Soul Mates

By Travis

Published on Jul 2, 1999


Well here is part 5. I know I took a little bit longer but that's how I'm going to get this story out from now on. Probably just one chapter a week, hopefully longer chapters though. I think it gives me time to write a better story instead of these quick one day jobs I had been doing. So this is the last one like that. If you notice this edition is just Soul-Mates without a Frick & Frack or JC and Justin. When it just says Soul-Mates- it will encompass both stories. There was some confusion about the JC and Justin section: It is not another series. This series is Soul-Mates, when it says JC and Justin or Frick and Frack it just means that I will focus on that particular relationship for that chapter.

As always thank you to everyone that E-mails me and lets me know what they think. I really do appreciate it. Thank you to all the other authors in the Boy-Bands section, I really do read your work and enjoy it more than you can know. A BIG thank you to Nifty for letting us display our work.

Well on with the story.


I can't believe this! As long as I have known Brian I have never seen this side of him. He seems to be getting jealous over every little thing.

Well I'm gonna put a stop to this right now before he gives himself a heart attack. He needs to cool off!

"Hey what are you doing? Put me down now! Damn it!" Brian screamed as I lifted him in my arms and began carrying him towards the bathroom. "Oooooh! A bad word even. Little Brian must be really mad." I teased. "What are you doing Nick, this is not funny. Let me go!" Brian continued screaming.

Once inside the bathroom I turned on the cold water with one hand, while Brian made a valiant effort to escape, but before he knew it he was under the stream of an extremely cold shower, wearing just his T-shirt, blue silk boxers, and a priceless look of shock on his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you Nick?" "I just figured we needed to cool your hot temper off. I'm not having an affair with JC, dummy. I ran into him at Disney World when I went there with Kevin, the other guy I'm NOT having an affair with. If you weren't such a moron, you would snap that I haven't been in Orlando long enough to be swinging with JC while nursing your ass back to health!" "Oh gosh! The corn cob strikes again. I'm so sorry Nicky. Please, you have got to forgive me." Brian pleaded, sticking out his lower lip for emphasis. "What the hell has gotten into you lately? I've never known you to be this unstable. You're supposed to be the older and more rational one. I'm the flaky, immature one. I like it that way, so ya better start fixing things." "I know your right, baby. I don't know where all this is coming from. I just get scared that you might leave me. Just tell me how to get things back the way they used to be." "Oh yes. Our one day as a glorious couple." "That's not true, in my heart we have been a couple for going on seven y ears-since the day I met you. We just waited a really long time to make love." "Well I guess that's one way you can start making up for your behavior."

Brian had long since turned the shower back off, but I decided it needed to come back on. It took a while for the water to warm up, and Brian let out a yelp while waiting. Once I saw the steam begin to rise, I quickly pulled of my boxer-briefs and shirt and entered naked into the shower with my Frick. I proceeded to slide his boxers down and lift his T-shirt up, making sure he was fully accessible in every way. The first time we made love Brian was in control, mostly. The second I would be, and Brian had a lot to make up for.

~Brian~ "Whoa, what are you doing?" I asked uncertain of my Frack's full intentions. "Relax B., I'm just washing your hair for you, and the question for later is not what I'm doing but who I'll be doing." Nick seductively whispered in my ear, while flicking his tongue around in it. "Oh Boy!" I shyly said.

I must admit it was such a turn on to have Nicky wash my body from head to toe, although he seemed to linger a questionable amount of time in certain areas. I mean 10 minutes seems to be an excessive amount of time to scrub my ass-not that I mind. Once he finished my body I returned the favor and began to bathe his body. He was so much taller than me, but when we were together it really didn't seem to be intimidating. Most of the time he let me be in control, although he has a suspicious gleam in his eyes right now.

"OK Frick, its time to pay the piper or should I say pipe." "Don't start turning our love making into cheap jokes Nicky. Especially bad ones. What we do is sacred and special." "I'm sorry Frick, but lighten up a little. It's not like were starting our own religion. Or do you want to have followers watch us. Kinky Brian!" "Shut up, that's not funny either!"


After our shower I lifted Brian up and carried him to my bed, our bed. I laid him down on the black satin comforter and began to caress and make love to his body. Licking every inch from head to toe. I had Frick in such a state of pleasure that I don't think he even knew where he was or who he was-and I'm sure he did not care. Once I had brought him to this point, I quickly straddled his shoulders and aimed my cock at his moaning lips. As he took my fullness and lubricated it I reached over to the night stand and retrieved some lube for our next exploit.

"Wha..What are you doing?" Brian asked sheepishly, feigning innocence. "Well either I'm about to take your virginity or I'm about to smear my body with K-Y and see if I can slip through a doggy door like 'lil Tyke." "Very Funny! I want to Nicky, but I'm scared. I mean your dick is so, so big and my hole is ity bity tiny. I don't think it will work out, how about I just suck you off. I think that would be best and I'm sure you do too." Brian begged with true fear in his voice. "Um uhh-uhh, nice try though. Do you trust me Bri?" "Of course I trust you, what does that have to do with anything?" "Then trust me that I won't do anything to hurt you. I love you and if we start and you say stop then we stop, but its important to me that we share this together, that sacred thing, remember?" "Your right. But please go very slow and be very gentle, I think mine is smaller than most." "Shut up Brian. Your making that up! Sometimes you can be so retarded.

Sheesh 'smaller than most'-you better pray its not smaller than most.

Where do you come up with this shit?" "Don't cuss."


As Nick began to enter me I began to clutch the satin sheets. It hurt so bad, I felt like a baseball bat was been forced in me. Nick was very tender and caring though. After awhile I began to whimper, but urged Nick on. He deserved to make love to me. I would just have to grin and bare it.

I needed to do this, I wanted to do this. Eventually the pain lessened and my horniness took over. Who knew I could be so wild, it opened up a completely different side of my personality.

"Oh yes, harder Nicky, come on. Give it to me daddy. Uh-huh yeah." "Damn Brian, one minute you're Mr. Shy-Innocent Virgin, the next your a stud in heat." "Shut up! This 'aint the time for talking." "Well your the one who sounds like he's writing lyrics for the new Puff Daddy album!"

Oh I could get used to this, I don't know what I was so afraid of. Ahh yes! It's everything I dreamed of and more. Perfect. I came and I wasn't even touching myself. Once I came, Nick was not far behind, it felt warm and exciting to have him cum in me.

After our marathon morning of sex we decided that we needed to get out of the house for awhile and just relax and get things back to the was they are supposed to be between us.

~Justin~ "Well Kev, were here in sunny Acapulco. So what do you want to do first?

Go to the beach, go to a bar..." "Nice try Justin, but you are too young to be getting drunk in bars." Kevin chastised me. "Actually I'm of perfect legal age to drink in good 'ole Mexico. So there!" "Well maybe but I'm going to keep my eye on you. I don't want you stumbling around making a fool of yourself. I hate it when people get so drunk that they can barely walk and then they feel this sudden need to unburden all their personal feelings to everyone around them. I would never do that." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh no. He would never do that. Needless to say, three hours and many shots of tequila later I was half dragging-half carrying Kevin to his hotel room. When I finally talked him into going to a bar I just expected maybe a drink or two. I thought it would help loosen us up and get our minds off our troubles. Who knew Kevin would decide to turn into a lush and drink the bar dry. Before I knew it we were getting thrown out because Kevin is doing a strip dance on the counter screaming 'mas tequila, mas tequila'.

As if that wasn't bad enough some tourist with a camcorder was filming the whole scene. I never did find the guy once I grabbed Kev, so I just pray this doesn't end up on Entertainment Tonight or Extra!.

"Come on Kev, let's get your drunk butt to bed." I whispered as I pulled Kevin into his hotel suite. "Nah, Just, lets go back out. Its still the middle of the day. We can find another club..." "NO we can't. You have had quite enough fun for today. You're lucky I was able to get you here once, that tapped me out as far as energy. If I let you go out again, you might not get back." "Yeah, yeah, your no fun!" "So Mr. Kevy Kev, why did you get so drunk?" I asked as I finally got Kevin to lay down on the bed. "Huh? Oh. I just wanted to forget things for awhile. Justin why can't I find anyone to love me. I've screwed up so much...." Kevin slurred, crying like only a babbling drunk man can. "Kevin you will find someone to love, just like I will. I mean I hope we will. Hey weren't you the one who said you couldn't stand it when people get drunk and start crying all over the place?" I asked, hoping to lighten the mood, as I began to undress Kevin for bed. "Yeah I guess that would be me. I'm making a fool of myself huh?" "No, not at all. I know how you feel, I get so lonely sometimes, too." I confessed as I began to slide Kevin's jeans off. "Justin will you stay with me. I mean sleep with me here. I don't mean have sex, but just so were not alone?" "I...I.. Guess, I can." "Good." Kevin answered as he shucked off his boxers, leaving himself naked. "Oh my God Kevin! I said I would sleep with you, NOT SLEEP, with you!" "What? Oh this. I sleep naked. I can't be comfortable any other way." "Well I'll stick to my boxers, thank you very much. Do you think that maybe for tonight you could lift your ban on clothes in bed too. I would just be more comfortable, I mean not that I don't like looking at you, er, I mean...?" "Sure, but just because your asking Justin."

As I slipped into the bed next to Kevin, he leaned over and gave me a deep kiss and explored my mouth and tongue. He then wrapped himself in me and said good night. I should have pulled away or felt wrong for being with Kevin like that, but I didn't. He was right, it felt good to be with someone and not be alone. Kevin was older and stronger, I felt a security with him that I had only found with one other person in my life...JC.

~Kevin~ "Oh my God! Did we sleep together?" I asked, startled, as I saw Justin laying in my arms, my head pounding.

No, now I remember, its coming back to me. Oh no I kissed him though and ....damn Kevin what's wrong with you! The poor little guy tells you how much he loves JC and the first thing you do is try to seduce him.

"Mmm." Justin was beginning to wake from my earlier outburst. "Shhh, just go back to sleep." I whispered as I snuggled my body closer to Justin's.

He feels so good in my arms. Could I be falling for him? He's so different, he's kind and gentle. He makes me want to protect him and take care of him. But he also loves another man. Well after the way JC treated him, their being together is just a fantasy. I'm here, I'm real, and Justin deserves to be happy.

"Just, honey are you hungry? Wake up Justin. Come on Justy, wake up." I gently caressed his face, trying to awaken him.

All I got was a dirty look from Justin and then he buried his head in my chest again. I guess it was true that Justin is a bit difficult in the mornings. I remember the rest of the guys in his group would give him a real hard time about it. Especially JC, that jerk! Oh well. I just kissed Justin on his curly little head and continued to sleep with him. If you can't beat them, join them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


JC had been staying a couple of days at my house. He had some big blow up with Justin but he wouldn't tell me or any of the guys what it was about.

I tried calling Justin but nobody had been home for the past day or so.

What could have happened? I mean Justin and JC never fight, I mean they may bicker once in awhile over where to eat, but nothing serious. I don't think that they have spent a day apart in years. No, something big went down. I have to find out.

As I walked into my living room I found just who I had been looking for.

JC was curled up on one of the beige couches, staring at the big screen TV. I knew that I had better broach the subject very gently, because it seemed to really hurt him to talk about.

"JC you've been here awhile now, and you know you are welcome to stay as long as you need, but why don't you tell me what happened between you and Justin? What did he do to you? I might be able to help." "I appreciate it Scoop, but it just hurts too much to talk about it right now..." Before JC could finish he had to stop and take a breath to keep from crying. "Don't blame Justin though it was not his fault! He would never hurt me, I'm the idiot!" "Well have you tried to call him?"

"I've tried calling him, but he hasn't been home. I even went back home, but everyone is gone. I know Lynn was going on a vacation with Paul to some spa in Arizona, I guess Justin went with them. He can't even stand the sight of me. I don't blame him, I'm a jerk." "Well come on lets just watch some TV, maybe it will take your mind off of things and you are not a jerk. You are one of the most caring and giving people I have ever known." "Thanks, Pooh-Foo." "I take it back, you are a jerk, quit calling me that!"


Once Lance started flipping through the channels on TV I heard da-da-da-da-da-da....and knew Entertainment Tonight was starting. I always love to watch ET, it keeps me up to date on everything and right now I needed a distraction.

"...and I'm Mary Hart. Well in our top story today it seems Kevin Richa rdson of the Backstreet boys and Justin Timberlake of 'N Sync were caught on film yesterday. We have been unable to get confirmation from either of their representatives, but it appears that they were giving a very public display of affection, confirming their homosexuality. Here's Mark Steines with the inside scoop."

"Well Mary, it seems the two gentleman entered a bar in Acapulco, Mexico, mid-afternoon yesterday. According to the bar tender they proceeded to get drunk and belligerent. One tourist got the whole drunken scene on film."

What the hell? Kevin is stripping on the bar! And Justin's grabbing all over him! How could he do this to me! How could he do this to the group.

"As you can see Mary, they put on quite a show. Mr. Richardson appears to be stripping for the young Mr. Timberlake, while Justin is reaching up for a kiss. Rumors are now flying that they are a couple, but neither was able to be reached for comment." Mark Steines finished up his story.

"Reporting from Acapulco, I'm Mark Steines"


Just as me and my baby were about to leave, the phone rang and against my better judgment I picked it up.

"Brian is that you? What are you doing there?" AJ asked shocked. "Yeah AJ, me and Nick are back together." "Hey man that's great, but hurry up and put the TV on. ET is having some big story about Kevin and Justin Timberlake." "What would those two..." I began as I flicked the TV on. "OH --MY --GOD!" "Hurry up Bri..." Nick began but was quickly shut up in shock.

On the screen before us was my half wit of a cousin stripping on a bar, while Justin Timberlake was grabbing him all over the place. I can not believe this! What the heck has gotten into Kevin? Is he trying to ruin all of our lives now? He wasn't satisfied to just mess with me and Frack?

And with Justin? He's almost ten years older than him.

"What's going on Brian?" Nick asked in total shock and confusion. "I don't know Nick, but were gonna find out! Were flying down to Acapulco!"

You're just the first person I've ever been able to trust enough to take care of me." Well if I doubted it before, I certainly do not now. I am head over heels, truly, madly, deeply in love- with Justin. ~Justin~ Wow! I feel so good around Kevin. Maybe I can learn to love him, maybe I already do! We just gel so well together. I can't believe a guy as sexy and charismatic as Kevin would want anything to do with me. Lucky me, I guess! "So are you ready to go hit the town Justin baby?" Kevin asked laying his southern drawl on thick. He usually covered up his accent but he had been letting it slip around me quite a bit lately. "Yup, lets go." "So I was thinking that we would just walk instead of taking a cab. That way we could just have a slow easy day and maybe catch a tan while were at it." "Oh then I need to go get some sun screen, because I'm really white and ...." Before I could even finish my sentence Kevin pulled out a bottle from behind his back. He was so kind and attentive with me. It felt so good to be a priority for someone. But I knew things were going too well, however. The minute we stepped into the lobby, all hell broke loose. Reporters were everywhere and photographers were snapping hundreds of pictures. Film crews were surrounding us and Kevin and I were in state of utter confusion. At least we were, until the questions came. "Mr. Richardson, Mr. Timberlake how long have you two been lovers? Did you mean to come out to the world at this time?" One pushy reporter asked. "What made you strip on the bar, were the two of you deliberately trying to out yourselves? Are you going to be for gay men, what Ellen and Anne Heche are to lesbians?" Another reporter interjected. The questions went on and on, without either of us giving a response. I was close to tears not knowing what to do or what they were talking about. Finally one reporter played back the video tape for us to see. It was Kevin stripping on the bar and from the angle it was taken it looked like I was trying to take more of his clothes off. In actuality I was trying to get him down and to stop him from making an even bigger fool of himself. But conveniently, for the media, you could only see me from the back, mainly, grabbing all over the place. Like anyone is going to believe that I was not participating. At one point Kevin almost fell off the Bar, and in the video, it looks like he bent down to give me a kiss. How could this be happening? What are we going to do. I just looked over at Kevin, he gave me a gentle smile and began to speak. ~JC~ "Come on Lance we have to get to the airport and take the first flight to Acapulco! I don't know what the fuck Justin is thinking, but there is no way Kevin is stealing my man!" I screamed in anger. "Your man?!" Lance asked totally confused. "Um, oh shit! Fuck it! Yes! My man. I have been really confused lately, but seeing Justin with that cradle robbing, model wannabe, got rid of all my confusion. I love Justin. I have always loved Justin and I'm going to go down there and get him back. Please try to understand Lance." I pleaded of my friend. "If this is what you want then lets go get Justin. You two do belong together, I guess we all have known. I mean your closer than best friends ever are." "Thanks for understanding Lance, you're the best. Now lets go get me my Curly back!" I'll be damned if I let Kevin get Curly from me! How could you do this to me Justin? I mean you couldn't give me a day or two to figure things out. No! You run out and hook up with the first hick you meet. What is this going to do to N'Sync? Stop it! I have to shut my mind off. Too many questions going around. ~Lance~ I understand all right, JC. More than you will ever know! But now is not the time to let you know about me. Someday maybe. We have to go bail Justin out of this situation he's gotten himself into. But how? "Hey Josh, if you knew Justin was gay then why didn't you go after him?" I asked as we entered the airport. "I just found out. That's what we fought over. To make a long story short, I thought he was accusing me of being gay so I said some ugly things about gays to cover up. Of course I was being an idiot! It turns out he was attempting to come out to me and instead of supporting him, I devastated him. Now he must think that I hate him. I just wasn't ready to face my sexuality yet Lance." "Damn JC how could you be so stupid? And what makes you think you are ready to face it now?" "Thanks Lance, way to be supportive. All I know is that I love Justin! Anything else we can work through. If the love is there then I have to believe that everything else will fall into place." "I hope so Josh, I hope so. But what makes you think Justin Loves you J.?" "He has too, I'm sure he does." "Well did he tell you this? I'm asking because Justin isn't the type of person to meet up with someone and just go on a romantic vacation with them. I think that him and Kevin may have been together for a lot longer than either of us has known about." "Damn it Lance! Are you trying to depress the hell out of me. I don't care how long they have or have not been going out, I want him. I need him. We belong together!" ~Brian~ Darn, I hate flying and all because of that big moron. What has gotten into Kevin? What has gotten into all of us? I just hope Kevin can fix this one, because I can't think of any other explanation to what him and Justin were doing than what it looks like. Gosh, Kevin hid his sexuality for so long, so well, now all of the sudden he's going after every young guy with blond hair. "Hey why'd you let go of my hand? You know I get scared of flying." I pestered my Nicky. "Yeah I know, but I need to go to the restroom. I'll be right back." "Well don't be too long because they should be boarding our plane any minute." "OK, oh shit, Bri I still have my cell phone with me. Will you put it in your bag for me?" "Anything for you sweety! But I want another drink of your lemonade." "Hey get your own, you always get into all my drinks. But I guess you can have the rest but just because you are so cute. But I'm sure you already knew I would say that." "Yup! Don't be long cuz I get lonely and like you said I am cute, I might get hit on." "Well you better not reciprocate or you really will get HIT on, if you know what I mean." As Nick headed to the restroom I took a big gulp of his lemonade and proceeded to hack and cough all over the place. Maybe next time they could put some sugar in it. As I was still coughing away Nick's phone rang and I answered. "Hello." I stated in a graveled hacking voice. "How's it going Nick. Clive here. I just wanted to let you know that we set up the meetings with some producers for your solo album and I kept it top secret from the rest of the boys like you asked. Listen I'm really excited about this Nick, this should be a very lucrative deal for everyone involved. Hey who knows? Maybe you won't even need to be in the Backstreet boys after this record comes out, your the real star anyway! So we meet with the producers on Friday at 11:00 in the morning. Gotta go take care." "Bye." I said totally devastated by what I heard. When Nick came back I had my head in my hands and was trying to hide the fact that I was crying. How could he keep something like this from me? From all of us? "Brian. What's wrong? Are you crying?" "Were you ever going to tell me? Or were you just going to leave me one day. Maybe slip a Dear John note under my pillow." "What are you talking about Bri, I would never leave you." "You got a phone call when you were in the restroom. It was Clive Calder, he was calling to tell you to meet with him at 11:00 Friday morning to work on your solo record!" "Oh Bri I...I..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well that's it for now! TBC. Now and interesting thing happened in this story. I meant to have Kevin only be an obstacle between Justin and JC, but I really started to like him with Justin. So tell me who Justin should be with. Kevin or JC? Bye. J.

Next: Chapter 6

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