Soul Mate

By moc.loa@VNmuBikS

Published on Feb 14, 1998



For those who really want to know, this story is an factual experience between two fraternity brothers. Names have been changed, but the actions are definitely true to life.

It was my sophomore year of college at a very prestigious engineering school. I had already established myself as a leader in my fraternity during my freshman year as president of my pledge class and as an active player on several intramural sports teams. Tradition at our house was to assign a "big brother" from the sophomore class for each of the incoming pledges at the start of the new school year. This usually took place sometime around three or four weeks into the year, which gave us time to get to know the new guys, and for them to get to know us. The Pledge Trainer would pair up guys with similar personalities and tastes because this relationship is very important and is a bond that lasts forever. Little did I know at the commencement of this year just how close my bond would be with my future little brother.

Now, I had suspected for some time that I possessed some "different" feelings about guys before, but I spent all of high school and my first year of college dating only girls. I never had a sexual experience with another man before except for the occasional wet dream, which I shrugged off as unimportant. But when I first met James, I felt this incredible sexual desire for him from the moment we first met and I remember it so very vividly.

All of the members of our frat house were required to show up one week before school actually started. We spent this week moving into our new rooms and intensely cleaning the house that had been empty all summer. Of course, all of these activities were accompanied by large amounts of beer and socializing. My pledge brother, Ed and I were repairing the roof of the outdoor walk-in refrigerator. Consequently, the stifling humid heat of late August resulted in us quickly stripping down to our sweat soaked nylon running shorts. Both Ed and I sported lean muscular arms and torsos as well as deep bronzed tans from the previous summer surveying numerous miles of central Missouri roads. That's when one of the new freshman pledges named James walked over to ask us if we needed any help. James had been doing lawn work out in the front yard and had too removed his shirt because of the ridiculous humidity and heat. I looked up from the shingles and I almost smashed my fingers with the hammer when I saw him. James had the most beautiful body and face I had ever seen. Now, I had never even dreamed of describing another man in that fashion, but that's what he was, downright gorgeous.

James wasn't one of those body builder types with grossly disproportional muscles, but had the well-defined physique of a seasoned athlete with tight abs, great arms and fabulous shoulders. His light-green eyes seemed to pierce my soul and touch every part of my being. Also dark tanned, James climbed up the ladder to join us on the roof. Kelly elbowed me in my side to say hello and introduce us. I was in awe and didn't realize that I was being a little obvious about my wonderment over his beautiful boyish face and body.

"Hi, my name's Ryan and this is Ed, " I blurted sheepishly.

"Hi, my name's James, and Eric (the Pledge Trainer) said that you guys might need some help over here," as he extended his hand out in the typical male greeting. " I've heard a lot about you and really wanted to meet you. It seems we have a lot in common in sports and all, I run track and play a pretty mean game of basketball, too."

Now, I was in love. Suddenly, I realized I was beginning to pack my shorts with a full-blown hard-on. My face must have become noticeably flushed because James asked me if the heat was getting to me. "Yeah, its getting pretty hot up here," I said, hoping James caught the subtle reference to his presence.

I worked all day with James on various chores around the frat house. By that evening when we had quit for the day, we were ready to grab some dinner in the dining room. Our bodies ached from the hard labor and we were both smelling quite foul. In those few hours, though, James and I seemed to connect, like we had known each other for years. I felt a true connection with James like I had never experienced with another man before.

"Let's grab a hot shower before dinner," James suggested. "Boy, that would feel great!" I replied and we headed upstairs to wash off the stench that had built up during the day. I had a lot of other stuff building up inside of me that day, too. I couldn't wait to view James in his full splendor and see if the rest of his exquisite frame was what I had dreamed it would be.

I wasn't disappointed. The heads (bathrooms, for all of you land lubbers) in the frat house had community showers on each floor with about four shower spigots in the shower, except for the third floor, which only had two because it was a much smaller floor. Luckily, James and I were both rooming on the third floor and would have the shower to ourselves. I quickly stripped in my room and wrapped a towel around my waist to hide my still-hard member. I wanted to be the first in the shower because I didn't want James to see my stiff cock, just in case he did not share similar feelings towards me. Hell, at this moment I didn't really understand why I was feeling this way and was slightly embarrassed about the whole situation.

The hot water streaming over my body seemed to melt my aching muscles and didn't hear James come into the showers. I turned around to soak down my back and witnessed James's beautiful naked body for the first time. He was smooth all over except for a small bush of light brown pub's around his gorgeous, five inch limp cock. He had the finest ass I had ever seen and long, muscular legs resulting from years of long distance running and hard training.

"Looks like one of your muscles isn't as tired as the rest," James joked as he gazed at my bulging cock.

Embarrassed, I spun around and replied that I had been looking at some porn magazines before getting into the shower and hadn't fully recovered from the pictures. "I understand. I get that way, too when I read those magazines." Now, I wasn't sure if I had just blown the chance of the century or survived a very humiliating moment. But, I couldn't help staring at James's wonderful physique while he was lathering up his hair. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, caress every inch of his body and have him do the same with me. I turned away and leaned with my arms against the ceramic tile thinking that this was a crazy thought and tried to force down the erotic emotions. That's when James began to massage my shoulders with his hands lathered with soap.

"I think you could use some loosening up after today's workout. You seem a little tense," James said softly. "God, that feels so good" was all I could say. His powerful hands expertly caressed my sore back muscles. He slowly worked his way down my back to just above my ass; his fingers exploring every single muscle fiber. James then moved his hands around my waist to the front of my abs and began to work his way up to my chest, tenderly kneading my flesh and circling my nipples. I began to quiver slightly and made some low, gurgling moans of ecstasy.

James again massaged his way down the front of my body, but this time he didn't stop at the waist and began lathering up the nest of hair around my now blood-gorged manhood. Since my dick curls up towards my stomach, James couldn't help but graze my eager cock-head . James's member, too was now fully erect and nudging me between my ass cheeks. His soapy hands began to fondle my cock and stroked it hard and long. I was in heaven. I turned around, gazed into his green eyes, grabbed him by the back of the head and shoved my tongue into his awaiting mouth. Our hands groped each other as our bodies seemed to be one in the hot steam and water.

James worked his way down my body with his tongue, past my belly button and pulled down my cock into his hot luscious mouth. I had never experienced this sexual adventure from anyone before. The sensation was like nothing I had ever felt before. James would take my entire shaft into his mouth where I could feel it tickling the back of his throat. Then he would slowly pull away, but sucking hard until only my cock helmet was surrounded by his tongue and lips. After what seemed like eternity, but am sure was only a few moments, my entire body buckled and I exploded wave after wave of jism into James's mouth. I don't think he was too experienced at this either and kind of gagged as cum trickled out of the side of his lips, but he never let go of my cock and kept sucking me until I was finished.

He stood up and passionately kissed me, letting me experience the taste of my own orgasm. I was now wild with desire for James and wanted him to sense the same rapture that I had just felt. So, for the first time in my life, I went down on another man and gave James the blowjob of his life. The sensation of his cock in my mouth was incredible. All I wanted to do was satisfy James and let him savor the same sexual bliss. His cock had grown into almost eight inches of pure manhood and I tried to get as much of him into my mouth as I could. I discovered that he was very sensitive in the area just below his cock-head because he would jerk when my tongue stroked this spot. I concentrated on this location and took all of him into my mouth when his scrotum sack tightened up. I wanted this to last as long as possible, for both our sakes. James began to lunge and buck into my face, grabbing the back of my head and pumping my mouth onto his cock. His moaning echoed in the shower as I continued to tease and stroke him orally. "God, I'm gonna blow!" he said and expelled into my mouth his man-juices which spilled all over onto my face.

I stood up and we looked deeply into each other's eyes. Both of us realized that what happened here was more than just a sexual liberation caused by some youthful hormones kicking into high gear. This was something much more. We quickly rinsed off and tried to keep the tell-tale smiles from our faces, just in case one of the other brothers walked into the head. Luckily, no one interrupted us during our frenzied shower sex.

The rest of the night, week, semester and college years between James and I is another story that someday I may share in writing for others to read. Right now, it is an intimate personal experience shared between two lovers who happen to both be of the same sex. Strange, how life throws you curve balls at the least expected moments.

Our goal in life should be to keep our eye on the ball and swing as hard as we can, getting the most out of each time at the plate. Oh, by the way, guess who became my little brother ... and soul mate ....

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