St Marks Academy

By Chris Johns

Published on May 19, 2023


St. Luke's Academy

Chapter 31

Entertainment for the School

Adam caused no more trouble, he found an excuse to screw the odd student when he was feeling randy, and he was allowed one more session with Chas, fucking him senseless in the principal's study.

Just before half term the arranged sports event took place. Steve had masterminded the regular sports which went off very well. The boys had a great time with loads of prizes being handed out, much to the surprised pleasure of the recipients. The last day was reserved for the naked cross country. Chas took great delight in carrying out the brief for this one with Jim smirking in the background.

Forty boys looked at Chas wondering what was coming.

"Gentlemen. You are going to be the main entertainment for the weekend. Listen carefully because I am only going to say this once. The cross-country course is two circuits of the marked course. You will run naked apart from your trainers and a numbered armband. You will get points for your position across the finish line, equal to your position. The team with the lowest number of points will be the winners. After you are all showered you will move to the gym, still naked. The first 20 across the finish line will then have the pleasure of butt fucking the last 20. After that, the winning team will get a blowjob from the losing team, all carried out in front of the whole school."

The gasps and `no way' comments were deafening.

"The alternative is 20 strokes of the cane and another two terms in your respective academy's."

No one wanted another two terms of this so the dissent stopped and they all determined to be on the winning team and in the first 20. It was going to be a very competitive race.

Experienced runners pace themselves. It was very apparent from the start that Steve had done a better job with St. Luke's 20, than Jim's Phys. Ed. instructor had done with his. The visitors took off like hares and Chas thought of the story about the Hare and the Tortoise. End of the first lap and the St. Luke's boys had caught up with most of the visitors, and still looked much fresher. The finish was rather embarrassing. There were only three of Jim's lads in the first 20. Jim was smirking and Chas didn't know why.

"Sorry Chas, I made it easy for your boys. My 20 are such totally irredeemably arrogant little shits so I wanted this result. My sports master briefed them to take off fast to break your boys early. Of course, I knew how Steve would teach them and I was right. It will be my great pleasure to watch your boys butt fucking mine, and getting blowjobs afterwards. Should we let them clean up after the fucking, or just go straight into the blowjobs?"

Chas screwed up his face in disgust at that suggestion, and then burst out laughing.

"I think I might have taught you too well Jim, but no, I think they had better wash genitals first, we can let the losers do the job, they will obviously be very thorough."

Both men were laughing as they walked across to the gymnasium. Steve had done a great job arranging seating so all of the boys would have a view of the action. Adam was stood with St. Luke's 20 and it looked like he was briefing them. Jim's 20 were then ordered into position. 20 young men on all fours with their arses facing the audience and about six feet in from them in a circle.

Steve nodded to Adam who took the PA mic and started.

"The 20 from the winning team may now commence taking their prize. You may position, and reposition your opposite number as often as you desire to take enjoyment for yourself and give entertainment to the other students. A panel of teachers will view the proceedings and award a special prize to the student considered to have been the most inventive taking the loser allotted to him. The action will finish when you have orgasmed in the butt of your victim."

This was news to Chas and he looked at Steve.

"Adam and I thought this might make it more interesting Chas and we wanted to surprise you and Jim."

"No problem Steve, what's the prize?"

Steve blushed. "You may not like this but Adam persuaded me. He is going to let the winner have him for two hours of slavery."

Chas nearly fell over laughing.

"If I had known that I would have taken part. I could handle two hours using Adam's body anyway I wanted."

Then he thought about incidences like the time Edison put him in hospital.

"I want to brief Adam and the winner before the prize is taken, ok?"

"Yes headmaster," said a smiling Steve.

The action commenced and had most of the students mouths agape after only a few minutes. Chas was watching some of the most inventive butt fucking he had ever seen. The Kama Sutra couldn't possibly have had more positions in it, and the Sex Maniacs Diary that Chas had been shown at university wasn't going to hack it either. He was mesmerized and thought it would be a difficult competition to judge. He did however agree with the judges. He was pleased for two reasons. Trent was probably the least arrogant of this group and he was a seriously cute young man. Not particularly muscular but he had already walked off with several individual prizes for his sporting prowess.

At the changeover, only three of St. Luke's boys had to get on their knees ready to blow three of Jim's crowd. Adam again.

"Same rules as last time. You can be blown in any position you choose and you will be judged on entertainment value by your own peers."

Chas was grinning as he asked Steve about the prize.

"We thought you might like to make a suggestion for this one Chas."

Now that really did have possibilities. If the winner had a great cock, Chas thought he might make himself the prize.

The winner did have a great cock, and he was patently very pleased with himself having taken the prize by his own peers applause. Chas took the mic.

"Congratulations the St. Luke's, we are all proud of you. The two winners, and Mr. Halsted, I would like to see in my study after assembly tomorrow morning. To all of the visiting academy. Thank you for a weekend of great sportsmanship. We wish you all good luck when you return to society."

Chas was so pleased that the St. Luke's cheered their opposite numbers and escorted them to their coaches. The best part of all was the 20 arrogant boys lining up to shake hands with their opposite numbers as they boarded their coach.

"Adam, bring those 20 to my study as soon as the coaches have departed."

Chas said his goodbye to Jim and surprised Jim's students by taking him in a bear hug.

"It was great to see you. Let's do this again. Us to you next time, and perhaps Luke and Dr. Rawlings would like to make an annual event of it for all four academies."

Jim nodded, stood back and quite emotional, said to Chas, "I still love you, you big ox, be good and my love to Toby."

Chas was bathing in a glow of satisfaction at the success of the weekend and was thinking about a satisfactory reward for his 20. They lined up in two ranks in front of Chas's desk and he scoped out all of them before speaking. They were all gorgeous, if they weren't arrogant they would probably not be here.

"Gentlemen, you have all shown a side of your selves that my staff and I have been looking for since you came here. I promise you that on today's performance, provided you retain the same attitude I will be delighted to shake your hands as I see you leave this establishment at the end of term. It is quite acceptable to show your superiority, but you have proved this weekend that you can do it and still be nice guys. Ashton, William and Mr. Halsted will still see me here after assembly in the morning."

Chas sat and thought about Ashton for a few minutes. The boy had a very long cock, not too thick. He was tall and slim, that was probably why he had done so well in the run, and was agile enough to have put on a successful performance on the blowjob. He was almost certainly gay as well, Chas thought. Ah well, tomorrow we'll see. Now it was home to Toby who had not wanted to watch the humiliation of the losers.

Adam came to see Chas earlier than required the next morning.

"Good morning, Chas, I thought you might like to see this before you saw the three of us."

He produced a photograph that almost made Chas fall over with laughter. Arrogant Ashton, who admittedly had had a reasonable attitude change was stretched out on a bed with an erect penis alongside a teddy bear.

"Where on earth did you get that?"

"Locker inspection after games and it was lying on top of his underwear. I told him porno pics weren't allowed and I would give this to the principal."

Chas was still laughing when the threesome entered a few minutes later. Chas had the photo on his desk still, ready for some fun.

"Good morning again Adam and good morning boys."

Clear reply from the boys, a slight gurgling in Adam's.

"Ashton, ask my secretary to give you a drink and come back when you see Mr. Halsted and William leave."

Chas looked at the boy and then at Adam before speaking. He remembered William from the prize giving and action afterwards. He was one of the more arrogant of the boys and had insisted on a photo being taken of him holding the cups he had won, but naked and erect, Chas thought Adam would know he had been fucked if he went that route with the boy.

"Right William, Rules of engagement. Mr. Halsted is going to give you free rein to do what you like with him for two hours. I will inspect a naked Mr. Halsted now and after your two hours."

Adam and William both looked aghast at Chas as he continued.

"If Mr. Halsted is marked in any way, or incapacitated at all, I will have you in here every day for 20 strokes of the paddle and a good fucking from me and anyone else I want to do a favour for. Understood?"

William nodded.

"Right both of you get naked, and get hard."

Chas loved this. He had seen Adam naked and hard a few times but seeing William the same was very satisfying.

He scoped them both out, front and back.

"Alright you can get dressed again. Adam, both of you are to come to see me when you have had your tryst."

All three laughed and then Chas was left to sort Ashton.

The boy came in and Chas told him to sit before waving the photo at him.

"Very inventive Ashton, who does the teddy bear belong to?"

The boy blushed but then replied clearly.

"My boyfriend at home, Sir. He said he would cuddle his bear every night thinking it was me."

Chas tried not to grin.

"Ok, you did very well at the exhibition so knowing what William has as a prize what would you like if I were to give you similar?"

Eyes as wide as they could go Ashton looked at Chas and again in a clear voice replied.

"I would like to find out if you really have the ten thick inches your reputation says you have. I would like you to blow me to orgasm and then arouse me again so that I can fuck you. If I think you are very good I might then let you fuck me."

Chas was so pleased he was sat down. He was laughing so hard the tears were rolling down his face.

"You have to have prepared that before you came in Ashton that slid off your tongue too quickly."

The boy blushed and replied.

"Yes Sir, I thought about it last night."

"Supposing I said that everything you have said would be acceptable if roles were reversed."

"Oh, yes please Sir."

Chas couldn't get his head round this boy.

"Happy top, happy bottom, yes?"

A blushing boy and a nod of the head.

"Well, in that case, we had better see if we can get in both. You can start."

Chas knew that Toby would be very unhappy that he had let another student fuck him, but Ashton had such a gorgeous cock he couldn't resist the opportunity to feel it inside him.

The sex was good, the boy knew how to use his mouth and his arse. The best bit for Chas however was having that beautiful piece of man meat slide over his sphincter and slow fuck him to an amazing orgasm.

There might have been 20 obnoxious young men arrive with Adam, but William and Ashton were definitely on their way home at the end of term. He had inspected Adam when the tryst had been completed and then called Ashton and William in to his study together a few days later having quizzed their teachers.

"I don't know what you did with William and Ashton, Chas, but they are definitely ready to leave." Was the comment made by all of them.

"Ok, you two, what do you think you have learned in this place?"

William spoke first.

"I've learnt that just being the best isn't good enough. Being a decent human being adds so much more enjoyment to life."

"Good, and how was Constable Halsted?"

Big grin and the laughing reply, "Pretty amazing Sir."

"Yes, amazing enough for us to ask your parents to collect you this weekend."

While William digested that Chas addressed Ashton.

"And you Ash?"

"Much the same Sir. Plus, I would be happy to see out my whole term if we can have another lesson like the one that went with my reward."

Chas did think about it, after all a cock slut like him didn't get one to play with the length of Ashton's all that often.

"Nice thought, but you are out of here at the weekend as well. Your boyfriend is coming to pick you up."

"Oh great Sir, do you think we could have a threesome?"

Chas was laughing as he ushered the boys out of his study.

It was a good thing he had Toby, Chas thought, otherwise he would be having sex with students three or four times a day.


Next: Chapter 45: St Lukes Academy 32

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