Spells R Us Stress Toy

Published on Oct 9, 1997



Spell's R Us--Stress Toy

DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF UNDER 18! It contains graphic sex and is for adults only.

by BadIrving

It was a typical boring Thursday. I had gone up to the mall for lunch. I noticed that there was a new shop on the mall. Some kind of occult store called "Spell's R Us". I hadn't been in one of those before so I figured that I would go check it out. In the store I saw many weird and unusual things.

As I entered the story a little old man in a battered robe said "Hi, Steve".

I said, "Hi, now wait a second how did you know my name?"

He said, "Duh its a magic store, its magic! Now get with the program."

"Oh, well I just wanted to look around."

"That's fine the stress toys are over in the right corner of the store, see me when you're ready to check out."

That was an odd comment, but then what had really caught my eyes was a little stress toy (you know the knid that you can bend and stretch to relieve stress) that said "have fun with your lover". (Boy, that old guy was good.) It was made of rubber under which felt like malleable clay and had one of those fun instruction cards with it that told all these magic sayings of this that and the other thing. It looked kind of fun and interesting. It was only $10 so I bought it. The old man that ran the store had a big grin on his face when I bought it and said that I would really enjoy it.

I got back to the office after lunch and brought the doll in with me. The little card with the stress toy said, "Say whoppee hibbbie gebie and have fun with your lovers image". That struck me as kinda funny. So I said "whoppee hibbbie gebie, yea right". I was still holding the toy as the phone rang. It was some more mundane business and I had to deal with that. While talking on the phone I was absent mindedly running my fingers over the toy.

At home my wife dropped the dish she was placing in the dishwasher. She suddenly had feelings of hands going over her body. It was a wonderful feeling. But there was no other person there! But these hands were everywhere they went from her head to her foot, they lingered on her jaw and then trailed along her jaw, down her chin to her chest and then down further, around her back across her butt and then started all over again. She was very concerned about what was happening to her but she was getting so hot she couldn't control herself.

Finally, she called me (Fortunately, I had just gotten off the phone with the earlier call), and said I needed to come home right away. When I inquired why, she fessed up that she was so horny she could explode. I was holding the toy when she told me that. I realized that I had been playing with the doll after saying the magic words. I was probably more surprised then she had been.

I said, "Well, anybody as horny as you needs immediate relief. Help is on the way honey."

She said "Oh goody and hung up."

I figured a hot minx like her couldn't wait for me to get home so maybe the toy could help. So, I said, "whoppee hibbbie gebie". Then I started to play with the toy's crotch, rubbing it, licking it, sucking it, poking it with an eraser tip repeatedly, faster and faster. I would wait a minute and then go on for an other few minutes.

At home she was horny. She had gotten on some of the black lingerie I had bought her in anticipation of my arrival home. She was just getting the bra on when the first wave hit her. She fell to the bed in ecstasy as she felt her clit being played with. Oh , it went on and on. Then the feeling of a giant tongue against her crotch filled her. It was in and out and around then all over her. She were getting more and more turned on. When it turned into sucking she went wild! Her hips started to buck as more and more it happened. Then that stopped and "Oh my God", she felt a huge dick fill her, absolutely huge, to the very limits of what she could take. Then it started moving, in and out then faster and faster. She had a climax and had to scream out in ectasia. She was cuming and cuming, she couldn't stop! As long as that huge dick was in her, she had to cum. She couldn't stop her bucking and moaning. Then it ended and she felt exhausted. But not yet, because it all started again, and then again! She was dying with exhaustion. But what did that matter? Because it all started one more time! She knew what was coming; it was going to be her! And the process then repeated itself. When it finally ended she was so exhausted she couldn't move. Her legs were sore and she had one raw womanhood. She immediately fell asleep!

She awoke with the phone ringing. With me on the other end.

"So, how was I?"

"What? Nobody was here. That was YOU! How did you do that? I am so worn out I don't think I'll be horny for another six years. Oh, that was wonderful! And that huge dick. That HUGE DICK, mmmm, so very very nice. I like huge, boy, do I like huge!. But, I am tired now. I just want to sleep, please don't do it again please."

"Well, I am glad you liked it. Maybe we can do the real thing when I get home?"

"Oh God, I am exhausted, I just want to sleep maybe latter ok? And please don't rush home now. Sex is the last thing I want."

"OK, fine, see you when I get home."

I staid at work till the normal quitting time. As time past I got more anr more upset at being told she no longer wanted me. But I guess maybe I went too far in warming her up. But on the other hand, golly, I wanted some. Then I thought about what she had said and realized the toy was malleable. I said, "whoppee hibbbie gebie".

She awoke when my car pulled into the driveway. She looked sleepily at the clock and realized she had been asleep for three hours. Her pussy felt a lot better but was still a bit sore. She went to get up and then fell back down. It felt like somebody had put some weight onto her chest. She sat up again and then felt the weight slide down a bit. She looked down and was awe struck. Her breasts, Oh her BREASTS. THEY WERE HUGE. She couldn't see her lower waist as they obscured her view. They went from almost touching her right arm to almost touching each other at her cleavage to almost touching her left arm. They seemed to stick out a foot in front of her. She gasped. Then she recalled she was wearing a demi-cup bra. This half cup bra was obviously being strained to it limits. She took it off and was some what relieved to see that they were only eight inches in front of her but now they hung down nearly to the bottom of her rib cage. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her nipples had also grown. They were now about the width of a tea cup. She thought quickly to herself, "T-cup, I bet that's my new size!". She grabbed the front of her breasts around the nipples. A wave of uncontrollable passion swept over her as she touched the nipples.

About this time I walked into the bedroom. "Hi, Honey, I am...... Oh, you are a big girl!"

She looked up at my smiling face and said, "You did this to me! Didn't you? But how? Why you!" but, unconsciously she was still touching her nipples and the passion was building in her as she did so.

"I think a little first hand exploration of the new you is in order". With that I hopped into the bed with her and gave her a big kiss. While kissing her I felt her breasts. They were very large and overwhelmed my hands. As I rubbed her nipples, she started moaning. "Well, maybe we out to watch a little TV." With that I stopped and turned on the TV.

"Hey, get back here you!"

I said, "Oh, I am coming back but its TV time, for YOU! Just sit up and watch TV."

She sat up in the bed with pillows behind your back. I laid across her lap (Having discarded my clothing first) and began to suck one nipple while fondling the other.

Waves of passion shot through her. She was getting hotter and hotter as I sucked. It felt so so good and it was feeling better and BETTER. Oh yes, it was really feeling good. Oh my, she felt her pussy start pulsating. MMMmmm, yes, she rolled her eyes back in her head and closed them. This was good very good. Oh, yes, she wanted more and more. She felt my tongue rolling around her nipple. Oh, my it was really, REALLY feeling good. "YES, YES, YES" she screamed she was cuming! And that was just my sucking on the first breast.

I now moved over to the second. She went "mmmmmm" as I started to suck. It was happening again, oh, it felt so good. This time she came even faster.

"Honey, its time that we got down to business" I said.

"But my pussy is so sore! Wait, look what I have now! Fuck my titties!"

She laid back on the bed and I straddled her. She held her massive breasts together and I started sliding back and forth between them. "Oh, honey you feel good." As I pumped her I rubbed her nipples that were sticking up.

She started into waves of passion again. I continued to pump and rub. She started moaning as I did so. The moaning got me very excited and soon I was climaxing. Then she started to as well. We both came and came it seemed like. Getting off of her, I went to the bathroom, where I got a cloth and came back and cleaned her up.

After being cleaned, she got out of bed and stood before me. She was still wearing the lingerie she had put on hours before, dark stockings, black thong panties and the bra was lying on the bed. "How did you do this to me?"

"Wait, before we discuss that lets measure how big your are ok?"

"Ok, cause right now even I want to know!"

We got out a tape measure and discovered her band size had not changed at all. But, she had to be a G if not a GG cup!

"Good grief, these are huge Steve! But, you should have seen them when I was wearing that bra."

"What do you mean should have?" I grabbed the bra and helped wrap it around her. I was standing behind her kissing her neck as we both looked into the mirror.

She placed the bra back on and her breasts were immediately lifted and thrust forward, making her look much larger. "See, they look even bigger!"

"Just more of you to love" I said as I reached around and cupped her breasts. They felt so soft and full. I closed my eyes and moaned. As I played with her breasts, she closed her eyes and moaned as well. She said, "Oh god, my pussy is sore, but I need you in me. Take me now! I am so horny!". My erect and throbbing member between her cheeks let her know I felt the same way.

Unhooking her bra and pushing her panties down, I walked her over to the bed again. I put her on her hands and knees and entered her from behind. Her breasts hung down to Her elbows. They started swaying as I thrust into her. I thrust more and more. Faster and faster. Oh, it felt so so good. She were moaning, "More, more, deeper, deeper!"

I withdrew and climbed onto the bed. She mounted on top of me. She arched her back in pleasure as she felt my shaft go deep inside her. I reached up and grabbed her breasts and started to massage them. As I did her movements became frenzied and she started cuming; screaming out "Oh GOD, YES, OH, I LOVE THIS! OH, OH, OH, OH, MMMmmmmm!"

I rolled her over with me on top and started thrusting faster and faster into her. She felt me swelling as I started to build to a climax. Though not as big as what she had, had earlier in the day she felt my shaft get larger and harder. She felt her passion build in her and her hips uncontrollably bucked upwards with her screaming, "Oh, MY LORD, I AM CUMING AGAIN!". Then she and I both came at once.

Afterwards, we fell asleep in each others arms.

In about an hour she woke up and woke me up. She said, "Ok, now tell me what gives with all this!"

"Well, I got this little toy at a magic shop and it gives me powers over your body when I say the magic words."

"Excuse me, but bullshit! Now, how did you do this?"

"Honey, if you doubt me, then look at your tits and explain it to me."

"Oh. But why did you, well its been a lot of fun, but, why GIANT tits! Like couldn't you stop at a C, a D or even a DD cup?"

"You said on the phone after I had, had my way with you in remote control that you weren't interested in sex tonight and that you liked the huge dick I used, which actually was an eraser tip. So, I got a bit miffed and decided to give you huge."

"So, where is this doll and maybe you could bring these down a notch or two or THREE maybe?"

I pulled the stress toy out of a bag and showed it to her. It had two large breasts I had formed on it and each breast had a defined nipple area. According to the card by defining a sexual area it would increase its responsiveness to stimulation.

After looking at the doll she said "whoppee hibbbie gebie" and started manipulating the doll. Nothing happened! She said, "Hey where's this magic?".

I grabbed the doll and said, "You must not be doing it right. Here, whoppee hibbbie gebie. Watch as I make your tits shrink right before your eyes!". I started molding the boobs smaller and nothing happened. Wait, something is wrong here. So I read the card again. I did all that it had said and still nothing happened. But then I noticed the card had been folded in half and glued together.

I unfolded the card, trying not to tare it and it read: "WARNING, viewing of this doll by the intended person of its effects, will render the doll non-functional and the person immune to the effects of other dolls."

I said, "Oops, er ah, I, ah,......Honey, I will always love you. Even if your boobs have to stay this big!"

She had kind of an angry look in her eyes. I said "At least I didn't do anything really stupid like I was thinking! Besides, if I were a big boobed girl like you, I would understand how my guy would go crazy over me, like this" I reached over and started rubbing her nipples. "Maybe this isn't so bad after all?"

She started moaning. "Stop that" and she pushed my hands down. "Look what you did to me! And get that stupid grin off your face! I am going to have to watch you!........... And well, maybe watch a little more TV. Perhaps this won't be too bad after all! Mmm" and with that she pulled me over her lap and I started sucking on her left nipple.

We had sex yet again and went to sleep for the night. We had even forgotten to have dinner that evening. It was the greatest night of sex I had ever had.

The next day, I begrudgingly went off to work, but at least it was Friday! Sally, actually had quite the day planned. She had to go shopping for all new clothing due to her out growing all her clothes.

Sally went back to the same mall where I had gotten the toy. Afterwards when she told me she was wearing just levis, a t shirt and a wind breaker that couldn't even close in the front, it got me very aroused just thinking about it. So, she goes bouncing and jiggling into the mall.

As lucky would have it, some assholes make comments on her new endowments on the way into the mall. This got her all upset, so instead of going to the bra shop she had hoped for, upon seeing "Spells R Us" she headed right into the shop.

"Hi, Sally, don't cry, I can help", said, the old man in the battered robe.

"Wait, how.."

"Oh come on, I know everyone's name its a MAGIC SHOP! Besides I can help you with your two problems."

"Are you making fun of.."

"No I mean your chest and your husband"

"Oh, well what I want is to...."

"Look were getting terribly enchanted here. Your body can only take maybe two more spells but this is what you want. Its a coin. Heads up and your body switches with the person next to it and tails down you switch back. Now put this red pixy dust on it when you use it the second time and when your breasts will return to their normal size.

Now in answer to your two questions. 1. Yes, I know you want to get a temporary revenge on your husband by making him you for a day. And 2. No, I can't double enchant you and make your breasts just a little bigger than your old size when you change back.

Remember this, this is the last shot. You have been dealing with powerful magic. There won't be any spell's capable of working on you or your husband for another 30 years after this! So, don't mess up or else your kids will be asking me for magic 30 years from now to fix it!"

"Oh, wow, how much do I owe....."

"$2,000, and before you ask, yes I do take MasterCard, no your not over your limit and fixing what got messed up costs a lot more than the $10 stress toy."

Sally, handed him his card, took the coin and dust and then left the store. She thought to herself on the way out, "Boy, that guy was good! He ought to go on the road with that mind reading act."

That evening Sally showed me she had bought all this custom lingerie. She smirkingly said this would be what I liked for this weekend. She even showed off some trampy outfits she had gotten. I asked if she had gotten any decent things for a new look and she said that maybe on Monday, till then she wanted to look like a busty slut for the weekend. I said that suited me just fine!

She came up to me and pressed her breasts to toward my face while holding my head with her hands. "I wear a 36GG bra. Yes, you made me a full GG. I had a hard time getting custom bras made in time for this weekend. I hope you made me big enough for your desires. I want you to have these." And with that she slipped off her bra and shoved her breasts in my face.

"I want them, oh I want them bad, baby!", I replied

We then had an incredible time of sex! Afterwards I never saw her place the coin on the night stand face up.

I was awakened next morning by my own uncontrollable moaning. I was in the midst's of starting to orgasm. Oh wow, what a way to wake up, I wish everyday could be like this one. Then it hit me I was cuming and cuming. I screamed out in passion, I couldn't stop! Then as the wave past some what I felt it. A mouth was moving to my other nipple. Before I could even sense what was going on the sensation started again, Oh God, it feels so very good. Like lighting I came a second time. With my eyes still closed, I said, "Oh baby that was great, do me some more I want it!"

I then felt a head going down toward my crotch. My eyes were still tightly closed and I was so horny before it cleared my navel I was yelling "Fuck, Fuck, LETS FUCK!".

The head (well it had to be Sally) stopped and my legs were pulled wide apart. Rapidly I felt a penis put in my vagina. My eyes shot open! "What the devil.....oh, God.... it feels....mmmmm.....Oh, fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME!"

I couldn't control myself, suddenly I had to fuck it didn't matter that it appears I was now a woman, oh that fuck is so much more important than what sex I am.

I started cuming again, the third time in 10 min's! I was bucking wildly. My legs were wrapped around who? I finally opened my eyes. I was being fucked by me???? Oh, who cared it was time for cuming and cuming I did. Oh, I had never cum like that before. It was great! Then my eyes closed again and I sighed.

"Should we fuck all weekend or do you want to get out of bed sometime?" I asked me?

Then it hit me. I rolled on my side and felt my huge breasts shift with me. "Cute Sally, Now when are you going to change us back?"

"Hey maybe I like fucking big titted broads! You said if you were one you'd understand that! So, now you are one! You want to fuck all weekend or what?" And with that Sally grabbed my nipple playfully.

Playful or not a wave shot through me. I was starting to get horny. I reluctantly batted the hand down. "No fucking if at all until you tell me when we switch back!"

Then Sally grabbed both my nipples and gently rubbed them "Are you sure about no fucking?"

Oh, shit, she had me. I had to screw her brains out, I was going beyond hot and just with a little touching! I laid back and moaned and let her play with my bountiful tits. MMM I was getting wild. Then she stopped!!!! Arrrggg! "Honey, more please, more!"

"No, I want a blow job. I got this new thing between my legs and you always wanted blow jobs; cause they are so great. Well, I want to find out why. No fucking or titty play until then!"

Good grief, I have a new body, am horny beyond my limits and have to give my old body a blow job that will do nothing for my new body! "Come on, I am not gay I don't do blow jobs."

"I didn't ask you to eat pussy, I asked for a blow job! You don't act like a lesbian, you seem to really like my cock in you?"

"Fine! Then you eat pussy!" With a bit of a body slam I knocked Sally over and got into a 69 position. I must say that I never thought I would be flexible enough to suck my own dick. I guess I was wrong. While, sucking my own dick was not as pleasurable as what I had used to think it would be, Sally eating her own pussy was a wild experience. We both started climaxing about the same time. I felt my own cock swelling in my wife's (now mine) mouth. I knew I was about to have a load shot. But my own climaxing at having a now all too hot pussy sucked clouded my mined what to do. So, I just crammed the cock further down my throat and held on tight to her butt cheeks as she shot load after load down my throat.

As it was going down my throat, I was thinking about how great it would be to have this hard cum pumping shaft in my pussy instead. But before, I could take any action it started to go soft. I knew Sally was done at least for a while. We then turned a round and hugged each other.

After a few minutes I asked "Ok, so when do we change back?"

"Its just for the weekend. On Monday you'll wake up your old self."

"If its just for the weekend, that actually should be fun. I wouldn't want to stay this way, but for now...." I pinned her down on the bed and smothered her eye sockets with my breasts, "I have the big ones and we are going to have sex, sex, sex for the next two days and I'll be your busty slut if you want to go out."

The next two days were heaven and hell. In the bedroom the experiences were beyond what I could imagine or explain. I found out what Sally had meant when she said she had gotten special outfits for the weekend! I wore corsets, demi-bra's, teddy's and ran around naked a lot. We had sex so many times that I lost count after 12!

We even had time to go out for a few hours. That's when the hell began. Sally, had even gotten a padded bra for me to wear. Wow, with that on I was a match for some of the mega-titted porn queens I loved to watch. I also drew unsolicited vile comments and stares beyond belief. I tried to play up the busty slut on my Sally's arm but the comments started to hurt. But other times it was a lot of fun being the busty bimbo! Hey, its just for the weekend so play it up.

Finally, Sunday night came. After a several hour bout of non-stop sex, Sally said, "Its been fun but I am looking forward to getting back to being me."

I said, "Me too, but did I do well as your busty slut?"

"Honey, you were magnificent. I thought you would have been upset but you actually made this fun and have been a very good sport about this. I love you so much and hope to get laid by you first thing on Monday!" With that she gave me a big kiss and I went to sleep.

As I slept, Sally carefully and following with the exact instructions from the old man at "Spells-R-Us" turned the coin over on the nightstand tails up; then sprinkled pixy dust on it.

The next morning I was awakened by heavy sobbing. I groggily woke up and asked Sally what was wrong. By the time I got the question out I realized it was Monday and we hadn't switched back!

This time sex wasn't on either of our minds. Sally called into work saying she/me was sick. I hadn't planned to go to work as a buxom bimbo anyway. We got dressed and headed off to "Spells-R-Us" as soon as they opened.

As we entered "Spells-R-Us" the old man greeted us, "Hi, Steve and Sally, ok this time I will let you ask questions and won't read your minds."

Sally said, "The coin, it didn't work. We didn't change back!"

"It worked just fine, it did it did. You didn't read the side of the coin."

Sally read the side of the coin. She turned white and fell to the floor. Oh, my gosh I ran to Sally and helped her up. She was mumbling incoherently.

The old man gave me a chair to sit on and then handed me the coin. I read the side of the coin and it said, "Caution- do not use if either subject is pregnant, this will nullify the process"

Non-pulsed I looked at the old man "So, she can't be pregnant it worked the first time."

"Of course she's not pregnant. What have you two been doing all weekend? What kind of protection did you use LADY?"

"Oh no..."

"Yes, Steve, you're pregnant."

This time I passed out, just as Sally became was fully awake. "Change us please, that's my baby, I want to carry it or maybe if worse comes to worse on this thing we could terminate it."

"Sorry, won't work either way. You two are spell proof for 30 years. You technically and physically sired the child. You are the Father Sally! As to termination. You used the red pixy dust. That is a powerful protection spell. Though it had no effect on breast size when the coin failed it has put up a magical shield around the baby. You have a right fine baby...Well, I'll let a doctor tell you that. But anyway, its quite impossible to terminate the pregnancy by magic or by physical means."

I woke up at the tail end of what he was saying and he said "Why hello little, well except for two items little mommy". I fainted again.

"Sorry, Sally you and Steve are on your own for the next 30 years. Maybe your children could come see me then? At least you are safe from my store until then" And he started laughing.

It should not surprise the reader that Sally had to become me and was known as Steve and I had to become Sally. I had either to fight it or accept it. Well, quite literally I was screwed. So, when in Rome. I also note, that while poor old Sally would not have tolerated a life at this size of chest, I have a perspective that have made them all so enjoyable to both of us! But that is so little of my current life and I digress. The pregnancy went fine. It was a lovely little girl! Starting a very strange tradition we named her Sally, jr.

The subsequent pregnancies went fine too! We have three kids now, two girls and a boy. And I am expecting again! And don't get me talking about the joys of breast feeding!

Its so great being a mom. I love my kids and husband so much.

Unlike others that have been to "Spells-R-Us", I think we are living happily ever after. But if one of my kids even talks of going there, I am going to break his arm!!!

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