Special Assistant

Published on Apr 23, 2005


Special Assistant

Part 13

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Randall was in a talkative mood. He wanted to know if I had any high ranking friends he could meet. I told him no. "My interlude with Baskervill was a fluke. I usually hob nob in much more modest circles." I said

"You need to move up. Steve's introduced me to several of his friends. Let me tell you, if you're a conservative, family-values kind of man and like to top like me, there's a place for you in this administration," Randall said. "They're afraid of exposure, but if you're safe, they love it."

"Do you only top?"

"One or two men like to pitch. I can do that too, if I have to," Randall said. "It's not my preference, but sometimes you need to go with the flow. That is, if the money's good enough."

"Are any women interested in you?" I asked.

"None, and that's a bit odd in my book," Randall explained. "Either they're happily married, frigid, or after men who have a lot more money and power than me. In some way that's good for me. It hard to fit all my customers in as it is."

"Is the money good?"

"It sure is. Steven pays for all of it, if I tell him who they are," Randall said. "He likes it if I bed reporters and media types, like Walford. That kind of information is red meat for Steven. If someone gets too inquisitive, he can let them know he knows about their sexual interests. We've go no problems with investigative reporters at all." Randall was slowly pumping my ass throughout the conversation. When he was talking about the reporters, he picked up his pace. The thought of fucking men and reporting their names to Steven excited him.

"Well make sure you give him my name," I said. "That will give him a thrill."

Randall laughed. "You've got a good ass, but this is pure recreation for me," he said. "Now, I may get a bonus for Welford. Welford's a big name and influential. Steve would dock my pay if he knew I was here fucking you just to get my rocks off." He continued talking. After a ten minutes of conversation I realized he thought he was a big time thinker.

Randall viewed himself as a Walter Cronkite sort. He saw himself as a major player in the media. He felt his conservative political leavings prevented him from achieving the success he deserved. While he was complaining about the evils of the liberal press, he gave me a few hard thrusts and shot off.

His interest in sex and in me vanished when he shot off. He got dressed and left. I was puzzled by Randall's spectacular lack of self awareness. He was turning tricks so his boss would have blackmail materials, yet he saw himself as an intellect of the highest order.

The next day I recounted my conversation with Randall to Rolf. Rolf didn't like what I told him at all.

"A two-bit whore with delusions of grandeur, that's just what our nation needs," he said. "It strikes me as a particularly dangerous combination. Randall or Ronnie may not have enough sense to keep his mouth shut."

"Randall thinks he's fucking for America," I said. "I don't think he noticed blackmail is against the law. I don't think it's occurred to him most people would think he's scum. He told me he was a family-values kind of man."

"A family-value oriented man fucker and black mailer?"

"That's the way he sees it. He's providing a service for Steven. He was serious about this," I said. "He wasn't joking." We returned to working on Rolf's memoirs for the rest of the day. That evening I watched the national news and caught part of a Presidential news conference. The President took a question from Randall. I hope no one noticed.

I called Rolf right away and told him.

"Shit!" Rolf exclaimed. "Everyone knows the President pre selects the reporters he calls. Someone will notice when he calls a complete nonentity."

"He doesn't like the Helen Thomas type, does he?" I said.

"It seems to me, if your stupid enough to have a male hooker in the White House, you should have the common decency to keep him out of the lime light," Rolf said. "I wonder whether this is Randall's, or Stevens' idea?"

"I don't know Steven,"I said, "but I do know Randall has a clear sense of his own self importance."

"Maybe the president will be lucky," Rolf said. "He's gotten away with so much, he must think he can do anything he wants and the press will give him a free pass." Rolf hung up. The next morning I got the Post, half expecting to see a headline, "Hooker in High Places," or something like that. There was no mention of Randall.

I spent the day fact checking some of Rolf's information. Rolf had a great memory, but he was worried about making errors and I had to check everything. Rolf went out to dinner, so I had a quiet night at home. At seven I got a call from Watson, my book store friend. He had a friend from Philadelphia he thought I would like to meet.

"Is this a blind date?" I asked.

"Well, just think of me as Dolly Levi with a thick beard," Watson replied. "I think you have the same interests."


"Not even close to being political, but take my word, you'll like him." Watson said. With that comment I agreed to go to Watson's apartment and meet his friend. Fifteen minutes later I was knocking on Watson's door.

Watson introduced me to his friend, J. Wistar MacAfee. His friends called him Wizard. Wizard looked like a man designed by a committee. The pieces didn't seem to fit just right. Tall, thin and gangly, he was bald and had a thick, bushy beard.

Wizard was an archaeologist and had the manner of an absent-minded professor. I soon discovered he was indeed a professor at Penn. He was in Washington doing research at the Library of Congress. He was also giving a lecture there on "Theories and Myths about the Collapse of Mayan Civilization."

I don't move in academic circles and didn't realize not just anybody gives a lecture for the Library of Congress. I commented it struck me as an obscure subject.

Wizard laughed. "You don't know what obscurity is until you've been to an Archaeological Conference. A lecture titled, "Loom weights and their Role in Dating Aegean Settlements" might well be the high point," he said.

"I'm afraid I don't know enough about it to judge," I said. "Mayan civilization is your specialty?"

"Yes, but I also have a sideline in tracing homosexuality in primitive societies," he replied.

"I didn't know that existed," I said.

"Everyone knows about the Greek's taste for man sex," Wizard commented. "It seems there are several more. I found one in Central America in a Mayan tribe and another in Oceania. It appears male sex was used to encourage male bonding, but it also served as a birth control technique."

Watson smiled. "Man on man sex will certainly reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies," he said. "It's a never fail technique."

"Several cultures discovered that. It's important in borderline areas where survival is problematic. If you're a tribe living on the edge and your population grows you can easily outstrip the food resources. One solution for the problem is perpetual, ritual, war fair and cannibalism. Homosexual sex is a lot more fun and not as messy."

"Are you serious about this?" I asked.

"Of course I am," Wizard said. "I discovered a Journal kept by an ancestor. Angus MacAfee survived a shipwreck in the later years of the 19th century, but was captured by the natives. Fortunately for him the tribe worshiped cocks. Angus was hung like Godzilla and became a White God for a tribe in the Pacific near Australia. He had the cock of a god as far as they could tell. The sex was almost entirely homosexual except for a mating season."

"Did you inherit any of his distinctive features?" I asked.

"I did," Wizard admitted. "He was a professor too."

Watson let out a belly laugh. "Fess up, Wizard. There's one other physical feature you inherited!"

Wizard blushed. "I guess there is one other feature," he admitted. "Angus MacFee's Journal is fascinating. I ran into a similar case in Central America several years ago. It persists there. The tribe survived the collapse of Mayan culture, the Aztecs, Spanish and modern civilization, so there must be something to it."

"I'm wondering if the modern emphasis on gay sex might be a human reaction to the problems of over population? You can make a case that population growth is one of the greatest threats facing us today," Wizard said. "Gay sex may be a human defense mechanism. It certainly is a better option for population control than genocide. Somehow, genocide seems to be all the rage now."

"Isn't it funny the Family values people are much more worried about cock sucking than genocide?" Watson commented.

"Well the archaeological discussion is fascinating, but I'm interested in that other element you inherited from your ancestor," I said.

"Are you a size queen?" Wizard asked.

"I don't think of myself that way, but I do seem to have an interest," I said. "I hope you aren't offended."

"Don't worry about that, Jason," Watson said. "Your cock lust is why you're here. Wizard is horny as hell and wants a guy who can take his cock."

"I'm flattered," I said. Actually I wasn't sure what I should feel, but I looked at Wizard and saw a bulge in his pants leg. It was as if he had a third leg. Lust got the better of me. Looking back, I'm afraid, lust always gets the better of me. We went to the bedroom.

Naked, Wizard was just as odd looking as he was dressed. I hadn't expected him to be as muscular as he was. He had a thick patch of hair on his chest, a treasure tail to his bush and pubic hair long enough to braid. His balls were lost in the pubic forest. The cock wasn't. Soft, it was eight inches long, knobby and thick. Uncut, the cock head was the size of a pool ball. I must have had a questioning look on my face as it looked at it.

"It's not a thing of beauty, but it sure works well," Watson said.

"Beauty is in the ass of the receiver," Wizard said. He looked at me. "Jason likes what he's seeing."

I was hard as a rock. I blushed. "Sorry about that," I murmured.

"I'm flattered,' Wizard said. "My ancestor thought genital coverings were the oldest form of clothing not for reasons of shame, but rather to conceal your real feelings. Try as you can, a man can't hide sexual excitement. Walking up on a potential bride with and erection makes your intentions clear. Most of the time it's better to spring that on her later!" He reached over and stroked my cock.

Watson joined us. He dropped to his knees and started to suck. I was like a deer caught in the headlights as I watched Wizard's cock come to life. It was long and expanded some in length, but the diameter increased most. Wizard's cock was massive. It didn't get any prettier, but it was pure man rammer. Maybe the cock wouldn't fit, I thought, but I knew I'd give it the old college try.

"Damn, you're ripe," Wizard said. "You want it, don't you?"

"Damn, it's big," I whispered.

"It's like any other cock. You just take it one inch at a time." He pushed me back on the bed. Watson had lubricant ready. He slowly lubricated my ass working the cool liquid deep into my hole. Watson knew exactly where the prostate is and he massaged it. Wizard coated his cock, lifted my legs to his shoulders and got ready.

"Do you like it slow and easy or fast?" Wizard asked.

"Take your time," I replied. He pushed and began stretching my ass open.

"Let me get the head in first," Wizard whispered. "After that, I'll take my time." Watson held a cloth-covered ampule to my nose and broke it open. I inhaled. The amyl hit my brain as Wizard's cock head hit my prostate. I lost all control of my body. His monster cock, meeting no resistance, rammed deep. I could hardly breathe.

It was a wild ride. When I got some control again, Watson straddled me and we sixty nined. He like to watch Wizard up close and personal. With a cock in my mouth, a cock in my ass and my cock in Watson's mouth it was the sexual equivalent of an I-Max theater. It was 360 degrees od sex.

Wizard was a gentle fucker once he got it in. He liked short easy thrusts, but he also liked to explore and try new positions. He and Watson were old friends and they coordinated their movements. They were completely in control, but I so realized we all liked the same things.

(For a story on Angus MacFee see Private Journal in Historical on Nifty. For the modern tribe in central America, see Expedition in Adult Friends.)

Next: Chapter 14

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