Staking the Tent

By Micahel S

Published on Mar 23, 2015



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I welcome your comments (maxus692001@yahoo,com) It surprises and makes me hot when fans of my erotica have sent comments that included pics of themselves.

Staking The Tent

This trip was long over due. I sighed relief once I had finished staking the tent. I needed sometime away from the city for a long time. Once the firewood was gathered I put on some shorts. As I pulled them on I thought about the things I admired about my body. My hairy and muscular legs were my biggest asset(well other than my tight ass). I resisted requests by a few guys to shave off the hair around my ass. At 5'6" tall, the average height for a woman, I had always wished to be taller. At any time my weight edged above #160 I felt fat. I wished I did not have as much chest hair. Whew I caught a drift of my b o and thought I really need a shower. It was getting late much faster than I expected. The sun was just beginning to set as I set off to the communal showers at the center of the campground.

As I stripped down I heard one of the showers running. I was curious if I would have the opportunity to see any of the other campers naked. I threw my towel over my shoulder pleased to be naked and free. I turned the corner to see a god rinsing the soap from his body. His eyes were closed as he rinsed his hair and face. He was taller and lean with a great tan. My eyes were drawn to his cock. It was long, meaty and dark like the rest of him. His walnut sized balls snug, but swung a bit between his legs. 'Mmm I thought if only I could feel those balls bouncing off my tight ass or my chin.' I took in his chest, moderately coated with hair a beautiful treasure trail leading to his groin. 'My type of guy,' I thought. 'I had better quit looking,' I saddened, not wanting to get caught here in the middle of the wilderness.

My thoughts were interrupted as he began to make conversation. "Are you here for the weekend?"

"No actually I took a couple of extra days off from work. I thought if I included a few of the week days I could have the place to myself for a day or two," I responded.

"I did the same thing. I drove up last Monday and my girl came up this afternoon for just the weekend. She is miserable here already," he commented.

'Damn,' I thought. 'He is not alone.'

"I would have just as soon she had stayed at home." My thoughts exactly was my impression. "Being that she is so prissy and doesn't like the outdoors I am thinking this may be a deal breaker between us." He grabbed his junk and gestured to make another point. "That and she complains this is too big." His skin looked soft, but he was rough around the edges having a few day unshaven look. I was drawn in by his big brown eyes.

My eyes widened, my jaw dropped and I could feel the warmth of my blushing. 'TMI dude was all I could think.' I muffled out a, "Yeah, that is too bad." Being rarely tongue tied I added, "For you I mean, ah for her too I guess."

"Hell yeah," he said. "I have tossed this to a few guys and it seems to turn them on too! They actually enjoyed my beast in their throat. Sucked better than any woman I have ever met. Plus a guys ass feels like virgin territory every time." He chuckled and I blushed. "Awe I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"Oh know, I am not embarrassed," I said. Being cautious I lied in self preservation. "I have heard that guys give better head from some of my gym buddies. Just never expected to hear it from a stranger I guess."

"What the fuck? I guess I am just the opposite. I mean I think you can tell a stranger anything," he states matter of factly. "I mean who gives a shit what you think -or any stranger indeed. Who are you to judge....I mean you don't know me, right? That is my attitude."

"I see your point," I commented tentatively. "Not something I have thought much about. But I think more often we are friendlier, more generous and easier on strangers than our friends and family."

"From my perception, I don't think you give yourself enough credit," he shot back. "I think you have your tent staked upon some very deep thoughts."

"Thanks for the compliment, I guess," I replied. He started to towel himself dry and dress. As soon as he was gone and the area was private I began to jack off. I thought of his body. What it would be like to feel his cock and his thrust. I thought of the unusual conversation that sent a shiver throughout my body an instantly began to cum. The way I came nearly elicited a deep growl, but I contained it. The cum was deeper than any I could remember. "A deep tent stake,' and I laughed.

I went back to my tent and fell into a deep sleep nearly instantly. I could feel the stress that was lifted off my body. It was the first in a long time that I was totally relaxed.

'Mmm, yeah just like that. Oh yeah, uh ha that feels so good,' through the fog in my mind. 'Wow -I don't think I have ever had such a realistic dream.' I tried to move. I felt paralyzed. "What the fuck?" I couldn't move and my ass was on fire. "Get the fuck off me," I screamed.

"I thought you would like my dick, you little cock slut," came a deep voice.

It took awhile for me to recognize the voice. "From the shower, you're the man from the shower," I exasperated.

"Brilliant deduction." He withdrew his cock and sat back.

I rolled over to my back and tried to sit up. As I did two knees came to my chest and his hands pushed my arms back. He was stronger than the impressions I had from the shower. His dick dangled in my face. "You would prefer to suck it then, fag?"

"What the hell," I sassed. "I am not here for your convenience, for you to use me however you see fit!"

"Well, that is not how I see it," he framed in a manner that had me puzzled. "You have already used me."

"You jacked off in the shower after I left," he snorted. "I was your eye candy. Since I was the center your fantasy I felt I had a right and that you wanted it too."

"Right? -you have rights over MY body," I set off on a rant that was quickly interrupted.

"Shut up," he nearly cursed. "Your beginning to sound a lot like my girlfriend. So are you going to suck my cock or what?" To accentuate his point he nudged his cock across my face. His cock was sticky with precum and the juices from my ass. 'Which he had clearly violated,' I reasoned. I could smell his precum. His balls grazed my chin and fell in place under my nose. The only breath I was taking was direct from his masculinity. I was becoming intoxicated, 'Oh god help me,' I thought as I lost my sense of reason.

"Well, it is not like I have all night for you to 'think about' wanting to be my bitch," he growled. "I know you want my dick you have already cum over it once."

I melted into his needs and my own and gave up resistance. My tongue reached out to lightly lick his balls. "The next pleasure I feel had best have some desire behind it," he coached. "Or I may as well go back to the tent and suffer with the frigid bitch I just left."

I reached out with my tongue and sucked one of his balls into my mouth. I was surprised by its smooth texture as my tongue rolled around encircling it. I did not wait for his response and pulled in his second nut. My mouth so full I could barely move my tongue. I sucked as if my life depended upon it. With my nose at his prenium his scent was overwhelming me with desire. He moaned, "that is what I am talking about." He reached out and grabbed his hung dick to guide it to my mouth. I took a deep breath to relax because I knew in this position his dick was going deep into my throat.

His dick slid across my tongue, I began to swallow as his dick hit the back of my throat. My focus was distracted by his taste. The thoughts that raced into my mind were 'velvet, chocolate, caramel, and musk.' I was excited and when I am excited I have a built in need to breath deeply. Needless to say and to my dismay I began to choke. "Is this really how you want to treat your master?" I thought 'No, no, no -now he is disappointed in me.' Then he began to chuckle, he must have read the expression on my face. "I know a dick this size takes practice and training." He pulled his dick from my throat and a string of drool followed.

I struggled to speak, "Sir, I was excited by the taste and that excitement distracted me."

"Noted," he acknowledged. "Back to work," was his demand. He thrust his dick deep and held it there. I was much more focused and prepared. His dick did not move until I began to choke and gag. It felt like an eternity, but I am sure it was really less than a minute. When he withdrew he said, "Again," and thrust his dick deep. I could feel his balls resting on my chin. I held off on gagging for so much longer I wanted to give myself a pat on the back. I was beaming with pride until I heard, "Again." On the third time with his dick lodged in my throat, 'try became do' and the gag did not come. "Once more." My experience held and when his cock left my throat he said, "You're a quick study, we will work more on that another time. Relax and do your own thing to catch your breath -play with it and set your own pace." In response to his attitude I sucked and licked to my own pleasure. I learned every minute detail of that dick. I had already measured it's 9" with my throat. His cock had two striking veins the length of his shaft. They crossed paths in the middle making a little knot and changed sides. The shaft on the underside had a thick strong cord that supported this beast. His knob at the head was thick and mushroom shaped. My tongue darted in out of his deep piss/cum slit. He moaned in pleasure. I could taste his precum and my desires grew.

All to soon he said, "My turn, prepare to be facefucked." In went his dick, thrust after thrust I felt no mercy. He sensed when I was feeling tired and slowed his pace. It was a turn on when he kept popping his head in and out of my lips. Once I had relaxed he went back to his deep throat fucking. Then soon I sensed that he was about to cum. He arched his back, his head turned to the canopy of the tent. I felt his balls constrict. His cock went deep into my throat and I felt the spasms. I thought they were never going to end. Then he reached down and pulled his dick back, holding it on my tongue his dick still squirting. "Good boy, you earned a taste too." He reached down and rubbed my cheek. Then he moved off me and lay beside me. I was depleted of energy and also laid quietly.

He broke the silence, "That was good. It has been a long time since I have cum that hard."

"I am glad to have pleased you. I thought you were never going to cum."

He chuckled, "I was close several times, but made and effort to make it last." He turned to his side and started to get up. Then he leaned over me and whispered close to my face, "I am ready to use your tight ass. I hope you want to get fucked."

I laughed and said, "Like I have a choice in the matter, but yes."

I shook my head as I heard the snap of a cap of lube open. He had brought his own lube I nearly laughed out loud. "On your knees, tonight doggie style has it's appeal to me." I rolled into position, put my ass in the air and my face in the pillow. I felt his finger working the in the lube. He was very gentle and playful. Then he added a second finger. "You are relaxing and opening up fast."

I coughed and laughed, "Well your dick has been forced in there once tonight. It is nice to know this time it is coming." As our conversation continued he began rubbing his dick across my crack. When his cock touched my hole he circled it around the target, but then went back to massaging my entire crack.

He slapped my ass, "You're being a spirited and playful bitch tonight aren't you?"

"I guess some people have a way of bringing that out of me." I smirked.

The repayment for my comment was his dick thrusting into my ass hard and fast in one smooth motion. I gasped out loud. I felt pain too, but it brought me pleasure to be wanted and treated so urgent and abruptly. Once inside my ass balls deep he paused. I took advantage of the opportunity to relax and accommodate his hung dick. When I was comfortable I started squeezing my inner muscles milking his dick to signal I was ready. He began with slow and deliberate deep strokes. His pace gradually picked up. When he was at peak performance thrusting in and out it began to hurt. I felt so connected to him when he slowed his pace, but he never stopped fucking. I felt him work his dick around off to one side, then the other then in circles. I was moaning to his magic. I felt like a prince at that moment, no one had ever touched so many places inside me. I wondered was it intensity, was it passion?

That thought was disrupted when he lifted my body into the air and spun me around, never taking out his dick, my legs where lifted into the air and pinned to my shoulders. I felt his sweat falling in droplets onto my body. He began to kiss my neck as he fucked. The head of his cock now popping in and out of my hole, then thrusts deep inside me. I felt his tongue at my ear and a shiver run down my spine. Then his lips upon mine. I moaned and my mouth opened to accept his tongue. I could feel his abs press down on my dick massaging it between our two bodies. I had never been this hard. His kisses made me lose all control and I began to cum. Shortly after he his orgasm began. It felt just as strong as the first when I swallowed his cum. He moaned, "Oh my god, you have such a sweet ass. Mmm fuck, fuck yeah, ahh that is such a hot tender place. Mmm." He held his cock inside me as he calmed down. He pulled out and arose quietly.

When we were side by side he said, "That was hotter than what I had expected."

"Me too, far better than the fantasy for me." The atmosphere inside the tent had an aroma that smelled like a merger of the two of us.

He kissed me on the cheek and said, "I would like nothing more than to spend the rest of the night here with you. Unfortunately you know I cannot -I have got the cunt back in my tent. Let's have a smoke outside before I head back."

He lit a cigarette and passed it to me. Then he lit another for himself. He was quiet, but I could tell he was in a very content mood. He looked up to the stars and said, "There are as many thoughts running through my head right now as there are stars in this sky. And yet my heart is as calm as the view." Then he looked directly at me and said, "The view is the same when I look into your eyes. I feel the whole universe there."

"Wow," still catching my breath from his unsolicited comments. "No one has said anything that kind to me ever." I walked towards him and gave him a hug that was readily accepted. I could feel that neither of us wanted it to end. I pulled away first.

"I will be back first think tomorrow -as soon as the bitch leaves." I woke up the next morning and my first site of the day was him sitting at the picnic table smoking and drinking a cup of coffee. "I brought one for you," he said pushing the cup forward. "It looks like you did a good job of staking down your tent," he winked and we both laughed.

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