Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on May 7, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that is based on real events that I have experienced, or my friends have experienced, drawing on journals, conversations, and social media posts over the years. I have embellished the story here and there to craft the narrative. My goal is to post every four days till the story is complete.

You can follow @lockedstories on twitter for announcements of new chapters and new stories. I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. If you do not want to wait for the story to be completed on Nifty, you can find the entire story here in eBook and print form:

Southern Chastity

Chapter 24: The New Sub

John had told us to be at his house at 7 pm on the Tuesday evening after Jay's graduation to prepare to meet the sub that would replace him. I figured this might be Max, but I was not one hundred percent sure. When I arrived and started to undress in the hall, though, I noticed that Jay's name had been removed from the red bin and Max's was there in its place. Bo walked in the door as I was finishing stripping and putting my clothes away.

"Looks like Max will be the new sub," I replied, pointing at the bin name tag.

"Nice!" Bo replied. "I think he will be a good fit."

"So, how does it feel to be senior sub now?" I asked with a smile.

"Well," Bo said as he took his shoes and socks off, "the biggest thing is that it reminds me I am only three months from graduating myself. It is kinda scary."

"Do you want to try to meet up with Max after his initiation into the program tonight?" I asked.

Bo had taken his shirt off and was unbuckling his pants. "Yeah, I would like to, but didn't you say he is living with roommates?"

"Last I heard, yes," I replied. "Maybe we should leave him a note in his bin after we have to leave and ask him to text us when he is done. I don't mind having him over at my place if he's up for that."

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan," Bo said as he took his underwear off and adjusted his balls a bit in the cage.

After we both had our bins closed and locked, we walked into the dungeon. John was already inside getting the room set up and had put the contract for Max to sign out on the table as well. He was in his black leather chaps and black and blue leather-trimmed jock and looked to be almost ready.

"Hello boys," John said looking over at us.

"Hello Sir!" we replied.

"I know you have been through this once before Bo, but do you have any questions, Matt?" he asked me.

"No Sir," I replied. "I remember my ceremony well. I'm ready."

"Good deal," John said. "I told Max to arrive at precisely 7:15 pm. I will have him wait in the hall for fifteen minutes before I go in to greet him to allow time for him to prepare himself. I will have you two kneeling in your spots when he comes in and we will go from there."

"That sounds good, Sir," Bo said. "We were interested in maybe meeting up with him after he was done to talk and get him up to speed. Do you think you could pass along my phone number Sir?"

"I would be happy to boy," John said. "I'll be sure he texts you before he leaves."

"Thank you, Sir!" Bo said.

"Please go ahead and sit and wait quietly," John said. "When I snap my fingers, please assume a kneeling position with your heads bowed and hands behind your backs."

"Yes, Sir," we replied as we sat down on the floor in our spots.

John opened the door to the hall and placed a piece of paper on top of Max's bin with the code to open it and then returned to the dungeon, closing the door behind him. He then set out a pen next to the paperwork on the table and went to a drawer and pulled out a red and black chainmail collar and a small lock, which he placed in a box and also set on the table.

Once he glanced around and felt like things were set, he sat down in the chair next to the table. A few minutes later, we heard the outside door open and close and someone in the hall. John snapped his fingers, and we assumed our kneeling position. He then got up quietly and stood in the room near the door.

We heard the rustling of someone undressing and then the door to a bin opening and closing a short time later, then it was silent. For fifteen minutes, we knelt on the floor in our spots, without saying a word. John stood motionless with his arms crossed over his chest as well, until the clock on the wall showed 7:30 pm. He then moved forward and opened the door to the hall beside us.

"You may look up, boy," we heard him say. "Follow me into the dungeon and stand at attention with your hands behind your back after we enter."

"Yes, Sir," was the response.

I saw John's bare feet walk by and then the furry feet of Max appeared next to me.

"I have the cameras on in here boy to record your first day under my service, so please act accordingly," John said, closing the door.

"Yes, Sir," was the reply from Max.

"Please step to your right and kneel in front of the table," John said.

I saw Max's feet turn and move off and then heard him kneel on the floor. I then heard the chair drag along the floor a bit as John moved it back to sit down. John asked Max to review the contract on the table and after he gave him some time to read it all, he asked if there were any additional questions. When he heard none, John had Max sign the service contract and the addendum.

We heard John move around and place the collar around Max's neck next and then he told him to stand up and walk over to the far side of the room. John then found a good fitting chastity device and locked it around Max's nub. I could still picture everything that went on when I went through my initiation and wondered how Max was feeling at this point.

"And with that, you are now officially one of my boys," John said to Max. "Please go over to the wall and kneel in the red square with your hands behind your back and your head bowed like your sub brothers."

Max came over to us and knelt in his spot and I heard John closing drawers and putting some things away. He then came over and I saw his feet standing in front of us.

"Boys, please rise and face me," John said.

We all stood and then John said, "Bo, come forward and introduce yourself."

Bo stepped forward and turned to face Max and said, "My name is boy Bo. I am your sub brother and have been in training under Sir for nine months." He then returned to where he was standing before.

John then looked at me. "Matt, please come forward and introduce yourself."

I stepped forward and turned to face Max and said, "My name is boy Matt. I am your sub brother and have been in training under Sir for six months." I then returned to where I was standing before.

"Finally, Max, please come forward and introduce yourself," John said.

Max stepped forward and turned to face us and smiled a bit. "My name is boy Max. I am your sub brother, and this is my first day training under Sir." He then returned to his original position.

"Well done Max," John replied. "Bo and Matt here will indeed be your sub brothers. Think of them as your family. I will give you their contact information before you leave tonight. Bo here is your elder brother. He has asked that you text him as soon as you are finished here. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," came the reply from Max.

"You will find them an excellent source of information on what I expect and how to behave. You will have tasks that you will perform with them and I expect you to support them as they support you," John added.

"Yes, Sir," Max replied.

"Bo and Matt," John said. "Please recite the creed for Max."

Bo and I immediately responded. "I am a sub in training under the supervision of Sir John. My goal is to serve men in the best way I can and derive pleasure from that service. My chastity cage and collar are a symbol of that service and I desire one day to be in permanent chastity and receive my formal graduation collar as proof of my commitment."

"Well done as usual boys," John replied. "You may both leave now."

I turned and gave Max a quick wink as I passed by and went into the hall. Bo followed me and closed the door behind us.

"Do you just want to follow me over to my place Bo?" I whispered.

"Yeah," Bo replied quietly as he grabbed his clothes out of his bin, "that sounds like a plan."

After we got back to my apartment and stripped down, I grabbed us both drinks and we sat down in the living room to play video games for a while. We had just got into playing one game when Bo's phone dinged.

"It's Max," Bo replied. "I'll give him your address and tell him to come over."

"Good deal!" I replied.

About fifteen minutes later we heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find Max staring back at me with a smile and his shiny new collar and tag around his neck.

"Good to see you brother!" I said with a smile and I let him in.

Bo and I hugged him and I asked if he wanted a drink.

"I'm ok," Max replied.

"Go ahead and strip down," Bo said. "You need to get used to doing that."

"Oh right!" Max said as he pulled his clothes off and put them beside the door.

When he bent over to take his pants off, I noticed that the hair on his ass was crusted and matted and he had a large butt plug inserted in him.

"How was your first breeding by Sir?" I asked with a grin.

"It was so hot," Max said, reaching back to feel the plug in his ass. "I will say that this cage is well made, though. It fits a lot better than the one Kenny had got for me."

"Yeah, I have never had an issue with mine," Bo said.

"I noticed you both have smaller cage lengths than I do, though," Max replied. "Do you always start with a larger one?"

"Yes," I replied. "Sir will move you down to smaller cages over time. I just got my new, smaller cage Sunday when I started my six-month chastity session."

"That seems like such a long time to be locked up," Max said, grabbing his cage.

"You will work your way up to it," Bo said. "Don't be too freaked out."

"Yeah," I said. "Besides, that cage looks great on you!"

"Thanks," Max said with a blush. "I can't wait to show Sir Kenny."

"You do need to trim a bit," Bo said as he pointed at Max's crotch.

"Come with me, Max," I said. "I'll take you back to my bathroom and I'll get you fixed up."

Max followed me back into my bathroom and I got my trimmer out and went to work knocking back some of Max's thick hair around his crotch and then trimmed his beard back a bit as well. I then gave him some pointers on lubricating the base ring and how to deal with night erection attempts and any pain he might encounter. I also showed him the support strap that Bo had told me about that I wore a lot to help support the cage and we ordered one for him as well. After we were done, I walked back into the living room and Max waddled behind with his plug moving a bit in his ass.

Max sat down next to Bo and he and I gave him the rundown on the cleaning days and what to expect. We talked about some of the parties John had in the past and the basic expectations he had of us. Max was very inquisitive and asked a lot of questions and took notes on his phone as well.

"This has been all a whirlwind of an evening," Max said after there was a break in the conversation. "I am trying to keep everything straight."

"It's ok, Max," Bo said, reaching over to put his arm around Max's shoulders. "We are here to help you. If you ever have questions, just text one of us or call us to ask."

"Be sure to monitor your email as well," I said. "Sir will keep in pretty much daily contact with you at first."

"Yeah, he already emailed me on the way to your apartment," Max said. "I am supposed to meet with Master Jack who collared some boys he trained."

"Jack is awesome," Bo replied. "He collared Johnny, who was my sub brother before Matt here. He also collared Ryan, who preceded Johnny."

"He's a pretty hot guy," I replied with a wink to Max. "He's a tall, older daddy bear with a nice belly and an impressive package as well."

"You'll have a good time," Bo said with a smile. "But be sure that you prepare for your interview. You will probably be interviewing both Ryan and Johnny in addition to Jack."

"I will," Max said with a grin. "But, if it's ok with you two, I want to go see Sir Kenny before it gets too late. I promised I would let him know how the initiation went."

"Absolutely!" I replied as we all stood up.

I gave Max a hug and Bo did as well and then Max got dressed and left.

"I think I better hit the road as well, bubba," Bo said as he turned and gave me a quick kiss and a big hug. "See ya, tomorrow bro."

"Drive safe," I replied.

Wednesday evening after work, I was over at John's house as usual. Bo and I had arrived a little early and we were waiting on our knees in our spots when we heard John come down the staircase. As he walked into the dungeon area, we heard the door open in the entrance hall and the sound of Max rapidly trying to undress and put his things in his bin. He opened the door shortly after and John was staring at him when he came in. He was not pleased.

"You are late, Max," John said with a scowl.

"I am sorry, Sir," Max said as he stood and bowed his head. "I lost track of time."

"I don't want to hear excuses, boy," John replied. "Kneel in your spot."

Max hurriedly came over and knelt in his square on the floor.

"I know you are a new boy, but there are certain rules that are more important to me than others and punctuality is one of them," John said with a stern tone.

"I am sorry, Sir," Max said, with some hesitation in his voice. "I have no excuse."

"And I did not ask for any excuses, boy," John replied. "All three of you stand now!"

I was a bit concerned at this point, as I had never seen John upset before. Up to this point, I had done my best to follow all the rules and had never found myself afoul of him. We all stood and Bo and I put our hands behind our backs and Max followed suit.

"Come with me, Max," John replied.

Max left the spot where he was standing and followed John over to the fuck bench. John had him get on it and he strapped his legs and arms down. We then watched John cross the room and grab a large paddle from the wall. Max had turned his head to see where John was going, and you could see the concern in his face. John returned and stood behind Max's exposed ass.

"As punishment for being late, you will receive three swings from the paddle," John replied. "An additional swing will be added for trying to offer an excuse. When a swing has been delivered, I expect you to loudly thank me for your punishment. Is this understood boy?"

"Yes," Max said timidly.

"What was that boy?" John asked Max.

"Yes, Sir!" Max replied louder.

"I am adding another swing for not addressing me properly and not speaking up," John said. "Prepare yourself, boy."

Bo and I watched as John's arm arched back and the paddle came swinging down and hit Max's ass with a loud smack. Max yelped in response but immediately spoke up loudly.

"Thank you, Sir!" he replied.

The remaining four swings followed in the same way. When the final swing of the paddle was administered, we heard Max reply "thank you, Sir" once more and then a slight sob. John ran his hand over Max's ass. We could see it was slightly red from across the room. He then undid the restraints and had Max stand up and face him.

"Kenny has told me that you can be forgetful, and your punctuality is not the best," John said. "This is not a good start to your service to me. This is something you need to work on. When you are late, you are disrespecting the time of others."

"I understand, Sir," Max said, with tears running down his cheeks.

John reached up and wiped his face and put his hand on Max's shoulder.

"The punishment was delivered, and I consider the matter closed," John said. "Take a deep breath and go and stand next to your sub brothers."

Max bowed his head a bit and then turned and came back over to where we were and stood in his spot.

"Bo," John said after coming over and standing in front of us. "Please show Max the areas he will be responsible for cleaning today and how things work at the house. When you are done, you can come upstairs to my office so I can discuss a few things with you before you start your duties."

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied.

John then turned and left the room and went back upstairs. When the door closed behind him, we relaxed a bit and Bo turned to Max and hugged him.

"Are you ok, bro?" Bo asked.

Max hugged Bo back and then wiped his eyes.

"I'm ok," Max replied. "I'm just upset with myself more than anything. He is right. Sir Kenny has been on me about my forgetfulness and time management."

"We can help with that," I replied, going over to hug Max as well. "You just need to make a conscious effort to be early and set yourself alarms."

"You are right," Max said as he rubbed his sore ass. "It is a learning experience."

"Well, let's get started," Bo said to Max. "We have a lot to show you before we get started cleaning."

Max followed Bo and me over to the isolation room and we showed him where the duties were posted, where to find the cleaning supplies, and a basic rundown of what John expected of his subs. Max took over my duties that I had previously, and I started cleaning different rooms. Bo, as senior sub, was now responsible for the cleaning on the second floor.

"You're moving on up!" I grinned at Bo.

"I'm finally getting a piece of that pie!" Bo replied, with a laugh.

Max looked so confused at both of us and I rolled my eyes and explained the reference before we headed out to start our duties.

After I was done, I came downstairs to help Max finish wiping down the surfaces in the dungeon area. We were just finishing when Bo came down the staircase.

"You all done, Bo?" I asked.

"Yes, indeed," Bo replied. "That was the first time I have ever been in his office upstairs."

"I haven't been in there myself," I replied.

"Well, you will be up there soon enough," Bo said. "But I need to get going as I have some things to do before bed tonight. Are you ok closing up, or should I stay?"

"Max and I can handle it, bro," I replied. "Have a good evening."

Bo waved his hand and then left through the hallway door. I went back into the isolation room where Max was putting his cleaning supplies away. His furry ass had returned to a normal color and his cage was dangling between his legs as he bent down to put some rags away.

"How is the cage working out?" I asked him as he stood and turned towards me.

"So far, so good," Max said. "I'm still having trouble with night erections, though."

"Those will get better over time," I replied. "Your body just needs to adjust. The main thing is that you don't have any pain in the ring or any sores developing."

"Nothing like that," Max replied.

"That's good," I said, with a smile. "When do you go to see Sir Jack and his subs?"

"Tomorrow," Max replied.

"Be sure to set yourself an alarm on your phone and get there early!" I said.

"Oh, I plan on setting one as soon as we are done here," Max said.

I came over and gave him a big bear hug one more time and then put my arm around him.

"You'll get there, bro," I said.

Max laid his head on my chest and rubbed my belly.

"Thanks," Max said.

Next: Chapter 25

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