Southbrook Falls

By moc.liamg@19rkba

Published on Mar 1, 2007


Warning: This story contains graphic descriptions of minors having sex with each other. Don't read this if you are under 18, or if you are offended by this.

Well, this is it, the last chapter of the summer, and the best one yet, in my opinion. The gang throws a birthday party for Rebecca in her basement, and Tiffany has to do the vibrator dare on the first day of school. Enjoy, and PLEASE send feedback and ideas to I really, really appreciate it.

"Well, what do you think of these?" asked Tiffany playfully as she popped out of a changing room.

"Pretty hot," said Richard, referring to the blue thong that Tiffany was wearing.

"Really?" said Tiffany, "Because I liked these better," as she held up a pair of green panties made out of see-through mesh.

"Well, you can buy both if you want," said Richard, "But we both know that they're both gonna end up on the floor."

Richard could tell Tiffany was getting really turned on; her crotch looked puffy in the tiny thong. He leaned in on her, and she giggled as she wrapped her arms around him. Their lips met, and he slid his hands down her bare sides. As he slipped off the panties, Tiffany unbuttoned his jeans. She pulled off his blue-striped boxers and slid his penis into her. Richard was right at home; he knew every ridge in her pussy, and he knew exactly what she liked. He thrust gently, intentionally rubbing her clit to get it over quickly. The dressing rooms in Victoria's Secret were not exactly the most private place they could have done this, but it was hot, so what the hell. Richard accidentaly pulled out before he came, and sprayed all over Tiffany's clothes.

"Shit," he said, noticing before Tiffany.


Tiffany turned around. Her clothes were definately unwearable. Everything was wet. Richard picked his boxers from the opposite corner of the changing room and gave them to Tiffany to wear. They were the perfect size for her to look like they belonged to her. She sighed-she didn't have a shirt still. Richard ran out in his jeans and his t-shirt to get a tank top that didn't have theft protection. He returned, and Tiffany slipped it on. She hadn't taken her bra off, so it was okay. They put her jeans in the Hollister bag they brought in, paid for everything except the tank top, and left together. They bought some boxers for Richard in Target, and left together on their bikes.

The two were on their bikes, completely somber after their narrow escape, when they both just started laughing. They always had a good time no matter what happened, but this had definately been new to both of them. They were headed to Richard's house. Everyone was meeting there in an hour to watch a movie. Richard's parents were home though.

They had their school supplies, and Tiffany had twenty-three new pairs of underwear. They were all going in the box in her closet, because they were all super hot. School was starting in two days, and Tiffany was terrified. She had to start her dare with the vibrator on the first day.

Richard noticed that Tiffany had quite the wet spot over her crotch. He could also see that the boxers were riding up quite a bit, giving him a nice view. When he pointed it out, she said, "Yeah, well, I didn't quite get off, because we were in such a rush. I wanted you to do it, not me," even though she clearly reached orgasm stradling the bike, swerving across the street.

They pulled into Richard's driveway, and as soon as they were out of sight of windows, or the road, Richard pulled the boxers down and fingered her for the two or three seconds it took to bring her to another orgasm.

"Here, hide behind the shed for a couple minutes," he said, taking the boxers.

"Why?" she asked.

"I'm going to dry these out," he said.

Richard ran inside, and ironed the wet spot off before anyone saw him. He grabbed one of Tiffany's thongs from his closet. They had the habit of taking clothes off, and never putting them back on. Often, when the group was done at one person's house, they would all walk back home naked. Whoever was left with all of the underwear on the floor was charged with hiding and organizing it. Each had a pretty good collection by now, and could pretty much put together an outfit for any of the other four.

He ran back outside, making sure that his parents didn't see him. Tiffany slid on the thong, and then Richard's boxers. They went around to the front door and went in that way. They were greeted casually by Richard's parents and Becca, and went to the front living room to wait for Lauren and Hannah.

The doorbell rang, and the two girls were brought in. Everyone was staying for a sleepover as Becca's guests for her birthday, including Tiffany. Richard had to sleep upstairs and not leave under any conditions, however, they were allowed to watch movies until Richard's parents went to bed.

The cake and presents went by fairly quickly, it seemed. All they could think about was getting to the good part of the evening.

They decended into the cool basement, dressed conservatively in sweatshirts and flannel pants. The girls had on their favorite underwear (except for Tiffany) for the last party of the summer, and was ready to show it off. They shut the door to the stairs, and closed the doors all the way to the back room so that they could tell if someone was coming. They knew that Richard and Becca's parents were informed enough to know that there was at least going to be some making out, and cool enough to let it go, and not interrupt.

They put in "The Lake House", and settled into the large sofa to watch it. Everyone had seemingly forgotten about the pending wild sex party, and just sat, watching the movie. Richard slid his hand down Tiffany's side, and into her boxers. he was tracing the outlines of her puffy slit, and running his fingers over her sensitive inner thighs, tickling her, and making her silently giggle as she playfully pulled away.

As soon as he slid his fingers into her thong, she stopped resisting. She laid her head back, stretching out her little boobs, ready to begin. Her nipples easily showed through her bra, and Richard let his left hand explore her chest as his right hand messaged Tiffany's outer lips. Tiffany shuddered as Richard entered her soft, wet hole, and started working her hips subtly. He didn't pick up pace, and if Tiffany tried to, he would move with her, so it didn't work. Her petite body rocked with pleasure, and Richard could feel that she was near to an orgasm. he moved his arm down, removing her boxers, so she was sitting in her thong, which was getting pulled down pretty bad itself.

The other three were horny to begin with, but now they were dying to get off. They got into their underwear, with their clothes going in a pile in a corner. Lauren and Becca started rubbing each others pussies through their thongs, until they were soaked through. They tangled their legs, rubbing their pussies together through the wet thongs. The ridges of the cotton rubbed over their clits, sending them twisting in ecstasy. Hannah started to rub herself slowly through her dry thong, and her girl cum started to drip out.

Tiffany was nearing her second orgasm, and slipped off her thong, exposing again her smooth shaved mound. She turned around and made out with Richard as he brought her to her fourth orgasm of the day. She buttoned his jeans, which were practically bursting, and yanked them off. To her delight, he was wearing his UnderArmour underwear, which were one of her favorite pairs, because of the feeling of the smooth fabric over her clit.

She had no choice, however, but to slide them down as well, revealing Richard's rock hard dick, which was dying for her pussy. Since she wasn't ready for another orgasm, she leaned forward, letting the entire thing slide into her mouth. She gagged as the head slid deep into her throat, but overcame the reflex, and started swirling her tounge around the shaft. Richard came in no time, shooting what seemed like gallons of semen down Tiffany's throat. The two, exhausted, sat back to watch the three girls.

Lauren and Becca's thongs had gotten too slippery to stay on their owners' inflated pussies, and kept sliding off to the side. They had been thrown aside, and their bare pussies were sliding against each other, lubricated by cum and sweat. They were going faster, their outer lips interlocking and tickling each others' clits. They reached orgasms, and lay back on the carpet, letting cum drip from them.

Hannah reached into her bag with a devilish grin, and pulled out a bottle of baby oil. She popped the cap off, and started pouring it on Lauren. She poured it in a thick line stretching from Lauren's neck to her crotch, and then in lines down her legs. Lauren shuddered against the cold oil, and Richard was suddenly hard again. She spread the oil over Lauren's shoulders, and then across her chest, soaking her white bra through. Her nipples showed through like the bra wasn't there. Lauren's skin glistened in the bluish light. Hannah unclipped the bra, letting it stick to Lauren's breasts, but working it off with her smooth oil massage. She worked down to her naked cunt, letting her hands work over every natural curve on Lauren's body. She spread the oil evenly, so that her body was totally slick. She moved her massage to Lauren's inner thighs, and Lauren moaned happily. She oiled down Lauren's pussy lips, and let her oily fingers slide into Lauren. Lauren hardly noticed, until Hannah's fingers started to slowly slide in and out, working her pussy carefully and lovingly. Lauren could feel herself building up for another orgasm, and moaned with pleasure. She started to play with her slick, oiled boobs, and had another orgasm in a couple minutes, with her back arched and her hips rocking with Hannah's delicate touch.

Hannah oiled Lauren's back, then Lauren oiled Becca. Becca and Lauren both did Hannah as a thank you for bringing the oil. Richard took the oil and rubbed down Tiffany, bringing her to three orgasms in the process. She was so turned on by this that she got all four girls to oil down Richard. They all got their chance to help jerk him off, and lick the cum off his stomach once they actually did.

"You should fuck everyone in this room," said Lauren to Richard.

"Well okay then!" he grinned, "Tiffany can be first."

Tiffany grinned as she lay down in the center of the circle. Richard lay on her, sliding in quickly. He embraced Tiffany, immensely enjoying the slick feeling between their bodies. Her boobs were sliding around over his chest, and he could feel her nipples get harder and harder. He didn't go as slowly and carefully as usual; he was extremely eager to get to the other girls. They came at the same time, and they both got still as stone as Richard came deep in Tiffany's vagina. He pulled out, and his dick got soft. He got hard reallly fast, though.

Becca decided to get two straws to decide wether Hannah or Lauren would be next. Lauren won, and she got on her knees in the center. Richard laughed as he got up behind her. He went really fast with Lauren, but was still careful not to hurt her. It took them a really long time to cum, but it was a huge orgasm. Richard was seeing stars as he pumped cum into her. Lauren flopped on the floor as Richard got hard again.

Hannah opted for the missionary position, and lay down on her back. She smiled as Richard lay down on her, and entered her gently. Richard was slow and careful with Hannah, and the other two were clearly jealous after being screwed at superspeed. However, their anger quickly dissapated as they got horny watching and started to finger themselves. Richard was enjoying Hannah's especially smooth, warm pussy, and her small slippery body, and didn't want to be done, but he felt himself reaching another orgasm. He could also feel Hannah's arms wrap tighter around him and her hips start to buck gently. He winced, trying to hold off his own orgasm until Hannah could reach hers. She sped up, and Richard started to break. The moment she reached her orgasm, Richard let loose, his hot cum filling up Hannah's delicious hole.

Richard sighed as he let himself get soft, and lay back against the sofa. Lauren laughed.

"Well, now what?" Richard asked defiantly of Lauren.

"What do you mean, now what?" she retorted.

Richard blinked.

"You're not finished yet," she said.

"Okay, I fucked everyone EXCEPT my sister."

"I said you should screw everyone here, and she's here."

"You make fun of me because I wouldn't get naked, and now this?" said Becca with a grin. "It's not even anything new here!"

Richard was a little more than surprised. "Get over here then," he said, although he was still open-mouthed.

She lay down on her back, and spread a little more oil on her boobs. Richard lay down on her, and slowly entered. He started thrusting, plunging deeper into his sister's cunt. She giggled, and started to join in, bucking her hips in rythm. It seemed Richard was forgetting everything as his hands glided freely over his sister's naked oily body. She was grinning, very impressed by her brother. She came quickly, and Richard took a second longer. He shot deep, as usual, this time filling his sister up with his hot cum, and pulled out before he got soft.

This was already, by far, the craziest night yet. They were all exhausted by now, but they managed to get a few more orgasms in, especially Richard and Tiffany. The girls minus Tiffany got showered, and changed back into their pajamas. Richard and Tiffany showered together, as one last thing alone for the summer. Their thongs and bras were soaked, so they went without. They were all watching a movie, waiting for Richard's parents to call down and tell them that Richard had to go to bed upstairs, but they didn't. They were notorious for falling asleep watching TV, and not waking up until the next afternoon, and it looked as if that's what was going to happen today. They all stripped, and slept naked together under a few sheets. As they drifted to sleep with their nude bodies pressed together, all they could think was "This was the best day ever."

They managed to get away with the weekend, and gathered at Tiffany's house before school. She was still terrified of, and angry about the vibrator dare, but she was cool enough to still go through with it. Lauren produced the silver dildo, and they went to Tiffany's room to put it in.

"Okay," said Lauren, "Just a reminder, you have to keep it on all day, and tell five people. At least two have to be guys, and you have to show all of them. You have to show any girl who asks you. And, you have to show one of the people outside of the bathroom."

"What!?" squeeked Tiffany. "You never said that last part!"

"If you want to back out of the dare, then that's fine with me," said Lauren innocently.

After Tiffany didn't respond, she slipped the batteries into the dildo, set it on high, and screwed it shut. Tiffany wouldn't be able to stop it if she wanted. She kneeled down, reached up Tiffany's skirt, (She was wearing a SKIRT!) slid the panties to the side, and slipped the large dildo deep into Tiffany's pussy. Immediately, Tiffany drew a sharp breath and looked to the ceiling. She could feel herself nearing her first orgasm already. It was going to be a long day. She pressed her thighs together to force the dildo farther into her, farther from her clit. Lauren laughed happily at her discomfort.

Lauren bounded down the stairs, leaving Tiffany to awkwardly waddle as the others chuckled. Lauren took lots of pictures, eager to save the memories for another day.

At school, everyone exchanged excited hellos, caught up with each other, and met Lauren. The excitement quickly died down, and Tiffany started to look for someone to show. She picked a guy she knew in her first class named Matt. He wasn't one of the most popular kids, but he was a good friend, and she knew he wouldn't spread it around like they would.

Tiffany survived her orgasm-filled first hour, and pulled Matt aside in the hall. He followed her to the back of the school, where there were some unused bathrooms they could go into. Matt was really confused as Tiffany led him into the girls' bathroom. Lauren was waiting in one of the stalls, recording everything with her camera through a narrow crack. Tiffany didn't know.

"Okay, Matt, I have something to tell you," she said.

"Um... okay," he said, still confused.

"So I have this dare, and I have to, um," she choked.

"Yes?" said Matt, definitely interested.

"I have to wear a vibrator all day," she spat out.

Matt was looking a little uncomfortable. "And why do I need to know that?" he asked, shifting his feet and looking around nervously.

"Well, the second part of the dare is to show two guys and three girls, so I have to show you."

Matt didn't say anything, but his eyes were locked on Tiffany's hands as they reached under her skirt and lifted it up, revealing her shaved pussy dripping cum from it, caking around her thighs. She could see him try to hide the tent in his pants. As she slid her panties down, he was open-mouthed. She pulled out the vibrator, and said,

"So there. I did it."

She winced as she slid the metal tube back in, muffling the droning buzz. She pulled up her panties and pulled down her skirt. Matt closed his mouth.

"So this'll be our little secret, okay Matt?" she said nervously.

"Okay," he squeaked, still dumbfounded.

She walked out quickly, leaving Matt to catch his breath. He left soon after, and Lauren burst out laughing. She watched the video again as she masturbated in the stall.

Richard came up to Tiffany in the hallway. "Did you do it yet?" he asked.

"Yeah," she moaned as she neared another orgasm. She winced, and stood on her toes to kiss Richard. Tiffany left for her next class, and Lauren found Richard.

"You have to see it next time," she said to him, "It's soo funny!"

He his next class with Lauren, so decided to follow her to the bathroom to watch Tiffany show the next person. They ran to the bathroom together, hiding in the stall as Tiffany walked in with her next person. She was going for a girl named Megan, who was pretty popular, but kind of like Hannah. She probably wouldn't tell anyone. It was going to be a lot easier to tell girls.

"I'm just going to say it," said Tiffany, "My friends dared me to wear a vibrator all day at school and show two guys and three girls, and I picked you as one of the girls, so here goes."

Megan watched with her eyebrows raised as Tiffany pulled off her panties and pulled out the dildo, then quickly put everything back on.

"What the hell, Tiff?" Megan said with a grin. "What friends?"

"I can't tell you," said Tiffany.

"Oh, come ON," Megan said. "This sounds pretty awesome, and I definitely want in."

"Can we talk later?" Tiffany asked nervously.

"Fine, I'll just talk to your boyfriend. I know he knows what's going on.

"I'll tell you later, okay? I have three more people to show."

"Wait," said Megan, "You already showed someone!? You HAVE to tell me!"

"I promise I will. After gym at the end of the day, stay in the locker room, and I'll tell you everything while we walk home."

Megan sighed, and the two left the bathroom in a hurry. Richard started laughing his ass off.

"PLEASE tell me you got that all," he said.

"Yup," said Lauren.

Tiffany was on a roll, and showed the next person after her next class. Lauren and Richard were waiting in the stall, and Tiffany had figured out that they were there. She brought in one of her oldest friends-Tera White.

She went through the explination, and showed her the vibrator.

"Wait, which friends could have gotten you do do that?" Tera asked.

"I can explain things later, okay?" Tiffany pleaded. "Let's just get to class."

"Oh, and one more thing, I have to show one more guy, and I have to show him in class or in the hall, so could you tell your boyfriend not to get too surprised when I show him in Science?"

"Sure," said Tera, "But you have to promise to explain EVERYTHING."

"I promise," Tiffany said. "Just don't tell anyone."

They left the bathroom, and Richard and Lauren caught up with Tiffany in the hallway.

"Very smooth," Richard said. "I'm going to be watching THAT video a lot."

"What video!?" Tiffany yelled.

Lauren just grinned.

"Oh my GOD!" she squealed.

In science, Tiffany pulled Nick, Tera's boyfriend, and one of her own good friends as well, into the back of the room. Lauren had already hidden her camera.

"Okay, so since Tera told you everything, I'm just going to show you."

"Told me what?" he asked innocently.

"About the dare?" Tiffany begged him to remember.

"No idea," he said convincingly.

"I have to wear a vibrator all today, and have to show a bunch of people."

"What the fuck?"

"Yeah, so just be quiet," she said.

She pulled off her panties and lifted her skirt, watching for people who might be coming back. Everyone seemed pretty busy. She was terrified. She quickly put her clothes back on, and let her heartbeat slow down. Nick had played it pretty cool, and was now looking casually around the room.

"So you're done now?" he asked.

"No, I gotta show one more girl."


Nick was so great.

Lauren came back and shut off her camera, and came to sit next to Tiffany until the bell went off.

"Okay, so we have gym next, and that's our last class. You have to show someone right now," said Lauren.

"Not if I show someone during gym," Tiffany said with a grin.

"Okay," said Lauren, very impressed.

She watched Tiffany the whole gym hour, waiting for her to show someone. A couple times, she was talking to a girl in the corner, and Lauren was expecting her to whip off her shorts and just show someone. Tiffany had been wincing in pain all day from the constant vibrating, and her pussy was getting redder and redder as the day went on. Anyway, gym went by, and Tiffany hadn't shown anyone. They were getting undressed to take a shower in the locker room, and Lauren gave Tiffany a "hurry up" look. Lauren put her camera in a locker facing the shower full of naked girls, and went in to join them.

Tiffany ran in after her, walking to conceal the sliver dildo that was working hard to slide out of her, and whispered in a girl's ear. The girl looked down to Tiffany's wet, naked pussy, and Tiffany slid the vibrator out a couple inches. The girl's eyes widened, and Megan looked over with a smile. Tiffany slid it back in quickly, before anyone else saw, and went on with her shower. Lauren was getting pretty horny, surrounded by all of these naked girls, and was letting her eyes wander quite a bit. She was really surprised at how many girls shaved their pussies. Even a lot of the weird ones shaved. She got lost in her fantasies, and ended up being the last one left in the shower. She turned of the shower, and followed Tiffany around to an empty corner to change. She was with Megan, who wasn't getting dressed, and was eagarly looking at Tiffany and Lauren, waiting for an explination.

"Will you go get my camera out of locker 103?" Lauren said to Megan. "The moisture messes with it and turns it on sometimes."

Megan gladly agreed, and while she was gone, Lauren grabbed the dildo out of Tiffany and rammed it into herself. She sat on the bench and watched all the girls dry off, and step into their skimpy thongs. She orgasmed in a couple seconds, and put the dildo in her backpack. Tiffany and Lauren got dressed while Megan came back with Lauren's camera. Her clit was puffing out, and it was really obvious that she knew something more than just this dare was going on. She got dressed, and asked Tiffany one more time,

"So what's REALLY going on?"

Next: Chapter 7

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