Speedo Week

By James English

Published on Dec 28, 2003


Nothing but speedos. That's what I was told I could wear for my first week of college, thanks to the rites of initiation for the school swim team. I remember hearing it at the swim team orientation meeting, and I remember watching mine and my fellow freshmen teammates' jaws drop. The prospect of making new friends the first week was daunting enough, but now all our efforts would be carried out in a thin piece of nylon the covered everthing but my cock, balls, and ass (and though it covered them it was still so tight that little needed to be imagined of what was underneath the suit). As I left the orientation meeting, I was handed my team issue speedos. I had told them my size in a letter over the summer, but I noticed the speedos they give me were one size too small. Though I was dumbfounded by what they had just told me I managed to compose myself and talk to one of the senior members of the team.

"Ummm, excuse me," I mumbled.

"Yeah, what is it, froshie?" he answered, with a smiling face that knew what I was about to ask.

"I think....umm, I think you guys may have ordered the wrong size speedos for me. I asked for--"

"Too small?" He interrupted.


He leaned towards and put his mouth right by my hear. He whispered, "Don't worry, James, we did it so your nice set of cock and balls can stand out even better for all your classmates. Who knows, maybe now the top of your ass crack might see the light of day?"

He leaned away and I just stared at him, with no words of response.

He smiled, "Don't worry, sport, it's not as embarassing as you might think." He then quickly slapped me on the ass, hard, and said, "It's worse.

Now get the fuck back to your room and put those babies on."

I slowly walked back over to where the freshmen were congregating. They were all whispering amongst themselves.

"They can't be serious, can they?" one sheepishly said.

"I dunno, but this is fucking bad news," another replied. "People can see nearly everything in those things."

"Shit, I mean wearing them to one meal a day is one thing, but to all my classes and shit. It's ridiculous."

I was glad everyone shared my feelings.

Someone suddenly added, "I don't know why you all are freaking out. I mean, just think of this as a week to show off your body to everyone. We're all swimmers, so we're all in decent shape, most of us are pretty fucking hot, actually. So just think of it as a week to show off our chiseled bodies."

I looked up and saw who was speaking. It was the tall blonde with a moviestar face. I tried to remember his name from the meeting, Joe maybe. I thought, of course this asshole is gonna be psyched to wear a speedo everywhere, he's fucking gorgeous and probably has a body to back it up too.

But then I thought, what the hell, why should I be any more afraid to show some skin than this guy? I practically lived in the gym and pool during my senior year of high school. All my friends, girls and guys, told me how hot and intimidating I looked in a speedo. And I managed to fill my speedo quite well, too; my basket was always an attraction to be seen. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. And furthermrore, Joe also made me realize one other thing, I got to look at my other teammates in nothing but their speedos all week. I mean, sure I'd see them at swim practice every day. But speedos all day for a week, that was fucking hot. I was beginning to get positive about the whole thing.

However, others weren't as keen on Joe's comments. Somebody responded, "Whether we're fucking bodybuilders or fat asses, it's gonna be fucking embarassing. I've heard that people take pictures of us and shit while we're parading around in our dick suits."

Just then a senior shouted, "All right you fuckers, it's 8:45 p.m. Sunday night. At 9:00 your speedos go on and don't come off till 9:00 next Sunday after our team meeting. In the meantime, go make fucking fools of yourself."

We began leaving but he suddenly added, "Oh yeah, we're being nice this year, you can wear shoes."

With that, we were dismissed. The freshmen parted ways for our different dorms in silence. It was going to be an interesting week, to be sure.

As I walked back to my dorm room, I began thinking of what I should say to my roommate Matt. I really wasn't sure just how he'd take news like that. He was a wide receiver for the football team, as our college had a tendency to house athletes with one another. I had only known the guy two days at that time, but from what I had noticed he like to think of himself as a tough guy, which he was with his musclebound football body. He also seemed to be fond of gay jokes, so I held off on telling him that side of my story till later, or never.

When I entered he was watching TV. I told him I had some interesting news and then proceeded to tell the whole story to him. His reaction was great; he immediately took to laughing, as did I, and thought the whole thing was a riot. It was the first time I had seen him with such ungaurded laughter or any response that wasn't tainted by his gruff demeanor. It was a bonding experience of sorts. After joking about it for a bit, we settled down to watch some TV.

"Hey wait, " he said suddenly. "It's almost 9:30 and you still haven't put your speedo on."

"Whatever," I replied. "Do you really think they're gonna check? I figure I'll have to wear it to class and meals and whatnot, but when I'm in the room I'm safe. So naturally I'll be in the room a lot this week."

Matt smiled, "Good plan."

We kept watching TV until about 11:00. Guys from other rooms on our hall came in periodically and I told them all the story, bringing them all to laughter.

"That's gonna be fucking hilarious," one said.

"Seriously," replied the other, "I hope you don't pop a boner cause everyone can see it through that shit."

It was fun telling everyone the story but I was beginning to think about the downsides to the whole thing yet again. But as I was thinking that the door bust open. It happened so fast that before I could see who was coming in I heard their shouts.

"James, what the hell!" he shouted.

I realized who it was, it was a junior member of the swim team who lived on the floor below me.

"James, what the fuck do you think you're doing in pants and a t-shirt, you bitch. It's speedo time now. So get it on." he loomed over me as I sat on the couch. He was intimidating. Even Matt, who probably matched this guy for muscles if not surpassed him, cowered beneath his shouts.

I tried to reply, "I was about to--"

"Now, motherfucker, NOW," he said as he pointed to the speedos on my bed.

I was trembling, he was taking this very seriously. I quickly grabbed a speedo and walked towards the door to the hall and then the bathroom. But he stopped my before I got halfway across the room.

"Change in here, in front of us," he said slowly as he stared me down. At that time it was just me, Matt, and the junior in the room, but I was nonetheless embarassed that Matt had to see me change. By the time I got down to my boxers I looked over to Matt, to give him an apologetic look for the cock he was about to see. When my eyes met his he quickly closed his eyes. I slipped off my boxers under the gaze of the junior.

"Hey there buddy, it's over," he said to Matt. Matt opened his eyes and sure enough it wasn't over but rather my cock was hanging a mere two feet from his face. I turned red and looked away from Matt to the floor. I quickly slid on my speedo and sat down.

"All right, bitch, I've got a key to this room and I'll be checking on you whenever I fucking want to, so that dick suit better be on you every second from now till Sunday." With that the junior walked out of the room and slammed the door.

Matt and I sat speechless for several minutes.

Matt finally turned to me and said, "Shit, that was intense."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about the--"

"Whatever, it wasn't your fault, and it's not like I've never seen cock in the gym showers."

"Right," I said uneasily.

We watched TV in silence for a bit. I had no idea how to resolve the wierdness that now hung over our heads.

"Well, I'm gonna hit the sack, James," Matt said.

"Me too."

After a few minutes in the dark, trying to sleep, Matt whispered to me, "Good luck tomorrow."

"Thanks," I said. I was going to need it. As I sat in bed I realized for the first time how tight my speedo was. I felt my bulge and then felt the backside of my speedo. Sure enough, the upper crease of my ass crack was just above the line of the speedo fabric. How fucking embarassing, I thought, but how fucking hot.

DAY ONE: From humiliated to exhilerated

When I woke up Monday morning the realization of what the day ahead might bring was overwhelming. Not only was it my first day of college classes, my first day of new friends, and my first day of a new life or sorts, it was also the first day I got to parade around in my speedo, my tight-as-hell speedo. As I sat in bed I almost broke into a sweat thinking about what lay before me. Matt heard me rumbling in the top bunk.

"Hey, James, wanna go catch some breakfast."

I thought that it would probably be a good idea, but I was still too fucking scared to go outside.

"Yeah, but I don't think I'm quite ready to--"

"Say no more, man, I'll bring you some food." I was surprised, I never expected Matt to do something so generous. I sighed as he left.

While Matt went to breakfast I got ready to take a shower. As I walked down our hall to the bathroom several guys popped their heads out their doors to have some fun with me.

"Hoo-wee, that is one tight suit you got there. Doesn't leave much to the imagination."

I smiled back at them as nicely as I could, but I was worried. I stayed in the shower nearly half of an hour just thinking and letting my anxiety overrrun my mind. Midway through my shower I realized my speedo was still on, and so I left it. I might as well follow the rules.

When I got back to the room Matt was waiting with a bagel and orange juice.

He handed me the food and left for class, wishing me luck yet again. So there I sat, alone in the room for another hour before my first class, tense as I have ever been. I got on my computer and began look at some porn, and soon I was stroking my cock rapid fire with all the nervous energy I had swelling in my body. After I came on my stomach I sat back in my desk chair and tried to relax. I looked over my body. I was 19 at the time, and in almost the best shape of my life. My hair was sandy brown, my eyes were bright green, and my facial features were matured and gorgeous. I was sitting pretty. My skin was all a light shade of brown from my summer job as a lifegaurd. And underneath that skin was a bevy of muscles. My arms touted very shapely biceps and firm forearms (now worn out from a vigorous stroking session). My shoulders were encased by muscles on all sides. My pecs and abs was amazing. At that time, whenever I hit the gym I did nearly 500 crunches and countless push-ups, and it showed. My pecs were well-developed and my abs stood out as little mounds of muscle on my stomach. My ass was musclebound as well, a round display of well-worked muscle. My legs were two great columns of muscle from all my swimming, and my calves were very pronounced due to my daily long distance runs. Just from looking over my body I felt like jacking off again, but though better of it. I regained some confidence from surveying my hot body, but nevertheless the feeling of fear swept back over me. My class was in ten minutes.

I knew it was time to face the music. I took care of the cum that was still on my stomach and then pulled up my speedo, white, the home color for my team. The speedo seemed to glow against my dark brown skin. I grabbed my notebook and a pen and checked the campus map once again to be sure of where I was going. My only relief was that I only had one class today, but it was going to be miserable. I slowly walked down my hall to the stairs, unseen luckily. As I got to the bottom of the stairs and began to open the door, I shook uncontrolably. I tried to calm myself, it wasn't working all that well. Instead I just gave myself that one last push and stepped out the door, in a tight speedo and running shoes.

My first thought was that speedos were perfect for the weather; it was nearly 90 degrees outside. However, that was the last positive thought I had for a while, because the heckling immediately began. As I walked my first few steps I heard the first giggles. It was a group of almost a dozen girls quickly approaching me.

"Oh my God, it's one of the swimmers, I totally forgot that they did this," one shouted.

"Oh yeah, this is great, hard-bodied boys on display for a whole week."

"Hey who's got a camera? This one is hot."

I was almost flattered by the last comment, but I was too scared. They came right up to me and formed a semi-circle around me.

"What's your name, cutie?" one asked, laughing.

I stuttered, "Ja-James." They all started laughing.

"This your first time out in you new clothes, James," a girl in the center asked.

"Y-Yes. It is." I could barelt look her in the eye.

She stepped up to me and whispered, "Well, James, you're doing fine. And you've got a good week ahead of you, with a body like that. Eveyone's gonna be stealing glances of you."

I turned as red as I have ever been and looked to the ground.

"Have a good week, James," she said as the group began to walk off, giggling.

I watched them walk off. When they were twenty or so feet away one of the girls shouted, "Nice package, James." All the girls erupted in laughter again. That time I managed to be flattered. A bit of confidence for the walk to class.

I walked maybe three blocks to the building my class was in, and I got probably a hundred glances. Most of them were from girls, but every now and then I caught I guy with his eyes fixed on my crotch, a very promising sight, for sure. As I entered the building and walked down the crowded hallway, any semblance of confidence I had gained from the glances was swept away by the hoots and hollers of students in the close confines of the hallway.

"Hey buddy, nobody wants to see you cock like that," some guy shouted, making his buddies laugh.

"Dude, look at his dick, it's like a little twig." Thunderous laughter followed that one. However, those that were looking close saw what was really underneath my tight white speedo, a sizeable snake. So, while the boys had their laughs I noticed that the girls, and a few guys thank God, kept their laughter at bay; they liked what the saw. Nonetheless, the taunts were breaking me down. I finally reached the door to my classroom, and when I looked inside I began sweating. There weren't more than 30 kids in the class. I was hoping for some big lecture hall where I could possible sit in the back and not be noticed--no such luck in this room. So I panicked and decided to wait outside the door until the very last minute. But my waiting was interrupted.

"Hey there, sexy," I heard as someone pinched my ass. I spun around and saw Joe, the bombshell blonde from the orientation meeting, laughing away. "Just thought I'd have some fun with you, bud. How's the day been going?"

"Decent," I replied. But I wasn't paying attention to his words, rather his body--in all its glory. Joe, who said our speedo week would be a chance to show off our bods, was doing just that. And he had a lot to show off. Nearly a half-foot taller than me at 6' 4", Joe was huge. And his muscles showed it. His massive biceps had a gentle curve to them as well as a striking firmness that attested to their power. His pecs looked rock-hard. And his abs, good God, I began to get hard when I saw those abs. They were chiseled to perfection; his six-pac was slightly arched away from his body because his abs appeared to be so well-worked. And his looks were amazing. His hair was bright yellow, his eyes bright blue, and his face rivaled that of any moviestar I had ever seen. I was entranced; I said nothing for several seconds. Thank God for speedo week.

"Cat got your tongue, James," he finally said, breaking my stare.

"No, I was just--"

"Just what?" There was mischeif in his voice.

"Just realizing how ridiciulous we look." I tried to laugh it off.

"I dunno, I think we look pretty hot. Especially you, James." And as he said that he brushed his and gently across my pecs. I went rock-hard immediately and began sweating. Everyone in the hall was looking at us but luckily Joe was blocking my boner somewhat.

He looked down and saw my reaction. "Well, well, looks like somebody's gonna have a problem walking into class with that in their pants." He smiled.

I was frozen again; who was this idiot making passes at me in a crowded hall while we're both in speedos? Was this really happening.

Joe went on. "Well, I think we're both in the same class, huh?" He pointed to the classroom door.

I could only nod.

"Tell you what, why don't you follow behind me into class so we can keep your python under wraps. Sound good?"

"Sure," I squeaked. I could not subdue my hardon at all. In fact, his seductive voice was making me harder.

"Good," he smiled. He started walking towards the door but I didn't follow at first. He reached back and grabbed my shoulder, pushing me forward towards his back. He didn't stop pulling me forward until the front of my speedo, hardon and all, was pressed flat against tightly speedo-bound ass. When my rock hard cock leaned against his ass crack I almost came. But he quickly turned his head back to me.

"Maybe that's too close," smiling again.

"Maybe," I managed to reply. He took a step forward and then we both walked in the classroom. I was so dazed by Joe's mischief that I was oblivious to the scene we created in the classroom. When we walked in the teacher made some comment about the silly swimming team and everyone giggled. I'm sure there were more stares, but I was only looking at Joe's shoulders as I followed him to the back of the class. After several minutes the commotion over our scantily clad bodies subsided and class began.

I can't say I learned one thing in that class. I spent the first ten minutes of class retracing the ridiculous episode I was just a part of. I'm sure some people in the hallway and a few in the classroom saw my boner despite Joe's shielding. I could only think of how embarassing the event was. But then I thought about Joe; here was a fucking 10 hitting on me with all his energy. He was hot beyond belief and clearly must have thought I was quite the musclebound item as well. All on my first day of class.

I looked over to Joe to gaze at his hot body, and found him staring at me while he rubbed his crotch through his speedo. He smiled when I caught his gaze. He leaned over and whispered to me.

"Hey, you're fucking hot," he said plainly.

I was stunned at first, why the fuck did he feel it was necessary to say that? I had figured he had thought as much from all the foreplay in the hallway. He went on.

"Check this out." And saying that he sat upright in his chair and pulled his hard cock out of his speedo. I froze yet again. Here I was not twenty feet from a professor and I was watching a stud stroke his cock underneath a desk. I was amazed. Joe kept looking at me as he beat his meat. He clearly wanted me to join in. But I wussed out; there was no way I was going to beat off in my first college class. But I didn't want to let down Joe, so I played along a little.

I leaned over to Joe and said, "Hey stud, I think you're supposed to keep that monster under your speedo net this week." And then I took hold of his huge hardon, nearly 9 inches because Joe was a tall fuck, and seductively tucked it inside his speedo. Joe loved it.

He returned with a whisper. "You're one hot fucking cock tease."

After that Joe and I tried to focus on the professor. In reality, I was trying to calm my boner and Joe was trying to steal glances of my body. A great first class, no doubt.

When class ended, I stayed in my seat until most of the students had left, Joe followed suit. When we both got up to leave the professor smiled and wished us luck in the embarassing week ahead. We thanked him and walked out the door. Neither of us said anything to each other as we walked out of the building. I led the way and Joe followed until I sat on a bench upon which Joe promptly sat as well. But Joe sat expressionless and silent, I was surprised. It was silent for a while. As we sat three girls came by and one of them took our picture. Finally, I spoke.

"So that was a fun class, huh."

Joe suddenly sprang into a lively mode. "Hell yeah," he said looking at my eyes, "I told you this week would be hot..." He paused. "And who would have known the two hottest freshmen on the swim team both loved cock?"

I jumped when he said that, and he noticed, but I guess it was obvious at that point. I felt stupid.

"Don't worry, man, if it needs to be kept quiet, consider it done," Joe replied, using a normal tone of voice for the first time.


We sat in silence for another few minutes, watching people go by, who were in turn watching us. Another group of girls approached with a camera and shot away.

"That's starting to get annoying," I said.

"Yeah, let's get outta here. Do you want lunch?" Joe asked.

"Sure, but won't the crowded dining hall be just as bad?"

"Don't worry, I've got a shitload of food in my dorm. I got enough meals to make it through the whole week."

I laughed. "I thought you were looking forward to showing off that hot bod of yours."

"Yeah, whatever, I was still fucking nervous."

"I understand."

"Let's go."

We headed to Joe's dorm, which was right next to the gym. As he opened the door to his room I noticed one thing immediately--it was a single. Most athletes were lucky enough to get singles, but I was not one of them. I was pretty unhappy, I thought a single was crucial if I planned on getting some action without freaking out a hetero roommate. But here I was in a single with one of the hottest guys I had ever seen, maybe things weren't so bad after all. I sat of Joe's bed as he pulled some food from his refidgerator.

He turned around with a couple of sandwiches and we both quickly began eating. We made a little small talk while we ate: hometowns, old high schools, swim team stories, the usual stuff. Joe was straightforward throughout the whole conversation, never slipping in a sexual remark. It was a relaxing lunch after a high-stress morning. By the time we finished lunch it was an hour before swim practice began.

During a lull in the conversation, Joe asked, "So what do you think of these speedos?"

"Well, they gave me too small a size on purpose."

"Me too," Joe replied laughing. "It's not that easy to fit into." I looked at Joe in his speedo. It looked somewhat tight in general but most noticeable was his package; it bulged out very prominently.

"I wish I could wear my old suits from high school," I added.

"Yeah, here, check these out," Joe said as he reached over and grabbed a few speedos from a drawer and threw them at me. "I would have loved to have worn these."

As I began looking through the speedos I realized Joe was staring directly at me. I tried not to notice but his gaze was penetrating. I wasn't even focusing on the speedos and suddenly a noticed I was touching something wet.

I looked at the speedos in my hand and saw that one of them was covered in cum. I froze. I tried to make a joke.

"Looks like this one--"

But by the time I looked up at Joe he had pounced on me and thrown his lips onto mine. I dropped the cum covered speedo on my stomach and he landed on top of it, spreading the cum all over our rigid abs. I fell on my back on the bed and Joe covered me completely. His lips were sucking on mine, and his tongue was sliding about my face and into my mouth. With his hands he began stroking my cheek and running his fingers through my hair. I opened and closed my eyes to see his bright blue eyes wide with pleasure. While his lips, tongue, and hands made love to my face his body writhed on top of me. What aroused me the most was the warmth of our flesh pressed together. His pecs rested firmly on mine; I felt my nipples graze his hard pecs as he moved about in our embrace. His abs felt hot against mine; we created a fire between our chests. I could feel each breath he took for his abs we slowly swell up against my own. His thick, powerful legs weaved themselves about mine, pressing our bodies together even more. As his hairless thighs and calves slid against mine and then tightened, our entire bodies squeezed together with immeasurable force. I felt the uncompromising firmness of his chest and abs as our bodies pressed together so. But that pressing was most felt amongst our two twitching crotches. I immediately felt Joe's 9 inch cock against my lower abdomen as his body first collided with mine. And my thick cock also pressed snug against the warm flesh of Joe's abs. Our two hardons slid against one another as Joe began rocking his body atop mine. As I felt our two cocks rubbing against one another with hot friction I began fervently making love to Joe's moist lips. I met his tongue with my own twirling tongue, and sucked his lips. I took my hands and moved them onto Joe's back and once again felt the warmth of his body in our touching. I curcled my arms around so they were on his thick shoulders, covered with muscle. My cock was surging with delight from all the action, and I began to want badly to unveil my cock and let it feel the warmth of Joe's body from outside its nylon speedo prison. I managed to separate my body from Joe's, depite the efforts of his smooth, twisting legs, and made room for my hand to reach down to my speedo and release my cock. Joe looked over and noticed what I was doing. He quickly threw our bodies back together and grabbed my reaching hand.

"No no no, my little cock rocket. Weren't you telling me earlier that our cocks needed to stay in their speedos this week?" he saud smiling.

I remembered the episode from class and curse my words. "Well, maybe just a little peek won't--"

"I don't think so," he said and began to move his body off mine. I felt the cool air of the room wisp over my body as his warm muscles lifted of mine. I didn't want him to get off, ever. He positioned himself so that he was sitting on my cock while I was still lying in his bed. The feeling of my hard dick resting against his tight ass was enough to release my wad, but I knew better things were coming.

"Well, if we can't let our cocks go out and play, how am I going to show you my cum, which you showed me on those sexy speedos of yours." I wanted to play a part in this mischief.

"I've got an idea." He leaned forward, leaving my cock wedged against his ass crack, and began sucking on one of my nipples. He planted his lips in a circle around the nipple and then pulled them together and he pinched his lips on the tip of my nipple. The sucking motion was thorough. He moved over my nipple a few times like that before he sunk his teeth into the sensitive skin of my erect nipple. My back arched as the sensation from his gentle nibbling surged through my body. His hot, wet lips against my hard pecs were making my cock twitch with pleasure. As he continued to service my nipples he began to rock back and forth while seated on my speedo-bound cock. The rocking motion became a sliding motion as his ass crack slid up and down the length of my shaft. Between his first class nipple treatment and his tight sliding ass, I was losing myself. After several minutes of intense rocking and sucking, I blew my load inside my speedo. I saw Joe's face as he reacted to splotch of wetness he felt on his ass. He sat straight up, taking his mouth from my nipple, and began pressing his ass harder against my spent cock. I could feel my cum oozing out of my speedo and smearing onto Joe's ass. I looked up at his face.

"You little fucker, I had lots more fun things for us to do," Joe said smiling.

"Well, I guess I'll have to treat you to some fun," I replied, ready to service his huge cock.

"Good," he said, and he went from sitting on my crotch to kneeling on either side of my chest. He grabbed a pillow from behind him and placed it behind my head. Then, he began walking on his knees towards my face, his big hardon level with my hungry mouth. As he approached I noticed how his tight speedo barely contained his gigantic cock. The only way he could keep his dick inside his speedo was to tilt it off to the side. And his dick was so long that when it was tilted to the side his cockhead was nearly at his hipbone. So I stared at that monster as Joe moved himself towards my face. He finally stopped with his cock about an inch from my mouth. I was just about to dig right in when he spoke.

"Now remember, no matter how much you may want to take my cock out, you can't. Leave it inside for now." I was really wishing he hadn't said that.

I wanted that sensual taste of cockflesh in my mouth. I wanted to taste his precum and then feel his wad shoot to the back of my mouth. I didn't want to suck such a worthy cock through a speedo. But I decided to be obedient. I opened my mouth wide and began sucking his shaft about halfway up. He immediately began groaning with pleasure. I tried my best to make his dick wet with my saliva, and he seemed to love it. As I munched on his rod I wrapped my arms around his smooth legs. He felt like he had just shaved that morning. I rubbed the back of his thighs up and down. I got to the bottom of his speedo and began feeling the bottom of his firm ass cheeks. As I did this Joe began humping my face. He wasn't getting enough action from my speedo-inhibited sucking so he added his own fuel to the fire. With my hands on his ass I could feel his ass tighten for each thrust into my face. I spread my hands over his ass cheeks and began gently squeezing. His groaning got much louder. I let the tips of my fingers slide into his ass crack and began probing for his asshole. As I was doing this I moved my mouth up his shaft and began sucking on the tip of his cock through his tight speedo. After several seconds of sucking his cock head Joe screamed something unintelligible. But I knew what that meant, and seconds later I felt warm cum shooting from his cock. The taste of Joe's cum made up for the sucking job I had to do through his speedo. I wanted to suck down all of it so I began sucking Joe's cock extra hard so that I could suck the cum through the fabric of his speedo. Joe screamed yet again, not expecting the extra attention after he blew his load. His whole body twitched as I sucked on his supersensitive cockhead. Once I extracted a fair amount of cum I drew back from his cock and swallowed my treasure as Joe watched, smiling.

Then Joe sighed and laid down beside me on his bed. He leaned over and gave me a deep kiss; his probing tongue got some of the leftover cum still in my mouth. He put one of his arms on my back and began rubbing my sweating skin. I put out a hand and began rubbing his bulging chest in front of me. I pinched his nipples and cupped his sweaty pecs.

Suddenly we were interrupted. Joe's alarm clock began beeping just as another passionate embrace was about to begin.

"Fuck," said Joe, "Ten mintues till practice."

"Shit," I replied. I had completely forgotten about swim practice. We both stood up quickly. Joe got his goggles from his desk and found another pair in a drawer that I could use. We started to make for the door when I felt the cool cum still in my speedo. I looked down and saw the splotch on my speedo. I grabbed Joe and pointed to his as well.

"Shit," he said. "Let's go jump in the shower real quick and clean these things."

Joe and I snuck down his hallway, covering our cum-drunched speedos with our hands, until we came to his floor's bathroom. Once inside the bathroom door Joe grabbed my hand and pulled me in a shower with him. He turned on the water quick as lightning and slipped his speedo off. I was a shocked, I had seen his cock before in class but now that it was upclose I was taken back. It was a monster, and still quite hard. He caught me staring at him.

"Don't worry, you two will get acquainted real well someday soon," he said.

"But for now, we've got to hurry the fuck up." He said that and then grabbed my speedo and yanked it down my legs. As he did so his face was right next to my half-hard dick. It was the first time he had seen my cock out in the open. He paused a moment as well.

"I thought we had to hurry," I said, jokingly.

"Shit, James, nice cock."

"You'll get to know it likewise," I replied. We quickly got back to business. Joe found some soap and we quickly washed our speedos, keeping one eye on each other's cock at the same time. My dick was getting harder because of Joe's attention. When we finished washing the speedos Joe leaned over to my ear.

"Wanna switch?"

I smiled. "Sure." I slipped on Joe's speedo which fit me like a normal speedo, Joe slipped on mine which was extra tight. I could see that it was uncomfortable.

"Are you sure you wanna wear that?" I asked.

"Fuck yes, I'll be able to go through practice knowing the tight speedo around my cock was yours, that you sweat in it, got hard in it, even cummed in it. How hot is that?"

I just grabbed his package in response and yelled, "Let's go."

Practice was decent. Some freshmen were thinking about dropping the team because of speedo week. However, during that discussion I wasn't among those complaining. That night I went back to my room, dead tired after practice, and saw Matt.

"How was your first whole day in the suit, James?" he asked.


Next: Chapter 2

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