Southbrook Falls

By moc.liamg@19rkba

Published on Jun 3, 2007


This story contains graphic descriptions of underage girls having lesbian sex. Don't read it if you're going to get in trouble for it.

Okay, so I've finally finished it. Part eight. I finally came up with a good background story for Lauren that I think you will like. Any ideas, criticism, praise, welcomed at

"Hey, you two, are you still awake?" said Tiffany's mom's voice.

Tiffany's heart sank as she heard the gasp, the "oh", and then the "Oh my God"

Tiffany looked up, and saw her mom's face in the window.

"Hey, guys, you surprised me!" her mom said.

Wait, why was her mom in the window?

"Hey, Megan," Lauren said. "Come on in."

"Oh, shit, Megan!" Tiffany yelled, "You scared me!"

"Oh," she said as she climbed through the window, "Well, I brought my sister with me."

"Okay, sweet," Lauren said, "Hey, Amy."

"Hey," Amy said.

Once everyone was sitting around on the floor, Tiffany asked, "So, Amy, did you like it today?"

"Yeah," she said, "It was great!"

"Ready for some more?" Lauren asked.

"Sure," Amy said with an impish grin.

"Well, let's get that sexy little body of yours naked, first," Tiffany grinned.

"Not like I actually have anything yet," Amy said.

"I don't know," Tiffany said. She put her hand on Amy's chest, and squeezed her developing breasts. "I think you've got something."

"Not like you guys, though," Amy said.

"Don't worry," Lauren said, "Your sisters are almost C cups, and they're fourteen."

Tiffany slipped Amy's top off, Lauren took the bra, and Megan took the pants.

"Alright, who's doing this?" Megan asked.

"You," Tiffany said bluntly.

"What?" Megan protested, "No way."

"Yeah," Lauren said. "You can have your first lesbian experiance with each other."

"Whatever," Megan said, giving up surprisingly quickly.

Megan took off her clothes, not entirely willingly, and Lauren pushed her head between her sisters legs. Amy finally stopped giggling for the first time all night as her sister tentatively slipped her tounge into her slit. She started to hump into Megan's mouth, trying for more and more intensity. She could feel the orgasm building up, deep inside her, every flick of her sister's tongue sending shivers up her spine and making adreniline gush from her head.

"Oh, man, Megan," Amy groaned, "Lick my pussy! OH! Oh, I can feel it coming!"

She practically had her naked body wrapped around Megan's face, and she was working harder, too. Amy's pure ecstasy was driving the other girls crazy, and Megan went at it even harder as Lauren and Tiffany collapsed in a tangled heap.

"Man, Megan," Amy groaned, "You're better than Richard!"

She reached a practically screaming orgasm, and lay back, breathing hard. She shuddered as powerful waves of pleasure pulsed through her body.

After a while, Amy got up and the girls started crawling all over Megan, rubbing her chest and thighs as Amy started to lick her lips. She put her whole mouth over Megan's dripping cunt, sucking in slow waves of her juices, and tounging her at the same time.

Megan's cute little body started to rock back and forth, and her hips started to rock, thrusting through the air and arching her back off the ground. She groaned loudly, and Tiffany grabbed a firm hold of Megan's large boobs, mashing her hormone-driven fingers in, squeezing out her own adreniline. Lauren got on Megan's face,and Tiffany started to hump Megan's tight stomach.

Megan squealed and giggled, bucking her hips as powerful sensations gushed through her body. She started to moan loudly, and orgasmed with a shudder in her sister's mouth.

Amy brought her drooling pink mouth away from her sister's wet cunt, trailing a little string of cum, which she quickly flicked into her mouth. She giggled, and started to tickle her dark nipples into little pebbles with her shoulder-length hair.

"Wow, Amy," Megan gasped, "You're really good."

Amy just giggled and blushed.

"I think you've earned a game or two of our famous truth or dare," Lauren said.

"Yeah, but with one difference," Tiffany said.

"What's that?" Amy grinned.

Tiffany thought for a second, then answered, "Well, since this is your first time here, I think a special 'initiation round' is needed."

"What's that mean?" Amy asked, her smile fading a bit.

"Well," Tiffany answered, "It's a little different. You don't dare us, Lauren and I dare you and your sister, and we can make you do truth AND dare if we have a question for you."

Amy grinned, but Megan was horrified. "Who goes first?" she asked.

"Whoever you want," Lauren said, "But we can make you do anything with the other person, even if it's not your turn."

"Um, okay," Amy shrugged, thinking that she had already eaten Megan out, so what else was there? "I guess I'll go first," she said.

"Okay," said Tiffany, "First, a question. What is your favorite way to masturbate?"

"I don't," Amy said.

"Bullshit," Lauren said, "And I would be surprised if you were even a virgin before tonight."

"Okay, okay," said Amy, "My favorite way is with the vibrator that I made out of an old playstation controller."

"Wow, bring it over sometime," Lauren said.

Megan gave Amy a very strange look.

"Okay, so the dare is to fit six bananas in yourself, however you want," Tiffany said.

"Oooo," cooed Amy, "Where are the bananas, I'll get them."

"Acually, right here," Lauren said. "Tiffany and I were going to use them later."

"Okay, so, just anywhere?" Amy stumbled.


Amy sighed, and picked off the first banana. She spun it in her hand, and slipped it up her little vagina. She moaned, then reached for the next one, struggling to cram it into her pussy. She winced as she stretched herself out, then let out an enormous sigh as she pulled her hand away.

"Well, that's two," she said, holding the other four in her hands. She grimaced, and bit the rough end off of one, then bent over forward. She slid it slowly into her ass, with a mixed expression on her face. When she was done, she held the remaining three, and tried to stuff them in her mouth, but she could only fit two without gagging. She held the sixth one, looking at it while the other girls laughed at the rediculous scene she had made of herself.

"Okay," Lauren said in response to Amy's unhappy groans, "We'll allow five."

They made her stay like that for a few minutes so that Tiffany could take pictures of her from every angle. Then, they let her take the bananas out.

"That was actually cool," Amy said. "It felt sweet."

Lauren smiled. "Okay, Megan, I don't have a question, but I have the best dare."

"Bring it on," Megan grinned.

"Okay," Lauren said, "Tomorrow, in swimming, run through the guys' locker room naked."

"Are you serious!?" Megan choked. "That's insane!"

"You CAN'T back out, Megan!" Amy demanded.

"I'll think about it," Megan said.

"Okay, I don't have any more dares, but if I think of any, you still have to do them," Tiffany said.

"I have a question and a dare left," said Lauren. "You have to tell us about every sexual experience you've ever had, and videotape yourselves masturbating in the front yard."

"Why?" Amy dared to ask.

"Because that's what the rest of us did, but we did it at night, so you can too."

It was starting to get dark, but not enough to stop anyone from looking from a block away.

"Okay, so Amy, you start with the stories."

"All right," Amy said. "Well, it kind of has a lot to do with Danielle. I don't exactly know much about the kid she had upstairs while our parents were away, but he was at her gymnastics recital, and they were practically fucking in the hallway. The guy had his hands all over her spandex-covered ass the entire night, and I saw him reach down the front of her sweatpants later, and he was in the room all the time when she was changing outfits. Anyway, she saw me staring, and she whispered something to her boyfriend. That night, when mom and dad were out celebrating grandma's birthday, they were upstairs, and I could hear the bed rocking over the TV. Anyway, they came downstairs, kind of half-naked, and a little drunk. They dragged me upstairs, and basically showed me everything you did tonight. I ended up not fucking him, because he was drunk and I didn't know him, but I gave him head, and Danielle ate me out. By the way, she ended up being really drunk, and she only remembers anything about the guy, not me."

"Wait, I was at that recital, too, but I don't remember anything," Megan said

"This was two years ago, Megan, not last year. You were at someone's house."

"Oh! I remember that night!," Megan laughed. "I'll tell you later."

"Okay, so anyway," Amy continued, "I was like, nine, and that's when I started puberty, so I was masturbating like crazy. I made that vibrator, and I would always use it right after school, for like half an hour. Since Jason and I shared a room, it got really hard, though. That's the next part. I was on the bed with the thing in my pussy, and he came in the room. Since all I had to do was button my jeans, he didn't really catch me, but I think he knew someting was up. Anyway, I caught the moron the next day, right when I came in. He had some girl's naked picture with him, and apparently she was from school. So, the second I came in, he gasped, and came all over the picture. I didn't do anything, and just kept walking while he tried to get dressed. I'll let Megan tell the rest of the story from there because I always mess it up, but I'll tell you about my first real guy. So, I was feeling really horny one day at school, and there was this guy that I was really into me. This was last year, so I was really young. I went to get a drink while he was in the bathroom, and when he came back, I took him to the old part of the school that they are going to tear down No one was using it, and it was roped off, and since the demolition crew was off that day, we just snuck into an old classroom. I had to undress him, because he hardly knew what was going on, but he was really fun. So, I lost my virginity during school, in a classroom. The guy came over a lot, but we were young, so everyone thought we were just friends. Every time we were upstairs, alone, we were fucking each others' brains out."

"Wow," Lauren said, "I had no idea."

"So," Megan began, "I knew some, but wow."

"Yeah, so anyway, he got really boring, and he always wanted me to go anal, which I didn't like at all. I mean, I might have if he didn't push me so hard. After a while, I realized he sucked ass, and I dumped him. He told his friends what we did, but they just wanted to do me even worse. I gave a few guys head, but that's it. Anyway, I'll let Megan talk."

"Okay, well, my first sexual experiance, was with Danielle, too. We were like, seven or eight, and we were taking a shower together, like we always used to do. She had found some porn, some of a girl giving a guy a blowjob while taking two guys from the back, and a few of some lesbians all over each other. She said there was a video, too, but obvously, she couldn't bring it into the shower. The video was of a girl masturbating, and Dani learned how to from that. She showed me then, and we figured a bunch of stuff out, like using soap, or like me prefering shampoo because it's cold. Eventually, after a few nights, we decided to do some of the things on the tape, and that got us going pretty well. Every night in the shower, Dani and I would get all lathered up, and act out another scene from one of dad's porn videos. So, then we started watching them together, and going online whenever mom and dad weren't home. We got obsessed, and started making our own videos. When we got older, that kind of died down, but we would still eat each other out all the time, at night."

"You still have those videos?" Lauren wondered.

"Yeah," Megan said. "They're really cute. I'll bring them over next time."

"Okay, cool."

"So anyway, after a couple of years, when I was twelve, Dani and I got a lot more into guys, and started acting out our fantasies with them. She started way before me, but I finally got a break after I quit gymnastics. I was really in shape from the last season, and I must have been pretty attractive, because I had guys all over me, just like Dani. I eventually had this guy, who was really nice, but every time he hugged me, he had this huge boner, pretty much on purpose. It turned me on a lot, and he could always tell, so he kept doing it. Eventually, I broke down, and we did it in his corn field. He had hit puberty, and he was MASSIVE! It hurt when we first started, but I started to grow faster than him. Anyway, Dani and I would both have our boyfriends in our room, and we would fuck them at the same time. One time, we were in different rooms, and the guys didn't know we each had a twin, so we switched all night. The night of the recital, I was at his house with another couple, and we had a pretty sweet foursome. But anyway, the thing about Jason was pretty funny. So everything that Amy told you happened, but Dani and I didn't know they were even home, so we were going to get Amy's little vibrator, because we shared it a ton. But when we opened the door, Amy was on her knees with it in her pussy, and with Jason's dick in her mouth. We were kind of shocked, and They could tell exactly what we were up to, so, everyone found everything out right then. We decided to play with the little kids that day. We messed around for like, an hour, then got dressed. Ever since that, we've gone completely nude whenever our parents were gone, which is pretty often."

"So," Tiffany began, "None of you were virgins at all?"

"Hell no," Amy grinned.

"Well that's cool," Lauren said.

"Yeah, when are your parents out of town again?" Tiffany asked.

"Actually," Megan said, "This weekend. We're going camping, since we have four days off, so if you all want to come, you're welcome to."

"Sounds awesome," Lauren said. "We should bring Rebecca, too."

"So, any more kinky sex games you want to play?" Amy smiled.

"Actually, it's dark out," Tiffany noted. "Get out there."

She handed the two a video camera, and a dildo, and they climbed out the window, to the middle of the yard where they were supposed to fuck. Amy filmed Megan eating her out, then they switched places, then Megan taped Amy while they scissored.

They came back in the room, totally exhauted, with the dildo hanging out of Amy's crotch. She pulled it out, and licked it off.

"So where are your parents?" Tiffany asked.

"Passed out drunk, probably," Amy said, stoically.

Lauren gave a knowing nod.

"So, what are your stories," Amy asked.

"Well, I don't really have one," Tiffany said. "I've been masturbating forever, but I first had sex a few months ago."

"Well," Lauren started, "Mine goes back a long time."

"What happened?" Amy asked with wide eyes.

"It's a really tough story, but I'll try," Lauren said. "I used to live in California, and I would always be at the beach. Usually, when I was little, my dad let me just go naked, since no one would care. I got really used to it, and I started growing up really gradually, and there was no real way to tell when I was too old to be naked on a regular beach. I ended up being eight when everything happened. I was finally old enough to go to the beach by myself, but my dad made me go to a nude beach if I was going to not wear a swimsuit. I was getting boobs, and I had like two pubes, so I was getting mature. I started my periods, that year, too. So, anyway, my best friends, Leila and Mark would always be at the nude beaches with me, and we hung out at school, too, for what it was worth. That year, we discovered porn, and we would spend hours naked together, pouring through websites, while my dad was sleeping or drunk. We never actually did anything together, until later, but I'll tell you about that in a minute. Anyway, it was pretty cool, because I spent most of my life up to age 14 completely naked. I was naked at home, and at the beach, and I only wore clothes at school. So, I had gone all winter one year without going swimming at the beach, and I had matured a ton in that time. I was almost ten, but most people thought I was fifteen. I looked about how I look now. So, I left the house alone, to go to the beach, feeling really great about how hot I was. I got to the beach, and right away, a bunch of older guys noticed me, and their dicks shot up like rockets. They all wispered, and shoved one guy out to come talk to me. As he was walking over, I nodded at his dick and said, 'You don't look half bad yourself'. He laughed, and pulled me aside. He was like, 'Yeah, you're really hot,' and then, 'So we're having a little party at my friend's house, and we were leaving right now. They wanted to know if you would come.' I was really surprised, but I played it cool, and said okay. I was nervous about their parents seeing them bring a naked girl back, but I thought, 'if they're naked, then I'm fine. Well, it turns out that they didn't need their parents, because they were seventeen. They looked younger, and I guess I looked a lot older, because when we got back to the guy's place, and I told them I was only nine, almost ten, they all spit out a little of their beer. We were all still naked, and they were still hard. One guy was like, 'but your boobs have to be like C's!' I told him B-36, but thanks. They all looked around, and someone nodded. One got up, and was like, 'Well, we've been here a while, let's cut the crap.' He walked over to me with his dickpointed at my face, and tried to gently lay me down on the couch. I slapped him, and he got really rough. He threw me onto my feet, and started pounding my ass from behind. I tried to get away from him, but he was really strong, and I ran out of energy completely. He came in my ass, and pulled out. Four other guys came up and surrounded me, and one started doing me in the ass again. Two more started fucking my pussy together, and they made me suck the fourth one's dick. The first one was masturbating, and he came all over my face. They all pulled out before they came, and they covered me in their cum. I was crying, and really upset, but I thought I was done. They waited a few minutes, then changed places a few times. When they actually were done, I had cum soaking in my hair, and I was covered in a thick layer of five people's semen. Someone hit me in the head, and I woke up on the beach a half-hour later. They didn't remember where they picked me up, so they dropped me off really close to downtown, which wasn't where I lived. I had to walk a half hour, crying, down the most crowded parts of the public beaches. I got home, and my dad was passed out, drunk, and Leila and Mark were in my room watchin porn together. They looked really shocked, and asked what happened to me. I told them I got raped, and they couldn't move. Leila helped me to the bathroom, and helped wash me off, since I was still shaking too much to do anything. We slept together that night, her holding me in her arms, cooing me to sleep. Mark slept on the floor, too. The next morning, I was actually okay. I didn't feel terrible about what happened, just a little embarassed about being so stupid. I checked myself over to make sure I was okay, then I woke Leila up. She asked if I was okay, and I told her I was fine. We woke Mark up, and I told them everything that happened. They said it was terrible, and it was, but all I cared about was how good it felt. We went over to my computer, and we opened up the porn. I showed them their favorite video to get them really horny, and then I went to show them what I wanted to do. We had been masturbating since day 1, but this was better. I leaned over, and put Mark's dick in my mouth. He was shocked, but he didn't freak out, and he let me do it. I sucked him off, and let him cum on my boobs. He looked terrified, but then I took his dick and slid it into my pussy. I showed him how to hump me, like they did to me, and I we both orgasmed. He did it to Leila, to show her, and then we decided to try it with Leila and me. I hadn't been really big on the lesbian porn, like Marc, but after Leila and me were done, I was in love. That's when I went lesbian. Nine and a half years old, and we had our first threesome, with Mark fucking Leila, and her eating me out, or fingering me. We would go down to the beach together, find a shady spot behind some bushes, and do it all day while the cars rushed past behind us. Well, I thought I was okay from being raped, but I wasn't. I could talk about it, and be fine, but I started getting really, really drunk, and smoking tons of pot, for like, three years. One guy sold me some cocaine, and I was doing coke for a week Anyway, my dad caught us like six months ago, with Marc's dick in my ass, and Leila eating me out. He wasn't happy, but he kind of had a feeling from the start, so he didn't say anything just then. He told me to stop doing it, but he caught Leila and I fucking, totally drunk, and he yelled a ton, but he left us alone. The next week he told us we were moving. I was in withdrawl for a week, because I couldn't leave the house to buy anything. When I got here, I quit everything except the sex. I just had to get away from everything that happened, and I was okay."

"Shit, Lauren," Tiffany reeled. "No wonder you didn't tell me for so long."

"I think we all have a new respect for you," Amy smiled.

"Well, thanks," Lauren yawned, "But I'm getting tired. Let's just sleep.

Lauren's eyes were red and watery from trying to tell her story, and she fell asleep right then. The four girls drifted off, cuddling toghether for warmth.

Next: Chapter 9

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