St Marks Academy

By Chris Johns

Published on Feb 13, 2023


St. Luke's Academy

Chapter 1

Charles gets settled in

Taking his leave of St. Mark's had been upsetting for Charles. So many happy memories, so much good sex and a wonderful lover were his reward. The new appointment was just the icing on the cake.

Toby and he had a wonderful leave together at Toby's parents. The news of Chas's new appointment was so exciting and for Toby so desirable he broke down and sobbed in Chas's arms for ages. Of course they were tears of happiness. Being nineteen didn't affect the pleasure the news generated. He loved Chas so much, being parted for such long periods had been very hard on him emotionally, now he would be home with Chas almost every night.

Toby returned to university and Chas to St. Luke's, having settled into the Vice Principal's cottage.

With a beaming smile on his face, Toby kissed Chas in the hallway of the cottage on their first morning of work.

"I'll see you this evening Chas."

Toby hopped into his car and as he drove off shouted out of the window and waved.

"I love you Charles Hockney."

Chas smiled, picked up his briefcase and making sure the house was locked up walked across the grounds and through the security fence to the main buildings.

First stop was the Principals office. The secretary told him to go straight in.

Poking his head round the door the first thing Chas saw was a grinning Jesse Norman.

"Come in Chas."

The two men scoped each other out before grabbing each other in a bear hug.

"I am so delighted to see you, Jesse. I'm not sure I believed all this until I saw you."

Chas really was genuinely pleased. Jesse Norman was a total kindred spirit apart from the fact that he was straight, but Chas shivered a little remembering Jesse's enormous penis penetrating him that first Christmas when they had played a truth and dare game with eighteen of the boys.

Jesse was beaming as well.

"It's good to see you as well Chas. Now, how are we going to run this place and set it up for you to take over in two years time when I return to Harvard?"

Chas had given this some thought during the holiday and talked to Toby about it.

"With the boys that drop the attitude thing quickly, I think we should run the school the same as St. Mark's. What we need to do is find a way of bringing the small hard core of recalcitrant's into line. We didn't send many off to prison Jesse, but even one is too many."

"I agree Chas, but how do we do that?"

Chas shrugged, any ideas on the subject that he had were incomplete.

"Ok, you remember how we turned Webber around that first term?"

Chas did, very well, Jesse had given him chapter and verse on the subject when Webber had turned out to be such a success and Chas remembered how fairly extreme action with Butler Abbott, Butcher and Hopkins had worked.

Chas nodded.

"Well, I was thinking of something along those lines. If you take on responsibility for school discipline as well as your other duties we can rack up the sex and humiliation to bring the worst offenders back into line I'm sure. Dr. Rawlings told me about the initiative young Sangster set up and all the ex hard asses that came to talk to your boys having been turned round completely. I would like to have seen Webs. He was easily my greatest success."

"Yes he was good, Sangster was great as well at the other end of the problem line. A second Lieutenant in the Army now and oozing self confidence, like Toby."

Jesse grinned, "Mmm, I understand that little bombshell is at university here and living with you. Three years Chas, I guess you really do love the little guy."

Chas blushed.

"You have no idea, he still makes my legs turn to jelly every time I look at him."

"Not going to make you soft with the boys is it?"

Jesse looked a little concerned and Chas had to laugh.

"No Jesse, I'm going to be even better than I was at St. Mark's. Three more years of practice, I've turned humiliation into a fine art, and being able to screw the arse off the really bad ones without fear of retribution isn't going to hurt either."

More laughter.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about that. I shall expect incredibly high standards from you and will not be above using some Goodman actions to keep you in line.

Chas gave Jesse an odd look after that comment.

"Yes, the punishment clause is still in your contract, you really should read it. Now let's go and meet the remainder of the staff. The first boys arrive in three days time so we only have that time to work out schedules and responsibilities. I've approved all the appointments. I don't think there is a softy amongst them and they all know how to handle themselves so we can expect some hard cases to be sent to us. One known gay teacher but looking at their CVs my guess is that a couple of others are gay friendly if not actually gay or bi. They have all had a similar lecture to the one Rawlings gave us. The staff punishment clause has been removed from the contracts of the rest by the way so nothing silly like Goodman's actions while we are here, well except for you."

Jesse grinned, but Chas wondered, he winced at that, his humiliation at that time had been quite awful.

When they entered the staff room Chas was pleased to see that it was set up to be a congenial meeting place for staff as well as a work area. All members had their own desk and computer station and there was a large lounge area with coffee tables and armchairs to allow for relaxation.

"Gentlemen, Good Morning."

"Good morning Headmaster," was the communal reply as they looked at the mature student stood alongside Jesse, they thought, until shock replaced the question in their eyes.

"I would like to introduce the Vice Principal to you. Charles Hockney has come to us from the first of these academy's so he has three years of invaluable experience. Besides his VP duties Chas will also head the Sports and Phys Ed. Dept. and be the Director of Discipline. Believe me, for extreme punishments and humiliation he is definitely worth consulting."

Almost to a man the staff treated Chas a little reticently. This boy was way too young to be their boss was the most common thought among them. For two of them the thought most prominent in their mind was, how can I get this guy into bed, he is gorgeous?' and for two others it was, this guy could be fun to work with to keep my body tight.'

Introductions complete and Chas spoke to all of them.

"It will take me a few days to put you all into slots in my mind. You will help that process immensely if you pick me up on any wrong name or department comments. I would like us to have a staff meeting in here once every week initially so that we can iron out any problems and of course you can approach me anytime with disciplinary or physical problems. I don't know how much you know about the headmaster but with your permission Jesse I will tell them a little."

Jesse smiled. "Be my guest Chas."

"Gentlemen, Jesse Norman was head of the science department at St. Mark's before returning to Harvard for his post graduate studies. As you know he is an assistant professor at that fine university. He is also one of the brightest science lecturers I know so please don't be afraid to ask for his assistance. He is also a real jock, so when you can't find him in his office the gym is probably a good place to look."

Chas exchanged a warm smile with Jesse at that comment, noted by the remainder of the staff.

"Also, he has an incredibly effective method of punishing extreme behaviour, so despite my position here he is also a good source of ideas for bringing our hellions into line. I will be carrying out physical checks on all students during the next few days with the help of the Doctor so a few lessons will be disrupted as I pull individual students for medicals. I live in cottage 2 in the grounds but please feel free to come over anytime you have a problem and I am on pager 24/7. You may well see a young blond man around my cottage and the grounds from time to time. His name is Toby Evans, he is a student at Durham University and my life partner. Difficult as you will find it to believe when you meet him, Toby was once a student at St. Mark's."

Some of the staff couldn't hide their surprise and gasped at the revelation that the vice principal was openly gay.

Chas saw it and grinned as he added, "And no the Principal isn't, we just happen to be good friends."

Jesse laughed as well.

"Ok, Chas, I'll leave you with the staff, I suggest you let Jim Kirby show you all round the school and then reconvene here to work out schedules. I'll be in my study if you need anything."

Jim Kirby proved to be another youngish member of staff. Chas guessed probably the same age as him, he was also quite patently a jock, his dress shirt was fitted and showed an impressive physique.

They started at the gymnasium which Chas was pleased to see had been laid out almost identically to his previous one. The remainder of the academy was set out with a little more thought for ease of security but otherwise all facilities were the same.

The staff were impressed and Chas summed up their feelings.

"They may be bad boys but they have no excuse to underperform here, these facilities are stupendous."

No argument there. Everyone began to relax as they realised that comments made by Chas on any subject concerning the school were answered intelligently and with a quite obvious delay while he formulated his answers.

"How old are you Chas?"

"I'm 26 Jim, a first in Sports Science from Reading, two years at Bedfont Boys School and three years at St. Mark's. My parents are dead but Toby's parents have taken on that mantle for me. Toby was one of my first students. He was raped by another boy his first day and my lover by the end of the first term. I am a very open person at almost all levels so if any of you want any other personal details please don't be afraid to ask. I am dedicated to saving as many of the boys as possible from a life of crime and have been given this job because of my success at St. Mark's. That I hope answers most of your immediate questions now can we settle down to work out schedules and routines. I understand the boys arrive in three days so we don't have a lot of time."

None of the staff were older than 35 and all of them were dedicated teachers carrying degrees in their subjects as well as Bachelors of Education, (B.Eds.) so no time was wasted getting everything sorted.

"Chas, we appear to have broken the back of the problems," Jim said at the end of the first day, "Is there any chance you could schedule all who want to for a check on our physical fitness, the Dr. has sorted us medically."

"Sure Jim, why don't we do a couple of hours work here tomorrow morning and then retire to the gym, those that want to, to be put through your paces."

Several thought that was a good idea. The Doctor picked up on it.

"I need to do your physical before then Chas."

"Of course Sam, how about now, we appear to have finished here for the day."

Sam was impressed. He made Chas strip naked from the start and marvelled at the visual perfection of the body he was presented with. He walked all round Chas before commenting.

"If the inside is even half as good as the outside Chas I imagine you will be off the clock in all aspects of your medical condition. I imagine that Toby thinks he is a lucky guy every time he sees you like this."

Chas laughed, "He doesn't see me like this very often Sam. I only have to look at him and I get an erection so a flaccid penis is a rarity in his company."

"Even after three years?"

"More so after three years, as he matured from the sixteen year old I first fell in love with he grew even more incredibly cute and well formed."

Sam laughed as well. This guy was definitely going to be a breath of fresh air in an academic environment.

By the end of the medical Sam had seen Chas as Toby saw him. The prostate and glandular check had achieved an impressive erection.

"My God Chas, Toby must be a brave boy to handle that monster."

More laughter.

"Have you not done the Head's medical yet?"

"No, he was done somewhere else."

"Well you have to see him with an erection before you call this a monster, he makes mine look very pedestrian."

Sam looked confused.

"I thought you said the head wasn't gay?"

"He isn't, but, long story, I've seen him with an erection."

Sam nodded, realising that there were probably some very interesting stories stored in this young man's head.

Chas was surprised the next day when they finished up their meeting and he invited all staff that wanted a work out to join him in the gym. Only the head of science, who Jesse had appointed, declined.

"I gave up on my body years ago Charles so I'll take a rain check on this and go over to the science block."

Chas looked David Balfour up and down.

"Let me guess David. A little shy of your body but the Canadian Forces exercise programme is very good isn't it?"

David blushed crimson.

"How on earth did you know?"

"I'm not sure, do you know Luke Matthews?"

A very surprised look.

"Yes, very well, Luke was in my department at my last school."

"Mmm, and like you a little shy of his body. If you are anything like Luke, you will have a body that the rest of us will envy."

A full house, and Chas was correct, David Balfour took his breath away when stripped for circuits. There were no exceptions, all the staff were very fit and most well buffed. Two had the beginnings of beer belly's but were still quite fit. Jim Kirby had a sprinters body, awesome shoulders and thighs, the remainder in good proportion. Chas thought a romp with him might be interesting. Showers afterwards and Chas had some interesting pictures in his mind. Jim was well rigged as was David, both were shy about displaying their wares. Most scoped Chas out thoroughly so it was difficult to decide if any were gay or just curious because of his position and gayness. He guessed that over time he would find out.

Next: Chapter 18: St Lukes Academy 2

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