Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 26, 2023


It took Rick about two , maybe three days, before he had "recovered" completely from his time with Stan. "Recover" may be the wrong word, because he didn't feel sick or ill, or anything like that: just sore. Rick hadn't bottomed for well more than ten years, and that was only one time, with a guy who had a much smaller cock. He did feel proud about taking the challenge, and while he didn't take all 11 inches, he took most of it. He was looking forward to another try. When he thought about that night, which he did often, he had much to think about. Rick had thought he'd do a one night stand with this stud, see what he could take, and move on. He thought it was going to be a much rougher night. He wouldn't have minded that, but he wasn't looking for that, for his first time. And while he HAD always said that, if he gave up his ass it was going to be to someone bigger than he was, he also thought that the guy was going to be a looker - the kind of guy you were eager to show off to your friends. Stan wasn't ugly, but he didn't look like that kind of guy. He did yoga, not weight training, he didn't tan, and all things being equal, his most redeeming physical feature was his cock. Rick had to rethink that: maybe it was his heart.

In his own sexual life, Rick usually thought about himself. What did HE like? After all, he was the top - the date was about satisfying HIM. If the bottom got some pleasusre, fine. He couldn't count how many times one of his dates had begged him to slow down when Rick was fucking him, and Rick just plowed ahead. He couldn't remember asking if the boy - and it was always a boy - was alright, or if he wanted something to drink or a break, or anything. Stan had done all of that - to a first timer. And then, at the end, when he wouldn't take the money...Rick was no millionaire, but as a detective, fairly high up in the force, he thought he probably made more "legal" money than Stan did as a fry cook. Yet, he wouldn't take the money, even though that first time out was not a "date," it was a client meeting. This guy was growing on him. How did he know? Way ahead of schedule, he began thinking about what he'd wear - trying to find something that he thought Stan would like , and would guarantee another night in the sack.

As far as guaranteeing another night in the sack, Rick didn't have to worry. Stan thought Rick was the hottest man he had had in bed. He couldn't remember the last time he had told a client not to pay, but he thought of most of his client meetings as "jobs." Rick, with his smooth, shaved body, his muscles, the way he reacted to Stan's touch, and most of all, how vocal he was when he was getting fucked, he loved it. And while it hadn't happened, Stan was thinking about walking around with Rick, showing off "my hot boyfriend." He had spent a couple of days thinking too: the fry cook job didn't pay a great deal, but it paid his bills, and he had saved enough from his work as "Stan the Snake," to live on for a few years. If Rick had told him that he wanted Stan to give up the escorting, and to be his "steady," he'd do it. No question. He smiled though, because... if Rick became his steady, he was gonna have to agree to let Stan use his repertoire of toys on him: the ropes, the handcuffs, the tit clamps, the gags, everything else he had in the "toybox" under his bed. He normally saved them for regular clients who wanted "a little more." A favorite client "scene" for example, would involve the client being captured, and tormented to reveal information. Stan would fill them, inch by inch, until they gave up. If he and Rick went anywhere with their relationship, Rick would have to understand that his place was unequivocally going to be the bottom, in scenes, and everything else.

Stan left the restaurant one day, still smelling of the foul grease and other ingredients that the well heeled of the area loved, and Rick was standing outside, a big smile on his face. "Hey. How's stan the man?" "RICK! This is a big surprise. And it's getting bigger," he laughed, but it was true. Stan was getting hard when he had Rick there, right in front of him. Rick was in his work clothes: a custom pin stripe suit, a thin striped blue and white buttondown with a pink tie, and perfectly shined shoes. Stan began to think of how he'd get him out of it.

"I know we got a date in two days, Stan man, but... well, I saw something on the way to work today, and I wanted to get it for you . Reminded me of our night." Stan smiled. "You got me a present? Really? Rick, you didn't have to?" Rick smiled, and he could feel himself getting hard as well. "Open it up. I hope it makes you laugh." It was a cylinder. Stan took off the paper, and then he twisted the lid off the can. Three huge , pressurized snakes popped out, startling passersby. He laughed. "Rick, that's priceless. I got a lot of snake toys at home, but... not this one. That's so sweet." Rick was just standing there smiling, like a kid who had just given a teacher a present. "You know, Rick, I'd embarrass you, I know, but , well, I really wanna kiss you right now." Rick smiled. "Can ya hold it till Friday?" "How about until tonight? Not a date, but... a kinda fly by?" Rick hadn't thought about that, but... his cock was telling him "DON'T SAY NO." "Lemme call you in a couple hours, stud? I have to take a look at what's on my desk. If I don't have to work late, yeah. absolutely. " "Yeah, lemme know. Tonight's not an appointment night, so it's gonna be me and the video collection. " "I'll buzz ya later. I'm glad you like the toy.. Snake man."

The dance had begun. Rick knew he had nothing on his desk that couldn't wait until the next day, but he was playing "hard to get" in his own way. Meanwhile, if Stan had a dollar for every one of those canned snakes he had been given, he could've bought himself something nice. He'd have to hide the ones around his apartment. He didn't want Rick to think it wasn't special - because Stan DID think it was special. All he wanted to do, all afternoon, was to have Rick underneath him, sucking his cock, then taking it up his ass. When he got the text from Rick: "Yo snake man. How about 8?" He almost did a little dance in front of his griddle. He sent Stan back the emoji of a whale spouting with a message. "You feel like eating something together? I'll order in." Rick's answer. "Yeah, as long as it includes some ... " and he responded with an emoji of an eggplant and a sausage. "I gotta hook this one," Stan thought. He made his way home and pulled out a couple of the wrist restraints he had for his bed. Then, he pulled out some good strong rope that he had stored up "just in case." Finally, he pulled up all the canned snakes he had been given by clients, and hid them in the back of a closet. He left Rick's out on a counter top, where it was easily visible.

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At 7, Stan gave Rick a call. "Still on babe? " "HEY python. Looking forward to it. Me and my friendly neighborhood sausage." "Heh heh. You feel like Chinese food?" "Too greasy for me." "I'll get steamed veggies for you." "Nah. I'm gonna call the place I get my food. It'll be good. " He paused. "But not right away." Stan smiled, "I'll see you in an hour." Rick felt as nervous as he did for his senior prom. He knew he looked good, but he wished he had had time to change before coming to Stan's. There he was though, ringing the bell, his jacket thrown over his shoulder, his tie loosened, his sleeves rolled, showing off his biceps. He was thinking "This is how I show up when I top.. " He laughed a little to himself. Stan opened the door, in a black t shirt, tight black jeans, and a big smile on his face. Rick had to admit to himself, the man looked quite fine. "Come on in, handsome," Stan closed the door behind Rick and smiled. "Now, let's start with a big hello kiss." Stan was known for his cock, but he had a long, pointed tongue too , and it got to work, taking Rick's mouth like he owned it. Rick wanted to resist it a little - he was not a big fan of kissing - but he melted into it, especially when Stan pushed his knee up against his cock." "Mother fucker. you know I'm hard." "That makes two of us handsome. You gonna gimme another one, or...." He grinned mischievously, and ran his thumbs over Rick's nips. Rick sighed. "DAMN. You forget nothing." "Nope. Not a thing." He changed the rubbing to a squeezing, and Rick moaned. "OH FUCK. " Rick's tongue stretched out, and he began licking his lips. He tried to push into Stan, to get some friction on his cock, but Stan smiled, and backed off. "Someone wants his cock played with huh? Someone needs a little relief?" Rick smiled. "you know it bud." "For the rest of the night, stud, I'm Sir. We're gonna try something new." Stan turned his head and Rick followed. He saw the chair, with the ropes. "More in the bedroom. You game." Rick gulped. He wasn't really sure about this. At least his head wasn't. His cock, on the other hand, was giving another answer. "Uh.. Uh... " Rick's mouth went dry. "SIT BOTTOM" Had it been anyone else who said it, Rick probably would have thrown a fist and walked out. Stan's tone, usually so even and relaxed, had an edge to it. Rick THOUGHT he could take him, but he knew about Stan's yoga classes and his flexibility. In bed, he had been fairly immobilized when Stan wrapped around him. And his cock was saying "DO IT" "Yes sir." came out of Rick's mouth without knowing it. He sat in the chair, as Stan grabbed his arms, pulled them behind the back of the chair, and roped them. He felt Stan's scruffy chin on his neck, as Stan whispered "for the rest of the night, stud... you're MINE" "You're MINE." Again, Rick felt his cock jump. It jumped again as Stan unloosened his tie, opened another button on Rick's shirt, and slid his hand down around his nip. "Oh yeah, fuck yeah." whispered Rick, again not sure if he were saying it willingly or not. He felt Stan's breath at his ear, as Stan slowly - VERY slowly - drew his tongue over it. DAMN. How the hell had he figured out about his nips AND his ears? "Know what you are rick? " Stan whispered " A COCKSUCKING BOTTOM" "Fuck that shit," Rick hissed, just before Stan squeezed his nipple a little harder. He moaned. "Fuck that shit? You didn't clean out today? Is that what you're telling me.. " He nibbled Rick's ear lobe and whispered "fuckboi." The sensation on his ear, and the pressure on his nip, were beginning to drive Rick wild. He had come over horny, and he was getting hornier. When Stan opened another shirt button, and took both nips, he moaned, loud. "Please SIr. Give your fuckboi your cock." "You want it, bottom?" "Yes sir. I need it. PLEASE PLEASE." Stan never let go of Rick's nips, and the need for cock got greater and greater. He had never experienced something like this before, and when Stan dropped his jeans, and his huge piece came out, stiff as a board, he fell on it, hungrily. "Easy boi. Easy. A little at a time, you handsome stud." Rick pushed his head forward, trying desperately to get as much of Stan's cock as possible, and Stan, like a deep sea fisherman, let some cock into him, then took some out, and kept it up . What Rick didn't know was that Stan was getting him ready to take it all. By working up and down Stan's cock, and forgetting about any gag reflex, Rick didn't even realize it when he swallowed Stan's 11 inches, all the way up to the balls. "LOOK AT THAT RICK." Stan smiled. "You took it all. On the second try. I think that's a record." When he realized what had happened, Rick began to try to push Stan out of his mouth. Stan was having no part of it. He pushed the back of Rick's head forward. "Not so fast bottom. Your topman wants service, you give it." He worked Rick's nips even more, and the sensation of that action got Rick even more relaxed. He submitted to the huge cock, and sucked and sucked, until Stan pulled it out, and playfully beat it around Rick's face. Gasping for breath, rick got out. "Sir, that was fucking fantastsic. FUCKING FANTASTIC." Stan laughed. "Oh, we're not down yet, rick. Not even close." He grabbed Rick from behind, by his neck, and led him, shirt opened and his pecs exposed, into the bedroom. Rick saw the restraints at the top of the bed. "OH NO. YOU AIN'T TYING ME UP. NO WAY THAT'S HAPPENING. " "That right? " Stan rubbed his chin over one of rick's nips, and the man gasped. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. " Then Stan moved to his teeth, and nibbled that nip. "I'm gonna untie you, you're gonna get on that bed, and you're gonna move your hands up there. GOT IT?" He reached down and squeezed rick's hard cock, to make his point. "I understand Sir. Yes sir." Rick was eager to try to take Stan's cock again, but he didn't think he was gonna be able to take all 11. Stan secured the wrists bonds, and he straddled rick. He smiled at him, and kissed him, without tongue. "You're a great fuck rick. A truly great one. And I'm gonna make you a better one." He slipped off rick's Gucci belt, and slid down his pants. The designer shoes came off, and so did the white silk thong. "What a great ass you got, stud. So many squats. Waiting for a man like me..." Stan chuckled, as he pushed rick's legs in the air. "You gonna lube me Sir?" "Yup, but with man lube" Stan pushed out his tongue. "Lots of spit, and then, your own juice stimulated by these..." he held out his fingers. Then he dived down into rick's ass. He tasted the musty sweat from a trip to the gym, and that long, pointed tongue got to work. "OH DAMN. MY bottoms never did me so good." Rick felt his eyes rolling in the back of his head. "Like they say stud, if you want a job done right, do it yourself." He got back to work, eating out his bottom's ass, as rick moaned, and squirmed. Every now and then, Stan would reach up, and grab one or both rick's nips. When he felt he had lubed him enough, Stan began sliding a finger into rick. "OH SHIT. I hope your hand isn't as big as your cock." Stan laughed. "Fair point. " He put in another finger, and swiveled the two of them around, until he felt rick begin to self lube. Then he moved around some more. Finally, he looked at rick. "You ready, stud? Focus on the restraints. Try to pull out. If you do that, you won't notice it too much." Rick gave it some thought, and did. He pulled on the restraints which were way too secure and tight for him to break. And, little by little, Stan got first the 9 inches he did the first time, into rick, and then the rest. "OH MAN THAT FEELS SO GOOD. IT HURTS BUT IT HURTS GOOD. RAM ME BIG MAN"

Now that Stan was in him, all the way, rick could stop pushing against the restraints, but he liked the way it felt to struggle. And struggle he did. He yelled at Stan. "OFF ME YOU BASTARD. I DON'T WANT THIS. FUCKKKK...." Stan laughed. "you like it rough rickster? Cause I could make it rougher if you like." "Next time stud. Friday. Gag me. Make me SUFFER.. OH SHIT.." Stan was beginning to slide back, faster and faster. He grabbed Rick's cock. "You wanna cum, handsome." "YES SIR. WITH YOU. TOGETHER. DAMN. OH.. OH OH OH OH OH. " The whale emoji was not inaccurate as both men shot loads from their way better than average sized cocks.

Stan took a deep breath as he slid out of rick and lay on top of him. He reached to loosen the restraints and rick shook his head. "NO. NO. Not yet. Please." He smiled. "I like feeling as if I'm your prisoner." "My captured detective." Stan smiled, as he stroked Rick's belly and kissed him. "Caught in an ambush, and now... forced to work as a sex slave." He kissed rick again. "I like that. " "Can you lay on top of me Stan? Like a blanket? Please. " Without a word, Stan did it. "I think you do have to be untied now rick, because .. now I want something. I want you to hold me. Because I wanna whisper something into your ear. " "Ok, stud. Do it." When he did, Rick hugged him. All the gym work made him very strong, and he held Stan very close as Stan whispered into his ear. "I think I'm falling for you rick. Lots to talk about, but if you wanted to be a couple. I'd give up the escorting. Think about it." Rick paused. He had never felt the way he did about someone the way he did about Stan. But he knew, without asking, that becoming Stan's partner, and Stan giving up escorting, meant he'd be bottoming. ONLY bottoming. "Can we talk about this on Friday Stan? I'm gonna have some questions, but... geez. I don't wanna give up getting that cock." Stan kissed him again. "Let's get some dinner. Think on it. I thought on it, and know what? I bet you never thought you could take 11." Rick laughed. "Never did. Not sure if I will again." He laughed. Stan pinned him down. "Oh you will. Maybe even later tonight." Now he fed Rick his tongue. "MMM. You have the sweetest lips of any man I ever kissed rickster."

"Then kiss them again, stud. And let's get some dinner. I want more than a Stan special protein shake. "

Next: Chapter 4

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