Speechlessly in Love

By moc.liamtoh@erolagstrid

Published on Nov 6, 2006


its been a week since kattie and i had our little exploration and well so far no body else knows about it. We do however sneek a kiss here and there and try to hang out just by ourselves.Our favorite thing to do is to go to the pakrs in around town and hold hands its like we are being public about it but it just stops there. With all the tree's around us it isnt like we are really in public but it feels nice to be free.

Back to school i wish the march break would never end, we promised each other that we would tell our friends the first week back to school because it felt like the thing to do. I dont think liz will be to mad but i think meghan will flip, she turned really christian on us which isnt a bad thing to be christian but she is kind of like a nun now becuase if the bible doesnt like it she is not apart of it, and well homosexualitly isnt in the bible unless basicly saying "stone the gays" i my self am a christian person same with katie we just dont think that god looks down on us becuase we are gay.

I dont think our friend Ashely will care either, i know sleepovers will i dont think they will have many of those since well they will feel awkward and think that we have a crush on them or sumthing or that we want to play weird sex games or sumthing, which no im not into just because im gay doesnt mean that i love everybody that is the same sex as me just my one and only angel katie

first monday at school, katie came to my house to catch hthe bus with me that way if i deicded to tell some of my friends at school about us on the bus i wouldnt have to do it alone. it doesnt really matter though it will be hard no matter what.

first class ive been texting her all class on my phone as to when to do it we are both confused we thought of saying it in a note then over msn then over the phone or just have them catch us or sumthing.

break we took Liz to the bathroom with us just to maybe go over we werent sure.

um liz we have something to tell you, said katie

what, asked liz in a happy tone

well i just hope that this doesnt ruin our friend ship, liz we really like you, you are very deer to us both you have been my friend since grade 7, then katie piped in and well liz youve been my friend for ever but theres sumthing you dont know and i would well we would like it if you didnt tell anybody, we would like to tell everybody on our own but you are the first, liz were gay.

the look on her face wasnt anger or happiness it was just stuned, as soon as we went to ask her how she felt about it RRRRIIIINNNGGG the bell rang.

I ran off to french while katie ran off to math, again we couldnt stop with the text messaging i really wanted to know how liz felt about it and same with katie we werent sure becuase she didnt show us a face with emotion, gosh lunch is going to be weird.

lunch time hit and liz wasnt sure how to act around us she just kind of talked to us but wasnt meaning what she was saying she just wanted to fill the box and remove all the awkwardness. I felt really bad for she wanted to ask us but wasnt sure how to bring it up and plus we were with out other friends so it was hard to bring it up for her.

good thing that liz like always has to go to the bathroom at lunch.

Liz um we just wanted to know how you felt about us? asked kattie

well..um..its ok..i guess replied liz but the words took so long to escape her mouth

Liz we want to know if its ok with you becuase, well if it isnt then our relationship can not be becuase we really like you, your a great friend to us.

with that kattie and i had tears in our eyes unsure of what liz would say to us.

but i think liz understood how much this meant to us and how serious we are about what we are doing and she just said well love is good and if you guys are in love then go with im ok with it. we gave her the biggest hug yet and liz in a joking tone said this is your first official gay hug becuase before you were just sneaking around it was really funny.

next on the list to tell was ashely, i was glad that we had told liz becuase she could help us get threw this one and help us on how to break the news

the next person we want to reach is ashely because well she is a good friend of ours and she is very close to meghan and can help break the news to her i hope meghan wont get mad at us.

when we told liz that we were going to tell ashely she said that ashely already knows, kattie and i looked at each other oddly then liz broke the ice, well umm ashely saw you guys at the movies. Kattie and i looked very surprized the kattie said, thats weird angie and i went to the spanish movies so nobody would see us.

well her mum wanted her to get in touch with the spanish in her becuase her nan was coming down to see her next spetember, said liz

all thats left is meghan, o gosh im so scared to tell her said kattie.

well if we all go to her and tell her that you guys are gay then maybe it will be better, said liz

wait we should pretend that we told her first and have her talk to you guys about it and tell her to tell you guys, said angie

wow thats a great idea angie, said kattie


ummm meghan can we talk to you, i said as kattie and i were walking down the hall towards her.

ya sure shoot said meghan

well umm we cant talk her said kattie in a nervous voice, maybe we could talk in the gym

sure..ok, replied meghan

all three of us walk down to the gym together kattie and i walking to our death .

meghan, there is no easy way to say this but, well you mean a lot to us so we wanted you to be the first to know about this and were wondering could u tell liz and ashely about it? i asked

well i'll try replied meghan

ummm meghan were gay

im sorry what i think i heard you wrong said meghan truely astonished

meghan were gay said kattie breaking into tears knowing that this wouldnt be good

i heard you i was just hoping you were joking, thats when you yell out april fools day said meghan kind of pissed off.

meghan were sorry

sorry doesnt cut it angie how could u be so fucking sick like what the hell is wrong with out, i thought u guys were christian, meghan dont bring out faith into this you know it has nothing to do with this.

oh my fuck you two little dykes you two are sick as fuck.

with that kattie litterally broke down tears just gushed from her eyes and she started to run, she was so scared.

meghan what the hell is you problem do you know how hard this was for us to say, im not even sure why were friends i thought i could trust you now i know i can only trust you to let me down i ran to catch up with kattie

kattie was still in tears so we walked home threw the woods to get home quicker i held her hand like a mother guiding her young, kattie its ok i think she might understand and plus liz and ashley think that it is ok maybe if she tells them and they say that they are ok with it, maybe she will change her mind.

i hope so Angie because i really love you. i took my hands and lightly wiped her tears and then kissed her, her face in my hands. time stood still it was like it was just us sitting in heaven all by our selves and nobody around to judge when we stoped my hands were around her waist, her cute red eyes still puffy but a smile a sad one but still a smile showed apon her face, ok angie if you say so, but could we just go to your house for the rest of the day, no prob kattie.

back at my house were just sitting on the couch katties legs on top of mine laying down watching a movie, i think it was harry potter but just the tail end.

then another movie popped on it was a scary movie i think it was gothica, kattie do you want to watch this or do u want to watch clock stoppers, kattie was a big fan of clock stoppers, well i want a scary movie so we watched gothica. she's so cute when she's scared everytime something scary would happen she would grab my arm and move closer and closer to me, now im glad i chose the scary movie and think this is why she chose it too.

in the shower seen she got really scared and said "angie hold me im scared" i still didnt do anything becuase she did this before we were true lesbians that i wasnt sure if she was joking, angie you know that if u listend to me say angie hold me and actually did it maybe we would have been going out by know i always meant it when i said it.

then it got quiet and i slowly turned to face her and gently set her down on the couch and kissed her face soft and light. when we stoped kattie said wow you kiss like an angel she wispered, then i replied with something really corny but it was from the heart, becuase im kissing one then she looked into my eyes and she must have read them right becuase she then started to slowly lift her top until it was over her head then took her hands and slowly raised my top we were just on the couch looking at each other her lying down and mean leaning into her just a little bit, i gently pulled her up to face me and just hugged her and cried she cried to gently tears ran their way down my back i knew we were crying for the same reason our relationship was risking a downfall and we both cried for believing it. we just sat in each other's arms trembling so scared but still felt so safe in our own little world.

moments later we realized we have just been holding each other for 2 hours with our shirts off and in tears kattie was the first to make a move, everytime we touch we both feel nervous becuase with one gentil touch you can easily drop and lose everything. we looked at each other and then knew what to do. kattie slowly started kissing my body moving down further and further from my face to my chest then to my thighs her touch sent shivers down my spine kattie not wanting to give up yet went back to my face i pleaded no please go back, it must have been outloud becuase she said soon enough she kissed me first soft and loving like an angel then hard and lusting like the devil she wanted all i had to offor and i felt bad becuase she had so much more to give to me she then again moved slowly down to my chest then my thighs again revisting where she left so much pleasure before this time i was ready to blow she then slowly graced her finger of my panties the cotten teasing my clit was making me scream wanting more, always wanting more she then took her mouth around the band of my panties slowly taking them down with her mouth once they got past my cunt she said "ohh were a wet one today" she laughed but the amount of teasing she was giving me i was near crying i was begging wanting more she then took her finger and encircled it around my clit i was moaning now and moving my body trying to get her to touch my clit but she would avoid it.

close your eyes angie she asked and i did as i was asked hoping I would be rewarded i soon felt this hard object be shoved into my cunt and i opend my eyes and scream she had a strap on and was shoving the large dick in and out of me i told her that it was to big she just said pain is pleasure i soon found my self wanting it further and further inside me and i moved my hips to match her rythmic movements we were both painting and thats when i first noticed that she was crying,

kattie whats wrong, i asked,

Angie your going to leave me for some guy, she cried kattie i love you a lot, i jumped of the pleasure poll and held her in my arms we were both naked and hot which made it awkward to hold her when she was crying. Angie you promise i dont want to lose you I just held her as she cried brushing her hair out of her eyes and telling her that i would love her forever. read about us next time as our adventure continues

should I write more

Next: Chapter 3

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