Spade Is a Spade

By Andrew Clubs

Published on Sep 18, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not know the sexuality of any celebrity mentioned in this story. This story is FICTION.

What's up everyone?

I would once again like to thank everyone who has emailed me about the story.

Now, On with the show!


Feeling eyes on him, he turns in time to see Justin staring at him with a goofy smile on his face. He smiles back.

"What? Is something on my face?" Sean tries to get a conversation started with Justin because the staring is starting to get a little unnerving.

"No, sorry, I'm just excited to hangout with you." Justin's smile turns sheepish, which makes Sean shoot the same smile back.

"I am too." Seans nerves suddenly go away, and he's happy. If he didn't know any better he would think Justin was into him. Although, it's probably all in his head, he doesn't feel he's good enough for Justin, he's trash. However, if Sean knew that Justin was thinking similar things he would have started doing cartwheels.

The limo has been quiet for the past couple of minutes. Sean and Justin continue to sneek glances at each other. JC has been watching the exchanges the two have been sending back and forth with a smile. Last night when Justin got back, he confessed to JC that he had feelings for Sean and was scared Sean didn't feel the same. JC had thought Justin was getting a little ahead of himself and was going too fast. However, now, watching Justin and Sean together, he knows that they both have a connection already. They just need to let the other one know how they feel. Watching these two go back and forth, he decided to help them out with starting a conversation.

"So, Sean, how long are you in Orlando for?" JC smiled as Justin shot him a grateful look.

"Oh, um, I actually leave tomorrow night." Sean frowned over at Justin.

"What? That soon?" Justin panicked. He thought he at least had a couple of days.

"Yeah, I was supposed to be here for a week, but the Fred thing went National, now I'm flying to Chicago to do something called Oprah." When Sean finished talking, he heard JC and Justin gasp and look at him bug eyed.

"O..Oprah? You get to do Oprah?" JC was absolutely bewildered.

"Yeah, is that bad?" Their reactions were starting to freak Sean out.

"Bad? Hell no! It's fucking fantastic!" JC still seemed amazed.

"Sean, artists can work their whole life and never make it on her show. It's a big deal when you're on, millions of people watch that show. Congratulations." Justin put his hand on Sean's shoulder and squeezed. Sean in return did the same to Justin's hand.

"Thanks, I hope she doesn't pull a Fred." Sean said releasing Justin's hand.

"She won't. She is very supportive of Gays" JC encouraged Sean.

"Wow, were here already." Justin said. Following Justin out of the car Sean took a deep breath before following Justin to the front door. Jc noticed that. Justin had a hold of Sean's hand and was pulling him to the door. Neither, Sean nor Justin even realized that fact. Inside the house Justin continued to pull. Sean to the kitchen while yelling out.

"Mom! We're Here!" he looked over at Sean and smiled, which Sean returned, barely. Finally, in the kitchen, Sean sees a woman in her early 40's with shoulder leghth hair wiping her hands om a dish towel before smiling at them, specifically Sean.

"Mom, this is Sean Aiden, aka Spade, Sean, this is Lynn Harrless, aka Mom." Justin does the introduction, trying to calm Sean down, he can see he's nervous.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Harrless." Sean formally says while trying to shake the nerves off. Lynn, pushing his hand away, pulls Sean into a hug. Sean stiffens up for a moment before returning the hug.

"No need to be so formal, Call me Lynn, the way Justin and the boys have been going on about you, I feel like I know you. Not to mention seeing you on Fred, I think the way you handled that homophobic prick was fantastic." She said as she pulled out of the hug.

"Thanks." Sean, couldn't believe this, he thought for sure this was gonna be a terrible meeting. Her son had practically stayed the night with a known gay boy. This should be a fun night.

"Justin, lunch almost ready, why don't you take Sean on a tour of the house. JC can help me finish." Lynn smiles at Sean. Justin grabs Sean's hand and pulls him out of the kitchen. Walking over to Lynn JC puts his arm around her and smirks.

"Subtle Lynn, really subtle." Going back to the counter and chopping veggetables, Lynn smiles brightly at JC.

"What? Those two are adorable together, seeing Sean on Fred, I thought those two would be a good match, Sean would definitely be able to handle Justin. Plus, Justin has been talking about him all day. I think there is great potential there." JC makes his way over to Lynn and kisses her on the cheek.

"Your such a great Mom."

Justin had shown Sean the entire house, including his room. Sean, was amazed at the pictures of Justin all over. Baby pictures aren't something his parents ever did. Finished with the tour the pair is out on the back porch swing looking over the small garden.

"You know. Your Mom is really great." Sean smiles over at Justin.

"Yeah, I told you. Hopefully, she calmed your nerves." Justin smirked while Sean glared at him.

"Nerves? Ha, I don't get nervous I....." Sean trailed off while Justin gave him a yeah right look. "She did." Chuckling, Justin leans over and put his arm around Sean. Sighing contentedly Sean snuggles into the embrace, unconsciously rubbing Justin's stomach.

"If I ask you something, will you promise not to get mad?" Nervously Justin begins to play with Sean's hair.

"I promise I'll try."

"Where are your parents? I mean. My mom would never let me get into this business without her there." Startled by the Sean question, Sean pulls away from Justin and sits on the opposite side of the swing and stares off. After about five minutes of silence Justin breaks the tension.


"I don't know." That statement from Sean confuses Justin, but the look on Sean's face scares him.

"What do you mean?" He asks softly, almost fearing the response.

"I mean. I don't know where my parents are. They abandoned me in Central Park when I was eight." Justin sits in shock, who would do that to their kid, to Sean. As Justin reaches out to hug Sean. JC yells out the window that lunch is ready. Justin and Sean make their way silently into the house.

To BE Continued.....

Sorry about not posting last week, I caught the flu and it knocked me down and threw rocks at me.(LOL) Once again sorry.

Next: Chapter 6

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