Soul Mates

By Travis

Published on Jun 14, 1999


OK, same old drill, if you are under 18 or whatever the legal age is where you are at, please leave. I can't really do anything about it anyway so you're on the honor system. Ha! So this is my first story on Nifty, but not in general. Hope you like it. I know I have enjoyed many of the celeb stories. Particularly featuring backstreet Boys and N'sync. If you want to email me, feel free: This story is not meant to imply anything about the real Brian and Nick, although if you've seen some of the pictures of these two together it's amazing that they seem to be the only to straight guys I have ever seen that are so physically affectionate with each other. Have fun.

By: J.

~Brian~ I've got to stop having these thoughts! It's just not right. I mean, he's practically my brother. But still, if only...

"Brian? Brian?! Earth to Brian!" "Oh. Hey Nick. Were you talking to me?" "Oh no. I just meaninglessly call peoples names out for no apparent reason." "All right, no need for sarcasm. I was just kinda deep in thought. So what did you want?" "I was just telling you to fasten your seatbelt. Didn't you hear the lady tell us?" "A, you mean the flight attendant!" "Yeah, whatever, I mean, I'm not the one who's gonna fly out of my seat when we land." "Very funny. Thanks for the warning." "Brian, can I ask you something?" "Uh, you just did?" "You know what I mean." "Sure, Nicky. I'm your best friend. You should know that you can always talk to me." "Well that's kinda what I want to talk to you about. I've been thinking lately that... "Come on guys, lets go. I want to get out of here as soon as possible" an impatient Kevin complained. "OK, were coming cuz." "Did you forget to take your Mydol-PMS, Kevy?" Nick said, always trying to provoke my cousin. "I think somebody needs a wedgie!" Kevin playfully answered. "Don't you dare, Kevin! You promised!" Nick fearfully replied. "Well then quit provoking me."

~Nick~ That asshole! He would have done it too! The last thing I need is my underwear up my ass. I can't wait to get to the hotel and just chill. I love to just hang out in mine and Brian's room. I love all the guys, but when me and Brian are together in our room, I just feel at home. Chicago is a fun city, though. Maybe, Bri will wanna go out later. Maybe not.

He's been kind of distant lately, maybe it's me. Am I coming on to strong? I've tried to keep my feelings under wraps. He can NEVER know.

It would ruin everything. The group, our friendship, just everything.

"Are you going to get into the Limo, or did you decide to walk to the hotel?" AJ kidded. "Huh? Oh duh. Sorry." "What's with you kid? You've been in a daze since we got off the plane.

You sure had plenty to say while we were still on it!" Kevin said. "No keeping secrets, Nicky." Howie spoke up. "It's nothing. And quit calling me NICKY! My name is Nick-o-las. Nick, Frack or Kaos will also do, but not NICKY!" "OK, sorry Gene." Howie just had to push it. "Ahhhh! You want to get your ass beat don't you!" I raged. "Oh pleeease, pretty boy." Howie replied. "Watch your language Nick. Nobody likes a potty mouth." Brian chastised. "Sorry." "I swear it still amazes me!" AJ said. "What?-and don't swear." Brian said. "That! Right there! What generation were you and Kevin brought up in? You don't cuss or swear. And who uses that phrase anymore-potty mouth." AJ answered. "Brian and myself were raised two fine young men, unlike the rest of you heathens." Kevin joked. "I just don't see a need to use dirty language to get my point across, and my mother uses that phrase, so there." Brian simply stated. "Well, whatever. And why is it Nick that whenever Brian tells you something, you listen to him? I mean you sure never listen to me, Howie or Kevin." AJ pointed out. "I don't know, what's with the twenty questions?" "Gentlemen, we've arrived at the underground parking lot of your hotel.

The elevators are to your right, you should have no problems getting to your individual suites on the 8th floor. These are you room card keys." Andre the chauffeur said as he opened the Limo door. "Thank you." we all replied. "So what room are we in Bri?" "Oh. Uh...that's what I had been meaning to tell you. I ah, asked to have separate rooms, I mean, its not like your still 13 anymore. Your already 19 and I just thought that we needed...." Brian trailed off. "OK. whatever." I barely kept it together.

Separate rooms? He hates me! I knew it. I just have to make it to my room, I can't let him see me cry-come on shrug it off, shrug it off. Whew were on our floor, now what's my room number, 808.

"Uh, Nick? Are you going to your room already? I thought we could rent a movie or something in my room?" Brian asked shyly.

Is he smoking fucking (how do you like that word Bri) crack! He just gave me the boot from our room and basically spit on our friendship and now he wants to watch a movie!

"Uh, maybe tomorrow, I'm kinda tired." "But it's only 7:30." "Yeah, but my rooms alllll (I lingered on the all) the way down the hall and I wouldn't want to get back too late." "Come on Nicky don't be like that, I just thought we could both use our privacy and..." "It's Nick and you were right. So I'm going to go get my privacy in 808 and let me see (I grabbed his key card to look at his room number), your card says 804-it's all the way down there-you can get your privacy there, 'night."

I just turned around and walked away, if I wasn't good enough to share a room with, I sure as hell wasn't going to rent a movie with HIM and seem desperate!

"Nicky!" Brian hollered as I walked away. "Nick." I replied sharply not turning back.

Thank god the other guys had already gone back to their rooms by the time I decided to turn into an asshole. I mean am I overreacting? He should have just talked to me, I mean not wait until the last minute. Well if I'm that hard to be around then fuck it, I'll just stay as far away from him as possible. Just my luck. The guy I love, not only can never know, but he hates me. But I won't cry, well maybe...

~Brian~ Well great going Brian you corncob! I just ruined our friendship. It was just so hard to be in the same room with him all the time and not let on how I felt. If I would have known he would take it like this...I have to fix this. I've never seen that side of him before. He was being so vicious to me. I mean he always joked like he was angry with Kevin or the other guys, but he was never serious. This time he was, that's for sure. I can't believe I did this, I would never hurt Nicky for the world. Even that- he's never told me not to call him Nicky, everyone else but never me.

He hates me! How could I do this?

~Nick~ I need a drink! That should calm my nerves, I'm on the edge here. But how...they'll never serve me at the bar. I know, I'll call room service and say this is Kevin's room, I'll tell them to leave it outside the door.

This just might work.

"Hello this is Mr. Richardson in room 808. I would like to order a cheddar burger with fries please and by the way the bar in my room is not stalked can you send an assortment of miniatures. Leave it all outside the door, I have to make a few business calls." "Of course Richardson, anything for you." the server replied.

(Lucky me, she's too horny to ask questions.)

It's been about a half an hour, the cart should be outside. Lets see, yup!

Come to daddy. Hmmm, Vodka, Tequila, Rum, Tequila Rose, Gin, Peppermint Schnapps-this should do. Lets see, I'll start with the tequila, bottoms up! Ahhh! Oh my God! That was gross. Maybe the peppermint schnapps is better...not too bad, minty. How about tequila rose...Mmmm, like strawberry milk. Vodka...uhhh, fucking rubbing alcohol! Yet I'm starting to feel pretty relaxed. Ha, ha! I don't know why Kevin and Brian are so down on drinking? It sure feels good to me. Maybe another tequila...yes...and a vodka...

~Brian~ I have to go resolve this. I'll never get to sleep if I don't. "Knock, Knock... (I said as I knocked on his door)...Nicky-er Nick are you there, answer the door please. Nick! We have to talk about this." "What's your problem Bri, lighten up."

Oh my gosh! Is he drunk? What's the matter with him, why would he do this? "Are you drunk!! How did you get liquor, oh my god, did you drink all these bottles?" "Just let yourself in, why don't you! And yes I did and I feel great... but how come there are three of you Bri?"

Unfortunately from there Nick hit the floor. Hard. Totally incoherent, passed out. I picked him up and undressed him. Boy this was one of my fantasies, except he wasn't passed out drunk in my dreams. Wow, he sure looks cute in his boxer briefs! Man he drank a lot, what if he gets sick and needs me. I'd better spend the night in his room. I remember hearing that someone passed out can choke on their own vomit, I better stay in the same bed. Its a full size bed...I guess I'll just sleep in my underwear too. Pulling Nick close I Sighed, "Why did you do this to yourself Nicky?

I'm so sorry, if I had known you would take it this hard, I would have never...." Before I could finish sleep came, while I held my soulmate in my arms.

~Nick~ "My head! My Head!" I screamed. "Wha...are you OK, what's wrong?" Brian asked startled. "My head hurts...what are you doing in bed with me, why were you holding me...oh my god what happened? Did I throw myself at you?

Did we..." I asked, not believing the circumstance I had awoken to. "Did we what? Oh you don't think we had sex?! I would never do that to you Nicky, not while you were too drunk to decide to have sex with me." "Oh, OK its just when I woke up and you....wait, what do you mean you wouldn't have sex with me drunk? But sober you would?" "No, I meant that, well, er, um, Oh God. What did I mean? Please don't hate me, Frack, its just..." Brian began to cry as he collapsed into a pillow on the bed. "Why would I hate you Brian? Why are you're not gay are you?" I asked completely shocked, yet seemingly putting the pieces together. "Yes, Yes!

I can't keep it in anymore, I'm gay that's why I wanted separate rooms. I just couldn't be around you all the time anymore. It was too hard. I'm in love with you Nicky. God, I've ruined everything, please pretend you don't know. Just.." Brian begged falling into hysterics again.

Yes!! He's gay! And he loves me? Of course I didn't expect to find out as he practically had a nervous breakdown. But, hey, you take what you can get while you can get it, right? What can I do? I know, kiss him and kiss him and kiss him. Here goes.

~Brian~ Oh my god what have I done? I just admitted I'm gay, my life is over. Oh my god he's coming at me, straight for my head, he's gonna hit me. I guess I deserve it.

"No don't ...mmmphh". (A kiss! Oh gosh, yes, keep it coming baby.) "I love you too Frick, I've waited forever to do that!" Nick gushed in one breath. (He loves me, this can't be!) "You love me Frack? But, why didn't you ever say anything?" "I guess for the same reason that you didn't. I was afraid that if you ever found out it would ruin everything, our careers, our friendship, just everything." Nick explained exasperated.

"Nick I would have never stopped being your friend, I love you too much."

"Yeah, but your gay, had you been straight...I just couldn't be sure. I'm sorry Frack." "No need for apologies. At least were together now, I mean, if you want to be?" "If I want to be what, Bri?" "Well, er, I was just thinking that maybe, um, you might want to, maybe be my, ah, boyfriend?"

"I'm not sure, Bri. You're not really my type-Of course I would, are you crazy, I've been waiting for almost seven years to hear you ask that!" Yes! He said yes. Wow.

~Nick~ Wow my life just did a 180! I can't believe Brian loves me. Thank you god! This sure is going to change things now.

"So Bri, do you think...(I am interrupted by a knock at my door). "Nick it's Kev, is Brian there, he isn't in his room and its awfully early for him to have left the hotel?" "Um, yeah, just a sec...(I opened the door in my boxer briefs)...hi Kev." "I thought you two weren't sharing a room anymore?" Kev inquired as me and Brian fidgeted nervously. "Get some clothes on, I'm not paying for a lap dance." Kevin looked at me and kidded.

"Well we rented a movie last night and I just spent the night." Brian unconvincingly lied. "We just woke up now, we stayed up kinda late." Brian continued to ramble, raising Kevin's suspicion.

~Kevin~ Something's not right here. These two are up to something. Brian is lying through his teeth and Nick looks unusually quiet and nervous. "So you two just woke up?" I inquired. "Yeah when you knocked it woke us up." Nick commented. "Oh really. That's interesting because one bed is made and one bed is slept in. If you just woke up, how did you make the bed so fast? Care to explain?" I asked feeling awkward. "Umm, well we ahh..." Brian stumbled on incoherently, always a sign that my cousin was lying. "Did you guys sleep in the same bed? Obviously you did, but why?

You two aren't, geez, you two had sex? Are you guys gay?" I fired off the questions without giving them a chance to explain or come up with more lies. As soon as I asked this I had my answer. Both of them just looked down at the floor, and Brian impulsively grabbed for Nicks hand. Yes, they were. I had always kind of wondered about them. They were just too close.

"Kev, please don't hate us. I couldn't take it. I'm so sorry..." Brian trailed off. "B, I don't hate you or Nick, I just wish you would have told me! I need to know these things, what if the press found out, it could ruin our careers." I fumed, feeling selfish and guilty after.

I knew how tough it was keeping that kind of secret, that's why I would never let anyone know mine! But maybe I could trust them...No! I have to keep it to myself.

"I'm sorry guys, I'm being selfish. we just can't let anyone find out about you two. So how long have you been a couple?" I asked as I sat on the opposite bed. "About ten minutes." Nick laughed. I was confused and about to ask what he meant, but then my eyes fell toward the floor and I saw several miniature bottles of liquor. "What the hell were you two doing last night? You shouldn't be drinking this much!"

I try not to be too parental, but I can't help it sometimes, I worry about the guys, especially these two. Brian and Nick aren't as street smart as Howie and AJ, they need someone to watch out for them. "And why are you ordering liquor for Nick, Brian? He's underage, can you imagine if he were to get busted for underage drinking, the press would have a field day." "I'm sorry Kev, I guess I wasn't thinking." Brian lied to protect his best friend and new boyfriend. "No! That's not the truth, Kevin. Brian didn't even know about this until after I had drank all the bottles." Nick confessed. "What?!! How did you get served, I'm going to call the room service and give them a piece of my mind. Imagine thinking they could serve..." "No, Kev, they didn't serve me they kinda served you."

"How exactly did they "kinda"(the guys really need to learn to enunciate their words) serve ME?!" I yelled, just about at the end of my rope. "I pretended I was you and had them send it up and leave it outside the door." Nick sheepishly revealed. "Nick! Alcohol is never the answer to problems." Brian chastised his boyfriend. "Well it sure worked for us." Nick pointed out. "Nick you better not ever do that again or I swear I will..." I began. "Kevin don't threaten him! I love him! I'm sure he is very sorry, aren't you Nicky?" Brian defended Nick. "I guess I am sorry" Nick said unconvincingly. "Hmmm, well this sure has been a bang up morning and its not even 8:00. Lets just shower and get dressed and go to the hotel restaurant and have breakfast. I'll get Howie and AJ up." I suggested. "Wait Kev, your not going to tell them are you?" Nick panicked.

"Nick, they're your friends, they love you no matter what." (I was hoping this was true.) "But what if they don't, I'm afraid. Please don't tell them Kevin." Nick was in tears. I got up and gave Nick a comforting hug.

"I promise I won't tell them, but you two will have to eventually." I soothed Nicks worries. I grabbed my cousin and pulled him into the hug, reassuring them both that nothing had changed and I still cared for them.

~Brian~ Whew! That was stressful, but Kevin sure is a great Cuz. "Brian, I'm gonna take a shower, care to join me?" Nick asked sexily. I'd never heard that side of his voice. It was making me weak. "Um, I don't think we'd better." I answered. "Why not? I want you and you want me, don't you?" Nick asked as he walked over and caressed by chest and kissed me. "Nick your a virgin right?" I pretty much knew the answer, but you never know. "Frick, of course I am, you've been with me practically everyday since puberty, you should know. Do you think I have some secret life as a slut?"

Nick joked. "Noooo! I was just making sure. I'm a virgin too and I want our first time to be special." I shyly revealed. "You're kind of old to be a virgin aren't you? Doesn't it make you a priest at your age?" "Very funny, its not like there are a lot of nineteen year old virgins around either. I've been saving myself for the person that I truly love and want to spend the rest of my life with. That person is you Frack. I know that we have only been officially a couple since this morning, but really its like we have been together for more than six years. We shared a room together, spent every minute of the day together, fell in love. I want our first time to live up to what I feel for you, not just some quickie in the shower." "Brian I don't know what to say. I love you so much! You have got to be the sweetest person in the world. Of course you also know how to put pressure on a guy, I have a lot to live up to on the big night!"

~Nick~ So after me and Brian showered (separately :( ) we went to meet the rest of the guys for breakfast. It was kind of awkward, but eventually everything fell back into its usual groove. We had a concert that night so around noon we went to the arena to rehearse and get some business taken care of.

Usually that meant that Kevin took care of things while the rest of us just goofed off. It was during this time when Bri got "The Call" on his cellular.

"Yo, this is B-Rok, how may I help you."

After he answered the phone he went straight into one of the dressing rooms and shut the door. AJ, Howie and me just looked at the closed door questioningly. Brian never really kept secrets from us, especially me.

Well, OK, so he kept one pretty big secret, but even that he confessed to.

What was he up to? I just got this really sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and I wasn't quite sure why. Something bad was about to happen, I could feel it.

~Brian~ "Hi Leighann. How are you? I haven't heard from you in awhile." "I know. Its just that since you broke up with me, I haven't really wanted to talk to you, but when your parents called I knew that you still loved me!" "What are you talking about?" "Well when you get back to Orlando in a couple of days they will be waiting here for you. Your Mom called me and told me that you really did love me, but that you probably only broke up with me because you didn't want me to have a boyfriend who couldn't be with me all the time." "But..." "Wait I'm not finished. So they are coming to town to help us work our problems out." "What! I'm going to have to call you back later Leighann, I need to talk to my Mom, right away!" "OK, I love you Baby." "Bye."

I can't believe they would do something like this! I have to put a stop to this. "Hello, Mom." "Brian, darlin', is that you?" "Yeah, Ma, I just got a call from Leighann, and she..." "She spilled the beans didn't she? I knew you wouldn't mind, I know that you must still love her. You've been single long enough, honey. We were starting to think you might be gay. HaHaHa. I'm just teasing sweety." "But that's just..." "Brian we have to get to wardrobe and change ASAP." AJ hollered from outside the door. "I'll have to call you back, Mom." "Alright Baby duck. Bye."

What am I going to do? My parents will never accept a gay son! It would just kill them, and my brother Harold would freak. They would totally disown me. I know what I have to do, but to do it I have to break the heart of the person I love most in this whole world.

~Nick~ "So who was it on the phone B.?" "It was my Mom, she was just letting me know that they are going to be visiting in Orlando for a few days when we get back." "Your Dad and Harold Jr. too?" "Yeah they missed me and wanted to visit. Listen I need to talk to you about something. We can't..." "Come on you two, get a move on. The show starts in twenty minutes and you aren't even ready yet." Kevin ordered.

I wonder what Bri had to talk to me about? It sounded important, but I still have a bad feeling. Well I'll worry about it later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm glad that concert is over with. I'm really beat! I just want to go back to the hotel and get some sleep.

"Nick, I need to talk to you about something really important once we get back to the hotel. Come with me to my hotel room once we get there so we can talk." "OK, Frick, but what's wrong? And don't tell me nothing because I've had this really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach all day." "Let's talk about it at the hotel, OK babe."

~Brian~ Well were in my room now, but how do I tell him? I have to break up with him! I can't disappoint my family and they would never understand.

Growing up a Southern Baptist, I know what they expect of me. Geez, it was always my mom's dream for me to be a preacher, I can't tell her that I'm gay! I'll just have to hide it. I'll propose to Leigh Ann and make the best life I can. I just hope I can live without Nicky. I love him so much. He means the world to me, he's my heart, but in my family it would never work out.

"So tell me what's wrong Brian. I can't take it anymore. Whatever is going on we can face it together, I love you! I would do anything for you Frick." "I know you would Nick. I love you so much too. Please whatever happens between us, don't ever doubt that." "I have no need to doubt it. I can feel it."

Before I knew what was going on Nick had grabbed me and locked me in an embrace, as well as the most passionate kiss we had yet shared. As our tongues probed each others mouths, it was like we were lifted to another universe. All the problems seemed to vanish in that moment. Before I knew it we were on the bed, furiously yanking at each others clothes. I pulled Nick's shirt off as buttons flew all over. I quickly sucked on his neck, leaving a bright red hickey. I then worked my way down to each round nipple and sucked them until they became fully erect. Nick was moaning in frenzied desire. There was no question that tonight we would consummate our love for one another. As I began to caress his inner thighs through his jeans, I lowered myself to his navel and darted my tongue in and out, sending chills through Frack's young body. I had never experienced such pleasure in my life. I began to unbutton his jeans and then swiftly jumped to the foot of the bed and removed his shoes and socks. After this, in one rapid motion, I yanked his jeans off leaving him in only his cK boxer briefs. I felt like an animal, full of desire. I jumped back on the bed and began French kissing my love once again. As we kissed I could feel our cocks rubbing against one another, dying for relief. I continued to kiss Nick, as I slipped my hands down his underwear. He let out a startled moan as I cupped each buttocks with my hands. I they slid his underwear completely off of his well toned body and admired his eight inch tool. My mouth inadvertently began to water, as if I was about to eat a lemon. I quickly lowered myself to his penis and began to suck and lick and kiss and taste. Although inexperienced, it was as if I had been pleasuring Nick all my life. Everything seemed familiar and yet new at the same time. As I continued to probe Nick's cock with my mouth, he suddenly had other ideas, and with gentle force flipped me on my back and began to undress me.

~Nick~ I can't believe this! So much for waiting, but it felt right. Brian said he was a virgin, but gosh, how could someone give head that good their first time? Well Bri took the lead initially, but I had to get in on the game too. Boom! I can't believe I flipped him over like that, he looked so shocked! I lifted up his arms so that I could remove his shirt and immediately began to work on his nipples. Sucking, tweaking, pulling lightly biting, it seemed to be a real turn on to Frick. After this I just went to the foot of the bed took off his shoes and socks, and in one quick tug pulled his pants down with out unbuttoning them. The force also removed his boxers, less work for me. Before he knew what hit him I had Brian's eight inches down my throat and was nursing it for all I was worth.

Eventually we moved into a sixty-nine position and continued to moan and groan, consumed with a mad love for one another. Before we knew it we were simultaneously coming down each others throats. Every drop was consumed, as if it was some kind of life saving elixir. As we began to soften we moved to the head of our bed and began to kiss and cuddle.

"I want to make love to you Nick." Brian timidly asked of me. "I want you to make love to me too." I requested of my new lover.

Not being prepared, we had no lube, so we used lotion instead. (Which kinda burned) Brian began to slowly work his index finger into my virgin pucker.

I had never experienced anything like this. Eventually two and then three fingers were used to loosen me up. I whimpered as my hole began to ache, but soon adjusted to the pressure and pain of Brian's fingering. "Are you OK, baby?" he would whisper in my ear, as I would nod in agreement. Before long Brian's hardness was at my hole, attempting to gain entrance. He pushed gently at first and then with more pressure to gain access. As the head of his penis slipped past my sphincter I cried out in pain. Brian immediately withdrew, concerned for my well being. I urged him to try again and to just let me adjust. As his cock head slipped in me again, little by little so did the rest of his shaft. I began to get urgent sensations as his cock began to move in and out, rubbing my prostate. The feeling of being penetrated for the first time by the love of my life was overwhelming and I began to cry. Brian bent down and licked my tears away, as he continued to fuck me. As he was licking my cheek I felt his own tears fall on my face and for that moment I knew we were one.

~Brian~ How could I let that happen? It was so perfect, but now I still have to break up with him. If he wasn't going to hate me before he sure will now.

Well it's time to get up, but he looks so beautiful, asleep. "I love you Nick." I whispered.

"Nicky, its time to get up. We have to shower and pack and be at the airport by 8:00am. Were flying back to Orlando today." "Whaa...I'm still sleepy." Nick rolled over and covered his head with a pillow. I've always had the hardest time waking him up in the morning. He's actually real cute when he's like this. "Come on baby, we gotta go soon. I'm going to take a shower and let you rest your eyes for a few more minutes, but you better be ready to get up once I'm out of the bathroom."

"K." was the only muffled answer I was going to get from Nickolas. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well after much more persuading my little Frack finally got it together and we made it to the airport just in time. We had a routine flight with no major complications (thank God! I hate flying) and were now in a limo on our way to my apartment. I wanted to go there alone, but big mouth Kevin insisted that all the guys come with me to say hello to my parents. I haven't even had a chance to tell Nick that we can't be together. Please God, let nothing bad happen before I get to talk to him.

~Nick~ What the hell is she doing here! That bitch can't take NO for an answer. Brian dumped her ass along time ago, and she still hangs around like some unpaid hooker. "Leigh Ann I didn't expect to see you here." Brian nervously mentioned to the blonde. "Baby, your parents invited me. Your mom told me she talked to you yesterday and that you were willing to give us another chance. I'm so happy, I luv you so much!" "Um, I'm happy about it too." Brian whispered.

What?!! I know I must have slipped into some other universe. What the fuck is going on. I can't believe he's back with her. Did I miss a chapter somewhere? I'm getting the hell out of here.

~Brian~ "Nick, wait! Please let me explain." I screamed as I ran after Nick. How did all of this turn out this way. I'm sure I left everyone wondering what the heck was going on, but I didn't care. I had to follow Frack. As we ran up the block into the next street he yelled "Stay the fuck away from me you prick." "Let me explain." I pleaded, though I didn't know what there was to explain. He was right I was a prick. I messed everything we had up.

When Nick ran out of my house, I realized at that moment that, no matter how much I love my family, I could never have chosen them over him

"Explain what? How you told me you loved me, but didn't. How you could lead me on and then get back with that money hungry tramp. And you knew! You knew since yesterday, but did you even have the common decency to fucking let me know? No! You fucked me instead! How nice for you. Sleep with me and then dump me!" "That wasn't how I planned it..." "Shut up! What about all the talk about wanting our first time to be special. It sure turned out special for me didn't it?!"

~Kevin~ Well so much for keeping all of this a secret! After Nick ran out myself, Howie, AJ, Leigh Ann, Brian's parents and brother followed Brian who was chasing after Nick. Once Nick and Brian stopped and began to argue, it became crystal clear to everyone what had been going on between the two. I must say I feel really bad for Nicky. I can't believe Brian would be so cold. God only knows what this is going to do to the group!

"You two need to calm down and bring this back into the house, we don't need to be putting on a show for the neighbors, this isn't the Young and the Restless!" Uncle Harold ordered Brian and Nick back in.

Once we were all settled in Brian's living room, Uncle Harold took charge of the situation immediately.

"First of all Leigh Ann, Brian's mother can be just a bit overzealous and more than a bit of a meddler. She led you to believe that Brian was interested in getting back together with you when the truth is, we had not even spoken with my son about it. Now when Jackie called Brian yesterday, I must say I was surprised to hear that he, in fact, did agree with his mother. Now I suspect that he was trying to please his mother and I, and really did not want to continue a relationship with you. Am I right son?" "Yeah Dad, its just that I didn't know what else to do. I never meant to hurt anyone, I just wanted to make everyone happy. I'm so sorry Nicky."

By this time Leigh Ann was in a rage and just screamed "I hate you Brian!" as she ran out of the house and left in her Toyota Camry. Never to be heard or seen from again, I hope.

"See what you've done with your meddling Jackie! How many times have I told you he's gay? But Nooooo! He just hadn't found the right woman..." "You knew I was gay? How? I've ruined my whole life trying to please you and you already knew?" "Well, son, I just knew. You know your children. Of course some of us live in denialville!" Uncle Harold angrily glanced over at Aunt Jackie. "Enough already Harold! Why don't you just tie me up and burn me at the stake! All I wanted was for Brian to be happy and...I'm sorry Brian, I just wanted you to fit into the plans I had for you. I wanted you to have my grand babies and a wife and I guess I never thought about what would make you happy. Can you forgive me?" "Yeah I guess Momma, but you gotta stop doing these kinds of things. I mean remember what happened when you tried to fix Aunt Sally up with that real nice man you met at the gas station, he convinced her that she could be the worlds first over 50 super model and he took her for all her money." Brian said in his best southern drawl. As the whole room burst out in laughter, well except for a noticeably angry Nick. "Brian your making that up. Stop telling fibs. But I do have a bone to pick with you young man! While I may not be completely in the right, I sure as heck never raised you to treat someone as badly as you did poor Nickolas. My goodness Brian, I am shocked, you don't take advantage of peoples affection for sexual purposes and then dump them. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that you would do something like this." "But Mom..." "I'm not finished young man. It would be disgusting enough to do this kind of thing to a stranger, but Nick is your best friend. He's a family friend, he's stayed in our home, eaten in our kitchen. And if truth be known, Nick was always the son I wanted, you and Harold Jr. are just what I was stuck with." Aunt Jackie continued, obviously showing where Brian gets his sense of humor. "I never meant for anything to turn out this way mom. I was going to explain everything to Nick last night, but..." "But you got to horny?" Nick blurted out in anger as he finally spoke up once again. "OK, I think you two need a cooling off period." I decided to interject.

"Why don't I drive you home, Nick?" "NO! I want him here!" Brian hollered. "OK Kev take me home! I can't stand the sight of him!" Nick said throwing one last blow at Brian. I'll say one thing for Nick, he sure know how to work a guilt trip on Brian. I know my cousin will be heartsick over that comment. "Please Nick don't leave me. I'm sorry, no." Brian was hysterical now, tears running down his cheeks. He grabbed on to Nick and wouldn't let go. "Let me go Brian." Nick said as he struggled to be released from Brian's python grip. "No I won't let you go. We didn't wait all of these years to get together, just to lose everything now. How can you do this to me Nick?" Brian's lips quivered as he begged Nick to stay.

"Brian, you did this to us. What your feeling right now is what you were so willing to make me go through an hour ago, only it didn't work out for you." After that was said I drove Nick home and dropped him off. He insisted that I not stay with him. "Thanks Kevin, but I just need to be alone right now." "Nick I'm real sorry things turned out this way." I said as I looked deeply into Nicky's sea blue eyes. "You deserved a lot better than to be treated like that. But Nick I know that Brian loves you!" "Bye Kev." As I began to drive away, I couldn't get the image of Nicks mournful eyes out of my head. I just wanted to take him in my arms an hold him, love him, kiss him, make everything go away, make love to him...Whoa, what am I thinking? I can't be thinking these things about Nick!

~Brian~ Well what a day! Now I guess I have a lot more to explain to Howie and AJ. and of course my parents. "Brian are you going to be OK buddy?" A.J. asked with true concern in his voice. "You mean you don't hate me?" I sheepishly inquired of my two fellow Backstreet Boys. "We could never hate you Bri, I just wish you and Nick would have trusted us enough to be honest." "I wish I could have too.

I've just handled everything all wrong. I never meant for any of this to effect Nick! You've gotta believe me guys." "Brian we do believe you, but how would you feel if Nick did something like that to you?" "I would feel sick and used. But now I know that I would have never gone through with it, I guess I always knew I couldn't. I mean if I wanted it to work I would have been honest and broke it off with him. I think I, subconsciously, wanted everything to blow up this way so I could stay together with my Frack. But now I've lost him forever. He'll never want me back now." "Nicks just very angry right now Bri, I can't imagine he would ever not come back to you. He thinks your the best thing in the world next to Nintendo 64." Howie D. joked to cheer me up. "Actually me and Howie have had a bet going for a few years now to see which one of you would break down and admit you were in love first." A.J. smiled. "What! Did everyone know? I thought I hid it well." "Brian, I don't know if your aware of this but guy "friends" don't usually go around holding hands and hugging every five minutes. My god have you seen some of the web sights on you two? You look like your engaged in some pictures." "Oh gosh! I guess I never snapped." "Well, son, if you have to be with a man, then I must insist it be Nicky. I must agree you two have always been adorable together. What you need to do is woo him." "What do you mean Mom, "woo" him?" I asked not understanding. "Woo him! You know, romance him. You have to show him you love him. I know! Roses and candies and a romantic letter and...." Mom continued on and on until dad interrupted. "Enough already Jackie! You never learn. It took you twenty-four years to come to terms with having a homosexual son and five seconds to start match making for him." "Oh hush up, Harold. If I'm not going to get grandchildren, I might as well..." "What am I infertile and know one told me about it?"

Harold Jr. interjected for the first time. "Oh honey. I forgot all about you. Of course your not, at least I hope your not. God strike me dead on the spot if you are. I won't even want to live!" "Enough already you blabber mouth. I called the airport and were flying back home in an hour Jackie." Dad announced. "What? We can't leave Nick and Brian at a time like this. Their relationship is too fragile..." "We can and we will.

Brian needs time to deal with this, without interference. Now go get your luggage woman you too Son." Dad said looking at Harold Jr.

~Nick~ I miss Brian already and its only been a half hour! I'm not used to being away from him for long. Even when we would come home he would stay at my house or I would stay with him. How could this happen? I love him so much. I know he loves me too. I could see it in his eyes when I was leaving. Its just that he hurt me so much. I don't know how I could ever forgive him. I just wish none of this happened! I feel like I don't matter enough to him.

"Hello" I said as I answered my private line in my bedroom. "Nick is that you?" "Yeah, who is this?" "It's Clive Calder." "Hey Clive what's going on?" Clive was the president of BMG Entertainment. My record company, Jive, was a subsidiary company of BMG. Why would he be calling me? Usually Kevin was the spokesperson for the group and even then we rarely got calls from Clive. He was usually too busy to deal with each artist individually.

That's what the record companies like Jive and RCA were for. "Well Nick, the reason I'm calling is to propose an offer to you. I realize that your part of the Backstreet Boys and I don't necessarily want that to change, but I also realize that you being the most popular of the boys, are the most logical choice for a solo career. I was hoping we could get together and discuss this." "You want me to leave BSB?" "Well, no, I was hoping you would consider doing both. If you feel it is too much, than I would be willing to let you out of your contract with BSB and sigh a more lucrative solo deal."

"Normally I would say no. But your offer couldn't have come at a better time. When can we meet?" "How about tomorrow at 10:00am?" "Sure, are you in town?" "Yeah I'm staying at the Hyatt Regency, why don't we meet in the restaurant for brunch to talk it all over." "I'll be there, Bye."

What am I going to do? I love the BSB, but I just can't be a part of the group after everything that happened. I can't bare to be around Brian. I bet Howie and A.J. hate me now too. They probably think I'm just some faggot that threw myself at Brian. Yes, I guess my decision is already made. How did everything turn out so wrong?

Well I guess there's no turning back now. God why couldn't this have all been so different. At least I'm back in my own bedroom for a change. That meeting with Clive was intense and tiring. I feel like I'm deserting my best friends, but this is the best thing for all of them. I'm sure Howie and A.J. want nothing to do with me. It hurts too much to be around Brian. Kevin is the only one I think that will miss me, but I have no choice. This is the best decision. Well looks like I have a message on my answering machine. "You have five messages. ~Beep~ Nick it's me. Please pick up. I need to talk to you. I love you. ~10:24 am~ Nicky it's me again. I know I screwed up everything. But let me fix it. I'm dying inside baby I need you! ~10:52am~ Nick, this is Kevin. I'm just calling to see how you are and to let you know we have a meeting at 10:00am Monday Morning. Call me for the details. Needless to say the other two messages were also from Brian. He sounded so bad on the machine I started to worry. I guess I'll call him and make sure he's OK. ~Brian~ "Hello" "Hey" "Oh Nick thank god you called! I've been worried that you might have gotten into trouble, or started drinking again." "OK, Brian. Don't make it seem like I was some kind of alcoholic. One time you found me drunk. That was it." "He he, yeah I guess I was exaggerating a little bit. I really was worried though baby. I miss you!." "I miss you to Frick, but I just can't get over everything." Nick sobbed over the phone. "I shouldn't have called." He quickly said attempting to hang up. "Get ready I'm coming to pick you up. We need to talk this out in person. We can come back home and talk about it." "I am home Brian." "No your not Nick. "I'M" home. When your with me your home. I know I screwed things up, but please give me this chance Nick, OK?" "OK, Bri I'll be waiting." I have to make this work out, somehow. I need Nick, there is no way I could ever live without him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?TO BE CONTINUED? Ultimately Nick and Brian will be together, but should Kevin get in the way? Maybe JC from N'sync? I'm thinking Brian should have some competition.

Next: Chapter 2

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