Speedo Week

By James English

Published on Feb 26, 2004


DAY THREE: From good to oh-shit.

I awoke on Wednesday, after two erotic encounters with Joe, never having fucked the beauty or even having tasted his cum (thought the taste of his cock was still fresh in my mouth). However, I awoke with the sound of a consolation prize in my ears. It was the sound of vigorous wet slapping and sliding--it was the sound of Matt jacking off. Quickly all thoughts of Joe subsided as I listened to the action on the bunk above me. Matt was whacking off passionately. I could hear all the movements of his hand on his shaft--slaps, squishes, slides, and lots of lube in between his quick hand and hard shaft. He was moving very, very fast, I wasn't quite sure what to do. However, suddenly he groaned quietly and my cock responded immediately. His groan put a picture in my mind, suddenly I could visualize the musclebound hunk above me pleasuring himself. I could see his hand, covered in lotion, running the length of his shaft. And his shaft was towering above his bulging legs, spread apart slightly so his balls could hang freely between his massive thighs. His cock loomed also above his abs, pulsing with his quick breaths, showing off his six-pac like never before. Maybe there on his upper abs or just between his pecs, a trickle of sweat was rolling along among the muscle. Surely his bubble ass was sweating--his soft sheets were being soaked in the efforts of his pleasure. I clearly pictured one of his arms, his massive arms, doing the whole of the work. His hand was firmly curled about his boner; his forearm was tight from the chore; his bicep was bulging and rocking back and forth with his arm. I imagined a vein running beneath his skin but above his firm bicep, the vein protruding as an emblem of his muscles. And I pictured his face staring down at his cock--his mouth twitching with pleasure and spewing forth uncontrolled moans of delight. It was a sight.

I then realized that during the visualizing my hand had wandered down to my crotch and was massaging my hardon through my speedo. I continued to work my package as I listened to his muffled moans. As I played with my boner I slid it as much as I could inside my speedo, feeling the nylon glide over my cock. I then took my free hand and placed it on my abs. As I began to caress my abs I did a small sit-up so I could feel my abs in full form. My stomach went from being slightly malleable to being six rock hard mounds of muscle. I had the urge to reach under my speedo and pull out my dick and jack off simultaneously with Matt, however, I thought ahead to a better plan.

I began rustling around in my sheets, trying to give Matt the unmistakable impression that I was about to get up. He took the bait and I suddenly heard the sounds of his lubricated cock stop. It seemed as though I had stopped him just short of a splendid cum shot, but I had to be cruel--I didn't want that cum wasted on anything other than my mouth. I continued rustling around until I finally put my feet to the floor and stood up. I turned around nonchalantly to Matt's bunk and he did his best to pretend he was just waking up. However, I could see that he had his hands over his crotch to hold down his boner and that he had just thrown a sheet over his sweaty body (he didn't cover all his goods, the bottom curve of his ass cheek was still visible to my delight).

"Hey, Matt," I said, "I'm gonna go hit the shower." I then realized that my own cock was still sitting hard in my speedo, creating an obvious protrusion. However, Matt didn't seem to notice, he still seemed as nervous as he was the night before.

"Ummm, hey." That was all he could manage.

As I fumbled around for my towel and soap Matt subdued his boner and got down off his bunk. He was wearing only his boxers so his body was ripe for the viewing. And I had been right, I could see the shimmer of sweat between his pecs and on his abs. I finally found my stuff.

"Back in a few."

"Sure," Matt said, regaining a firm tone. "I'll be sitting here watching TV."

With that I exited the room, but I didn't wander far. In fact, I stood just outside the door, listening intently to the sounds of our room. My plan was this: I was going to wait for Matt to pick up his hard rod again and then bust in the door. I figured I could stare at his cock for a bit, and then rub my own package, and he'd get the picture, and I'd finally get some cum in my mouth. So I listened. I heard rustling, then it sounded like Matt was moving around on the couch. Then I heard nothing--for about ten minutes. I was getting restless, I had figured he was giving up on his dick altogether. But then I heard that noise--a quiet groan. My heart began thumping because I knew that it was time to bust in on my hot roommate servicing his cock. What was I going to say? Would a simple grasp of the crotch tell his enough? Was he really gay? Shit, this could be bad--but I did it.

Upon flinging open the door I was taken back. Matt was sitting on the couch--in one of my own speedos! The first sight I saw was his hand wrapped around his shaft that was still trapped inside one of my own speedos. I knew I was going to pretend to look surprised, but now I really fucking was.

And Matt freaked. He jumped out off of the couch and ran for his chair, mumbling to me at the same time. But as he did that he noticed his crucial mistake, he left the TV on. And what was playing other than my own little unknown attempt at porn. It was once again the scene where I smeared my hot cum all about my stomach--it must have been his favorite. My eyes met the TV just as Matt looked at me, hoping I hadn't looked yet. I paused for a second out of surprise. I knew for sure now that Matt liked the cock, and mine as well. So I regained some confidence for the plan at hand. Matt, on the other hand, looked as if he was about to have a heart attack. He looked at me from his desk chair with wide eyes, as if he was expecting me to throw a punch or something. He looked down from eyes into his lap. While looking there he seemed to then notice my speedo around his waist and he looked up again, expecting death for another wrong.

"I'm sorry," seemed to come from his lips, but it surely didn't sound like that, it was just a mumble.

I realized it was my turn to act. I began focusing on my facial expression. Before it had been surprise and then satisfaction (but Matt was too scared to notice). I quickly turned on a more mysterious expression.

"So, you're wearing my speedo?"

He nodded, frightened. It was something to see such a muscular, strong body quiver with fear.

"And you're watching a video you made of me jerking off yesterday?" I was surprisingly serious in tone.

He nodded again. Suddenly he looked away from my eyes and focused on my body, standing a few feet before him. His eyes, though frightened, seemed to steal quick glances of my pecs and abs, even my package--I was pleased.

"And that made you hard?"

He paused.

"Well? I saw your boner."

He nodded. His eyes now showed a bit of curiosity, but mostly fear.

"So does my body make you hard?"

He nodded. I was loving it.

"Does my hard cock make you hard?"

He nodded obediently.

"Does my jizz make you hard?"

Nodding again. I looked at his huge pecs and saw them lightly shaking, he still had no idea what was coming.

"Were you jacking off to the thought of my hot body this morning?" I was amazed that I was still keeping a straight face. I was starting to focus on his body in expectation.

He nodded slowly.

"Do you want to suck me off?" My eyes got as wide as his as I asked the question.

He did nothing right away, he seemed so confused.


He nodded. My heart was thumping, the time for talk was over.

"Good," I said and began moving towards him. His eyes grew very wide for a second, expecting the worst, but then they relaxed as they realized the best was on its way. I slowly bent over and put my lips to his lightly. I kissed him a while and then back away, looking into his bewildered eyes.

"Are you...?" Matt's eyes gave away the question.

"Lay down on the couch," I whispered, smiling wide. As Matt walked over to the couch I watched from behind. His bubble butt looked amazing in my speedo. The muscles of his ass flexed against the tight suit amazingly as he walked. And the muscles of his back were on display as well. My cock was hard in an instant.

I walked over to Matt, now sprawled along the couch.

"You look hot, Matt."

Matt seemed confused, "Thanks. So James, you're gay?"

I smiled, trying to share the moment with him. "Hell yes, Matt, and I'm fucking psyched that you are too."

As I spoke I saw the final wave of relief break over Matt's face. I watched as his eyes relaxed and began to focus on the one thing that mattered right then, my bulging speedo.

"Fuck yes," Matt said, reaching for my dick.

I quickly stopped him with my own hand; he looked confused. "In due time," I smiled. So did Matt.

As I stood over the couch I looked down at Matt's body. It took all my will not to pull out my tool and whack off over his muscles right then and there. He was a treat. In his completely relaxing position on the couch not one of his muscles lost its firm form. His pecs bulged out like round mountains, his abs were still protruding from his toned stomach. I noticed the top of the "V" between his lower stomach muscles and his hips; the two perfect creases in his muscle ran like a "V", meeting beneath his speedo at his cock. His thighs looked even more massive as the rested against the couch. And his arm that was groping for my basket was loaded with firm, flexing muscles. I looked down to his eyes and saw that they were observing my body. My six-pac was pumping with my deep breaths and my cock was hard in my speedo.

I lowered myself onto his body by kneeling with my knees on either side of his chest. As I rested my ass on his body I felt my firm ass cheeks rest atop his bulging six-pac. I then became acutely aware that my speedo, as well as his, was still on. I was thinking about standing up to take it off when I felt Matt's warm tongue on my abs. I looked down at him and he was curling his body forward beneath my own, licking at my abs as best he could.

I immediately joined in the action. As his hot tongue slipped between my abs I reached behind my back and grabbed his basket, beginning to knead the hard shaft of his cock within his speedo. His moaning began right away. I kept playing with his cock while it was stuck in his speedo. I worked my hand all the way around its shaft and I pinched at his cockhead. I also worked over his bound balls, squeezing them roughly. All the while I worked on his package his tongue slithered about my abs. The warm, wet, soft feel of his tongue was heaven on my muscles. When I looked down at his work I realized he was desperately trying to lick my basket but my arrangement on top of him wouldn't allow the angle. Therefore, I slid my ass up his body until my cheeks were resting on his two huge pecs. The meeting of such massive pairs of muscle was intense. It felt like four round stones meeting, only there was enough hot tenderness to make the touching very sensual. Now Matt was able to put his wet tongue against the bulge of my cock in the speedo. My rested his hands on my hips, just above my speedo waist line--his hands had a very warm touch. I suddenly moaned as I felt his saliva begin to seep through the nylon and meet my boner. I thrusted my crotch as best I could against his warm tongue. However, the main result was a flexing in my ass cheeks that made me appreciate and desire the firmness of Matt's pecs. I realized that I had neglected Matt's package in the shift. I reached back for his cock and discovered that I had a long distance to his cock. Therefore I leaned my body backwards, arching my back, and continued massaging his tool. As a result of my arching my crotch leaned forward a bit towards Matt's lovely tongue, and it seemed as though the senses in my crotch were heightened.

Despite all the moving about I realized Matt's cock was still only grazing over my speedo-bound cock; he wasn't able to give my knob the vigorous sucking it deserved. Matt seemed to realize the problem as well; he used his hands that were resting on my hips and began guiding my body upward off his body. I followed along and lifted my ass cheeks off his firm pecs, regretting the end of such a union. Soon I was standing up on my knees, my bulging basket towering above Matt's pecs and his face--I saw what was coming. He took his hands and slowly guided my body forward, so that my package was making a direct trip to his face. Excellent. As I leaned forward I felt determined to keep my hand on Matt's own bulge, always keeping the reciprocal action in mind. Soon I felt my bulge meet Matt's eager lips, which immediately closed about the midsection of my shaft. Now, instead of feeling his soft tongue against my package it was his hard determined lips that were meeting my cock. He moved his hands from his hips to my ass cheeks and began pushing my ass forward, moving my cock further into his mouth. The feeling of his hot saliva all about my tool was ecstasy. He was sliding his mouth sideways along my shaft, running along my tender cock nerves. The thought of cumming was heavy in my mind, and my cock felt close to bursting. But I had to hold out. Just when I thought my wad was due I backed off Matt's mouth to my upright kneeling position. But Matt didn't take the move as a slow-down. Instead he used it to begin peeling off my speedo. In no time my speedo was at the tops of my thighs, leaving my cock in full form sailing outward from my lower stomach muscles. My balls, however, were still trapped in my speedo, creating something of a cock ring cutting of the flow of my jizz. As Matt pulled my speedo down I reached back for his own speedo to counter. From my awkward position I managed to at least free his cock, and I was very pleased. I wanted to turn my body around and put my mouth to his cock then and there, but I decided to let my cock get the works first.

As I began leaning towards his face again, he puckered his lips, making a mock asshole. I dutifully put my cock tip to his lips and slowly slid in. He lips stuck firm together and played the part of an asshole very well. He also managed to receive nearly the whole of my cock before he opened his mouth and returned to formal sucking. When I felt the tug of his mouth on my shaft, I nearly exploded. Despite all the action of the past two days, my voyage into Matt's mouth was my bare cock's first sucking at school. It felt like ages since my last good suck. As his mouth bobbed over the upper two thirds of my tool I felt the surging of jizz in the base of my cock. I realized the tight nylon of my speedo wasn't going to hold back such a deluge. I tried to take my mind off the sucking by focusing on Matt's cock all the more. I reached back and began stroking furiously, putting so much energy in his arm that the nerves in my cock were overlooked for a bit--though the smooth sucking of Matt's warm mouth was never completely forgotten. After a minute of intense stroking I seemed to have hit a nerve in Matt's cock; he was groaning uncontrollably. His whole body was twitching from the sensation. His head randomly tilted about, adding an interesting element to my blowjob.

I figured my stroking was doing the trick so I turned my eyes forward to my own cock, still lightly tugging on Matt's rod with my hand. But apparently the deed was done, and just after I had turned around I felt that familiar jolt from the body beneath and, to my surprise, a wad of jizz hit my ass. Matt's mouth stopped churning while he rocketed out his cum. I looked back: his cum had leaped across his abs and landed in full force on my ass and his pecs. He had also managed to shoot the arm the stroked him a bit as well. It was a pleasing sight. As I looked at the cum shot behind me Matt's mouth began sucking on my knob faster than ever before. The sudden tugging on my cock by his wet mouth took me by surprise, and I felt my jizz surging. However, I wasn't going to let my first suck off at school end so easily. As the jizz seemed to be starting its journey through my cock I leaned as far as I could into Matt's face, thrusting my pubes onto his nose. Matt gagged and I retracted my cock a bit. Now that he knew what I was up to, I grabbed his hair and held his head steady. I then began rocking my ass and crotch back and forth, sending my cock to the depths of his throat. It only took several pumps; the feeling of my cock lodging in his wet throat did the trick. As I was pulling out after my fourth thrust my jizz spurted from my dick onto Matt's tongue. I stopped rocking immediately but held Matt's head in place, letting my cock tip sit on his tongue and empty my wad there. Matt didn't resist at all; he took my load dutifully. After my first spurts were done Matt rolling my load off his tongue and down his throat, swallowing my load with the tip of my cock still in his mouth. I grabbed the base of my dick and prepared to pull it out completely but he closed around my shaft with his tight lips and sucked for a few more seconds, extracting the last drops of cum from my shaft. His firm sucking shook my sensitive cock with pleasure. Within a second I was moaning.

Finally he opened his mouth wide and I took my cock out. I was so spent that I fell on my back resting with my back atop Matt's sturdy thighs, my cum-sprayed ass pressed against his body. I felt his now soft cock between my thighs as I rested on top of him. We both relaxed, my body firmly atop his, for a minute or two, until our breathing slowed.

I tilted my head up and looked down to his face, glancing past my cock to do so. His eyes met mine.

"You fucking queer," I said, nearly laughing. Matt broke out laughing immediately.

"This is going to be some fucking year, James."

"Definitely. And Matt," I began.


"I think you should wear my speedos more often. You look hot in them."

Matt was smiling. "Thanks."

` I didn't see Joe until I got into the pool at practice.

"Fuck, I've had the worst blue balls over you," Joe whispered in my ear. My stomach sank a bit at the comment. Here Joe was holding out for me while I was taking my chances with Matt right off. I felt like I had let Joe down. I decided to say nothing of my encounter with Matt that morning.

"Me too," I replied. "When are we gonna have our fun?"

"Soon," he whispered as he began to swim away.

At the end of practice coach told us the captains needed to speak with us again, and, sure enough, Patrick was looming above us yet again. Joe and I were standing side by side in the pool, our hips snug against each other.

"Alright, fuckers," Patrick began. "Now things get interesting."

There was silence. Patrick paused to let our minds reel with possibilities.

"Now you boys get to put your dick suits to work doing some old fashioned community service."

Everyone seemed confused. Clearly we weren't going to be serving soup to the homeless in speedos. Then what? Patrick went on.

"Part of the tradition of speedo week involves several nights work catering some on-campus parties. Most of you will be at various sororities and parties like that." Patrick didn't mention what the people outside "most of you" were going to do, but I had an idea.

"That's right, fucksticks, now you're gonna have people grabbing at your little dick suits. Girls, probably lots of fat girls, are gonna tug at your tight speedos." Patrick laughed. "Gonna be fucking hilarious. I'm gonna read of the list now of which of you are assigned to which upperclassmen on the team. They'll tell you what your duties are this evening." Patrick began reading off names. Mine, Joe's, and Josh's were read last. "You three, you'll be with me. Alright, before we break up, coach has some more words."

Coach came over slightly shaking his head. "Now boys, I'm all for a little hazing for old times sake, but sometimes these 'duties' can get out of hand.

Remember, no one can ever touch you, make you do something don't want to do, or threaten you in any way. Don't let this get out of control." He started to walk away but turned around after a few paces. "And good luck, boys." Uneasy smiles broke over all the freshmen's faces. What the fuck was on the agenda?

Joe, Josh and I all traded glances and met each other in the pool. But before we could speak, about yesterday, the duty ahead, or anything else, Patrick interrupted.

"Hey, get up here," he said as he pointed to the pool deck.

We slowly pulled ourselves out of the water and stood in front of Patrick. He looked us all over for a while before he spoke, his eyes darting up and down our dripping, muscular bodies.

"You all are pretty hot, I gotta admit," he said as he focused on my abs. "Nice packages too." Now his eyes were on Joe's crotch. "Good thing you all like buttfucking." Now he looked each one of us in the eyes in turn. We were all lost for a comment.

"Yeah," Patrick smiled, "I knew it." He stared at Josh. "Well, I got the perfect gig for you pretty boys. You'll be working at the first Hot Boys party of the year."

None of us knew what he was talking about.

"The Hot Boys, in case you fuckers haven't figured out, is the premier gay club on campus. Nobody goes to one of their parties without getting laid." My heart was beating rapid fire. It sounded great, but very intimidating as well. Joe got the courage to speak up.

"So what will we be doing?" Joe spoke with his eyes glued to his feet.

Patrick came within a foot of his face. "You'll be serving drinks, of course." Patrick smiled. "And you may be asked to do a few, other favors as well." At those words Joe's eyes met Patrick's. I couldn't see Joe's eyes but Patrick's persisted with their meddlesome glare.

Patrick stepped back from Joe and told us when and where to meet for the party and then promptly left us alone.

"Shit," Joe mused, "this could be interesting."

I was a bit uneasy. "Yeah, and it could get out of hand," I added.

"Sounds like a good chance for some action to me," Josh said as he smiled and adjusted his package with his right hand.

"Yeah, the three of us are due for some 'quality time' together," Joe snickered. I laughed and looked at the two hotties close to me. Joe's tight pecs and Josh's rippling abs were still dripping from the pool. Both their speedos were still soaked, giving a better outline of the cocks beneath.

"That was a shitty interruption," I added. "We could have painted the shower walls with cum if not for that janitor." We were all laughing a bit, but we were also aroused at the thought of a threesome. I could see Josh's cock sliding sideways in his speedo.

"Well, why don't we head to my room and catch up?" Josh asked. Joe's eyes immediately locked onto his. I suddenly felt jealousy surge again as their stare continued.

I interrupted their gazing. "Well, I'd love to have some fun with you two but Patrick's instructions would put us in the Hot Boys' house in less than half an hour."

Joe and Josh turned to me, taking their minds off fucking for an instant.

"Son of a bitch," Joe lamented. "Well, I'm gonna head to my room and get ready then."

"What the fuck do you mean 'get ready', it's not like you have a complicated outfit to wear," Josh teased.

"Well, I will be wearing a different speedo for the event," Joe replied.

"Whatever." Josh laughed.

"Let's meet in front of the house in twenty minutes then, okay?" I asked.

They both nodded.

As I followed the directions to the Hot Boys' house, pacing quickly as the sun set, I felt the cool breeze slide over my body. After a few days in my speedo I had developed the trick of focusing on the feeling in one particular area of my bare skin. I mostly dwelled on all the sensations on my upper thighs, and that night as I walked the wind was a cool hand grazing my skin with a most delicate touch. It was a great sensation. However, the wind was a slight chill to my skin, what I wanted so badly was to feel some warm hand, radiating heat from passionately pulsing blood, grazing up my smooth inner thigh and settling in a grasp around my basket--and the wind wasn't going to do that. But someone else might.

Nearing the Hot Boy's house, I realized I had turned onto fraternity row. Suddenly party-goers where walking alongside me towards various frat parties. Even though it was a Wednesday night, the homework-free first week of classes provided ample opportunities for intense partying. Just as I noticed the dozens of party-goers I also heard the first round of snickering. I was obviously a sight in a light blue speedo and flip-flops. The first giggles came from a group of girls bedecked in make-up and mini-skirts. They passed me headed the opposite direction.

"Are you gonna be at the Kappa Alpha party tonight, sexy?" As one girl got close I quickly smelled the alcohol on her breath.

"Umm, I don't think so." I had no idea what frat the hot boys really were, so I couldn't be sure.

She stopped right next to me, almost tumbling forward with clumsy drunken momentum. "What, you don't know where you're headed?" Her concentration was impressive for one so drunk; she deserved an answer.

"Well, it's called the Hot Boys' house and I don't--"

"Oh," she interrupted, smiling cryptically, "Too bad, lots of girls here would be aching to go down on a guy like you, myself included." The Hot Boys' reputation was far-reaching it seemed. "Well, sexy, you have a good time tonight. And if you ever change teams, come find me first."

I tried not to smile to much as she walked away, but it was hard not to be flattered.

I continued walking down the sidewalk. Across the street I saw a few other freshmen in speedos, a few of them were headed up the front steps of a sorority house, a gaggle of girls was waiting for them on the front steps, disposable cameras in hand. If I wasn't facing a similar fate, I might have laughed.

Out of nowhere a hand smacked squarely on my ass; it felt like my whole ass was getting pinched by a thousand sets of fingers. Before I could turn around to look at the smacker he passed by me shouting "Yeehaw" from underneath his cowboy hat. His other hand, aside from the smacking one, was carrying one side of a keg. As I reached back to rub my ass I checked out the perpetrator's backside as he walked away from me. Complimenting his cowboy hat was an ass that sat perfectly in some worn jeans. After a view like that, we were even.

After a few more cat calls I decided to hustle to the house. I jogged a bit till I saw the address. The house was like any other on frat row, two-story and stately with a porch, but with unkempt lawn and a few beer cans scattered amid the flower patches. It was missing one feature that all other frat row houses had, black bold Greek letters above the door. I couldn't see Joe or Josh so I debated turning off the sidewalk and making an approach. I was still five minutes early. Suddenly Joe appeared from behind a bush in front of the house next door and Josh appeared from across the street. They both reached me at the same time.

"I was just waiting for someone else so I didn't have to go in alone," Joe said, stroking his hair and avoiding eye contact. Mr. Tough was a little afraid it seemed.

"Yeah, I was waiting too to see if--"

I cut Josh short. "Thank God somebody's got half a ball here," I said laughing a bit. They relaxed. "Well," I continued, "I guess we go in now."

We all looked towards the door and made reluctant first steps.

We rang the doorbell twice before someone appeared. Quickly the door swung open.

"Well, well, our gay little swimmers are here," the guy said, raising his voice for someone in another room. "I'm Kyle," he said looking at us, "and you three must be--"

"Fucking gorgeous," another guy shouted as he joined Kyle by the door. "My God you all are hot. I'm Eric," he said, leaning forward to shake my hand.

"I'm James," I offered. Eric made sure to lock eyes with me for a bit, then moved on to Josh. Kyle followed and shook my hand. Kyle and Eric both had attractive faces, delicate faces that betrayed their effeminate, graceful posture and mannerisms. They were the type of gays you could pick out in a crowd, but they had a delicate kind of beauty that was captivating.

"Well," Kyle said, "Come on in and have a seat."

As we passed by them towards a couch I looked back and saw Eric fanning himself with exaggerated desire for Kyle to see. I smiled.

Once we were comfortably seated, the three of us on one couch with Eric and Kyle facing us in chairs, we chatted for a bit, listened to Kyle and Eric giggle to their content.

"I bet you all are curious as to what's going on tonight," Kyle began.

We all nodded. I looked over at Joe and saw that he was staring at my package, ignoring Kyle. Josh was looking at the floor.

"Eric can probably explain it best." All three of us then looked to Eric, who eyes were caught in a gaze.

"Hmm, What?" he said, a bit disoriented. "Oh yeah, tonight. Sorry, I was just staring at your speedo, Josh," Eric said laughing. Josh shot a glance at Eric, he seemed to like that idea. "Anyway," Eric went on, "basically you'll be serving drinks: beer, shots, jello-shots, whatever. You'll be our super hot caterers." Eric giggled. We smiled.

Kyle looked at Eric and nudged him. "And," Eric continued, "guys will probably be doing all sorts of stuff all around you as you serve. And they might try to get you to join in." Our ears perked.

"But do only what you want," Kyle interjected. They both seemed very respectful about the whole thing.

Suddenly the front door jolted open and another Hot Boy appeared before our eyes. He was tall and sweaty, straight from the gym. He stepped inside the door and wiped his sweaty brow with his shirt, thus exposing a six-pac beaded with sweat. And as he reached his arm to his brow his abs streched perfectly, all his stomach muscles rose like rigid mounds. He also exposed the sexy waistline from his mesh shorts' elastic resting tight against his stomach. He dropped his shirt and his eyes met ours. I quickly noticed Eric and Kyle sharing a secret wide-eyed look.

"Sweet," he exclaimed, looking at us, "the cock-pockets have arrived." He bounded into the room.

"Hey Davis," Kyle said weakly.

"Man o man, you motherfuckers are hot. Patrick was right." Davis stared hard. "Stand up, let me check you boys out."

We looked to Kyle and Eric who could only offer half-hearted smiles. We did as we were told. Davis started walking towards us. He came to me first and after staring at my speedo for a bit put his nose about an inch from mine, penetrating my eyes with his stare. It was intense; his stare was relentless.

Kyle tried to diffuse the tension. "Davis, we were just talking to the guys about what they'll be doing tonight." It worked, Davis stepped back and turned to Kyle.

"Were you?" Davis turned from Kyle and approached Joe. "Did you tell them about the dick-sucking and the butt-fucking?" Davis smiled at Joe. Kyle and Eric were speechless, there was no response to Davis' devious tone. "That's right, buddy," Davis said staring at Joe, "you're gonna have dicks in every hole you've got." As Davis said "got" he reached his arm behind Joe's back and slammed Joe's body forward against his. Joe looked shocked, but I knew he had the power to stop things if they got too rough. I watched as Joe leaned his head and shoulders back, arching his stomach against Davis' sweaty shirt. His basket seemed to be buried in Davis' shorts. Davis just held him tight for a bit.

"Let's see," Davis said, suddenly releasing Joe's back only to grab his shoulders and turn him around. It was a quick, powerful gesture; I was impressed. Davis then slid his hands from Joe's shoulders down Joe's back. "But the most important hole we're gonna use," Davis continued, slipping his hand inside Joe's speedo and sliding a finger near his ass crack, "is this one." I saw Davis' wandering finger quickly poke from inside the speedo at Joe's asshole. Joe twitched as the finger slightly penetrated his ass.

Kyle and Eric interjected with half shouts of something unintelligible. Davis turned to them with a sinister curl of a smile and retreated from Joe.

"We're gonna have tons of fun boys," Davis said, approaching Josh and immediately planting his fingers on Josh's nipples. "Don't be fooled by these fairies, we're prime cut bodies here like you guys and," he paused as he dramatically whipped off his sweaty shirt, "like this." The preview of his abs was right on, his pecs followed suit as muscular mountains. "And sexy bodies like ours know how to take care of each other." He lifted his arm and expose his armpit to Josh's face. Josh stood still and Davis tilted his head to stare at him. "Right?"

Josh got the picture. "Right," he timidly responded and began lightly licking Davis' armpit. Davis tilted his head back slightly.

Eric finally managed a full word. "Hey," he exclaimed.

We all looked his way. Josh stopped licking, Davis seemed vexed by the interruption.

Eric struggled to continue. "I think the guys need to start getting the booze ready."

Davis was silent for a bit. "Alright," he agreed. "I need a shower anyway."

Eric and Kyle looked very relieved. Davis made for the stairs. He stopped at the foot of the staircase and turned back. "Hey Eric, why don't you get up here and suck me off in the shower."

Eric looked queasy. "Sure thing," he managed. Davis left our view.

"I'm so sorry," Eric began, "we were hoping he'd come home later." Kyle jumped in apologizing too.

"Don't worry about," Joe said. "And if you don't want to go up there to the shower, I'll take care of any trouble."

"That's sweet," Eric said, "but he's the senior president of Hot Boys, if I want that next year, I need to go down on him whenever he wants. It's okay."

We were a bit uneasy, but it seemed like a good justification. After all, Davis was hot.

"Come on," Kyle said, "let's go to the kitchen."

We spent the better part of 2 hours putting drinks in coolers and arranging furniture throughout the house under Kyle's supervision. Then Eric came back downstairs, hair wet, face disoriented after a clearly very hot encounter with Davis in the shower. Eric and Kyle traded muted expressions and went back to work. After another half an hour or so we heard the front door open and Davis shouting.

"It's about time, you fuckers," Davis shouted to whoever was at the door. Then we heard a few rounds of laughter from the door and suddenly the sound of dozens of footsteps filing through the door. Kyle looked up from a cooler at all of us in the kitchen.

"Party's started, guys." Quickly Eric and Kyle left the kitchen and joined the crowd in the other room.

"Alright," Joe said quietly after they left, "what's the plan?" He looked to both of us.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean how much shit are we gonna take before we split."

Josh and I were unsure how to respond.

"What?" Josh finally asked.

"Listen, that Davis asshole, he's no good--he's hot as balls--but he's no good. I mean, I'm always up for a good time, but I pick who fucks me, period." Joe's resilient tone was powerful, and a huge turn-on. To think that I was probably the one he would pick to fuck him also did the trick. So as he looked at me with his tough, concerned face all I could do was marvel at his perfect lips and bright eyes.

"Whatever, Joe," Josh replied. "We'll just leave when it gets bad in our own opinion. Personally," Josh continued as he peered through a doorway to the crowded room, "I wouldn't mind helping out Davis or his friends." He smiled menacingly.

Suddenly we heard a raise voice on the other side of the door from the kitchen to the main room; it was Davis'.

"Now, all you horny assholes listen up. As you know, it's the first week of school, and thah means our little party is going to be catered by some cute fuckers from the swim team." Davis commanded silence with his voice up until he said "swim team" at which point the crowd burst in cheers. "Settle down, settle down. Now I must admit, this year's bunch is not too bad." He paused. "I'd fuck 'em." Everyone laughed. "So remember, if things are getting boring and you want to spice things up, just grab one of our little speedo shits by the dick or ass or whatever and make your request. Blowjobs, handjobs, massages, body shots, you name it, these fuckers better do it."

"What about ass?" someone shouted. Everyone laughed a bit.

"You bet," Davis roared in reply.

As we heard that I saw Joe's face tighten. My own stomach dropped with excitement or fear, or both. I had a feeling what was coming next.

"So," Davis continued, "I'd like to present them right now. Boys," he said and he pushed open the door to the kitchen.

I looked through the door and saw dozens of faces, all with eager eyes peering into the kitchen. I froze, and so did Joe and Josh. The roars from the crowd were frightening. Suddenly Davis ducked his head in the door.

"Get out here you fuckers, and smile."

Slowly Josh got up and walked towards the door. As passed through the doorway the shouts get even louder. I watched Josh closely, after he stepped into the main room a few hands smacked his ass and others began pushing him to the center of the room where a couch was left empty. I could only see Josh's back as he was jerked about to his spot on the couch. Joe made for the doorway next. When the first hand landed on his ass he spun around to scowl at the perpetrator. The whole room started mockingly shouting "Ohhh" at fiesty Joe. He resisted the dozens of hands as best he could. Next I approached the door. As I did, I finally got a good look at the crowd. Lots of the guys seemed to have the hard-bodied mold like Davis, and they were huddled around where Davis had stood to introduce us. The rest of the crowd was a mixed bag, I saw firm biceps and pecs through the tight shirts of a few guys, a few guys with gorgeous faces, and others. However, no sooner had I scanned the crowd than the hands began pounding on my ass and back, quite hard. I was quickly seated on the couch next to Joe with dozens of guys staring at us.

I noticed that none of the other guys were sporting speedos unfortunately, just tight shirts and jeans mostly. Finally the shouts died down and the normal party atmosphere began, though most of the guys were still staring at us. Davis came over to the couch with a few of his hot buddies. They moved fast.

"Hey there," one beauty said as he leaned in close to me and kissed me unexpectantly. It was so fast I couldn't think to resist, though I didn't return the kiss very well. The guy dropped his hand into my crotch and squeezed at my package. Suddenly, though, he guy jerked to the side because Joe had pushed him hard.

"Watch it, motherfucker," the guy said pushing back at Joe. Joe stood to face the guy but soon Davis and friends came to his side. Josh and I were speechless. Joe and Davis stared each other down for a bit. Everyone conversation in the room suddenly stopped. It was a scary silence.

"Umm, boys," we suddenly heard Eric meekly say from the kitchen doorway. "I need your help with some drinks." Josh and I looked his way, Joe finished staring down Davis and looked too. Davis looked at Eric with a bit of disgust.

"Whatever, put these fuckers to work," Davis said. The three of us then made our way to the kitchen.

"Christ, guys," Eric said, looking at Joe, "watch your tempers."

"Nobody fucking makes out with my boyfr--"

"Just take it easy," Kyle interrupted. But I was still glued to what Joe almost said, "boyfriend." I was shocked. I stared at Joe's face, trying to catch his eye, but he was looking at Kyle.

"Now get out there and serve some fucking drinks," Eric said smiling.

For the next hour or so we served jello shots to horny guys. And every guy who we passed had some comment. "You wanna head upstairs?" "How `bout a body shot, sexy?" "I'm dying to get you off." "I bet you're tight." I smiled as politely as I could and told the guys I had to do a little more work. However, at times it was hard to make exuses, because a few of the guys asking were fucking gorgeous. And as the night progressed and the party-goers drank more and more, shirts began coming off and it seemed like every two guys were making out. Each time I came back out of the kitchen it seemed like another hard body had been unveiled.

Joe was much more blunt with the horny guys. He shot down invitations with cold stares and scowled at anyone who so much as bumped into him. Thinking of him, who had pronounced me as his boyfriend, kept me from going down on some of the hotter guys. Josh, on the other hand, responded quite well to the attention. He was drinking more than the rest of us and was flirting ten times as much. Emerging from the kitchen one time I saw him smiling as a guy was massaging his basket. The next time I left the kitchen he was nowhere to be seen.

"Josh didn't waste any time," I said to Joe as we reloaded on drinks in the kitchen.

"Yeah, let's hope he doesn't do any stupid shit," Joe said, sighing.

Suddenly someone busted in the door, it was Davis.

"Listen you worthless fuckers, this shit is ridiculous." He was fuming. "You fuckers are here to suck dick and get fucked, end of story." Joe quickly began staring him down. Davis turned to me. "So if you two shits aren't gonna do what you're told, then you're fucked. I'll tell Patrick and he'll have you at the bottom of the freshmen list in no time, assholes. Who knows, you all might get fucking cut. That's the way it works. You're here to do what I want, or else."

"Or else what?" Joe jeered. I thought Joe and Davis were gonna start throwing punches immediately. Instead, Davis calmed himself a bit and kept talking in my direction.

"Just get out there and do something hot, make these guys blow their loads." Davis left in a fury.

"Well," I said, "what now?"

"Let's leave, that'll show that motherfucker." Joe was still in rage.

"I don't think so." Joe finally looked at me squarely. "Why don't we just go out there and dance on the coffee table or something. Davis said we just need to get them off. That'll do it." Joe was really paying attention. "I'm worried that if this gets back to Patrick we'll be screwed for the season," I continued. "Let's just play his game for a bit. After all, don't you want to dance with me, your boyfriend?" I finished with a smile. Joe smiled too. In that smile we really became boyfriends, I felt. I saw Joe's anger soften and I took his hand. "Let's go," I said as I tugged him towards the door.

As we came out of the door we were greeted by scowls and smiles, either way most eyes were on us. I noticed that about five different couples were in the midst of blowjobs in various corners of the room. I led Joe by the hand and stepped onto the coffee table.

"Excuse me," I said. Now even the blowjobs stopped to listen. "We're going to be doing a dance for you all now," I said evenly. My words were greeted by a rush of applause. I smiled. "So if we could dim the lights and get some decent music..." My wish was their command, bodies began crowding around the coffee table. I looked at Joe, he was looking into the crowd and staring coldly at his new enemies. I reached to his chin and directed his gaze towards me and whispered, "Don't take your eyes of this body until I say so." We shared a smile as the strong bass from the stereo kicked in.

I took Joe's hands in my own, touching him for the first time that night. He was staring right at me. I placed his hands on my shoulders and began swaying to the music. The warmth from his hands felt like something melting atop my smooth, tight shoulders. I took my hands and placed them on his sides, sliding them slowly up and down his torso as we found a rythym amidst the music. As we began swaying I slid my hands onto his hips, feeling the top of his speedo against my fingers. He moved his hands from my shoulders and cradled them behind my neck, slowly bringing my face forward to lock with his. His lips hit mine lightly at first and we kissed delicately. Then Joe leaned closer, moving his hands to the back of my head, and pursed his lips tight over my upper lip several times, each time sliding his entire face forward and upward into the kiss. I began to return the favor and I began sucking lightly on his upper lip, all the while thinking of his tender, moist skin inside my lips. Joe tilted his head back and closed his eyes in delight, but then quickly opened them and suddenly opened his mouth wide, pressing it to mine. Instantaneously his tongue was far inside my mouth, playing with my own tongue. A retreated a bit and began closing my lips around his eager tongue, sliding my wet lips along his tongue. Joe then thrust his tongue deep inside my mouth again and flicked it against my own tongue. I slid my tongue forward and he sucked on it lightly.

As we kissed I slid my hands from his hips to his ass cheeks, feeling the smooth nylon beneath my palms. I rested my hands there gently for a while, admiring the way my hands melded with the natural curve of his muscular ass.

I kept my hands on his ass and lightly slid them back and forth over the entire bulge of his ass, at times lifting them nearly off his ass so they just grazed his speedo. After that I planted my hands more firmly against his ass muscle, and I felt his ass flex in reponse. I then slowly and forcefully pushed his ass forward, sending my basket right into his. As we had been kissing our packages had bumped occasionally, but now they were tight against one another and I felt his half hard dick rest between my dick and the creece of my upper thigh. As our dicks snuggled against one another I began to get rock hard. Then Joe dropped his hands down from the back of my hand and placed them gently in the middle of my back. Slowly then he began pushing my upper body towards his and I felt the warm tenderness of his abs and chest as they rested against mine. Just the feeling of Joe's tight skin sliding and squeezing against mine made my cock rise, filling my speedo. I noticed Joe's cock quickly did the same so I released my grip on his ass and backed up my hard cock a bit. Then I proceeded to sway my hips side to side so our boners could slid against one another through our speedos. The feeling of our cocks sliding against one another was enough but the additional feel of the speedos tugging and sliding was amazing. I began to realize just how badly I wanted to fuck Joe.

Joe broke our kiss and began kissing my chin. I rolled my head back as his wet lips slowly hopped down from my chin along my neck to my pecs. Each kiss was delicate and thorough, pressing into my warm skin with just enough passion and grace. The kisses became stronger as they pressed against my firm pecs. Finally his mouth found my left nipple. As his wet lips closed over my nipple I rolled my head back forward, looking down at Joe's blonde hair and his lips at work. I put my hands against the back of his head and pushed his face into my pecs. Joe responded by picking up the pace and sucking harder. I began running my hands through Joe's hair as he began nibbling on my nipple. At this point, I finally took my eyes off Joe and looked at the crowd. I was dumbfounded.

Aside from the music the crowd was silent. Every eye in the room was locked on our slow, seductive swaying. But what was more, all the people, especially those in a circle around the coffee table, had pulled out their cock and were stroking them to our dance. Not more than two feet from me on all sides were cocks being stroked and eager eyes, watching my every move. I even saw Davis in a trance, stroking his huge cock with one hand and pinching his nipples with the other. All eyes were on us. Davis saw me looking at him and suddenly stopped stroking his cock and grabbed something from his feet. He held it out to me, it was a bottle of scented body oil. I smiled at Davis and reached over to grab the bottle. As I did Joe looked up to see what was going on and noticed all the hard cocks surrounding us. His eyes grew wide as he surveyed all the dicks. When he finally turned back to me with a slightly scared look on his face.

"Get down on the table," I said, smiling and waving the bottle in front of his eyes.

Joe began sucking on my nipple again but then slowly began moving with a trail of kisses down along my six-pac. He was nearly seated on the table when his mouth kissed my hard cock through my speedo. I wanted so badly to pull out my cock right there and feed it to Joe. But instead I pushed his forehead back and he put his back to the coffee table. I promptly joined him, kneeling over his crotch. The way Joe was stretched out left his head and feet in the crowd, and as I leaned forward to kiss him I noticed Davis' dick was about two feet above Joe's face. As I leaned forward Davis looked at me like a child awaiting a new toy. His eyes were praying for my mouth to land on his cock. I made sure to come very close to his cock but pass it by for Joe's mouth instead. We kissed for a bit and then I pulled up and rested on Joe's crotch. His hard cock was pressing firmly against my ass. The view was great, right at my eye level were a dew dozen cocks and below me were the hottest six-pac and pecs I had ever seen. I put some of the lotion in my hands and began lathering them up.

Just as I touched my hand to Joe's pec I heard a moan from the crowd and looked to my right. One of the many wankers had cum, and was spurting lots of it on the carpet. As the guy came he started kissing the guy next to him. That guy then began moaning as well and soon he came. Only the second guy's cum shot right onto my side and Joe's stomach. I stopped for a second to look at the string of cum on Joe, but then decided to carry on with the lotion. I worked my hands over Joe's pecs and abs quickly, using the cum with the lotion. I suddenly began to hear lots more moaning and realized another deluge of cum might be on the way. I quickly threw my body atop of Joe's, grinding my abs into his and feeling the lotion squish between us. Sure enough, within seconds I felt hot cum on my back. I looked to Joe, he was smiling. We kissed as the crowd began to cum one by one.

I looked up from our kiss for a second and saw right through Davis' legs into the other room. In the middle of the other room were two guys fucking, hard. One guy was on all fours on the floor and another guy was pounding his ass. I could see the guy's ass jiggle as the other guy's torse slammed against his back. After a second the guy on the floor looked up, it was Josh. He was wincing from the hard fucking but seemed to be enjoying himself. I smiled and went back to kissing Joe. I looked up again a minute later and saw the guy pull out of Josh and then take off his condom. However, then the guy took some lube and lubed up his uncovered cock and began moving towards Josh's ass again. I jerked my shoulders upward, causing Joe to look at me with alarm.

"What's wrong?" he asked as another guy blew his load on my thigh.

"Look," I said pointing to Josh and his buddy.

"So, Josh is fucking, no big deal."

"Yeah, but that guy's not wearing condom."

Joe jumped upwards. I rolled off his body and to my feet but before I was standing steady Joe was already in the other room. The crowd around us was thrown into alarm.

"What the fuck?" Davis shouted as I moved to the other room. He planted a firm hand on my shoulder, leaving the other one on his dick. "Not until I cum, fucker."

I looked into the other room and saw Joe shoving some guys around. Then I looked at Davis, who wasn't budging. I quickly grabbed his cock with my hand, still covered in lotion, and began stroking it furiously as I looked him in the eye.

He was shocked but had a devious smile on his lips. "Wow, great service," he said as I stroked.

"Just cum," I said defiantly.

Davis closed his eyes and did just that, covering the front of my speedo with his jizz. The second he finished I bolted to the other room. I got there just in time to see three naked guys pushing Joe and Josh out the front door. I quickly followed out them out the door while the naked guys jeered at me.

I found them on the porch yelling.

"You fucking shithead! What the fuck did you think you were doing?" Josh was red with rage.

Joe wasn't too passive, he shouted back, "That guy didn't have a condom, you shithead. Maybe of you weren't so stupid I wouldn't have to fucking help you."

"Shut the fuck up," Josh screamed, trying to punch Joe but being thwarted by his own drunkeness. I stepped in to help.

"Get the fuck off me," Josh shouted and ran away down the street. We didn't follow.

"Well," Joe said, "that's what you get for helping?" We sat in silence for a while on the porch. I felt the cum on my body go cold.

"Well," I said, "I think that after that peep show we deserve some alone time."

"Absolutely. My dorm?" Joe smiled.


We walked for a bit and were almost at Joe's dorm when I remembered I had promised to tell Matt what I was doing that night. I found a campus security phone and called our room.

"Hey Matt."

"Yeah, man, what's on tonight?"

"Well, I was at this party but I left it cuz things got sticky." I looked at Joe and smiled.


"Yeah. Well, now I'm gonna go meet some swimming guys, we gotta do this thing for speedo week."

"Ummmm," Matt paused, "can you come by the room first."

I was covered in cum, I wanted to get to Joe's and change right away. "It's kind of a bad time, man. Why?"

"It's just that...there are some people here who say they know you?" Matt's tone was strange.


"Yeah, from summer camp or something."

I was confused. "Okay, man, I be by in a few." I turned to Joe. "Matt says some people I know are in our dorm."

"Alright," Joe said, "let's go change, meet them, and then get to business."


As Joe and I approached my dorm door I didn't hear anyone inside.

"That's strange," I told Joe.

I opened the door and saw that the lights were all off; the room was only lit by three candles and the TV, which was once again playing my little porn video. I quickly turned around to begin explaining things to Joe but before I could say a word Matt emerged from the shadows naked, stroking his dick.

"Hey cutie," he said. But then he saw Joe and jumped back in the shadows.

I looked to Joe, his eyes were wide.

"What the fuck is this, James?" he said, furious.

"It's..." I was frozen.

"Fuck you," Joe said, pushing me onto the couch as he made for the door.

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