Sowing Wild Oats

By Gadfly

Published on Feb 21, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated (including critiques) to or ICQ#32364537

Ch. 6: Walking the Line

Rob and Rick tore across the quad, aiming for the safety and darkness of the library, which was an old house buried in an overgrown garden out of Hans Christian Anderson, surrounded by poplars, pines and shrubs. There was nobody around and they made it. Not speaking a word since the sauna, they remained quiet to catch their breath and see if anyone was about or following.

After a few minutes, Rob said, "seems safe, for now. I imagine George went back to bed after checking the sauna. Now, how are we going to get to Samuels? Is that the best place to go?"

"You're likely right about George. Samuels makes sense. If we make it there and then get caught, we can claim someone stole our clothes. That wouldn't wash as well here, as they'd expect us to wake up one of our friends and get help. You don't know anyone at Samuels that we could be expected to ask to help out, do you? I don't, unless you count Vanya."

Rob snorted, "Vanya! We'd be better off with George. Vanya would insist on taking pictures for hours before she did anything to help. You know she's always after all the guys to pose for her. Talk about walking into the lion's den! She's not in the dorms anyway - she has her own apartment nearby, she said she needed the space for her studio. Anyway, nobody would expect us to go there - they'd expect us to avoid it at all costs, especially if our story about having our clothes stolen is to be believed. Hell, we could probably gain credibility by suggesting that she may have nicked them. No, the only other person I know there is Hans, and he's almost as bad as Vanya."

"Oh yeah, I'd forgotten him. At least he's not pushy, and he only wants to paint. I was actually thinking of agreeing to pose for him."

"Come on Rick, he's gay. What makes you think that all you'd end up doing would be posing?"

Rick laughed, "This coming from one guy naked with a hard-on to another. Speaking of which, I think it's time to take care of this, while we have the chance. If we get caught, I'd rather not be quite so obscene about it." And he started to stroke, getting the expected result quickly.

Rob was not far behind. When he was done, he laughed, "OK, I suppose Hans isn't so bad. Well, have you figured out a route?"

"Unless you have a better idea, I figure we have three blocks to go before we can slip onto the railway tracks, on fairly dark streets. Or, we can brazen it out and straight down to the tracks. Saves us a block, but it's brightly lit and we might hurt our feet on the way, and then we'd be in trouble playing tennis later."

"OK, the long way it is. But, aren't the tracks fairly open?"

Ron pondered and responded, "Yeah, but they're dark, and we're not likely to run into anyone - it's a bit early for a donut run. We have one major street to cross, but it shouldn't be busy, although the tracks are quite open on both sides, and well-lit there." Rob nodded and they headed off, darting from one dark patch to the next across the areas lit by streetlights. Finally, they made it to the tracks.

"Oops, looks like we have a problem," observed Rob. "There's a lot of broken glass here."

"Yeah, be really careful. We both need our feet, and I don't want to have to go get medical care just now, although I'm dressed for it, I suppose."

"Nah, you're supposed to have only your ass on display in one of those shortie night-gowns. If we take it slowly, we should be OK. Tell you what, why not walk on the rails - you know, like a tightrope? You're in charge, as you won the game, so it's your call."

"Hey, I'm not in charge here! I used up my winnings on the doubles game. Plus I invited Mary and Beth, and gave George your room key. The way I see it, you've got two or three picks before we're even again, depending on how you cut it. Let's say 2, and we'll walk the line."

Rob pondered for a bit, and got an evil grin. "You mean I get to plan the next two stunts, and you'll go along with it?"

It was Rick's turn to look nervous. "Umm, yeah. But hey, remember that everything I made you do, I did too. Let's try and keep in the same spirit, huh?"

"Fair enough. OK, we'll walk the line, but we+IBk-ll do it with boners again. If you think you're going to lose your balance, step down onto a tie after checking for glass and before you fall. But, if you do step down, you gotta stroke your dick, five times with just the index finger on the head. The other guy gets a break too, and the show doesn't start until he's ready."

Rick nodded and stepped up on the rail after giving his cock a few good squeezes. "I'm ready. This could be a long walk. I assume the no-touching rule is in effect, except for the tie rule."

Rob nodded, having given himself the same treatment, stepped onto the rail, put his hands over his head for balance and took his first few steps. Rick laughed, and, starting to lose his balance, stepped off the rail. "Oops."

Rob stepped off onto a tie and turned to watch. Rick licked his index finger and wiped the upper part of the head. "Oh, you are a bastard, Rob. Once is bad enough, but five times! We'll never get there." Rob just smiled, holding up 1 finger. Rick licked gain, and tried the slit this time, and just moaned. Rob held up a second finger. Rob licked and aimed for the underside this time, and looked a little more pleased. Rob held up a third finger. Rick licked his finger and looked down +IBM he could no longer reach the top side unless he prised it off his belly, so he went for the left side.

"Nice form. Like the way you've covered all the options. But, you're gonna have trouble next time." Rob held up a fourth finger, and Rick did the right side.

Getting back on the rail, Rick put his hands over his head and slowly stepped along. "Come on, let's get going." As he caught up to Rob, Rob also got back on the other rail and moved along at the same pace.

"We must look like a couple of ballet dancers," said Rick.

"Awfully sheer tights, I'd say. Plus our codpieces are a bit mediaeval-erotic style. Maybe we should go on tip-toes and complete the image?" Rob went up on just his toes and looked over at Rick, who shook his head.

"No way. I can't do that. How the hell can you?"

"Easy. Dance lessons in elementary school. I didn't want to go, but Mom insisted, saying I'd thank her later. She was right, it came in handy being able to dance without clobbering my partners feet, and I think it helped with the tennis footwork."

Rick said, "You have hidden depths. Even so, I didn't have dance lessons and couldn't keep that up for more than a couple of steps. OK if I carry on as before?"

"Sure thing." Rob took a few more steps on his toes and then went back to normal. "Out of practice myself, so no point in overdoing it. We're coming up to a cross-street, but just carry on as if it weren't there."

Rick trailed a bit behind Rob, who confidently waltzed across the street, hands still high over his head. Rick looked nervously up and down the street and gingerly set out, trying to push the pace a bit. But he made it and then stopped on the rail a few feet back into the darkness. "The next cross-street is the main drag, and it's well- lit. You're not doing this there are you?"

Rob paused too and looked back at Rick. "No, I have something better in mind. I'll tell you when we get there. Stop just short of the light, stay in the shadows and we'll wait for our opportunity. Trust me, you'll like it, after it's over." He stuck his tongue out, and took off down the rail.

Next: Chapter 6

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