Soul Mates

By Travis

Published on Jun 26, 1999


Well here is the first installment of Soul-Mates: JC and Justin. Hope you like it. It does involve the plot of Frick and Frack, so you can't really read it separate from the other. It just means the focus will be on this couple. Thank you to all the people who have E-mailed me, you have really been so great and positive.

Warning: No one under 18. This is fiction and does not imply that any of the Backstreet Boys or N'sync are gay.

All suggestions and comments are welcome:

Soul-Mates: JC & Justin

By: J.


Why would Nick hang up the phone like...what the hell was that noise, it sounded like Justin's bedroom door. I guess Mr. Grumpy is at his best this morning. I better go check on him just in case.

"Just, are you OK?" I asked as I knocked gently on his bedroom door.

"Justin! I know your in there, why won't you answer me?"

I could hear Justin whimpering from behind the door, it was unmistakable.

At least to me anyway. I had known my little Curly for many years and he was very sensitive, not in a bad way, but just different than others. He didn't have the hard shell some of the rest of us have. That's why I always protected him, that's why I will always protect him. Look at me referring to him as my little Curly, he's bigger than me now, but he wasn't always.

I remember when I first met him at an audition for the New Mickey Mouse Club. He was tiny and scrappy, 'nothing is going to stop this kid' I remember thinking. From there we just hit it off, even though I was four years older than him. He was like a kid brother to me. We did everything together, ate lunch, shot hoops, just everything. Once his parents got divorced though, things started to change. It just hurt him so much. He ended up living with his Mom and by that time we had formed N'sync. Curly was older by then but he still had this attachment to me. Best friends I imagine always feel a special bond, but this was different. It went so far that he begged me to move in with him and his Mom. He said it would be fun and since we were practically inseparable anyway it wouldn't be that big a difference. Just was right. It was soooo fun! If it was possible these last couple of years we have gotten even closer. We would stay up late watching movies and talking, just being the best of friends, or more like brothers. So that's how I ended up with a bedroom across from my little, er, big Curly.

~Justin~ "Just. What's wrong? You're starting to scare me, Curly. I can hear you crying. Now come on and open the door! Damn it Justin if you don't open it I'll just pick the stupid lock, it's not like its that hard, its just a bedroom door."

I was just frozen on my bed crying. How would I explain any of this to JC. He knows me too well, he can tell when I'm lying. Its not exactly like I'm very good at it. Why do I need you so much JC?

Its always been this way for me. The very first day I saw JC it was like there was no one else in the world that was cooler, funnier, or more fun to be around. I'm sure to him I was just this little pest, always hanging around him and his older friends, but he never treated me like that. The older guys in MMC used to pick on me for being so small (my how things change huh fellas?) and they never wanted to include me in anything but JC ALWAYS stuck up for me. He would go so far as to practically get into fist fights with anyone that would make fun of me.

Once I got older (and much taller) the differences in age seemed be less noticeable and we were like any other best buds. Its just that as I got older and bigger I started to have feelings for JC. I just couldn't help it. He was so cute and funny. He had this way about him. I just fell deeply in love. I guess I always was, but it just became stronger and more uncontrollable. I've tried to hide it as well as possible, but when he's around me I just want to reach out to him and hold him. Not because I'm horny, but just because I need him to hold me.

Growing up my parents were always at each others throats and never really had time for me. I was always working so I never really got to see my family much. Before I knew it they were getting divorced and remarried.

New kids and different responsibilities. I love my brothers but at 18 I don't feel like I really belong to either my Mom's or Dad's family.

Touring with N'sync only makes it worse. That's why I begged JC to move in with me at my Mom's. We would hardly be at home anyway and we shared a room on tour so it all seemed like a good idea.

I guess that's why I'm having a hard time being around JC, he just is all I really have. I know he deserves other friends, but I need him more.

That's why Nick scares me so much. I think of what my life would be like if he had taken the part I ended up with on MMC. Thank god he turned it down to be in BSB. He would have been in JC's life, not me. Now its all coming about anyway. When he's around its like I don't exist to JC.

"Aha! Got it." JC cheered as he barged uninvited into my bedroom. "Just why are you crying?" He pondered as he knelt down under my face. "Please talk to me bro." "I can't. I'll be OK just leave me alone." "Justin you look exhausted, didn't you even sleep last night?" "I couldn't Josh, I've had things on my mind." "What kind of things would make you stay up all night crying?" "Please JC, I can't talk about it right now, maybe later, please." I begged of him, knowing that it was up to him. JC could make me talk if he wanted to, he knew all the buttons to push. "I'll tell you what Curly, why don't we take a nap and then when we wake up we can have some lunch and get all of your problems out in the open." "You're going to take a nap too?" "Well I guess. I can't exactly leave my little Curly alone to have a breakdown now can I? Besides I looove to sleep, you know that! You can never get enough you know?" "Haha JC. Any excuse to crash huh?" "Yup. Now lets get you into bed."

With that JC pulled back the covers of my king size bed (hey if you could have one at my age you would get one too.) and proceeded to slide in next to me. Since it was still fairly early in the morning we were both still just in our boxers and T-shirts.

"What are you doing JC?" "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to sleep!" "You're gonna sleep in my bed." "Its not like you don't have the room, Mr. extravagant. Besides we've shared the same bed lots of times. I just want to make sure you don't pull a disappearing act on me. We are going to talk about what going on with you Justin Randall Timberlake, so don't think you're off the hook." "OK, but later, much later." "Come here, cutie, er, I mean, Curly." "Cutie huh? I am very good looking aren't I? "You knew what I meant!"

With that JC hugged me to his chest. I know I should have released myself from the hug but I just couldn't. I had been waiting for too long to feel his arms around me. He made no attempt to pull away either so eventually we just fell asleep together. In each others arms.

~JC~ I can't believe I said that "cutie", how embarrassing. Justin probably thinks I'm some kind of queer. But I'm not! I'm just confused sometimes, but definitely not gay. If I was though I sure would be happy to be with cutie, er Curly. Damn it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As I woke up I just glanced down at Curly, still laying on my chest. It felt good to hold someone, I mean its not like you get many chances to find a girlfriend on the road. Still, we had been sleeping for a couple of hours and I needed to wake him up. I was very worried about Just, he hadn't been himself lately. He seemed tired and depressed, but I figured it was nothing major. That is until I found him crying. Well time for an explanation buddy.

"Curly, Curly? Time to wake up." I whispered as I gently ran my fingers over his face. "Uhh-uhh." Justin replied as he snuggled closer to my body. "Come on Mr. Grumpy, we need to have a talk." I suggested as I began to nudge him. "Cut it out JC, I'm sleepy still." Curly whined. (He was good at that) "OK. Don't say I didn't warn you!" "I'm up! Don't you dare do what I think your gonna do." "What?" I asked faking innocence. "You know full well that you were gonna tickle me. You know how sensitive my body is and you always like to prove it." "Who me? Well I guess I shouldn't disappoint then."

With that I began one of my marathon tickle sessions with Justin. Everyone is ticklish, but Just is really right. His body is very sensitive to touch, you could barely graze him and he gets the giggles.

"Well now that your up, I think we need to talk about before." I stated matter of factly. "What do you mean, 'before'?" Justin faked innocence. "Don't play dumb with me Just, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

You were hysterical. What could make you feel so bad?" "It was nothing JC, lets just forget about it." "Justin I don't care if you keep secrets from your parents or the guys or anyone else for that matter, but not me. I'm your best friend! Your supposed to be able to tell me anything." "That's just it, J, It feels like your trying to replace me." "What?! Replace you? I could never replace you Just. What are you talking about?" "You don't have to lie to me JC. I mean I understand if you don't have room for me anymore. I mean Nick is a really cool guy, and I can see why you would want to hang out with him." Justin revealed, tears welling up in his blue eyes. "Nick? Is that what this is about? Oh Justin I wasn't trying to replace you. I just hadn't seen him in a long time and thought it would be cool to hang out. Just because I may want to hang out with Nick sometime doesn't mean your not still my friend." "Oh! So now I'm just a friend, a minute ago I was your best friend and then Nick's name comes up and I'm just a 'friend'." Justin spit out full of anger. "Justin where is all this coming from? Why are you so jealous of Nick?" "Because you have feelings for him." Justin shyly whispered. "What do you mean? Do you mean romantic feelings?"

Justin hesitated and would not give me a direct response. Was he implying I was gay?

"Are you calling me a fag for wanting to hang out with Nick? Well I'M NOT!

How could you think that of me Justin? Fags are disgusting!" I screamed out.

I didn't really believe this, but given my current state of confusion, I couldn't let Justin know he was on to something. I'm just so confused, but I don't think I'm gay. I mean all guys are attracted to other guys right?

After I said that fags are disgusting, Justin ran out of the bedroom and quickly darted down the stairs. I immediately chased after him unsure of what caused his sudden exit. As he ran through the front door, I grabbed his arm and looked at his tear streaked face.

"What's going on Justin? And don't give me this bullshit about Nick.

There is more to this." "Well it doesn't matter now! Our friendship is over! I mean how can we ever be friends? I disgust you!" Justin sobbed.

Before I could even respond, Justin had turned around and sped off in his Mercedes.

"What the hell is he talking about? I never said that he disgusted me. I said fags...Oh my god! Justin's gay." I said out loud to myself.

That explains everything. He wasn't mad that I wanted to hang out with Nick, he thought I wanted more than friendship with Nick. But if that would upset him then Justin must have feelings for me. Damn it JC! You idiot! This is what has had Justin depressed all this time. Instead of being a supportive best friend, I basically call him a fag and disgusting.

Oh Curly! I didn't mean it. I just didn't know you loved me. What am I going to do now? I have to find you and make things right. I couldn't take you thinking that I don't care about you. I love you Curly!


I never thought JC could turn on me! He was all I've ever had, I mean if he can't understand I'm gay, who will? No one! It just hurts so much, how could he say those things to me! I loved you so much JC. I believed in you, I always thought that I could tell you and that you would accept me.

What I fool I am! Gosh when he held me in bed and we were sleeping together, I let my self believe that maybe he was gay and ....You idiot Justin, you set yourself up. You knew he wasn't gay. I gotta get out of here. I can't face JC. He will probably tell all the guys and they'll hate me too ....


I walked into the Orlando airport relieved to be getting away. After everything I did to Brian and Nick I needed to put some distance between us for awhile. I figured a trip to Acapulco, Mexico would help me clear my head. Sun, beach, ocean. And hey, who knows maybe I might meet the man of my dreams....Before I could complete my thought I heard a familiar voice asking to purchase a ticket.

"Justin? Hey man what's up? Are you going on a trip?" I asked noticing his puffy face. He had obviously been crying. "Huh? Oh hi Kev, I...umm..." Justin looked down trying to hide his face from me as he began to cry again. "Hey Just, what's the matter?"

I pulled Justin out of line and held him as he sobbed on my shoulder.

Once he had calmed down I got him to open up to me. At first he was tentative, but eventually he told me everything about his being gay and what happened with JC etc... I never knew what a jerk JC was. Poor Justin!

"Why are you still talking to me Kevin? Don't you find me disgusting too?" Justin inquired. "Well Justin, that would mean that I would have to find myself disgusting as well. Your not the only one who's gay around here, and I don't mean gay as in happy." I kidded trying to lighten Justin's mood. "Your GAY!" He shouted. "Keep it down, I don't exactly need the whole airport to know." "Oh sorry, Kev, its just you don't look gay." "Is there a certain look a gay man has or are you just as blonde as you sounded?" "NO! I just meant you've always seemed really masculine, I would have never guessed." "Well you never know. I never thought you were gay and look what I find out. So where are you headed?" "I don't know. Anywhere that will take me out of Orlando for awhile." "Well I have an idea. Why don't you come with me to Acapulco. I'm trying to get away from some things too. It would be nice to have friend to be with." "Well...OK. Your the first person that I'll be able to be myself around.

Maybe it will be fun. So what are you running away from Kev?" "Oh I'll tell ya later. We have plenty of time to get to know each other better."

Hmmm. Justin Timberlake. Maybe, Kev 'ole boy, just maybe.


Well that was part 1 of Soul-Mates JC & Justin. So what do you think will happen next? If Justin thinks JC doesn't care about him, will he end up in Kevin's bed? If they become a couple will that be enough to bring JC out of the closet? Next up: Soul-Mates: Frick and Frack 4

Next: Chapter 5

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