Special Fridays

By Libnos

Published on Jul 10, 2006


Three weeks later we were married in a simple church ceremony as husband and wife. It was a traditional ceremony with words like "trust, honor and obey" and "forsaking all others". We went on a short, four day honeymoon and then returned to get Belinda and start our lives together as a family. We had discussed more children and knew that this would be a priority soon. Temporarily, we were living in Anita's condo until we could locate a house and the room we would need as our family grew. Belinda was happy that she had a daddy now and I now had the opportunity to dote on and spoil her as a real daddy.

Our special Fridays continued and I was becoming more comfortable dressing and going out as a woman. Our forays outside became more adventuresome and we would frequently go out together as women for dinner. I could even do a credible job applying my makeup when we prepared to go out. If she met anyone she knew she always introduced me as her cousin. We would leave Belinda at her granny's place Friday nights so the little girl wasn't aware of the situation at home during those times. On all other nights our sex was normal with me being in control.

We didn't bring up the subject about my brief tryst with Ron and my first time being a woman sucking a cock. Anita did mention that Ron had asked about me and wanted to know if I wanted to get together again. She didn't push it and we just concentrated on forming a normal family relationship although sometimes when we were in bed together she took out a photo album of the pictures she'd taken when I was with Ron. The pictures got me hard for some reason and I was able to last through three orgasms whereas it was only one or two when I didn't look at them. I knew it was in the back of her mind to have me do it again someday. I didn't think I would mind too much if it pleased her.

One thing that worried me was when I saw her getting dressed for work in the mornings and she donned her police uniform. It reminded me that she was involved in a dangerous job and could be hurt or killed performing it. As though my thoughts were a premonition, two months after we were married I received a call at work from her sergeant informing me that she had been injured when her patrol car had been involved in an accident with a semi and to let me know her injuries were not life threatening. However, he told me she had been taken to the emergency room of our local hospital where her injuries were being evaluated. I immediately called her mother to inform her and to make her aware that I would call her back as soon as I got to the hospital to determine her condition. Taking the rest of the day off from work I hurried over to the hospital.

The doctor in the emergency room finally came out and told me that she was being prepped for surgery. Anita had suffered major trauma to her right side and they needed to operate as soon as possible to stop the internal bleeding. When she came out of surgery she'd be in an ICU unit for several days to monitor her recovery. It turned out a broken rib punctured her lung and she would be recovering for some period of time after surgery. The surgery took several hours and I was on the phone several times to keep her mom and my parents abreast of the situation.

Finally, the surgeon came out and told me everything went well and he expected a normal recovery. I was much relieved especially after they let me into the ICU to see her briefly. She looked so fragile laying there with all the tubes connected to her I could almost cry. The nurse told me she would be keeping her sedated for some time and suggested I go home and get some sleep. Arriving back at Anita's mom's place I found Belinda was still up and she knew something had happened to her mother. I held her in my arms and explained as best I could to a five year old that her mother had been in an accident and needed time to recover in the hospital. When I finished she placed her arms around my neck and I carried her into bed. I lay with her until she went to sleep then said my good byes to Fran and went back to our condo and went to bed.

The next day I first went to the hospital and they told me she was doing fine but they were still keeping her sedated so I went on to work. My work kept my mind occupied but I checked periodically with the hospital during the day. I stopped at the hospital on the way home and found Anita awake and reasonably lucid considering all the pain killers she was on.

"How are you doing, my darling?" I asked as I looked down at her wan, pale face.

"I need a kiss."

I bent down and kissed her gently on the lips.

"So do I." I responded. "It looks like that's all we're going to do for awhile."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry." I joked trying to keep a straight face. "This will give me a rest from my unsatiable wife."

"You love it." she whispered back with a smile.

"I know, my darling." as I bent down and kissed her on the lips again.

"I'm so tired." she said as I saw her fighting to keep her eyes open.

"Go to sleep," I told her. "I'm going to go home and get something to eat and I'll bring Belinda and your mom back later to see you."

I don't know whether she heard me as it was apparent she was gone again. Later, I brought Belinda and Fran back but she was still sleeping. Belinda was satisfied though that she got to see her mother so I felt the trip was worthwhile for her.


A few days later Anita was out of the ICU and sitting up in bed. Her left arm was secured to her bandaged torso to immobilize the area of her surgery. They had her up walking and she was regaining her strength quickly. I spent as much time with her as I could and managed to get Belinda in to see her every evening. They told me that Anita was making such good progress that she would be able to go home in a few days. The next day was our Friday and it would be two weeks since our last special evening and I wanted to do something to surprise her.

I took off from work early on Friday and took Belinda and her mother in to see her then made an excuse to them that I had to be home early that night to get a call from my mother who had a sick sister. It was a little fib but they went along with it and I took them back to Fran's condo. Arriving back home I went into the bedroom and changed into my female persona. It took a little while to get the makeup applied successfully but I was satisfied when I finished. Then I hurried back to the hospital before visiting hours were over. A couple of her cop buddies were there when I arrived and I was a little nervous about going in her room with them there but I entered and walked up to the bedside, hoping Anita would acknowledge me properly.

Looking at me with surprise as I entered she said, "Hi Simone. It's good to see you. Hey guys, this is my cousin Simone. Simone, this is Charlie and Ben."

I breathed a sigh of relief and acknowledged the response of the two cops with a smile and a nod. They then said their goodbyes and left.

"Surprise, surprise Simone. It's good to see you and on our special Friday too."

"I thought you'd like the surprise, Andy." I blushed.

"I do sweetie. What a nice thing for my wife to do. I really appreciate it. Now I've got to get out of here and finish getting healed up." Then she whispered, "So I can fuck you good."

"I want that so much, Andy." I whispered back. "I want your big cock in my pussy again as soon as you're able. I've been going crazy thinking about you inside me."

"You poor thing. The surgeon said it was going to take four to five weeks for me to be in shape for anything strenuous. We'll have to think of something to help you when I get home."

"I'm really looking forward to that. You'll probably need help there. Have talked to your mother about coming over while I'm at work?"

"Yes, she'll be there. Oh, there's the bell. Visiting hours are over. Thanks again for coming in Simone. I really appreciate it and I'll take care of your little problem when I get home."

"All right, my darling Andy. I'll see you tomorrow."

We kissed lightly before I left.


A couple of days later I brought Anita home from the hospital with final admonishments to her from the surgeon about doing anything strenuous for awhile. Her left arm was still secured to her side to keep movement in that area to a minimum. Our lives began to center at home around Anita's condition and recovery. Her mother came over daily to look after her and Belinda while I was working. She prepared and ate the evening meal with us and then went home to her condo, probably to rest. We were very appreciative of her efforts.

Of course there was no sex between us as she was still very tender and any movement brought a grimace to her face. After getting home from work on her first Friday at home she asked me to prepare myself as though it was our regular special Friday night but to just wear my corslet and thigh highs. I questioned her about how she thought we could enjoy having our unique sex if she couldn't participate? She just answered, "Wait and see."

So, after putting Belinda to bed I went into our bedroom to change. When I was finished dressing as Simone Anita came in to join me. She was dressed in her large Andy sweatshirt but wasn't wearing the bottoms. Putting her free arm around my neck she gave me a slow seductive, open mouthed kiss that caused my unrestrained cock to grow up under the corslet. As we finally broke from the kiss, the doorbell rang.

"Damn! Who can that be?" I wondered.

"You go." Andy told me.

I quickly slipped on my female robe and went to answer the door. Opening it I found Ron standing there with a pleasant smile on his face.

"Good evening, Simone."

I gawked at him for a second and then something clicked and I automatically responded in my female voice.

"Come in, Ron. I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you."

"Andy called me yesterday and asked me to come over tonight."

I was feeling a little embarrassed because the last time I'd seen Ron I'd sucked his cock. Ron must have noticed my self consciousness because he suddenly stepped forward and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"I know how you're feeling, Simone. I felt embarrassed after my first time too. It gets better with the next one."

The next one? Was I going to have to do it again? For some strange reason my cock firmed up harder under my corslet at the thought.

From behind me I heard, "C'mon back to the bedroom you two."

"Yes sir, Andy." Ron said as he put his arm around my waist and led me back to the bedroom.

"Simone, you're looking ravishing tonight."

"Thank you." I responded with a blush wondering why Ron was here. Did Andy want me to suck his cock again? My cock hardened again as I remembered the feel of his cock in my mouth and the taste of his cum from the previous time we'd been together.

We went into our bedroom and found Andy on her back the bed with her torso propped up with pillows and with the sweat shirt pulled up to her waist. Her feet were planted up close to her ass cheeks with her knees spread wide. Her bare pussy glistened with juices of her arousal.

"Simone honey, I want you to get on your knees and eat me while Ron is getting undressed. Remember, you're a woman and tonight you will be my wife, my lover and my sweet bitch. I want you to give me pleasure as much as you can. By doing that you will receive pleasure in return. OK?"

"Yes, my darling." I told her as I got on the bed and knelt with my head between her outstretched needs.

How delectable her bare pussy looked and I began to kiss my way down her thigh toward that target. As my tongue slid across the folds of her labia for the first time I looked up into his eyes and saw him watching me with a smile on his lips before his thighs closed on my head. I was enclosed in in a world of giving him pleasure but in a way that would cause minimum pain or stress to his injury. I don't think I felt Ron get on the bed I was so engrossed in my task. My first warning as to what was coming was when I felt a greasy probe at my pussy and I thought maybe Ron was going to pleasure me with the dildo but as it slid inside I knew it was Ron's big cock. Its warmth and feel announced it as a living entity. How easily it slid in past the defenses of my sphincter muscle. Andy's dildo having prepared me well for this invasion. I felt his hands on my shoulders as he began a steady pace of thrusting in and pulling back. The force of Ron's thrusts caused my tongue to delve deep into my darlings pussy as my nosed pressed against his clit. Andy gripped my head tighter with his thighs and the solitude of my task increased in silence and darkness.

The thrusting of his hips against my face increased in force and rapidity as Andy approached the a terrific orgasm; the first in many days and I reveled in giving him pleasure as I was receiving it. When Andy's hips suddenly stopped and her body went rigid I felt my own orgasm begin to build and as the thighs enclosing my head began to relax I pressed back against Ron's cock and exploded in orgiastic pleasure followed immediately by Ron's release deep in my bowels. The pulsing of his suddenly still cock announced his release also.

When it was over, I licked up Andy's residual cum from around his swollen lips and then fell over on the bed beside him as Ron allowed his soft cock to slip out of my pussy. He stretched out on Andy's other side.

Andy bent down and kissed me gently on the lips.

"Are you satisfied now, my love?" she asked. "It's been a long time for both of us and I certainly enjoyed having you pleasure me."

"Thank you, my darling. I really missed having something in my pussy. I'm sorry it couldn't have been you but I enjoyed Ron very much."

I reached across Andy and Ron rose to meet me as I kissed him gently on the lips in an expression of thanks. I then turned back to Andy and kissed him also.

"Thank you, my darling for doing this for me."

"You're welcome, honey. Being a woman is fun isn't it? When you give loving pleasure by submitting, you receive pleasure."

"I think I've learned that tonight, my darling."

We finished up our special Friday while Andy watched me blowing Ron to a final massive cum. When Ron left we snuggled together as much as Andy's injury would allow and slept the sleep of satisfied lovers. I reveled in the feel of cum leaking from my ass and and taste of it in my mouth as a reminder of our special Friday and looked for more to come as I drifted into dreamland.


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