucked one of them. Something must not have gone well, because they broke up right afterwards. He absolutely never talks about it, and if I were you, I wouldn't ever mention it. I know he still thinks of himself as straight, but based on what he and I have done, and what I just walked in on, I would have to say that at the very least he's bi. He just doesn't want to admit it, and I think he'd be really pissed off if we even suggested that, so that is best a forbidden subject around him. My turn.... You said he spanked you. What was that like?"

I said, "When he spanks, he spanks like he means it. I don't think I ever spanked him that hard when he was little. He seems to like doing it, too.

I wouldn't recommend it - He spanked me on Wednesday after we went to dinner because I was looking at the waiter. He didn't like my 'wandering eye' he said."

Tim said, "That is one thing that he seems to be serious about. What's his is his. I'll tell you about my experience with that sometime."

I said, "I'd really like to hear about that." Just as I said that, I heard the front door open. It appeared that Tyler was back from the apartment. As if to confirm that, the patio door slid open, and Tyler walked out onto the patio. He asked, "Are you two ok with each other? Did you have enough time to talk things out?" We both nodded, and he said, "Let's go for a swim." He started to strip off his clothes, and looked expectantly at us. Tim said, "Tyler, I'm not sure I feel like swimming.", and Tyler said, "I wasn't asking either of you. Now, we're going for a swim. We're going to talk afterwards." Tim said, "But, Tyler.... you know.... I really don't want to swim naked right now." Tyler said, "I told you before we left, there are no more secrets between us three. I told you we're swimming. I'm already unhappy with you for causing this whole mess, so if I were you, I wouldn't make it worse. Get naked, and get in the pool." With that, he turned, and jumped into the pool.

I had already pulled off my shirt, and stood up and unbuttoned my shorts, figuring what the hell, I dropped them, and stood in front of Tim stark naked. I looked at Tim, and said, "Based on my experience over the past week, he's serious, so if I were you, I'd do what he says. He seems to be in a mood, and I think he processed everything while he was gone." Tim was pulling his shirt off, and then stood up, and dropped his pants. I was still astonished at the bulge in front of his shorts. He sighed, took a deep breath, and dropped his underwear, revealing the cage that I had bought earlier in the week. I glanced at it, and he blushed. He said, "I told you I'd tell you about it 'sometime' - I just didn't think it would be this soon." With that, we both turned and got into the pool. Tyler looked approvingly from the deep water. Tim muttered under his breath, "He has a funny look on his face... one that I haven't seen before... I wonder what's next?" I looked at him, and said, "I wonder, too." With that, we both swam out into the pool.

< Thank you for reading part 4 - part 5 will be along shortly. As always, comments are welcome, and don't forget to donate to keep nifty alive.>

Next: Chapter 5

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