Stage Show

By Jay Bee

Published on Jul 28, 2005


Stageshow no. 2 by JompingBeeen

Warning: This story is intended for gay/bi men above the age of 18. It depicts explicit sexual activity between consenting males. If you find this offensive, stop reading now.

The place was packed as the curtain raised and the show began with two well-muscled guys being led on stage. Each was dressed in loose jeans, shirtless, and glistened with sweat, lead by a spiked collar around their necks. Each of them looked as if they had walked straight off the set of Baywatch, but this setting was much dirtier. The guy leading them was of a smaller build, and more fully clothed with leather trousers and a plain white T-shirt, but was still nicely muscular. Tattoed biceps bulged out of the T-shirt sleeves. In the centre of the stage lay a wooden frame, designed to support two bodies side by side, with a gap in between them. Various close-shot cameras had been attached to it, and it was clearly going to be the centrepiece of the show.

With the help of the T-shirted guy, the two hunks clambered into the frame and were secured with various leather straps. Each hunk was hooded and trussed down securely, ending up in a suspended on-all-fours pose, face-down. By this point an air of expectation was hanging above the audience.

Red silk curtains drew aside on either side of the stage, revealing two huge video screens. Each showed various shots of the proceedings, from various angles, and switched cameras every so often. The lights dimmed and a spotlight came on, illuminating the equipment in the centre of the stage. And so the show began. Music started, a deep, pulsing heavy beat, as the guy in the T-shirt explored the two muscular men with his hands.

He began slowly running his fingers all over their well-defined bodies, sliding his hands across their pecs, abs, shoulders, arms, backs, enjoying the sensation. A few guys in the audience groaned at the sight in front of them. Two hard-muscled guys, tanned, toned, gleaming, jeans slowly tightening around their groins, being fondled by a cute smaller guy with delicious muscles, tight leather trousers also tautening around his swelling hard-on, also tanned, defined, lovely.

The cameras switched to a view of the hunks' backsides, one on the left video screen, the other on the right. The smaller guy now reached in between their legs, stroking the insides of their thighs, fondling, squeezing gently, and finally reaching in to the left guy and pulling on a section of the jeans between his legs. The section came free, the cameras showing that it was in fact velcro'd in place. The section of denim was peeled away, revealing the left guy's underwear - a black thong. An arm reached in, making the guy on the left gasp, and grasped the material of the thong. With a quiet tearing sound it was ripped out through the gaping hole in the jeans, and thrown aside. The left camera now clearly showed a bare ass with two well-formed testicles hanging just below it. In the same manner, the right guy's ass was also revealed.

The T-shirted guy now tugged off his T-shirt, clean white material sliding upwards over well-defined bronze muscles. His chest was covered in a light coating of brown hair, which he ran his fingers through. He then picked up some lubricant from beside the frame and began to thoroughly lube up his right hand and forearm. Moving in more closely between the left guy's legs, he then began fingering him, sliding his middle finger deep into the guy's hole.

"Ohhhh yeah...." moaned the left guy.

One finger was joined by another, and then another, until finally the whole fist was inserted into the gaping hole.


The guy in the leather trousers now withdrew his fist and used it to lube up his left arm. Now he positioned himself between the two sections of the frame, and began fingering the right guy. At the same time, he began inserting his left fist into the left guy's twitching butt.

"Oh fuck!" from the left.

"Oh man!" from the right.

Once he'd worked both his fists in good and deep he began sliding them around and feeling about. After a few minutes he began to settle into a simple rhythmic thrusting, sliding his hands in and out of his two buddies. As time passed, he managed to slide slowly deeper and deeper inside, inch by inch reaching further in until his wrist was engulfed too. By this time each guy was gasping, lifting their heads, mouths opening, sighs of pleasure escaping before their heads lolled back down again.

At this point a new character appeared. From the far side of the stage a guy walked in towards the frame and the act taking place. He was big. The new guy was hugely muscled, obviously a bodybuilder, and was wearing only leather shorts and an earring. His muscles rippled and flexed as he advanced across the stage. He had immensely muscled thighs which glistened in the stage lights, and an enormously broad chest with each massive muscle deeply defined. His biceps were like footballs, but the most obvious feature was his forearms. He looked almost like popeye, with gigantic muscles strung from wrist to elbow, enormous veins sticking out hard under the skin. His huge thick forearms ended in thick wrists and a huge pair of hands. The guy in the leather trousers withdrew his hands, nodded to the bodybuilder, and left the stage.

The two guys in the frame tried to look behind them, but couldn't see. They'd both agreed to be fisted on stage, each of them wanting to try it in public just to see what it felt like, but now their fists had gone, and they could hear the heavy footsteps of someone approaching. Someone large.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"We're not finished yet!"

As the audience collectively grinned in anticipation, the bodybuilder quietly lubed up both his huge forearms and then began fingering both guys at the same time.

"Hooh fuck!"

"Aahhh yeah!"

The bodybuilder now inserted two thick fingers at a time.



Each guy closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. Suddenly they felt a lot tighter than before. The guy on the left managed to turn his head and look underneath himself, and saw the immense abs and tight leather shorts of the guy fingering him.

"Fuck!" he shouted "Where's the other guy?"


The right guy also looked underneath. At this point the bodybuilder was starting to insert three fingers.

"Oh shit, man! There's been a mistake!" said the right guy.

"There's no mistake," said the bodybuilder in a deep voice.

The bodybuilder then began trying with four fingers, making the two guys moan and gasp. He pushed his fingers in slowly, and slid them slowly out again. Over and over he pushed and slid as the two guys cried out softly. Once again they were raising their heads as he pushed inside them, their mouths opening and their eyes closing, releasing faint gasps and cries. As he withdrew their teeth would grit and their heads would loll back down, his fingers making faint slurping sounds as he pulled out.

Finally he began inserting his whole hand, very slowly and carefully. Each guy grunted slightly and gasped out loud as his fingers slid in all the way, followed by his thumbs and the whole of his hands. He slid in and out several times, letting them get used to his wide, heavy hands, stretching them out carefully. Once they had got used to it, he began to push in further. His hands now sunk into them up to the wrist, each guy moaning and twisting in the frame they were tied to.

The original master now returned to the stage, brandishing a pair of scissors. He began cutting at their jeans, slicing at them as the fists slid slowly deep into their backsides, and then were slowly, slowly pulled out again. Each hunk shuddered at the sensation of hot flesh inside their asses, contrasting with the feel of cold metal on their lower bodies. Snipping away, the master cut up the backs of each jean leg, cut across to the hole already cut into the jeans, and sliced upwards until he reached the waists of each pair. Tugging at the denim, he pulled it free of the leather harnesses keeping the hunks in place, until finally they were naked. As he removed the waist section of the jeans, each guy's cock flopped downwards, thick veiny hard-ons pointing downwards between their legs.

As the bodybuilder's fists once again slid slowly up their asses, each guy's cock twitched upwards. They both groaned in unison, breathing heavily. The other master moved around in front of them, unzipped his trousers, and tugged out his cock. He took the left guy's head in his hands and pushed his cock slowly into his mouth. As he did so, the bodybuilder pushed his fist deep into his backside, sliding it in past the wrist. The guy bucked and cried out loudly around his mouthful of hard dick, his face contorting in pleasure and pain, eyes opening wide. The other hunk also opened his eyes wide at the sound of his colleague's cries. As if in answer to his anticipation, the bodybuilder now also shoved his other fist deep into his ass, again past the wrist.

"Aaauuugghhh!" came the cry, the guy's eyes opening wide again then closing, his mouth contorted, breathing hard.

Grinning as he looked from one ass to the other, the bodybuilder began to quicken the pace a little. His fists slid in and out in unison, and the right guy's cock started to twitch. The smaller master pulled his cock out of the left guy's mouth, and grabbed one of the cameras mounted on the frame. He moved it in close to the right guy's cock, and the audience were treated to a huge view of the first gobs of thick precum drooling out of his tight cut cockhead as the bodybuilder stroked his prostate. A few inches of fluid slid out and hung for a second, before the heavy droplets at the end surrendered to gravity and dripped onto the floor. A thin string of slightly milky fluid remained hanging from the opening of the cockhead.

"Ohhhhhhhhh God.........." uttered the left hand guy as his own cock twitched and throbbed in response to the bodybuilder's manipulation of his own prostate.

The smaller master grasped each cock and began to slowly milk them, rhythmically pumping them in time to the fistings they were receiving. Precum continued to drool leisurely out of the right guy's cock, the thick shaft tight and pulsing gently in time to his hammering heart. The left guy's cock now also began to release some precum, albiet at a slower rate than the cock on the right. Neither guy seemed to notice that the bodybuilder's wrists were now a few inches inside their assholes. He was steadily taking them deeper than they had ever been before, but each guy simply gritted his teeth, clenched his eyes closed, gasped and groaned, sweated (both were becoming slick with sweat) and growled through twitching lips.

The right guy's cock suddenly pulsed and dumped out a teaspoonful of fluid - the bodybuilder had begun to drive him to new heights of pleasure. The cock sputtered and then stopped, as it's owner threw back his head and hoarsely shouted for more. The left guy simply hissed between his teeth and began pumping his hips back and forth a little, unable to move far due to the tight restraints. The right guy groaned again. Sweat dripped off his forehead and he was a little red in the face as the bodybuilder pulled his arm almost completely out before slowly easing it back in again. The action made him buck in the restraints, his cock now twitching almost uncontrollably. He was clearly ready to come.

"You come and I'll kick your ass" said the bodybuilder.


"I mean it shithead!"


A close up camera showed the right guy's face contorted with effort as he tried desparately to hold back, his teeth grinding, his cock twitching. His legs began to shake and he cried out and groaned and thrashed. Finally he regained control, but not before a small pea-sized drop of thick white come had oozed out of his cock. It hung there, mockingly, as the cock, and in fact his whole body, shuddered and twitched. The smaller master zoomed a camera in on it, showing the tightly-stretched cockhead skin glistening in the light, thick veins and arteries pulsing on the livid shaft. Another camera zoomed on his face, showing his now almost-blank expression and glazed-over eyes as he struggled to shut out what was happening around him in a vain attempt to stop himself ejaculating.

The smaller master waved his cock in the left guy's face, rubbed it across his mouth, put its head right in front of each eye, treating him to a blurred view of his taut cockhead. He then followed the same procedure with the right guy, who actually flinched and tried to avoid looking at it, his breath coming in short gasps. He was clearly struggling to keep his juices under control.

"I think it's time we got lefty here as horny as right, what do you think?" said the bodybuilder.

The smaller master merely nodded and began to slide his cock and balls across the left guy's face again. The bodybuilder increased the pace of fisting, making the right guy choke out a sob. Now the left guy's eyes also began to glaze.

"You know the score. You come before I say, I beat the shit out of you..."

Left's cock was now beginning to twitch as the smaller master took it in his hand, knelt down under the frame, and began to slowly suck the throbbing cockhead.



Within minutes, the gentle toying had the left guy twitching in his restraints. All the while the right guy simply sat still, all the muscles around his groin clenched tight in a desperate effort to hold back, his eyes still glazed over and his expression almost blank. A thin trickle of spittle had slid down his chin and now dripped onto the floor. Occasionally he would let out a very quiet gasp as he felt the ever-present fist slide deep into him, and ever so often he would shudder.

In turn, the left guy was also starting to mewl quietly with pleasure, also shuddering and clenching up tight. Muscles all over his body tautened and quivered as he also tried to hold back the floods of spunk building up impatiently in the base of his cock.

Now the master moved between them, grasping their cocks in a gentle but firm grip, and began to pump them slowly backwards and forwards. The left guy sobbed abruptly, his face contorted, and a thin stream of high-pressure pre-cum pissed out of his cockhead onto the master's face. Despite his best efforts, the right guy saw it happen, and cried out in agony as he struggled to hold back, his own cock now dumping out a few teaspoons of thin fluid.

The bodybuilder slowed down, sliding each forearm in and out with unbearable slowness.


The left guy almost seemed to gag, and a trickle of spunk began to run freely out of his cock. His muscles and face were redenning with effort and he began to shake.

"Nhhhhh! Nhhhhhhhh! Nhhhhhhoooooo!"


The pair of them twitched, spasmed, shook. The whole frame began to vibrate.

"That's it guys! Come! Come! COME!" shouted the bodybuilder.

They needed no encouragement - suddenly the pair of them could hold on no longer. Their tortured cocks could take no more. They twitched upwards, almost in synchrony, and both shot out long high-pressure jets of thick white gluey fluid, so high it almost hit their own chests.

Their cocks paused for breath and then fired again, great long ropes of white shooting out and landing square on the smaller master's body, who promptly began rubbing it into his chest.






Finally the flow sputtered to a halt, both cocks softening slightly and drooping.

The lights dimmed. The curtain dropped.

Next: Chapter 3

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