Special Assistant

Published on Mar 26, 2005


Special Assistant.

Part 9

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@yahoo.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Detective Inspector Kevin Magnuson was an intimidating man. While he was no more than 5'-10", tall, he gave the impression of being tightly wound. Built like a Bull terrier, he spoke in brief, decisive sentences, delivered machine gun style. With a crew cut and a military style mustache, he scared me.

He was in charge of vice for the Metropolitan police. Magnuson had an almost encyclopedic knowledge of prostitution, gambling and drug abuse. He hadn't run into Randall or Robin Ready until he got the call from Rolf.

"He's not part of an organized ring," the Inspector said. "He has no priors as far as I could find, so I assume he's not too far gone in drugs yet. He's not involved in petty crime either."

"Is that the normal pattern for prostitution?" Rolf asked.

"It's one of the normal patterns," Kevin replied. "You find some men who find it easy work. Some are sexually driven and combine work and pleasure, but most have serious mental and abuse problems. Prostitution is a good way to make the money they need. That's more common in hetro prostitution than homo."

"I've always heard the CIA has ties to prostitution," I said. "Doesn't the State Department have some connections?"

"That's the rumor, but I don't work at that level of society. They may provide "entertainment" for visiting dignitaries, but I think that's rare," Kevin said. "You'd have to be dense as shit to let the State Department pick your sex partner."

"Blackmail is still a problem, I assume?" Rolf said.

"It's made a comeback," Kevin replied. "I thought it was a thing of the past until the Born-Agains got into power. Why those fools would make being gay into the ultimate sin is beyond me, given their sexual interests."

"Self awareness doesn't always follow ideology," Rolf said. "In my experience, anti-gay cock suckers aren't so rare."

"You're right about that," Kevin replied. "Some people think if they say they believe in Jesus, they will over come biology and chemistry. They think they'll be "cured" and be straight. You can't fool mother nature."

"Do you think that's Ronnie-Randall-Robin's problem?" I asked.

"Well, Rolf gave me a run down on him and I looked at his adds," Kevin said. "It's possible he's one of those gay men who doesn't think he's gay because he's masculine. We pick up male hookers who think they are straight because they're tops."

"I'm not gay. I just like to fuck men in the ass?" Rolf said while smiling.

Kevin bellowed in laughter, "You got it! It sounds stupid when you say it that baldly, but that's the way they see it," he said. "I'm not gay, it's just gay sex I like. I admit it's a logical leap most people wouldn't make, but some men do it."

"It sounds like multiple personalities to me," I said.

"You've put your finger on the problem," Kevin replied. "I think many people are good at compartmentalizing their lives. Most keep their sexual life strictly separated from their professional life, but your friend may be taking this a bit far. The multiple names make me think Ronnie-Randall-Robin may have more than one persona."

"He's an ultra conservative, anti-gay crusader and gay hooker. That is a wide spread," Rolf mused. "The split personality in old movies usually combines a hardened slut with a Pollyanna type virgin. That could be what we are dealing with."

"If that's the case the White house is in deep trouble," Kevin said. "A con man will lie low if he's discovered. If Ronnie, or whatever his name is, has a split personality, he may not know the other personalities exist. Instead of running for cover, he may get on a bandstand."

"I think it's possible Ronnie's just a smart ass," Rolf said. "That would fit with the general attitude in the administration. They think they're smarter than anyone else and they can get away with anything."

"As I said, he's not part of an organized prostitution ring," Kevin continued. "As far as I could tell, the adds on the web sites are by free lancers, men out to make some cash on the side. Some may be looking for sugar daddies, but I've never run into any of them in my work. He's aiming for an unusual corner of the market. Most hookers are pretty, young boys. He's into more macho men."

"But not the bear-leather crowd," I said. "He's shaved smooth. I think you're missing the most obvious possibility. Ronnie may be a smart ass, schizophrenic. That would be the worst of both worlds."

"I can't figure out why they'd hire a hooker? Most of them are attractive men. They shouldn't need to pay for it," I said.

"Maybe it's part of the ownership society." Rolf said. "Bill Clinton was one of those people who thought you couldn't have too many friends. The current President in more into the "you can't be too rich or too thin" theory. It maybe they'd rather buy their sex and own it. There's no need for emotional involvement with a hooker. You can concentrate on making money."

"They aren't making that much money," I objected.

Magnuson looked at me with pity. "Where did you find him?" he asked of Rolf. "The Sunnydale farm for Cockeyed Optimists?"

"Jason is smarter than he sounds," Rolf said. "He doesn't realize in Washington you make your money after you leave government service. Your patrons reward you for services rendered."

"I don't think it's that bad," I said.

"It is that bad it's ever been worse," Rolf said. "Let's return to Ronnie-Randall- Robin. If you were a betting man, Kevin, who would you guess is the trick?"

"I'm a former Marine. My friends in the Pentagon say this administration has a top down organizational model. They aren't interested in what the ranks have to say. Any rank up to and including the top brass. I can't believe a junior level staffer would bring a gay hooker into the White House without the top guy knowing and approving. I don't believe some Red Necks from Appalachia got together and set the torture policy either."

"That's the way I see it. It either Steve Martineau or the president himself," Rolf said, "What is your view, Jason?"

"I'm afraid to say anything," I said. "I don't want to be called a Cockerel Optimist again!"

Both Rolf and Kevin laughed. "You're lucky kid," Kevin said. "I call people a lot worse sometimes. When I get to know them better."

"Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" Rolf asked. "I don't want to dine alone." We agreed and went to a small restaurant a few blocks for the house. It wasn't very impressive looking, just a door into a basement. A small brass plaque on the door said, "Aldo's."

The waiter knew Rolf and took us to a good take in the corner. Aldo came out and greeted us. "So good to see you, I'm working on some new dishes, would you be willing to play Guinea pigs for me tonight?" he asked. Rolf agreed. On the other side of the room I saw former Secretary of State Wyeth at a table. She was with a man I thought was an ambassador of a Middle Eastern country.

At another table a Senator sat with a well-known actor and environmental activist. I was impressed. Kevin leaned over to me and whispered, "Don't stare. This place is where you go not to be noticed."

Diner arrived in courses, each better than the one before it. I'm not a good cook and my mother was a good cook but not daring. My idea of a herb or spice is salt. I couldn't guess what Aldo used on his food but it was both unusual and good.

We were having coffee when the Secretary came over to our table. "It's so good to see you, it's been a while Rolf," She said. Rolf introduced us to her.

"You must be the young man who's helping Rolf with his memoirs?" she asked. I nodded and said I was playing gopher.

"I would love to get together with you to discuss our situation," the Secretary said to Rolf. "You always had a good view to the future."

"My view isn't so clear," Rolf said.

"I don't believe that for one minute, "she said. "I would like you to stop by and we can chat." She smiled and left.

"That wasn't a request was it," Kevin said. "It was a command. Can she do that?"

"I think she can," Rolf said. "That was the voice she used to transmit presidential requests."

"I didn't think the President liked her?" I said.

"No, not at all, but there are former Presidents," Rolf said. "They got along well with her." After diner we returned to Rolf's apartment. I served an after dinner drink and we talked and got ready to go.

"Kevin and I usually spend the night together," Rolf said. "We'd be pleased if you join us." I hadn't guessed that was coming at all. I thought a little while then agreed.

"Jason, I should be fair and warn you," Kevin said. "I'm a top too. Rolf said you wouldn't mind, but I wanted you to know." I wasn't afraid of the Inspector anymore but if it hadn't been for my normal state of lust, I might have begged off.

Luckily I let my cock take the lead. Kevin Magnuson was handsome, had a great body and was incredibly responsive as a sexual partner. He body was as muscular and hard as I had guessed. His cock and balls were compact. He was uncut with a good six inches of cock. All that I expected.

I didn't expect to find Kevin's body was one big erogenous zone. Once he was hard, every time you touched him, he shivered. Even more to my surprise, I turned Kevin on. When I got naked, he was a wild man.

Clearly Kevin and Rolf were good friends, but I wondered how they solved the problem of both being tops. I wasn't the first threesome they were in and I soon realized they had worked things out. Kevin was a size queen. Rolf's cock turned him on and he liked seeing it in action.

Kevin got me into the sixty-nine position, then held me open and guided Rolf's meat as he forced it into my ass. As Rolf did this, Kevin gave a running commentary on what was happening. "It's a pretty pink hole. I lubricated it a lot so it's juicy. Some lube is oozing out of the hole," Kevin said. "Your cock is rock hard. I love the purple mushroom of yours, Rolf. It's so hard it's shiny. I've got it nuzzled in the hole now. Jason's winking his ass hole at you now, he really wants it. Just push and let's see what happens."

Rolf pushed and his knob popped into my hole. "Damn it Rolf, I've never seen anyone take it as easily as Jason. His ass lips just opened up and swallowed it. The all day fuckers in his ass now. Now shove it in. Shove it deep." Rolf did as Kevin asked. I had trouble breathing for a second or two, then came the feeling of satisfaction. I was nursing on Kevin's cock and the precum began to run like a mountain stream in a spring time flood. Kevin was excited.

At first the running commentary annoyed me, but I got into it. Rolf was blind and had never seen me. Kevin told him how I looked and reacted. Both men obviously enjoyed it, and soon I enjoyed it too. Rolf and Kevin fully occupied me. One would fuck me while he other sucked. We rotated positions a few times and took three or four breathers.

Kevin relaxed and told me something about himself. "When I described the anti-gay cock suckers, I was talking about myself," he confessed. "I was messed up mentally and well on the way to becoming an alcoholic when I met Rolf. I was assigned to protect the Senator during the Civil Rights debates. The Senator was getting scores of death threats a day."

"When I met the Senator, I also met Rolf. He and I had to bunk together when the Senator was on a speaking tour. I don't know if you remember, but he was a chief spokesman for the President. That was before you pre selected audiences," Kevin continued. "I though gay men were all hairdressers. Rolf straightened me out on that."

"And some straightening it took!" Rolf said. "Kevin is a bit fixed in his opinions. Thank god the brain in his cock is more flexible that the one in his head." Both men laughed.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't believe him one bit, but the sex was so good, I eventually gave in," Kevin said. "I stopped drinking booze and changed to a diet of cum. It changed my life."

"The cum?" I asked.

"The cum and a plentiful dose of common sense," Rolf said. "Kevin had an one track mind and once he had a theory he'll go with it. Ninety percent of the time he's right and all is well. The other ten percent is a problem. I helped him with that."

"I can tell when I'm forcing a piece of the puzzle to fit in the wrong place," Kevin said. "It takes real effort. However, I can stand back and look over the entire case and see where the weaknesses are." As we talked, Kevin slowly worked his cock into my ass. His cock wasn't as large as Rolf's, but it was rock hard and stuck straight out. From his position behind me he must have made a direct hit on my prostate.

"You got him going, Kevin," Rolf said. "Be nice to him, but don't be too nice. He can take it."

A half hour later, I was sitting on Rolf's cock. He had shot off earlier so he wasn't quite as hard as he had been earlier. Both men had fucked me several times earlier and had filled my ass with lube and cum. Rolf's penetration was effortless.

Rolf pulled me forward to kiss me. Kevin was to the rear. "You boys just stay in that position," Kevin said. "I think there may be room for another." I had no idea what he meant by that. I found out a few seconds later. Kevin had straddled me and was trying to force his cock into my ass.

Rolf's cock was already in my ass, but it must have been only partially erect. Kevin was always rock hard. I felt a twinge of pain as his knob poked in, the rest of his cock was effortless. I couldn't believe I had two cocks in my ass.

"Holy shit!" Rolf exclaimed. His cock turned rock hard when Kevin cock squeezed it. They were soon double fucking me and massaging their own cocks simultaneously. Five minutes later two cocks exploded in my ass. I think Kevin may have started it, but we were all involved.

Next: Chapter 10

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