Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 5, 2023


Stan's appointment with the adult film company had been cancelled, and they rescheduled it for two weeks in the future. When he heard that, Rick breathed a sigh of relief . He really didn't want Stan to do the films. On one level, he was worried about people associating him with a porn actor. They were going out more, and more people knew about "Stan and that hot black guy." He had a reputation to uphold! On another level though, Rick felt something that he had a hard time expressing: it had taken some time to get used to Stan's monster cock, and more time to get used to his ways. Now, he wanted that cock all for himself. Something had happened: he LOVED being dominated by Stan. He certainly had no wish to start "going versatile" with Stan: Stan kept him more than "fulfilled" sexually. And of course, there was always the risk of Stan "bringing something home." Rick already had to deal with the fact that Stan made a nice piece of change with his private clients. That client base was turning more and more into people who wanted to worship Stan's cock, or just suck it. Stan didn't fuck unless it was Rick.

When Rick's apartment had finally been repaired, after three delays, he had lived with Stan for so long, that he didn't really see how he could live alone anymore. When he brought up the possibility of moving into Stan's place, Stan was overjoyed. They rented a van, went over to Rick's apartment, and got his stuff out. Stan was more than a bit amused by how many clothes Rick had: the shirts, the pants, the shoes.

"Daddy Man, you want me to look good or what?" "Yeah, I do. And you know how you look best? NAKED" Stan proved it by tying up a nude Rick that night. He unlocked his cock, and teased each and every body part, until Rick was moaning and groaning, begging for release. "Release? Don't you mean something else, babe? " Stan was teasing "OK. YEAH I DO. GIMME COCK. YOU BIG COCKZILLA. FILL ME WITH IT. FUCK ME DADDY MAN" And after he had pounded Rick, he pinned him down and edged him slowly - very slowly. It may have been the longest edging session they had ever had. It went on for 90 minutes.

So, with all of this behind them, one Saturday morning, as they were drowsy in bed, Rick rolled over, and put his head on Stan's chest, he looked up. "Stan baby, I wanna ask you for a favor." "Sure. What's that." "This porn thing you're gonna do? Can you not do it? It's freaking me out, Daddy, and I want you ALL for myself." Stan smiled and he began to rub Rick's shaved head. His hand found its way to Rick's right earlobe, and he massaged it. That always made Rick purr. "Well, lemme tell you what I think, ricky. I'm willing to not do this porn thing. But you gotta make me some promise, AND YOU GOTTA KEEP THEM." "What do you want Daddy man?" "Well, this twink thing. If I'm gonna be all yours, then you gotta be all mine." "Hell, Stan, you already own my ass." Stan rolled over on top of Rick "You paying attention smarty pants? I want ALL of you. Yeah, I can lock up your dick, and no one gets that ass but me. But I want your heart, ricky. I want you to prove I'm your one and only man." Rick smiled, adjusting himself under Stan's body. "You got it. Now kiss me. Let's seal it." Stan smiled, and that "giraffe tongue" as rick called it, went into rick's mouth, and down his throat , as his fingers found the always sensitive nips of his lover. When he broke the kiss rick looked at him. "You gonna fuck me big Daddy?" "I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you're gonna scream that you agree not to fuck around." He lifted rick's legs so that he was in a tight ball position, and then he began teasing rick's ass, batting around his hole with his cock, circling it, pointing and pulling away, and smiling all the while. "You sure you wanna get fucked? You sure you can take it handsome man?" "YES! I KNOW I CAN TAKE IT. FILL ME. FILL ME UP GOOD." Stan laughed. "We'll see," and then turned on the timer that he used sometimes for clients. "13 inches, 13 minutes. You're gonna get an inch a minute, and you're gonna make me a promise each inch. Starting... NOW" What followed was a list of promises, all of which had to do with rick being more submissive, and giving more control to Stan. As this was happening, in the midst of his bliss, rick realized that Stan had thought about this a good deal. The promises at the start were simple: walking with his hands behind his back, keeping two buttons opened on his shirt. Then they got harder. As did Stan. And Rick. Near the end, there was a real hard one. "Promise you'll start talking with me about maybe leaving the city." THAT was gonna be hard for rick, because he was a city cop, period. Leaving the city would mean, well, leaving a job he loved. But it was only a promise to talk about it. "I promise Big Daddy. Give me just a little more." Stan smile and pushed in further. It was the next to last inch. "You gotta save more money. You spend too much. If you can't get it under control, I'm gonna be in charge of your cash." Again, this was a hard one for Rick. He laughed, regularly, at the state of his savings account. Stan, on the other hand, managed to save over half of what he brought in from his clients. Rick had stolen a look at his bank balance once, and saw it was in six figures. "Ok, stud. I'll try. I'll REALLY try. More please." Stan shoved in the last inch. "NO MORE FUCKING TWINKS" After he pushed in the final inche, and almost yelled the demand, he pushed into rick's guts. He was just on the edge of hurting rick, and he knew it. "FUCK. This is like when you made me surrender the first time.." rick grimaced. "Well, I surrender a second time, daddy man. I'm yours. Only yours. " "Oh yeah..." Stan's deep melodious voice came out, and he started to shoot way up in Rick. "Stanley man, you gonna let me shoot today? PLEEEEEASE?" If he wanted something from Stan, Rick always used his big smile. He did it here. "FUCK YEAH. How's about you do it? Let me watch. Let me kiss you while you do. All over your fuckingly hot body." While rick jerked, Stan went down to the base of the bed. He did fully intend to kiss rick's whole body, starting with his feet, and his ankles. He made it up to rick's hips, when the man exploded. "I'm not done. Let me finish this up." Stan went back to work, and managed to cover rick's entire body with kisses.

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Stan's question about leaving New York City, was a serious one. He saw what the apartment cost. He loved it, but he questioned whether it was worth it. He had grown up in a house, and he missed having a house. He had a fantasy, too, of living in a house with Rick, where he'd be the "Man" of the house, and Rick would be his partner. Rick hadn't saved any money - Stan knew that - and he had a lot of background work to do before he was going to be able to persaude Rick.

On the other hand.... if rick was submitting a second time, well...

At work the next day, Rick thought about the demands that Stan had made during their love making. Giving up the twinks would be hard, but he could do it. He was finding that his urge to top the young blond ones was rapidly eroding: he'd rather have Stan. And Stan had given him no arguments about giving up the porn shoot. He had given up the high paying escort work where he actually fucked the clients. And ultimately, the only thing Stan ever denied him was uncaging him ahead of when Stan wanted to do that. Rick was caged now. He was getting used to it.

When he wasn't working, he thought of Stan. At the gym, he thought of Stan. What had happened to him? "The black playboy" had been one of his nicknames. Now, he laughed to himself, he felt as if he were becomeing "the black housewife." To be honest, he liked it.

He didn't shower after the gym that day. He knew that his smell after a workout drove Stan wild. So he got home and Stan had put the bondage chair in the middle of the room. There was a wrapped box on the chair. "Open it ricky. I want you to wear it. NOW" "Yes sir, Mr. Man. Can I get a kiss?" "After you change." Rick opened the box. It's hard to believe, but rick didn't have a leather harness. Until now. There was a pair of chaps too. "HOLY.. WOW." Rick liked leather, he just didn't do it much. He DID dream of Stan in a leather outfit, tying him to an X cross, and abusing him. They didn't have an X cross, but he could see the look in Stan's eyes. "GET THAT OUTFIT ON. " "Yes sir." Rick ran off to change. DAMN this was gonna be good. FUCKING Cock cage though." "GET OVER HERE" Stan ordered, when Rick came back out. In the time rick took to change, Stan had dropped his shirt, and put a leather vest on. He had his own chaps. And a cap. And he was holding a small leather crop in his left hand. He had a band on his left arm. And he had on a pair of boots. Rick came over, and got to his knees. "How can I serve you Sir?" "Clean those boots" Stan smiled. He knew he was pushing more than one of Rick's buttons by doing that. Rick had a thing about dirt, and , well.. Stan ran the crop over rick's back. "I SAID GET TO THOSE BOOTS, BITCH" "Yes sir.." rick bent his head and began licking. "You damn well better get them clean, cocksucker." (What rick didn't know, was that this was the scenario the porn company had wanted Stan to do . He figured he'd try it with his favorite porn actor, rick). Rick began to get into the scene. He made noises as he slurped, looking up occasionally for approval. "YOU CALL THOSE CLEAN? " Stan got out of the chair, knocking rick back. He sneered, as he rested his boot on rick's chest. "YOU'LL NEED TO LEARN. For now though... GET IN THE FUCKING CHAIR." "Yes sir." Stan used a leather thong to tie rick's wrists behind him. Then he pulled a band out of his jeans pocket and wrapped it around rick's right arm. "Who's my sub?" "I am Sir." "Then I can do whatever I want to you." "Yes sir, you can. " Stan smiled. He pulled out a new pair of nipple clamps: a bigger set than the one he and rick had been using. He ran the heads over rick's nips. "I wonder if ricky can take this. I wonder... I just wonder... " "No Sir.. Please. They're gonna rip me... AHHHHHHH" Stan could feel his 13 inches hardening. "Yeah, you're gonna scream when I pull it. But not when I've got my cock in your mouth. " He got closer. When rick moved his face away, Stan pulled the chain. He held it stretched out. "Ok, ok. Fuck my face Sir. Please. Fuck my face. " "If you do a good job, I'll just let them hang on you. If you do as bad a job as you did on my boots.. heh heh." Stan started pushing his cock into rick's mouth. Rick's gym smell was making him a bit delirious, the same way the musky taste of Stan's cock was driving rick crazy. Neither one understood what was driving them. Stan began playing with the sides of rick's nips - the parts that stuck out of the clamps, and rick moaned, and slurped. Stan bent down and began to lick at the salty taste of rick's neck and his ears. The first time his tongue struck rick's ear, rick nearly jumped out of the seat he was so excited. Stan moved his mouth over to rick's, and their lips locked. "Fuck me Sir," rick whispered, when they broke the kiss. "You worthy of my cock, bitchboi?" "No Sir. I'm not. Tell me how to be worthy." Stan stored that in his head. "We'll discuss that later. For now, you're gonna get your wish, mancunt." He took off the clamps, and even though rick didn't want to bring attention to them, he howled, loud. "wouldn't have to worry about that in the country," Stan thought, but for now, he just threw rick on the bed, face down. "I'm gonna PLOW that worthless ass of yours, ricky boi." It was the first time he used the two nicknames rick hated most in the world together, and it made rick even harder. He was whining. "Please Sir Stan. FUCK ME.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" He felt the cock pierce his ass. Hard. Fast. And then harder and faster. Stan was clearly driven and he POUNDED rick. When he came, faster than usual, he pulled out. Rick couldn't see what was happening, but then he felt the whip on his ass. "FUCK. " The first one hurt, but then, it began to feel good. REALLY good. TOO GOOD." "STAN. SHIT. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT." Rick arched his back and then, cage or no cage, he came all over the bed. "Oh shit Stan. Look what you did. You got me to cum even locked up. " Rick was crying, but they were cries of pleasure. "DAMN that was hot Daddy man. Hold your boi. Hold me, please. Make me feel like you own me. I'm yours. ALL YOURS." Stan couldn't move fast enough to untie rick so he could hold him, but he did. The two "amateur" leathermen held each other, kissing and pawing each other. Rick looked at Stan. "I'm ready Daddy man. Take me away from NYC. Take me into the country. Make me your country bitch. GEEZ, am I ready."

Next: Chapter 13

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