Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 30, 2023


So their talk hadn't gone quite the way Stan wanted. In many respects, he was a very traditional, old fashioned guy. Rick was not only HIS man, in his view, he was his BOTTOM - his SUB. To Stan, that meant he made the rules, and Rick followed. But he sensed that, if he pushed that, he'd lose Rick for good. He was right about the last part. There was no question, Rick found himself "falling" for Stan, and falling big time. No one had ever had the "balls" to challenge him for position, and in fact, Stan hadn't done that: Rick had just, very meekly, accepted a role as Stan's bottom. Stan said he was not interested in switching roles, and for Rick, the risk of losing that big cock and that over the top affection, was not worth an argument. But he had worked too hard to become an independent man, with his own money, and his own life, and he was not going to start taking orders, on a regular basis , from anyone. When he was honest with himself, he did add "let alone a high school graduate fry cook." Rick was proud of his education, his body, his reputation. On one level, he was ready to put that all aside for being Stan's partner. On another level, these were all parts of him, and he wasn't giving them up.

What neither one of the realized was, that without thinking about it, they were moving to common ground.

Stan spent the first day of their four day separation thinking about what he could do to make Rick's stay enjoyable. One of his clients was, in fact, a private investigator, who succeeded where others didn't, simply because he was gay. Mason was not ready for Stan's dick, so their sessions were all roleplay. Mason would give Stan a general scenario, usually a few days before, and then he and Stan would take it on. "He must have been enjoying them," Stan thought, because with the exception of him walking around, waving his cock and threatening to use it, Mason could get everything else, from more than one escort, and probably for less money. He thought back to some of those scenes, and then... one came to mind.

He wanted to make sure that Rick was good with it - at least the parts of it he told him about. He called on the second day. Rick was in court, but when he came back, and saw the message, he smiled. He had been thinking about Stan, and had dreamed the night before of an involved fantasy where they were cell mates in jail, and Stan had made him his bitch. Thinking about it, when he saw that Stan had called, began getting him hard. Especially when he read the part of the text that said "Hey. Thinking about you and trying to develop a scene that blows your mind. Got an idea. How's about you let me run it by you, sexy?" And he followed it with the spouting whale he loved.

"Call you in ten" Rick texted back and added the emoji of a bone, and a drooling face.

"STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANLEY. MANLY STANLEY. How are you, stud?" Rick started to laugh. "Hey STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. Since you stretch out my ass the way you do, least I can do is stretch out your name. So, whattup?" "Well, what's not up is my dick up your hole. But that's coming, I hope." Rick smiled. Stan never assumed. He liked that. "Oh yeah. Baby's hungry for his daddy. So, what did you have in mind?" As Stan talked, Rick found himself getting harder and harder. It involved capture, bondage, interrogation, all things he fantasized about." "STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. I gotta tell you. I may have to go and visit the john after you telling me that story, cause it has got me going." "Maybe I gotta lock you up when you leave to make sure that you're ready next week." Rick laughed. "Ya know, let's talk about that, Stan the man? Maybe not while I'm away, but you know, I could use a little cock control over the weekend, if you're up for it. " "DAMN Rick. My next client IS a sex client. I better get off the phone because, otherwise, I'm gonna be a flop. "Stan, if you get it HALF UP, you're better than just about all these guys. Ok. I'll see you on Friday night. Better be ready." He paused. Now put your lips to the phone and kiss me big man." As he got back to preparing for his next client, all Stan could think about, was Friday. There were a few things to talk about this weekend, including seeing if Rick could help him get his client load to three days instead of four. Now some cock control. HMMMM. He smiled. Life was good.

In the scenario he and Stan had agreed on, Rick played a high level agent, working on a case to break up a sex slave ring. It involved a group of undercover agents, none of whom knew all of the others. Except for Rick: he was "the hub." He was working the case as well, and he had gotten a tip that there were potential sex slaves being kept at Stan's apartment. He got the tip late in the day, at home, after he had left the office. No time to get a crew together, especially on Friday night. So, cocksure of himself, he headed out: tight jeans, dark colored shirt, his favorite leather jacket. After he checked out the lead, if there were time, he'd hit the bars.

He felt the metal rod in his back. "Not a move slick rick. It's a stun gun. " "Ok, ok, man. I understand. Don't do anything stupid. " "Get your hands up, stud. I MEAN IT." "Ok, ok. You got me. " Now, get against the wall. Assume the position. You know it well." "Geez, he's good at this," Rick was thinking. "I almost believe this is real." Stan began frisking him, and frisking him good. "HEY. Isn't that a bit thorough man?" He felt the rod push harder into his back. "I decide what's thorough, and what's not. GOT IT?" "I got it. Feels like you got it too." "Heh heh heh. And you're gonna get it." Stan laughed. "Turn around. SLOWLY. Don't do anything stupid, and get that jacket off." Rick thought he might just make things interesting by throwing the jacket into Stan's face, and making a break for it, but the rest of the scene, as he knew it, was something he was waiting for. He took off the jacket, and stood there. "Now what? What're you gonna do to me?" Stan laughed. "Oh, if you only knew." He gestured with his head to the playroom. "GET IN THERE. NOW." As he walked to the room, Stan came up behind him and squeezed the back of his neck. "Agent slick rick. You're even hotter than I thought you'd be. This is gonna be fun." Rick saw that Stan had taken his vertical bondage column down, and turned it into a flat table. There were restraints on the corners, and a bunch of sex toys on the side. "GET ON THE TABLE. FACE UP. " Rick did as he was told. As Stan was tying him down, he asked. "This where you work over your merchandise, fucker?" "Heh heh. Some of it. The more recalcitrant merchandise. The beef rather than the veal. And what I got here." He smacked Rick's flat belly. "Is grade A prime beef." "Hey, I'm no sex slave. You gotta know that." Stan laughed again. "not yet. " He grinned "By the way, this stun gun... He pointed it to the wall and water squirted out." "FUCK. You fucking bastard." Rick began to squirm in the ropes. It was too late. He was tied down, REAL good. Stan just chuckled. "So, here's what's gonna happen slick rick. Frankly, I don't care about this sex ring at all. But I got a thing for you." He licked his lips. "My employers have paid me a good deal of money to do one thing. To get the list of agents out of you. And if I do, I get to do anything I want with you." "Well, you better plan on what you're gonna do without that info, cause you ain't getting it. I been captured before, and I gave up NOTHING." Stan took off his shirt. "Oh, I know all about that. And you know why they didn't get it out of you rick? Because they did it wrong. Using force on a guy like you? NAH, not the way. My methods are a lot. more. sophisticated." He put a hand down on Rick's crotch and squeezed it just hard enough for rick to know he was doing it. "Ball torture? Too cute. " "Nah, not just ball torture, sexy rick. A WHOLE lot more. Including, your weakness. The weakness you keep from everybody." Stan pulled up a chair alongside the table where he had tied down rick. "Nipples. SUCH. SENSITIVE . NIPPLES." Now rick began to sweat. It was true. His tits WERE his weakness. The last guy who fucked him, had worked his nips for about ten minutes: that's all it took for rick to bend over. But that guy was in jail. How did he find out. He gulped, ran his tongue around his lips. "Maybe we could work something out stud? You want the best blow job in NYC?" "Oh, I'm sure I'm gonna get that. Later. For now..." He began to circle rick's right nip through his shirt. Rick sucked in his breath. Apart from his sensitivity, Stan was GOOD at nipple torture. He began to wimper. "Oh, I think we've got a winner, don't we? Stan stood up and began running his thumbs over both nips. Rick's shirt was still buttoned, but the tension was enough. His legs began to shake, and his hips were thrusting. "COME ON MAN. Don't do that. Can't we... OH SHIT. " Stan had just opened rick's shirt, and his fingers were on his exposed nips. "Guess who didn't shave today, rick? This guy." He moved his head down and began scraping scruff over one nip, squeezing the other. Rick tried, desperately to grab Stan's hair, but his wrists were tied down too well. "FUCK. FUCK. ." Rick needed something stronger because, with his free hand, Stan had opened up his jean's zip, and rick's cock shot out, all 9 hard inches of it. Stan stopped the nipple torture for a minute. "LOOK AT THAT NICE BIG THICK PIECE OF CHOCOLATE GOODNESS. I bet more than one man has sucked that down." "You got that right fucker. NOW LET ME GO AND I'LL LET YOU SUCK IT. " "Nah, not my jam, stud... " He smiled, formed an open fist around rick's cock, and began stroking it. "OH GEEZ. OH GEEZ. " If he bucked his hips hard when rick was working his nipples, he bucked them harder now. "DAMN . STOP THAT. STOP IT." "You want me to stop it? You dont' wanna jizz big man?" "FUCK. " Stan was very gently pinching rick's cockhead, and pre cum began to leak. "Maybe I should get you a tissue handsome boy. Let you clean up. Or maybe I should show you what YOU'RE gonna get." Stan opened his sweat pants, and his huge hard cock came out. Even after all these years, Rick still found that monster hard to believe. "You're not gonna put that in me, are you?" "Yeah, I am. If you ask for it." "NOT HAPPENING. " Then rick gulped. "DAMN." Stan had one hand around his cock and the other up at his nip. If he moved his fingers quickly on the nip, he moved slowly on rick's cock. And then he'd switch speeds. "I bet those nips taste fucking delicious. Shall I find out?" "NO NO. DON'T DON'T. PLEASE PLEASE. OKAY OKAY. I give. I'll give you the names. They're on a list. In my wallet. Left pocket. PLEASE." Stan smiled and reached into that pocket, got the wallet and the names. "Yup. Here's the list. And I know it's accurate, because they gave me three names, and they're all on the list." "Ok, Ok. I gave you what you wanted. Now how about doing a brother a favor? Look how you left me." Rick was hard, and dripping. "Yeah, ain't that wild?" Stan circled rick's cock again. "How about you do THIS brother a favor? How about you give up your ass." ' "SHIT NO. You're not getting that." How you gonna stop me, cop boi? You ain't goin nowhere." Rick was silent. He hadn't been called boi in decades. Coming from Stan, though, it was hot. At least for now, he wanted to BE Stan's boy. And there was nothing he could do to stop Stan from making that happen. Stan grinned as he pushed rick's legs in the air. "LOOK AT THAT PRETTY ROSEBUD. BET IT TASTES GOOD." He moved his tongue down and ran it up and down the flesh above and beyond the hole, and then around it, before plunging in. "GAWWWWWWWD. Ok, ok. FUCK ME FUCKER. FUCK ME HARD. " Stan smiled. "Gonna have another satisfied customer." He reached for the lube. "Hey , Stan, can we do it for real, in a real bed? Please. I missed you all week. I wanna feel you. I wanna feel like I'm loved." Stan looked at rick. "I want that too. I was trying to make ya as happy as I could, but if that's what you want. ' "I wanna get naked for you. I wanna feel you on top of me, in me. I want your tongue in my mouth and your cock in my ass. DAMN Stanley. Take your BITCH" Stan found himself getting even harder. He undid the restraints. "Leave your clothes here rick. We'll put them in a hamper bag or something." "YES SIR!" Rick smiled, slipped out of everything and ran to the bedroom. "READY FOR YOU STUD." He had taken off everything except for a golden thong. "I got it for you, studmuffin. Take it off me. Please. "Where the fuck had he hidden it? Was it in his other pocket? " "I'm gonna take it off with my teeth. Before I give ya some more tongue loving. If you want this tongue, you're gonna have to taste yourself tonite rick baby. "I'm ready Sir. Just fucking DO ME!!!!!" They had had this discussion before. Rick liked it fast and hard, Stan liked to take his time. Tonight, Stan was getting his way. He licked rick's body all over, before he centered back on his balls, and his hole. "OH YEAH. NO ONE LIKE YOU STAN. NO ONE." Stan looked at Rick before he plunged his tongue into his mouth. "That's because there's no one like you, my love." As he took rick's mouth, he began to slide a lubricated cock into rick. It was always going to take some time for rick's ass to get used to this monster, and most of the time, he'd never be able to take it all. Tonight though.... " "DAMN YEAH. All the way Stanley. ALL THE WAY. " Rick shot when Stan had about ten inches in him. He looked at rick. "should I pull out." DON'T YOU DARE. JUST KEEP ON GOING. PLOW ME." Stan smiled and pushed the last three inches in. He whispered. "Now, love. NOW." And the jizz started shooting into rick. That's when stan realized "OH SHIT. I didn't wear a condom tonight. FUCK. " He began to cry. Rick looked at him. "Stanley, what's wrong? Are you hurt? " "No Rick. I'm just worried if I hurt you because... " "Because you didn't put on a jacket?" Rick held his head to his shaved chest. "Don't worry babe. I knew, and I wanted to feel you RAW. GRRRRRRRRRR. Made it even hotter." "I'm sorry rick. I'll ask you next time." "Or I'll tell you. Don't worry about it. Now just cuddle me. " "You want this fry cook to make you some food, stud?" Rick looked at him, and kissed him. "You really care about me, don't you?" "UH, YEAH. " "cook me something tomorrow. I had a big lunch. All I want right now, is my big man next to me."

They ordered in some late Chinese food. Stan gave rick no end of grief about eating everything steamed. They wound up eating the brown rice off of each other's bodies, before falling off to sleep in Stan's bed.

Next: Chapter 8

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