Spade Is a Spade

By Andrew Clubs

Published on Sep 4, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not know the sexuality of any celebrity mentioned in this story. This story is FICTION.

What's up everyone?

For the good of the story, I'm gonna change to a third person Narrative. Shoot me an email and let me know what you think.

Now, on with the show!

****************************************** Previously

"Money, fame, the whole shebang." I smiled at him.

"That would be awesome wouldn't it?" he asked


"To actually do it, go be celebrities, tour the world."

"Yeah, hopefully someday." I replied while both of us got lost in our own thoughts. Sitting up I pulled him with me and looked at him.

"Let's you and me right now, make a pact." He looked confused.

"What kind of pact?"

"Right now we make a pact that we will both get our dreams and become two of the biggest superstars to ever come into this world. Furthermore, a pact that no matter what happens or where we go or what we do, we remain the best of friends." I said.

"Deal, and no matter the trouble that faces us, we always talk things out and be completely honest with each other."" He stuck his hand out for me to shake which I willingly took.

"You ready to make our dreams come true?" I smiled.

"Oh, hell yeah." he once again pulled me into a hug, God, there is no where else I'd rather be than in his arms.

Sean lays in his Hotel room asleep. Justin had left at around midnight, he gave Sean one last hug goodbye, which of course, turned Sean into warm pudding. Madonna, opens the door to Sean's hotel room and smiles at Sean asleep in the bed. She feels extremely lucky to have discovered Sean. Not only because he is a great talent, but she is grateful that he finally has somewhere safe to sleep, even if it is a Hotel room.

Madonna is still in awe of the strength that Sean had to have had to be able to survive on his own from such a young age. While she feels it was unfortunate that Sean had to experience that pain and loss, she feels it will only help him when it comes to this business, because she knows, not only is this a tough industry to work in, but, she knows that the incident on "Fred's Morning" is just the tip of the iceberg Sean will have to face in his career.

Getting to know Sean as she has over the last few months, she has no doubt he is strong enough to not only to survive the drama that will head his way, but he will overcome it and thrive in this world as one of the greatest artists, especially with Justin by his side, speaking of Justin, that's exactly why she is here in the first place, to find out what happened last night. Creeping over to the bed Sean is sleeping on, she starts to shake Sean's shoulder.

"Sean, it's time to wake up." she whispers.

Sean rolls away from her while mumbling something before going right back to sleep. Madonna grabs the covers and pulls them off of him.

"Get up, Sean!" she shouts. Seasn sits right up and squints over at her.

"I'm awake, what's up?" he says while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He looks so much like a kid right now Madonna can't help but smile at him.

"It's 10:30, it's time to get up, you have a meeting in an hour, and you need to eat and shower." Still a little dazed Sean stumbles out of bed and into the bathroom, nature calls.

"How did last night go?" She yelled through the door. She hears the sink come on and shut off before Sean comes out.

"It went great, Justin is a nice guy." he replies while putting his shirt on.

"I could tell, are you guys gonna hang out today?" she hands him the breakfast menu and ruffles his hair.

"Yeah, it's a good thing you woke me up when you did, he's supposed to call at eleven. Do you mind if I get the fruit plate?" he asks. It still surprises her when he asks for these kind of things, although she's happy he's polite enough to do so.

"You don't even have to ask, you know you can get what you want. Are you sure you don't want pancakes or something else?"

"I'm sure, I want the fruit plate, thanks though." he smiled at her.

"Your welcome, but you're making me look bad, eating all healthy while I eat like a teenager." she sits down on the bed.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you about that, a woman of your age should really eat better." Sean smiles cheekily at her. Before he even knows what's going on Madonna jumps on him and starts tickling. After a few minutes of laughs, she finally gets off of him and orders his food for him. Hanging up the phone she sits next to him and shoots him a big smile.

"You like him don't you?"

"Who?" he knows exactly who she's talking about he just doesn't want to answer the question.

"Don't pretend you don't know. I'm talking about Justin, you like him more than just a friend." She continues to push for information. Sean, knowing she won't let up, caves.

"Yeah, I do. I mean, there is nothing not to like, he's sweet, sexy and is the most interesting person I know. I just, don't think he's interested in me in that way." Sean looks at Madonna and smiles sadly at her. She puts her arm around him and chuckles a little at his Naiveity, she has been around for a long time, and she would put money on the fact that Justin is smitten with Sean. However, she feels it's not her place to push it, it's up to Sean to Figure it out for himself.

"Well, if I were you, I'd tell him and see what happens."

"I can't do that, what if he doesn't feel the same?" Sean looks at Madonna, she can see he is scared of losing Justin, which, considering they just met is surprising, but if she's learned one thing in all her years in the music biz, when you find somebody that's honest, and you click with, you latch on. Because, finding a good person in this fast pace life is hard to come by.

"You do what you feel is right, but if you tell him, I think he may surprise you." The ringing phone and a knock at the door interrupt their talk.

"I'll get the door, you answer the phone." She goes and answers the door. Sean looks at the phone nervously, he knows it's Justin. Shaking off the butterflies, he answers the phone.

"Hello?" He asks shakily, his nerves are getting the best of him. Sean knows he shouldn't like Justin as much as he does, he doesn't even know if Justin likes guys. Oh well, he'll just have to make do with friendship.

"Hey Sean, it's Justin!" Justin's smooth voice over the phone is enough to turn Sean into a seven year old girl.

"What's up Justin?" He asks while getting his nerves in check.

"I just wanted to see if you still want to hangout today?" Justin is hoping he will say yes. Unknown to Sean, Justin feels the same way about him. Since he met Sean, he hasn't been able to get him out of his head. He wants to spend as much time with Sean as he possibly can.

"Yeah of course, I wouldn't miss it." Sean is so excited he could do cartwheels right now.

"Great, do you mind if we hang out over here at my place today? My mom really wants to meet you, she saw you on Fred yesterday."

"Oh No! Your Mom saw that? She must think I'm crazy." Sean can't believe Justin's mother saw that. To top it all off Justin wants him to meet her. What could he possibly be thinking? Just then Madonna hands the fruit plate which Sean starts attacking.

"No she doesn't, she really wants to meet you. Please?" How can Sean even resist Justin.

"Alright fine." Justin whoops with excitement, which makes Sean smile, glad that Justin wants to hang out with him.

"Great, pick you up at 12:30?" Sean looks over at Madonna.

"Hey Maddy? Do you think we'll be out of the meeting by 12:30?" he asks with hope in his voice. Madonna smiles at him.

"We should be, providing you pay attention." she laughs as he sticks his tongue out at her.

"Sure Justin, 12:30 is fine."

"Awesome, see you then, bye."

"Bye." Sean hangs up the phone with a smile.

"Well, let's get this meeting over with so you have time to shower and stuff." Sean jumps up and rushes out of his room over to Jack's. Madonna can't help but laugh at his enthusiasm before walking over herself.

The meeting is the same boring meeting it always is, Jack telling Sean his schedule and discussing details, blah, blah, blah. Right now, Sean is a bit more antsy than normal. The clock seems to be working at a slower pace than usual, he just wants to get ready to see Justin, not this stuff. Sean still can't decide if he's gonna tell Justin about his feelings, he's already attached to him and couldn't handle if he was dejected. Although, he feels he should probably do it before he gets even more attached than he is now, as if that's possible. Now he's back where he started, still unsure of what to do. Maybe he'll just see how today goes. Jacks voice pulls Sean out of his thoughts.

"Sean, listen carefully, this is a big deal. Your apperance on "Fred", has gone National. We have been getting requests from a lot of talk shows for you to appear. Including the big one, Oprah." Madonna seemed thrilled at the news while Sean just looked confused.

"Oprah? Isn't that a vegetable?" Madonna and Jack chuckled, while Sean still looked confused. Seeing Sean's face Madonna went on to explain.

"No, your thinking of Okra. Oprah, hosts her own Tv show called Oprah, it's one of the most popular talk shows in the country. It's a big deal that she wants you on her show."

"Oh, so, what day is that scheduled for?"

"Day after tomorrow if your interested." Jack looked hopefully at Sean.

"Sure, why not? Could be fun, as long as she doesn't attack me like Fred did."

"I'm sure she won't, she's professional." Madonna put her hand on Sean's shoulder and smiled gently at him.

"Great, well Sean, your free to go, have fun." Before Jack could even finish the sentence Sean was up heading towards the door.

"Thanks." He yelled over his shoulder while walking out the door.

Impatiently, Sean paces in front of his hotel waiting for Justin to show up. The butterflies that had plauged him during Justin's phone call are back in full force. Not only is he excited to see Justin again, he is nervous over meeting Justin's Mom, especially with her having seen that disastrous interview. He continues to pace and think until a Limo pulls up in front of the hotel. Not sure if it's Justin, Sean continues to pace. Suddenly, the back door opens and Sean watches with a smile as Justin gets out. Beaming at Sean, Justin rushes over and hugs him tightly, Sean basks in the comfort of the hug. After a few seconds Justin releases him and grabs his hand and pulls him into the awaiting limo. Upon entering, Sean sees JC has tagged along. Sean smiles at him before sitting down, Justin shuts the door and sits next to Sean.

"Hey JC, hows it goin?" Sean smiles at Jc trying to calm his nerves down.

"Pretty well, and yourself?" Jc smiles widely at him, as if he knows something Sean doesn't.

"Better now that I'm out of the fucking meeting." Sean replies. Feeling eyes on him, he turns in time to see Justin staring at him with a goofy smile on his face. He smiles back.

"What? Is something on my face?" Sean tries to get a conversation started with Justin because the staring is starting to get a little unnerving.

"No, sorry, I'm just excited to hangout with you." Justin's smile turns sheepish, which makes Sean shoot the same smile back.

"I am too." Seans nerves suddenly go away, and he's happy. If he didn't know any better he would think Justin was into him. Although, it's probably all in his head, he doesn't feel he's good enough for Justin, he's trash. However, if Sean knew that Justin was thinking similar things he would have started doing cartwheels.

To Be Continued....

Once again let me know what you think of the story and how you feel about the new story narrative.

Next: Chapter 5

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