Southern Couple

By Adam

Published on Sep 15, 2002


Okay, I'm back with the story, sorry it took me so long, I just got sidetracked, then posted a seperate short entitled Tatttoos and Curls which you can check out here on the nifty archives, and that got a lot of people e-mailing me about Southern Couple. So I thought about it, and I really wanted to get back to it, and now was the perfect timing cuz I got my creative juices flowing. So this chapter won't be the longest, cuz I'm just getting back into it, but at least it's back.

Thanks to those who wrote to me and were waiting for this, you are some great fans.

~ Southern Couple ~

~ Chapter 7 ~

~ By Baby Brown ~

Justin sat around with a hard lemonade, not even processing the thoughts that were flowing through his mind as he drank it. Christina and Lance were yet to arrive, surprisingly being that Christina was so anxious to hang out with the older people that Justin had told her about being there. But on the other hand, if she was horny she had probably demanded that they take care of that before the party.

He could however process a few things as he downed his fifth drink, he knew if he didn't stop soon he was going to be drunk rather quick. He also knew that he was horny himself, and Brian was busy talking to his cousin and his cousin's boyfriend whom he still hadn't met yet. Both of them were back from college and although Brian was usually quick to introduce Justin to everyone, that had not been the case this time around.

So setting his empty bottle down he figured he would make the first move and introduce himself to Brian's cousin, who was sitting by himself anyways on the other side of the room. But before he could get there he was side swept by Howie.

"So, Just, dude, where's the blond? Cuz I'm really horny." Justin couldn't help but look down at that comment, he didn't really want to know if it was true, but he found out that it very much so was. He blushed a deep shade of red and looked back up to Howie's face, a face covered in a gleaming smirk. "Ya know Just, I think Brian's gonna have to look after your roaming eyes."

"I don't think he has to worry, those are the only things on my body that roam from him." Justin replied with a smile. "And I'm sure Christina will be here soon."

With that he turned and walked away making his way over to Brian's cousin. As he took a seat next to him he suddenly couldn't think of anything to say to him. But he figured he could just be normal.

"Hey, I'm Justin, Brian's boyfriend, your his cousin right?" The man's face lit up, apparently he was bored and talking to anyone would make him happy.

"Yeah, I'm Kevin." Justin was surprised at the forceful handshake, and assumed that strength and muscles ran in the family. "So, how long have you and Brian been dating?"

"Um, not very long at all, just a little bit before school started. I met him at football practice, I don't know if he told you that or not." Justin replied.

" play?" Justin could tell that Kevin was sceptical at that thought. He couldn't help but laugh.

"No, I'm a trainer type thing, ya know, water and towels for the team during practice. I'm a sophomore anyways, and not very good at football. We just sorta bumped into each other after practice one day, and I was the only one left so we got to talking and then he asked me out." Justin replied, summing it all up rather quickly for Kevin. "So what about you, how long have you been dating your boyfriend?"

"Chris, that's Chris that's talking to Brian. We've been dating about two years now. He's great, we just fit together, and we found it easy to rely on each other when it was tough to find someone else to rely on. You've got it much easier, Brian's mom went through this whole thing on the sidelines watching my parents react, and plus it's like five years later. My parents weren't exactly open to the idea, and Chris's mom was totally against it. But in the end we worked with each other, and our parents were just something we had to leave in the past to have a happy future." Kevin replied.

Justin thought about that for a second. He had never thought about choosing between Brian and his mom. He shook it from his head, happy that his mom loved Brian and vice-versa. He was happy that the whole situation of him coming out had worked out so well. He didn't know how he would have handled it not working out.

"So, you and Chris are like really serious?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking about asking him to marry me, but not until we're both out of grad school, I want us to be ready first." Kevin replied.

"Wow." Justin was shocked. He always hoped he would find a boyfriend that could make him happy, one that could grant him a marriage and a family, but he had never really watched it happen for someone else. He was beginning to think Kevin and Chris would be a great model for his and Brian's own relationship. "Well listen, why don't I point out some people and let you know about them."


"I figure you know all of Brian's friend's...right?" Kevin shook his head yes and Justin nodded. "Okay then, so you need to know Nick, he's over in the corner with Britney. They're in my grade, both of them can be obnoxious, especially when they try and act older and maturer around people that are older then they are. So stay away from them. Um, Alicia and Summer are the ones drinking and playing cards with A.J. They're both really nice, and they're style definetly fits with AJ's, although I'm not sure how long he'll get along with him when they drink him under the table and beat his ass. Cuz from what I heard AJ hates to lose." Justin smiled. "I think that's it, unless that high heel clicking noise is Christina."

Sure enough Christina strode into the room and away from Lance. Lance just absentmindedly made his way to the card table and asked to be dealt in. Christina found herself next to Howie quickly, and Justin watched with intent before snapping back into reality. "Okay, that's Christina, she's a bitch, and Howie's going to fuck her tonight. That guy that walked in Lance, one of my bestfriends, and he's her boyfriend. I know you wanna know why Howie and Christina are gonna get it on with Lance here, but don't ask, cuz it's a long story."

Kevin looked at Justin with confusion but then smiled. "Okay, I think I'll just pass on it then." Kevin replied. "I think I'm gonna get a want something?"

"Nah, I think I've had my limit, at least until the party starts up." Justin replied as he watched Kevin walk away. His gaze quickly switched to Christina and Howie walking into a bedroom. He wanted to do nothing else but following them and hear the events of what would transpire, but he knew Howie would glady tell him about it.

So instead he grabbed Brian by the arm and led him into a bedroom of their own.

"What do I owe this special aloneness to?" Brian asked as he bent down to suck on Justin's neck. Justin moaned out an unintelligble word and the necking continued. When Brian broke away Justin was already laying on the bed, his legs parted and his breathing heavy. "You trying to tell me something?" Brian asked with a smile and a lot of patience written on his face.

"Yes, I'm telling you that I'm horny, and this has to be fast becuase there's a party going on outside. So the quicker you fuck me, the quicker we can get out there and catch the amazing finale to the Christina/Lance/Howie/Summer fiasco that is going to unfold. So please, please, fuck me."

"Well, I'll tell you what, if you really want it, I guess we can do this." Brian smiled as he watched Justin shed his clothes in record speed. Brian was slower in that process, but by the time he had his clothes off Justin had him on the bed, making out with his cock.

Brian relaxed into the feeling, no noises coming from his lips, just silence as Justin worked magic with his mouth. And Brian couldn't help but question whether Justin had never truly done this before, but he knew that Justin wouldn't have lied, and he was just content with him being a fast learner. After all, he had used his techniques, so he couldn't be upset with the ease that he had taken up giving blow jobs.

Justin knew when to pull off and Brian knew just how to hate it. He smiled though as Justin crawled to the top of the bed and laid sprawled out, Brian didn't need much more of an invitation, he was no as horny as Justin, and he wasn't going to kid around any longer. He made his way up slowly, laying over top of Justin, letting Justin feel the heat, the sensuality that lay between their bodies.

When he finally moved into him, he did it swiftly and all at once, his mouth enveloped Justin's mouth, tongues darting at each other for control over one another's mouth, Brian's taking control of them both, and keeping them in a passionate and untamed dance. His penis was all the way in Justin, their bodies fitting so well together, and moving back with motions sychronized in one another's heads.

Justin bucked wildly into every thrust, following Brian as he pulled out and then letting himself be pushed back down with every thrust backin. He could never get enough of the motions that went along with the sex, each powerful motion was something that carried him into a wave of feelings and emotions...

In the other room, Howie and Christina's behavior was less intimate. Her skirt was up around her midsection as Howie pinned her to the wall fucking her as hard as he could. He was pounding her with craziness, no emotions or feelings going through his head, only the final release he knew he would get as he pounded this girl whom he couldn't even remember her name unless Justin was their to tell him.

Justin moaned into the final thrust as Brian shot his load into him. They lay silent together, as they both regained their composure. Brian pulled Justin close to him as he slid out, and kissed him on the cheek. They lay sweat covered for a minute or two before they both heard a loud, high pitched moan, both of them knowing that it was a moan of pleasure. They were quick enough to put on only their boxers as they rushed across the hall to see the rest of the party standing wide-eyed around a naked Howie and half-naked Christina, Howie's cock covered in a cum filled condom and Christina's hair a wild mess of sex.

Lance pushed his way out of the room and out of the door of the house. Summer was quick to follow, much to Christina's dismay. They watched her as she scattered for clothing and then out the door to follow Summer and Lance. Howie just smiled, whipped off the condom and threw it in the trash. He was still hard, and apparently the people in front of him watching him weren't helping that at all. As they all turned Justin and Brian now became the center of attention.

Both of them in just underwear was a sight to see, one that Howie was happy to have the room fixed on. He made his way out of the room dressed, and over to the fridge, pulling out a coors light he chugged it down and smiled, Justin hadn't lied, she had been a good fuck.

Down the street, around the corner, through a bushy fence and behind some anger Lance stood panting. Why he had left he couldn't really figure out. He didn't care so much that she had cheated on him, and the last thing he wanted people to think was that he was emotional and running away to cry. That was the last thing he was even thinking of in his own head.

Summer stopped as she saw Lance. All her life she had waited for a chance to make Lance see his mistake with Christina, and now when she could jump on it she no longer could think of a reason to make Lance see his stupidity. Instead she only wished to help him through it and hopefully in the process she could get him to see her.

She walked into the opening slowly and quietly, and sighed when she knew that Lance had caught sight of her.



"I was just coming to see if you were okay?"

"Thanks, I am, just really pissed."

"To be honest Lance, you can do so much better then her. I mean, I don't want to lecture you, or tell you about her, because I know you liked her, but she's been like that the whole time you've been dating her."

"Don't worry, cuz you're wrong, I didn't really like her, I don't really like her. I mean, it was just easy, so easy to date her, to make love to her, to take her to dances, show her to my parents. I don't know, it was easy to have a girlfriend. " Lance replied as Summer took a seat next to him. Christina was still emotionally running down the street, at the same time trying to fix her sex messed hair, with no such luck in either attempt.

"You didn't need to date her, I mean, you could have had any body you wanted. You are really good looking, and one of the coolest guys in our grade and most other grades." Summer blushed, hoping that Lance didn't notice that or the part where she said he was good looking. But he obviously had, as he smiled brightly and blushed himself.

"Thanks, it's just, I don't know, I don't want any body else. I don't want Christina either, I just, I don't know." Lance replied without words to process his thoughts.

"Ya know you could date me if you wanted." It wasn't loud, it wasn't confident, and it wasn't all there, but Lance heard it, and Summer knew she said it. That was all that mattered in that moment. It was the one thing she had lived for, now was it, a yes or a no, a chance to get her dream, or the final blow.

Christina stopped as she watched her boyfriend and Summer sitting close in silence. She wanted to jump through the bushes and interrupt them, but she wanted to listen to see if he was going to say anything about her. She should have jumped, she should have made her move, because slowly Lance made a move of his own, it wasn't bold and it wasn't thought out, but it was a kiss, slow and tentative.

Christina fell to the floor crying, Summer and Lance both turned to see her in the grass tears flowing from her eyes. Summer knew it wasn't her place to say anything, and so she followed Lance out of the wooded area and over her sobbing body. She thought Lance would have something to say to her, but she thought wrong, because they walked out of her view in silence, Lance's hand finally grabbing for hers as they entered the house.

No one questioned them, most of the group was by now drunk, Justin was asleep on Brian's lap, Kevin and Chris were in a bedroom, Alicia was half naked and A.J was naked from their rousing game of strip poker, and Howie was still fully dressed, hardly drunk talking to Joey. Britney and Nick were passed out in the corner, Lance assumed they had never stopped drinking the whole night. He smiled, it was weird, but without Christina there, everything seemed to fit more for him.

Okay, so like I said, it's not very long, and I don't think it's that good, but it's back, and I'm going to try and work on it more then I did before.

If you wanna let me know what you thought just e-mail me at

Thanks for reading, hope to hear from some of you.

Next: Chapter 8

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