Spring Training

By James Freemantle

Published on Mar 8, 2006


I never had a desire to have gay sex until I was entrapped by a bet on spring break. I didn't jerk off thinking about guys. Doug and I are best friends and we hang out all the time. I have not had sex with him except on our trip to Daytona. We were back at school both into our studies.

Doug's younger brother would often visit us. Robert had just turned seventeen and he liked to hang out with us, he was a runt compared to us. Yet, he liked to act superior. He called his brother "dick head" and he called me "fuck mouth."

Doug and Robert liked to argue, all the time. Doug said his brother was an exhibitionist and would strip naked whenever his mom left the house. Robert argued, "Why shouldn't I be able to hang around, naked. You have seen me naked and I have the same equipment you guys have, maybe a little more than you guys." Doug yelled, "It's not normal to jerk off in front of other people. Most guys do it in private."

Roberts said, "If my cock gets hard, I'm going take care of it. If you don't like it you can leave or look the other way. Hell I have even jerked off after school when Dad was home. He saw me and never said to quit. Dad just shook his head and went down stairs." Doug said, "See that proves how sick you are. You jerk off in front of Dad. You wipe your cum on any thing close by. You are not normal." Doug said, "Fuck you. If you don't want my cum on anything you could use your faggot mouth to swallow it for me or to take my load."

I felt uneasy around Robert. He was a good six inches shorter than me but he always excelled in every thing he did. I was curious about his comment that he had "more equipment."

It was the weekend and I was going to visit Doug's house. I asked him about Robert's equipment. Doug laughed and said, "I guess you'll find out, James. Hell before the night is over you will see what he means." We both laughed at that. Doug said, "He just started this walking around naked. He likes anyone to look at his hard on. James, you're going to learn a lot tonight about Robert. He is hung like a race horse and he likes to show it off. "

Doug told Robert that I was uneasy with their argument Robertier and that he wanted him to act normal tonight. Doug thought that was funny and said, "This could be fun. I never really planned on pushing things too far but if James is nervous, I might just scare him a little tonight." I was nervous as I planned to sleep in the guest room at Doug's house. As I entered the house tonight Robert was in the den naked. He said it felt better to be free. Not that I felt attracted to Robert's body but having his cock swinging around the room unnerved me. I understood what he meant about his equipment. His cock was the largest I had ever seen. It must have been at least six inches long swinging soft. It kind of folded over his large balls. Another thing that amazed me about Robert was his pubes. He had a large trail of black hairs from his navel down to his cock. I had to look the other way to keep from staring at him. He didn't help when he said, "Go ahead and look at me.

Hell my brother can't keep his eyes off me. Before the night is over one of you guys will be offering to help me get off."

While I put my things in the quest room, Robert came and sat on the bed. He spread his legs wide. I looked down and noticed that he was getting a "semi". He looked at me and he laughed and said, "You know there's one thing you can do for me" as he looked down

at his hardening cock. I became unglued and called Doug. I started to exit the room. Robert laughed as I moved to the door. "Yea I guess you need some time before you try my bone"

If you could imagine my humiliation standing watching Robert as he jerked off. Doug entered the room and asked, "What's the matter?" I don't know why I didn't answer him. I watched in amazement as Robert's cock rose to it full length. I thought, "God that thing is big." It was if I was not even in the room. Soon I felt the warm splashes of his teen cum as it landed on my arm and side. Robert laughed as he said, "Sorry about that, go get me a towel."

Doug tried to hand a towel to Robert. He said, "Maybe James would like to clean up first." I looked down at the mess on Robert's cock and stomach. My hand started to wipe the cum from Roberts's groin. I heard Doug say, "No James he meant clean your arm." It was like I was living a bad dream. Robert took the towel and he cleaned the last of the sticky cum from his balls. I reached for it to clean my side when he said, "You had your chance, why don't you leave it there. I'll be adding to it soon."

I jumped when Doug asked, "Why did you let him spray you. You aren't planning on using your training here. That was just for spring break. You aren't ready to suck him, are you? Be careful, he is younger but he is a sex fiend." I turned red as I thought about spring break.

I heard Doug say, "Listen he has exhibitionism in him. He has a good body and he likes to show it off. When he is around other guys he likes to lead and he likes to feel powerful. The power he has with his manhood gives him a rush. You were on the bone watching him slime you. He saw it while you were staring at his cock. He calls you "fuck mouth" for a reason. He thinks he can control you and get you to give him a blow job. He actually liked humiliating you, James.

Doug's comment stung and I thought I had experienced the most humiliation possible. I didn't want to talk about it with Doug. He watched my reaction at as he told me to be careful. I can still hear Doug as he said, "Shit he is my brother but he is a gross guy." I was nervous as I went into the den and watched TV. To my relief everything was back to normal. Robert was actually normal but just to play it safe I kept my distance from him.

Things were pretty normal for a little while. I needed to pee and headed to the bathroom. I never heard Robert as he entered the bathroom as I pissed. I jumped when I felt him touch my back, "I'm ready to drop another load." I missed the commode and pissed on the floor. Robert laughed and said, "Just be cool and I'll finish quickly." I said, "I'm not going to help you, I'm out of here." He laughed and grabbed my arm. He pushed and I fell backward on the commode. I moved to get up when I heard him say, "No, like you are, it's just us guys here." That's when I noticed that Robert was hard. It excited me as I looked up at Robert's large dick. He had a look that said, "You like this shit don't you?" When our eyes met, his smirk said everything.

I looked up at him with a questioning look on my face. He said, "Just sit and watch." I am now sitting on the commode. I'm dressed in just my jockey shorts. I watched while he grabbed his dick and held it with both hands. He watched my reaction as he stroked his erection. I saw him slowly reach his right hand toward my head. He said, "Just checking the aim." He did a pretty good job of jerking off as I watched. I felt the first blast land on my cheeks. He slimed my face, nose, lips and some even went into my ears. He said, "Now go get the towel."

I was drawn in by Robert's control. He made me sit and watch him get off. I can still hear Doug say as he passed the door to the bathroom, "Man, I can't believe you let him do that. You should have told Robert to eat shit." I looked down and said, "I actually was afraid he wanted me to blow him. I was actually glad all I had to do was to watch him jerk off." Doug said, "He is using you. He told me that you will jerk him off and by tomorrow he will have received a dozen blow jobs from you. Maybe, you should go home tonight."

I was almost asleep when I heard Robert, "James wake up, I need you." I realized what he wanted as I opened my eyes. He moved around my bed as I yelled, "Robert, get the fuck out of here now?" I saw him look down toward his crotch and as I followed his gaze I saw the erection at my eye level. He had another erection and a smile came across his face as I moved the sheet back from my body and he spotted my hard cock. He was watching my hands move toward his hard-on. I stroked him as he sat on my bed. I knew Doug was in the den as I jerked off Robert's young teenage cock. Robert cum burned as it splashed on chest and neck as he shot another load. My humiliation had reached another level.

Robert had slimed me again. This time Robert didn't ask for a towel as I expected. He said, "Just be cool James." He climbed up on the bed and kneeled with his cock close to my face. He wiped his cock on my face and hair. He even pressed the shaft of his cum covered softening cock against my lips. He quietly said, "lick." I pressed my lips together tightly. He said, "You are boned, go ahead and jerk off while you lick my dick." Robert liked giving me orders. I never stuck my tongue out to touch his shaft but I jerked off and shot my own load.

I got up and went to the bathroom and cleaned off the mess. When I was through I didn't bother to dress but walked naked into the den. Doug was watching TV in his jockeys and Robert was sitting naked next to him. When Doug looked over at me, my cock started to rise again. He said, "Great, Robert has converted you also." Robert stood up and said, "He's not a convert yet, but he will be soon." He started stroking my hair with his right hand, "You have done pretty well so far"." He kept on rubbing my cheeks and chin with his right hand.

I was so uptight that I did not realize that he was now rubbing my lips with his index finger. "I think you are ready to help me again. What do you think?" Sometime during his talk he had pushed his finger past my teeth and was rubbing my tongue. I heard Doug say, "Don't let him fuck your mouth with his finger. He's just getting you ready to suck him off." I pushed his hand away as Robert moved and grabbed my head and pushed my face into his naked teenage crotch. My nose actually was pressed into his pubes. Why did I let him push a finger in my mouth and rub my face in his basket? I kept thinking, why did I let him rub my face. It was if he was marking his territory.

Doug couldn't believe that I had let Robert use me.

He said that I shouldn't have jerked Robert off. Robert had a control over me. I was lost in thought as Robert moved in front of me. I followed his bone as he stood in front of my chair. Doug said, "James quit giving into him. The way you licked your lips tells me you are thinking about sucking his cock. Is that right do you want to suck his dick?"

I came unglued. "I'm not gay and I'm not going to give a blow job again." As I was pulling away from Robert I glanced up and saw the head of his cock was poking toward my face. He had a hard-on again. This night just keeps getting worse and worse. Robert grabbed my arm and I felt him try to push me toward my knees. He said, "Listen just kneel here and jerk me off again." I knocked Robert down and quickly dressed. Doug was telling me he would see me tomorrow as I pushed past Robert and headed home.

I left Robert and Doug in a hurry last night. It was morning and the sun was shining through my dorm window. I did not think I could face Doug today. I had become mesmerized by his younger brother. Hell I was ready to do anything he wanted. He had me getting ready to cross over the line. How did I let it happen?

When my phone rang I started not to answer it. I saw the caller id and I knew it was Doug. With all the courage I could muster I said, "Hello." Doug started right in without giving me a chance to say anything. "Hey James, you OK this morning? I warned you about Robert. I kicked his ass last night after you left. He said he would apologize to you. He is sorry about how far he let things go. He just lets his dick do his thinking."

I answered, "Actually I'm OK. I'm the one that almost sucked a dick again." There was a long pause before Doug said, "No kidding, you wanted to blow Robert?" My reply was sharp, "Hell, I don't think I'm a queer or anything but I came into the living room to do it. And I didn't care that you would have watched me."

Doug said, "You will always be my friend no matter what you do or like." I could be honest with Doug after spring break. "Well, yea, I did jerk off your little brother. But I don't beat my meat thinking about sucking cocks. I didn't think of what we did in Daytona until last night. So does that make me queer?"

Doug started laughing and that broke the ice and I began to feel better. He asked, "What made you do all that after I told you what he planned?" I answered, "That was the largest cock I had ever seen. After he jetted his spunk and it landed on me I was on the bone for the whole night. Just thinking about it has me hard now. I liked playing with his hard on. I even liked feeling him shoot on me. When he creamed my face, he asked me to lick his dick and I wanted to do it."

I kept on, "If thinking of what I almost did last night and knowing that I slimed my pants thinking about Robert's cock makes me a queer than I guess you have a queer room mate for a friend." Doug said, "You can't feel bad for almost blowing Robert. That's just stupid. Only feel bad for actions not thoughts."

I said, "I really shouldn't tell you this but I don't feel bad that I almost sucked a dick. I feel bad that I didn't suck him off. If I had not left when I did, he would have probably had his first second and who knows how may blow jobs last night. And I'm not sure if I see him today that he won't make up for the lost time."

Doug said, "Wow, he really did a job on you didn't he. But you won't be the first to worship his dick." I was curious now as I asked, "No shit. Who did he have sex with?" Doug got quite, "I can't say anything. That's not my place." I was annoyed, "Yea you can sit and watch me play with your brother's cock and I can tell you what happened and now you clam up."

Doug was calm as he said, "OK, Robert's friend Aaron has been sucking Robert off for about a year. When they entered puberty, Aaron and he would play around. As Robert grew, they continued but only Robert is the giver and Aaron is the receiver. One weekend Aaron let Robert screw him and I fed Aaron my cum. He was good at sucking me. I know he has practiced on Robert's mammoth rod all year."

I was surprised and I said, "Aaron plays football and doesn't seem queer to me. He seems normal." Doug said, "No shit. You know you play baseball. But you want to taste his hot cock. It will be dripping wet just for you! You want to give him a prize blow job that will fill your guts with his white slummy cum and coat your mouth and throat. You will taste his spunk for days no matter how many times you use mouthwash. Your breath will smell like Robert's crotch. You will be his boy and probably lick his ass if he tells you too. Yea, you almost seem normal, isn't that right?"

All I could muster was, "Touche." I told Doug that I would meet at his house later today. I said I might even spend the night. Doug asked, "You want my brother naked or clothed. Do you want an apology or a load of cum?" I said, "You are being crass with your comments aren't you?" Doug said, "No, just realistic. If you are going to suck Robert's dick and I am going to watch you then it does not make sense for me to get the little pervert to apologize to you for last night. I'll just wait until guilt comes over you then have him say he was sorry."

I said, "OK, tell him to be clothed. I'm not sure of what I want yet. If I do become part of the Robert's plan, will it mess up our friendship?" Doug said, "No, you are my best friend. Why don't you just jerk off when the feeling for Robert comes over you? I'm like you I only get off with my right hand and I loose all desires after I shoot. Your right hand does a good job and is always available." I said, "Well I'll be cautious but if I take the plunge don't be mad at me." Doug said, "Slow down."

As I drove to Doug's house I kept picturing myself kneeling in front of Robert's crotch as he pushed his jockeys to the floor and stepped out of them. His cock was fully hard and sticking at an angle toward my lips. His bushy black pubes looked like a forest. This was strangely exciting thinking about being close to the gigantic boy cock. I thought, "Hell all this thinking of being gay is causing me to doubt my own sexuality. I'm not queer."

I was greeted at the door by Robert. He came on the porch and said, "Let's talk before we go inside. I'm sorry about last night. Doug is real pissed at me. When I'm naked and my dick gets hard I don't think straight. I even tried to make a play for Doug after you left but he kicked my ass. I'm sorry about last night." I thanked Robert and said, "It's OK. I was boned last night also. I have never been as excited as last night. When you slimed my face I got excited and I was ready for anything. Now I don't know what I want to do or even if that kind of scene is for me. Do you understand?"

Robert said, "You liked me shooting off in your face, COOL. Maybe we can try it again; I won't push you to go any further. Can Doug watch when I slime you?" I said, "I didn't say I would do anything again, I'm not sure how I feel?" Robert grabbed my hand and placed it over his crotch. He said squeeze and you can see how it feels." I turned red and pulled my hand away from his jean clad hard on. I said, "You are a little pervert aren't you?" He laughed, "No I'm a big pervert if you were feeling the right thing."

We both laughed and went inside. Doug came down the stairs and asked, "Is the little pervert behaving today?" We both broke out in laughter. Robert grabbed his basket and said, "I'm behaving for now but James has agreed to jerk me off in his face and let you watch... Hurry let's go eat." I looked at Robert and said, "I didn't agree to jerk you off." He smiled and said, "Yea but you liked it last night and you never said NO." I said, "I'll see. By the way how many times did you shoot last night?" Robert looked at Doug and said, "I think four times while you were here." I said, "Don't you ever get tired." He said, "When I'm boned I can get it up every half hour or so. I think I'm overly loaded with testosterone. I have my gun and I can shoot."

Next: Chapter 4

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