St Marks Academy

By Chris Johns

Published on May 12, 2023


This one doesn't fit with any other chapters so despite being short it has to sit alone.

St' Luke's Academy

Chapter 29

Tropical Paradise.

Everyone settled in for the summer, Chas briefed Alex carefully, left his cell phone number with him, reminded him that the Caribbean was five hours behind UK in time zones. All done, with Toby in tow, Chas headed for Gatwick Airport.

"We are going to spend two weeks on tropical beaches, making love under swaying palms and I am going to totally smother you in love with no diversions."

Toby shook his head, looked with such deep love at this man that had been his life for ten years and wondered how he could still be loved so deeply.

"I don't believe you can forget about the Academy to that degree my love, but I appreciate the thought."

Chas was driving and wanted to look at Toby to let his eyes tell him that the statement had been the truth. But he couldn't.

"I have devoted all of my energy for ten years to making the academies work and be good at my job. I have loved you for the same period of time with every ounce of my being, but you have only had the fag, (English slang for cigarettes), ends of my love. There has always been The Academy for me to worry about. That is over Toby. I can make a fortune on the lecture circuit if I want to so I can afford to relax a little and delegate. You are my life and now I am going to devote more of it to show you how much I love you."

Toby was blown away. He had never felt neglected even when Chas was being groomed for the principal's job. If he was going to devote even more time to showing his love it could be all consuming and Toby knew he wanted to progress in his work as well. In another few years he was going to go back to academia as a professor. His love for Chas was never going to diminish, but they had to live outside of their love as well. Explaining that to Chas was difficult and Chas had to pull over to the hard shoulder so that he could look at Toby and make sure he was reading this conversation correctly.

"Don't get me wrong Lover. I am going to wallow in your love for these two weeks, but both of us have our careers Chas, both of us love them. You have given me as much love as I can absorb for these ten years. Please, don't even think about giving me anymore, I think I would die of happiness."

Enough said. Chas took this beautiful man into his arms and kissed him as though it would be his last and he never wanted it to end.

A knock on the car window brought them both back to the real world.

"Would you like to tell me what you think you are doing, Sir?"

Chas turned and looked into the eyes of a young traffic policeman.

"I'm sorry Constable, this man just told me how much he loved me, and I wanted to show him how much it was reciprocated. If I had kept driving I'm sure we would be in an accident by now."

The policeman gulped.

"Would you like to explain further Sir, this is a motorway where it is illegal to stop without just cause."

Chas sighed and Toby grinned, this was going to be good.

"I am the principal of a Discipline Academy, and this gentleman is a Doctor of Science and one of my heads of department. I have loved him for ten years and for the first time we are going away for a holiday so that I can show him how much I love him. He has just said something that overwhelmed me and I had to kiss him."

The constable was totally blown away with that explanation. He looked between the two and his first thought was, ` This guy has the best line of bullshit I have ever heard.'

"Can you prove any of that, Sir?"

Chas produced his and Toby's business cards and Chas, his licence and registration.

"That's the best I can do Constable."

The young man went back to his patrol car and with the help of his on-board computer confirmed what Chas had told him. He also confirmed something else by talking to his superior.

Back at Chas's car.

"Just confirm you are Charles Hockney, one time Phys. Ed. Teacher at St. Mark's Academy in Buckinghamshire, and Toby Evans is a one time student of that establishment?" Chas nodded, "How on earth did you know that?"

"Mike Webber says hello, and he can't believe you and the little blond bombshell are still together."

Chas grinned.

"Tell Mike hello back. How do you know him?"

"He's my boss, Sir. One of the best Sergeants I've ever known. Now I think you had better get on your way, and please, try not to make out on the hard shoulder of motorway's in future, not every police officer will be as understanding as me."

Chas put out his hand to shake the constable's and departed with the comment.

"You're a good'un young man. Come and see us at St. Luke's academy if you are ever near Durham."

"Thank you, Sir, I'm Adam Halsted and I might well do that."

Toby was almost in hysterics as they continued their journey.

"I'm surprised you didn't invite him into the back seat to make love to him Chas."

"Mmm, I considered it but thought we might miss our flight if I did."

Adam, who was following them, wondered if something was wrong soon after they pulled back out onto the motorway, before they settled down to drive normally. The car had careered around a little for a few seconds.

The journey was uneventful and neither of them felt particularly tired when they arrived at Jolly Beach Resort on the tropical Caribbean Island of Antigua. Yes they knew the island's reputation internationally as the second most corrupt regime in the world. They knew that native Antiguans were not particularly friendly, but they also knew that most service staff were from other more friendly islands and states within the Caribbean. All of that knowledge proved correct as Dominican, Guyanese and St. Lucien's made their holiday an idyll. Chas had researched carefully their first holiday, proper, in ten years.

Chas was determined that nothing was to raise a cloud on this holiday. He sought out the General Manager while Toby unpacked.

"I'm not a rich man Mr. Forrester, and this is the first holiday my partner and I have had in ten years. Here is £100 for staff tips, and there will be more to follow if you make sure that Mr. Evans, my partner, has an idyllic holiday."

"We will do our best Mr. Hockney."

Chas was happy with that.

The following 14 days were hugely satisfying. They learnt to sail catamarans, very quickly moving from the skippered version to going out by themselves. They water-skied, they scuba dived and they made love. They made love so often and with so much passion that Toby, almost invariably, ended up crying with happiness at the love shown to him by Chas.

After lunch, despite having full tummies, was the most magical time. Chas took Toby into Wonderland every day at this time. The better his tan the more Chas lusted after his love. Both men wore white Speedos and walked the beach as well as sunbathed on it. There were more than a few admiring glances at these two Adonis's as they looked more and more sexy. For Chas though, it was when Toby took his Speedos off and he saw the same white, butt now uncovered and absolutely edible.

"Do you think our two brothers and Damien will find us irresistible when we get home, Chas?"

Chas was stroking a naked Toby on one of their last days. Propped up on one elbow he was looking at the golden brown body of his love, with just the little white patch where the Speedos had been.

"Mmm, I had already thought about that and decided to have a cage built for me to keep you in so that they can't get at you while I am in the academy."

Just another excuse for more laughter and definitely more kisses and cuddles.

Chas went to see Mr. Forrester again before they left and gave him another £100.

"If we possibly can, we will be back here again. Thank your staff so much for making this such a great holiday for us."

An uneventful trip home and Chas remembered not to stop on the motorway to kiss Toby.


Next: Chapter 43: St Lukes Academy 30

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