Sowing Wild Oats

By Gadfly

Published on Mar 5, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated (including critiques) to or ICQ#32364537

Ch. 7: Wheeling Across

Getting to the edge of the darkness, Rob stopped and turned around to wait for Rick, who was moving slowly and obviously having some trouble. Rob stepped down onto a tie, and said, "Tie forfeit. You can come over on the ties if you want."

Rick looked puzzled, "Why did you do that? You didn't need a rest break?"

"Two reasons. One, you looked like you were about to fall, and neither of us need that. Two, everything you've made me do so far, you've done as well, and it's my turn to even the score."

Rick grinned, and moved along more rapidly, using the rail and the ties. Rob licked his finger and proceeded to do just as Rick had done earlier, panting when he finished, "You're right, this is nasty. It's more excruciating than I expected."

"Serves you right -- it was your idea. Now give: what's the drill for crossing the road?"

"Well," Rob paused for effect, eliciting a frown from Rick. "You may have noticed that there's been no traffic since we could see the road, so we'll probably be OK. Jut the same, we don't want to get caught before we have our excuse of getting our clothes stolen, so we can't dawdle, as traffic can come up very quickly. I thought we should do cartwheels or maybe a crab-walk, but the cartwheels or somersaults are too risky on asphalt and the crab-walk is a bit slow. A three-legged run would be fun, but we've got nothing to tie our legs together. So, I think we should wheelbarrow or leapfrog -- I prefer the wheelbarrow, as I was never much good at vaulting."

"Wheelbarrow? You mean that kid's race gimmick?"

"Yep. This is our last chance to act like kids, so let's do it. Besides, if we beat Ron and George, we can challenge them to a race and we'll have had a bit of practice. Do you want to be the barrow or shall I?"

As Rick thought about it, a car whizzed by, surprising them both. "I'm bigger, so you can be the barrow. I dunno about this, though - we've got about ten feet either side of the road and sidewalks we've got to be careful on because of the litter and the light. The wheelbarrowing will be fast enough, but getting set up will take a bit of time."

Rob winced, and, after a bit, said, "You're right, but I can't think of anything else right now. Should we just run across?"

"No, let's do it. I haven't got a better idea and we'd kick ourselves later if we didn't do something special here. I'm getting cold just standing here, so let's go." Rick headed towards the road.

Rob beat him there, and got down on his hands and knees by the time Rick arrived. Rick grabbed Rob's ankles, pulled them to his hips and they set off.

"Hey, slow down a bit, I can't keep up this pace." Rob yelled back after a couple of steps. Rick complied but they were across in less than a minute anyway. Rick set Rob down and headed off to the darkness. Rob was on his feet in a flash and right behind him. Just in time, as another car sped along behind them.

"That was close! Next time, hold my legs a little lower, would ya? I think we could go a bit faster."

"Sorry, haven't done that in ten or fifteen years, and then I was the barrow. There's the sauna." Rick pointed.

"No problem. Good thing we had a practice run. You wait outside and I'll check to make sure it's clear." Rob said as he gingerly picked his way through the undergrowth. "Ouch - take your time, there's more stuff in these bushes."

Rick nodded, but Rob was well on his way. As he got to the edge of the building, Rob appeared, carrying some clothes!

Next: Chapter 7

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