Speedo High

By Matt Johnson

Published on Oct 7, 2016


Don't read thisstory if you're under 18, easily upset or have problems (serious or minor) withgay-themed erotic stories. If your country/area of residence says this isnaughty and illegal, well, I'm afraid I don't have a "get out of jail free"card you could use. Please, use your common sense. While the characters in thestories may or may not practice safe-sex, you should. Not that you're foolishenough to eschew condoms merely because fictional characters don't use them,are you?

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I crave yourcomments and unsolicited praise: speedoguy1992@yahoo.com. Speedo High: Part 1

I loved being naked.In fact, my parents were naturists, and my brother Luke and I had been raised ina home where clothes were rarely worn. We had a swimming pool in our backyardwhich was totally private and where we never wore clothes, so we never had tanlines. Not only did my parents raise us to be totally comfortable with ournaked bodies, they also never took us to a barber shop. My dad always wore apony tail. As a professor of art at a local liberal arts college, he could getaway with wearing his hair long. My mom and dad thought that hair was as naturalas the body and, therefore, should not be cut. Once my brother Luke started highschool, however, he started getting haircuts. He said that his long hairinterfered with sports. I, on the other hand, liked having long hair, in spiteof the fact that, for as long as I could remember, people automatically assumedthat I was a girl. It never bothered me, but it drove Luke crazy. Anytime someonereferred to me as his little sister, he immediately defended me.

I was completelycomfortable with myself. I guess being a naturist had been a very good thingfor me. In fact, I liked being a pretty boy and laughed when an unsuspectingolder person called me "young lady."

I also was totallycomfortable with the size of my cock. I knew it was smaller than mostfourteen-year-old boys' cocks, but I was okay with it. Growing up naked, I hadhad plenty of time to compare myself to others. One of the reasons I was coolwith is was that my dad was my hero, and his cock was exactly the same size asmine—two inches long when soft and four inches long when hard. We were also bothalike in the body hair department. We had very little. On the other hand, Luke,who was three years older than I was, was the polar opposite of dad and me. Hiscock was at least six inches long when soft and seven inches long when hard. Hewas what they call a shower, not a grower. But, he had a lot to show. He wasalso very hairy.

The three of usalso had a lot in common. We all had brown hair, blue eyes, and were very fit.We even had the same smile with nice rows of perfect white teeth. Luke and Ialso had very similar faces. I always thought that I looked like what Luke wouldlook like if he was a girl. But, I was not a girl or even a sissy. I was allboy.

Growing up as anaturist, I knew how to keep secrets. My parents did not allow us to tell anyoneabout this part of our lives and always wore clothes in front of our friends.They did not want other families to keep their children from visiting our housefearing that they would "indecently expose" themselves. They were bothprofessionals and active members of the local catholic church, so they had tokeep their penchant for going au natural a secret.

I always lookedforward to the times when we would join other families like ours for clothingfree vacations. In fact, I can never remember a vacation in which clothesplayed an important part. There are private campgrounds all over the countryand islands in the Caribbean that cater to families like ours where we can doeverything naked. I had played tennis, gone jogging, and played volleyball inthe nude. We ate dinner with other families in the nude, and I even wrestledwith boys my age naked. It was awesome.

The naturistfamilies that we associated with never confused being nude with being sexual. Myparents never had sex with other adults or in front of us. They were faithfulto one another and protective of us. Naturally, they had seen Luke and me, andwe had seen our dad and other boys and men with erections. It was a natural partof life. We talked openly about sex, but we did not openly have sex with other theother kids or adults just because we were naked. This part of our lives wasconsidered to be personal and private. In fact, at the age of fourteen, I wasstill a virgin. The only sex I had ever had was with myself, and I had itfrequently.

Even my bestfriend Bob did not know I was a nudist. We were freshman, and we wereinseparable. We had just finished our first semester at Speedo High School, andwe loved it. The school's focus was on water, and Louisiana had plenty of itwith the Gulf coastline, lake after lake, miles and miles of rivers, and lushgreen bayous. Many of the sports were water related. In addition to thefootball, basketball, soccer, track, and wrestling teams; we had a swim team, adiving team, a water hockey team, and even a water skiing team. The actual nameof the school was The Academy on the Water, but we all called it Speedo Highsince nearly a third of the boys were on the water sports teams for which aSpeedo was the uniform.

Bob and and Ihad been best friends since the third grade and even chipped in to buy Jackie abirthday present in the third grade since we both liked her. We hung outtogether every weekend and decided to camp out at his house when he got a tentfor Christmas. We wanted to make sure we could set it up before we took it outfor a real camping trip on one of the islands in the lake.

Bob's dad was adoctor, and this was an amazing tent with more than enough room for twoenergetic ninth grade boys. The night started with us eating snacks and playingcards until I suggested that we play strip poker and Bob agreed.

Even though itwas December, it was a warm Louisiana evening, and we played Black Jack.Whoever lost the hand had to remove an article of clothing. We each had sevenarticles on. I lost first and took off my shirt exposing my smooth 14-year-oldchest and brown nickel-sized nipples. I lost again and took off my shortsexposing my white Jockey Elance bikini underwear. I was sitting there on thefloor of the tent with a small tent of my own still wearing my socks and shoes,my hair tied back in a pony tail. Naturally, I was not at all self-conscious andliked it when Bob checked me out by sneaking glances at my tight white briefs. Iwas so accustomed to being naked or dressing in a thin nylon swimsuit that Iwas not the least bit uncomfortable wearing bikini underwear in front of otherguys, especially Bob. Finally, Bob lost a hand and took off a shoe. I calledhim a chicken, and we started wrestling. I was surprised to feel his hard cockinside his shorts while we struggled to pin each other down. We got sweaty andBob finally dominated me by getting me on my back while sitting on my stomachwith his hands pinning down my arms. He threatened to let spit fall from hismouth by letting some hang from his mouth before sucking it back in. I wasstruggling to get free, laughing, and begging him not to drop a loogie on myface. Finally, he let one rope of spit go too far and landed in my open mouth.That was it. While he was shocked, I spit it out and turned the tide to myadvantage by pinning him to the floor of the tent on his stomach while sittingastride his butt. I put my hands on his shoulders and did my best to keep himfrom turning over. I was still hard and my four inch long boy cock--still in myundies--was wedged in his ass crack. He flipped over and we struggled some morewhile I tried to pull off his t-shirt since he had been too chicken to take itoff himself. He finally removed the shirt before I ripped it and said,"Okay, now can we go on with the poker game?" His chest was just likemine except his skin was whiter and his nipples seemed pinker.

Both of us wereout of breath and really sweaty, so we got some Gator Aid and kept playing. Ilost again and took off my undies. Bob died laughing. He could not believe Iwould take off my underwear and leave my socks and shoes on. My smooth ballswere hanging low because of the heat, but I still had a hard on. Bob laughedand asked me, "Does that thing ever go down?"

I responded,"I don't really know bro. It's got a mind of its own." I had awinning streak for a while and Bob was barefooted and down to his tight blackbikini underwear. It was obvious that his cock was also thinking hard.

I was still inmy socks and shoes when Bob said, "Let's make this interesting. The firstone to lose all his clothes has to run down to the corner and back naked. Theodds were in my favor of winning since I had still had four things left tolose--both socks and both tennis shoes--so I took the bet. As luck would haveit, Bob went on a winning streak and in no time I was down to one sock. Hestill had on his underwear and a hard on. In the final hand Bob was dealt aQueen face up and I got a two. Holy shit. After he got his face down card, Bobdid not take a hit. Since I was dealt a Jack face down, I decided to take ahit. Lo and behold Bob dealt me a ten. I busted. Bob was cracking up andreminded me that a bet's a bet, so I had to run. I took a look out of the tentand the street was quiet. It was nearly midnight. I begged him to be a sportand run with me. I even offered a new bet. The first one back to the tent hadto take the next dare. So there we were--two fourteen-year-olds running for thestop sign under the street lights--one very white blonde-haired boy wearingblack bikini underwear and one with long brown hair and tanned skin wearingnothing at all. We raced like our lives depended on it.

Just after weboth ran around the stop sign, with me in the lead, a car came down the streetwith its lights shining on us. We ran even faster with our hearts beating inour throats when the driver rolled down his window. It was an older, highschool-aged boy who yelled, "Look at the little fag with the teenie weenie!"I looked down and realized he was right. Funny thing fear. It had ruined myerection. My four-inch-long cock had deflated and was now its regular twoinches in length. I ran straight for the cover of the tent. I got there first,panting and sweating, feeling awkward.

Bob, on theother hand was laughing like crazy. "I am sure glad I wasn't naked. Thatguy in that car is a senior at our school named John David, and he lives justdown the block. Dude, you are so busted. If even made fun of your dick,Matt."

"He's notthe first one to make fun of me man. Last week after PE when we were undressingfor showers, Joey laughed and said, 'You got a little dick, bro.' Hey, comparedto him, I am small."

"Dude,compared to every guy in our school, you are small," Bob said.

"You're notthat much bigger than I am," I shot back. "I've seen your dick plentyof times in the locker room. It looks to me like it's around three inches long;I've got two inches here I said," squeezing my little cock. I immediately wentfor his black briefs and pulled them down knocking Bob onto his sleeping bag.

"What thefuck?" Bob yelled, caught off guard.

Now it was myturn to laugh. "Dude, you've got a hard on." Then, I stopped talkingfor a moment. Our dicks had only a one inch difference in length when we weresoft. Now that Bob was hard, there was a noticeable difference."Damn," I said surprised, "I guess I didn't figure that yourswould double in size like mine does when it gets hard."

Wagging it withhis right hand Bob said, "This guy has been eating his Wheaties. Yours isa full two inches smaller than mine."

He was right,and my ego needed a boost. "Look, it doesn't matter how big it is, I canstill outrun you. Hey, that reminds me, you owe me a dare."

"You'reright man. But first, would you mind giving me my underwear back?"

"No way,Jose. I'm keep these until you do the dare. Who needs underwear, anyhow? It'sjust us two guys here. I think it feels awesome hanging out like this."

"Whatever,man," Bob responded. "Maybe John David was right; you are a fag."

"Take thatback," I demanded tackling Bob. We began to wrestle again. This time,however, we were both naked. "I'm not a fag. You are!"

I pinned himdown on his back. In that position my cock landed right on top of his. I pinnedhis arms down and paused a minute to catch my breath, sweat dripping from myforehead landing on him.

It was then thatI realized my two inch-long dick was getting hard again. It felt so good.

"Get off ofme," Bob begged. "Dude this is getting weird."

"Who givesa shit if it's weird. It feels pretty awesome right?" I began to rub my four-inch-longhard cock against his six-incher.

"This is sogay bro."

"Do youwant me to stop?" I asked.

"What if mymom or dad come out to check on us?" Bob asked.

"Look, bro,it's after midnight. They are dead asleep." I smiled. His green eyes wereso nice.

"Dude weare both hard as rocks. I guess that makes us both..."

"Horny?"I asked.

"No, dude,the word is 'gay.'"

"Maybeyou're right dude, but this is fucking amazing right?" I smiled again.

"I have toadmit it. It feels so good Matt."

"Are youready for your dare?" I asked.

"You betyour ass I'm ready," he said.

"I dare youto kiss me?"

"Are youserious man? Like a guy and a girl, dude?" he asked.

"No, liketwo guys. Just close your eyes," I replied. I closed mine too and began tomove toward his mouth. When our lips touched, I realized how dry my lips were,so I stuck out my tongue to wet them. When I did, he stuck his tongue out tooand it felt crazy good. For the next few minutes we were both lost in thisamazing moment--tongues inside each other's mouths; hard boy cocks oozing allover; hearts beating like tribal drums; and slim, smooth bodies writhing on thevinyl floor of the dark tent. My tanned body contrasted with his fair whiteone. We were both fit from the years we had spent in our Speedos on swim teams.

After enjoyingthe most erotic kiss of our boyhoods, we finally rolled off of one another andlay there in the dark on our backs holding hands. We were both panting as if wehad just finished a hard swim practice and were covered in precum, saliva, andsweat.

Once hisbreathing returned to normal, Bob was the first to speak, "Wow Matt! Thisis unbelievable, bro. Who would ever have thought two boys who had a crush onthe same girl in the fourth grade would be crushing on each other in theninth."

I turned on myside to face him. His blonde wavy hair, crooked smile, and swimmer's bodycombined to create a beautiful boy. "I have to admit, that I never thoughtyou would get into something like this. I realized I liked guys in the sixthgrade when I had a crush on Randy Hebert," I admitted.

"No way!Randy Hebert? Did you ever tell him?"

"I hardlyever spoke to him. I liked him a lot though. He was a really good soccerplayer, and always looked amazingly neat even after a long hot game."

"So, who doyou like now?" Bob asked with his red lips turned up at the corners into aseductive smile.

"I'm notreally sure," I laughed. "I've got really low standards though. Iguess you'll do."

"What thefuck? I'll do? I guess I am going to have to kick your ass." Once again,the two of us started wrestling. Our cocks were still rock hard. I felt hisagainst my back when he pinned me on my stomach briefly. Once I broke free andgained the advantage, I felt my cock on top of his hard-on when I managed tostraddle him and pin his arms above his head. "Okay I win," Iclaimed. "So, are you ready for your next dare?"

"You bet Iam," Bob responded impulsively, "Just get off of me, okay?"

Once again wewere lying side by side. I took Bob's hand and said, "I dare you to touchmy dick." I put his hand on my hard boycock.

He wrapped hisfingers around it and said, "Awesome, it feels both hard and hot."Using our combined sweat and precum as a lubricant, he started to stroke me.

I closed my eyesand saw rainbows and starlight. It felt so good. No one, but me, had evertouched my hard cock, and I was happy Bob was the first. He stroked hard andfast. Pumping my cock faster and faster like he knew what he was doing. Ireached down to feel my balls and realized that they had drawn up into myhairless sack. I knew what this meant. In mere seconds, before I could warnBob, I starting shooting. Three ropes of cum erupted from my dick landing allover my hard stomach and tanned chest. It was amazing. I heard myself chantingwithout even thinking of how loud I was: "Oh, fuck, oh fuck!"

It was at thatmoment that I heard laughing from outside the tent. The next second the entiretent collapsed on top of us. "What the fuck?"

Author: MattJohnson (Speedoguy1992@yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 2

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