Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 8, 2023


Stan was just at the end of his night's sleep when his phone rang, so he was about half awake when he picked up the receiver. "Hello, Stan the Snake here. " "STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. STAN THE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. How's my STUD?" Who else? It was Rick. Early in the morning. Odd. "Rick! What a surprise. How are you?" "First, Stanley steamer, did I wake you?" "Just a little . Not too much." "Ha ha. Coming out of some dream? Was I in it?" "Actually , you were. You were under me, and..." "Hold that thought big man. Don't make me too excited, I got all this cop shit to do. But listen stud. I don't want to interrupt your work day, but I need to ask for a favor." "Oh, sure. Of course. Anything I can do. What's up?" "Last night, my upstairs neighbors.. well, I'm not sure WHAT they did, but it resulted in my ceiling coming down. My apartment is a disaster. Sooooooooooooooo, studman, I was wondering: would I be able to stay with you for a few weeks while they fix things?" Stan felt his cock begin to harden. "You're calling that ME doing YOU a favor? Hell, having you around every night for a few weeks, I'm on board." "Ha ha. Now, let me just be honest Stanley. I ain't gonna be in your bed every night. I'm still doing my topman thing with my boys, and then coming to be your bottom boi." Stan paused "Ok, this is gonna take a bit of thinking," he thought.

"We'll make it work Rick. I'm good with it, but just want to ask if we can celebrate you staying here, with sharing my bed tonight." "I think I can get into that. Daddy rick has been having a dry spell without Stan's cobra cock, so .." Stan began to laugh "Cobra Cock. If I were a wrestler, that'd be a good name." "Seems to me you wrestle pretty well." Rick was thinking about how easily Stan handled him when they would tussle during their love making. "You need any help packing up, rick? I can cancel my late appointment and come over." "NAH. I'm gonna do it by bringing over stuff as I need it. I have a few days' stuff ready. So I'm good." He paused. "See you tonight, sexy?" Stan's hand was on his cock. "Hell yeah. You get your tight black ass over here. If you're late... you could get punished." "OOOOH. You may have to back it up. I'll see you later. Rick threw a kiss over the phone and sent Stan over the moon.

Stan had scene appointments that day. One was at 11 ( a retired businessman), and then there was one at 2. He'd be finished up by 4:30, so then there would be time to get ready for Rick. He was looking forward to it. He knew Rick still wanted to be "versatile," but maybe in a couple of weeks, he could convince Rick to cross all the way over, and be his bottom all the time? His Dom streak had been developing during his scenes, and he had acquired a fair number of new sex toys he hadn't used on Rick. And since he knew many of Rick's hot spots, if he could reinforce the idea of how good he made Rick felt, well... He began to smile. It was gonna be a good few weeks.

Stan realized that he had never given an apartment key to Rick and he hadn't put his name on the "no questions asked" list at the concierge desk of his apartment. Neither one was a problem, and he got them both done during the day. Then, he began to plan. He smiled. He knew what Rick had said, but know what? If Rick was gonna be HIS, he'd have to learn to be more submissive, and more obedient. Stan was planning a truly serious "welcome" party for Rick. He began to set up the playroom with the things he needed. He DID have the extra bedroom for rick to recover: he was smart enough to know that, if this happened, it wasn't going to be all the way, right away. But he thought that, with some serious effort, he could win his man completely.

Rick called before he was leaving "Now, Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. I know how you think. Not tonight babe, not tonight. Maybe some wine, maybe a little necking, but not tonight." Stan smiled. "Oh sure. No prob. Looking forward to seeing you. " And he was. And it showed, when Rick showed up just after six. "DAMN the man looks good!" Stan was thinking. Rick had on a snug white polo shirt, tucked into his jeans. His biceps showed in a way they couldn't in his dress shirts, and that ass.. That fucking honeydew melon ass. Stan wanted to shove his tongue into it now. "

"Hey roomie." He joked as the door closed. "Put down that bag. You're gonna need your hands.. " He gave rick a kiss, and soon, the gentle kissing turned into the kind of kissing you do as part of foreplay. "Look how those guys are standing up . You thinking of me?" Stan teased, as he saw Rick's dark nips standing up through the white fabric. Rick laughed. "Just the way the shirt fits, but yeah, stud. Having that snake available all the time, is pretty exciting. " "It's ready right now, handsome." Rick laughed. "Now now. Not quite yet. So.. Can I put my stuff away?" "Yeah, I thought you could use the closet in the second bedroom? It's empty, and plenty of room." Rick smiled. "I set up the bedroom for ya too, because you said you wanted to have time to yourself, so.. " Rick smiled again. "I'm not sure how much I'm gonna use that bed, but you never know.." He ran a finger over Stan's arm - he was wearing a loose tank top. "RICKKKKK. If you tease me like that, your legs are gonna be in the air." "ha ha. I know. That was unfair. So , what's going on in the playroom?" "Cleaned it up. I got a bunch of new stuff too. Hope I get to use it on you." The teasing continued. "The only toy you need... is right between your legs, weekend Master." "Weekend Master. Well, we're gonna get rid of "weekend' " Stan was thinking. "Plan starts now."

He went into the extra bedroom, where rick was unpacking his stuff, and meticulously hanging it up, and putting stuff in the dresser. Stan walked in. "You want me to take care of that for you?" "Nah. You know how fussy I can be." "I do." Rick's back was turned so he didn't see Stan getting closer. He felt his long arms circle him and begin moving up to his nips. "But you could always do that later." Rick pulled his arms close to his body to block Stan from getting his hands up to his nips. "STANLEY. I told ya. Not tonight." "MMM. You think I'm gonna listen." Stan put his mouth on rick's ear. "You dress in a 'come fuck me' outfit and expect me to ignore it. I don't think so." He began nipping at rick's ear. ' "Stan, you are NOT tying me up tonight." "You sure, stud.." The nibbling was getting to rick, and his arms relaxed. Stan's hands were on his nips, and playing them. "It's been nearly a week since I had them. You know what I can do." Rick tried to answer, but he was panting too hard. Stan knew JUST how to get to him, and he was getting to him. He whispered into rick's ear "Put those arms behind your back, stud." "STAN. I told you No... OH FUCK." Stan had begun squeezing rick's nips, instead of just playing with them, and had just whispered "I wanna FUCK your black ass." Most men couldn't get away with that kind of language with rick, but when Stan used terms like that, it was just so... well, HOT. He wanted to make Stan work a little harder but.. .what was the point? He whispered "yes sir, " and put his arms where Stan could tie his wrists. When he was done, he put his big hand on one of rick's biceps, and started leading him to the play room. "This is gonna be fun rick. One of my clients asked for this. It's hot. " He moved rick to the bondage chair. Rick noticed that Stan had attached ankle restraints to the legs of the chair. "Gonna use the easier ones tonight, stud. " Those were the clamps on the front legs. "But if you misbehave... " Stan smiled. So did Rick. "You know I'm gonna." Once rick's ankles were secured, Stan picked up a big metallic object with what looked like an insect's head on it. "It's a hitachi rod rick. " He pulled out a roll of tape, and then he measured the length of the rod relative to rick's crotch: he put the head right on rick's penis, and then lay down the rod. He secured it to rick's pants with some tape. "Don't worry, stud. It'll come right off. Now, this is how it works. Once I turn it on, that head is gonna spin, and act just like a vibrator on your cock. It has ten speeds. " He saw ricks' face show fear, and he laughed. "Don't worry. We're only gonna start with the first level. He turned it on. It was like getting the gentlest of hand jobs. "OH boy. That feels good. MMMM." Rick closed his eyes and didn't see Stan raise the level to 3. He felt it. "OH . OH. " Rick was grinning. "And I'm just gonna leave you there, while I unpack your stuff. " He grabbed the roll of tape, and ripped off a long piece. He wrapped it around Rick's mouth. "Gonna make it even hotter if you can't scream. Or hear yourself moan. Heh heh. I'll be back when I can be. " Stan chuckled to himself as he went back to the other bedroom. He LOVED the hitachi rod because, in theory, he could keep rick, or anyone else, tied up there all night, stimulated, but not able to shoot. An automatic edger. He could hear Rick moaning. And yelling. He laughed. There was more to come for that sexy beast, as soon as he played his role as valet and got the clothes put away. Stan smiled when he saw that Rick had brought a lot of his favorite items, including this gorgeous pink and blue striped shirt, that just drove Stan crazy.

In the play room, rick was struggling to try to get away from the rod. It was turning him on, but he couldn't "finish the job." Twisting in the chair, he had managed to move the head of the thing a bit, but now it was working another part of his cock: right at the head. The stimulation was exquisite, and excruciating. DAMN that Stanley. He should've known he was gonna do something like that.

Stan walked in. "Had enough of that? " Rick looked at him with pleading eyes. "Yeah, I understand. A little more. OK. " "MMPH MMMPHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Rick shook his head no, and Stan laughed. "I"d ask you if you were gonna gimme your ass tonight, but why bother? I'm just gonna take it. " "MMPH MMMPH MMMMPH." That sounded good to rick now. He wasn't in the mood when he came over, but that rod. Stan pulled over a chair, and sat opposite rick. "Two choices. I turn it up to six, or... you point out your nips." Rick sighed, and pointed out his tits. Stan was on them right away. "You know, one of my clients cut holes in all of his t shirts, because he thinks I do his nips so well. Should I do that to yours, ricky?" Stan knew that being called ricky drove his lover crazy. He hated it. That was fine. He wanted some fire in him. The kind of fire that the thought that his expensive t shirts would be damaged would cause. Rick was shaking his head "NO, violently, and Stan just laughed, because he knew what the tit play was doing to the man. "I think you've had enough stud. We're gonna go off to the bedroom." He turned off the hitachi rod, and rick breathed with relief. He detached it, and undid the ankle restraints. He pulled off the gag, but left rick's wrists tied. "You're gonna pay for this you sexy bastard." Rick half heartedly throw at Stan who laughed, as he picked him up out of the chair, and forced his tongue down rick's throat. He had no trouble. Rick was in a fully receptive mood now. "Gimme your hot cock, Daddy man," he crooned. "Get yourself undressed young man." "Yes Sir. " Rick got into the roleplaying right away. He was naked in less than three minutes. He took more time to fold his clothes over a chair than to undress. "GOD . That ass is SO FUCKING PERFECT." Stan pointed to the bedroom. "IN THERE. NOW. On the bed boi, face up." Rick was thinking that Stan had never been so Dom, and he was loving it. "Yes sir..." He got on the bed in position, and Stan locked down his wrists. "I love the taste of you when you sweat, ricky." He began licking rick's chest, sucking in the sweat that had formed during the torture session. Rick had compared Stan's tongue to a cat's, and he loved it when he got a tongue bath from the man, as he did now. While Stan was doing this, he wrapped his hand around rick's already hard cock. "You ever wear a leather harness, ricky?" Stan kissed both of Rick's eyes. "No Sir. Never did. You think I'd look good in one." Stan gave a little smile and rick knew: he'd be wearing one, at least around the house. Would Stan make him wear "the arm band?" "I think you, in a harness. Leather shorts. Tied up. Gagged. Might be the hottest thing in the world. Next to you in that blue and pink shirt and your tight chinos." Rick closed his eyes and imagined himself in that outfit. It WAS hot. And he thought that, if this man wanted him to put the band on his right arm, he would. The man who, right now, was pushing his legs in the air, and moving that 'cobra' to his ass. "OH yeah. My welcome home gift.. FUCK" Stan was so excited that he slid in faster than he usually did. And Rick was so hot for it that he pushed forward to take more. "Breed me Daddy man. BREED ME HARD." Stan looked down at him and whispered. "You are just so fucking hot. I am SO lucky to have you." Rick thought about that for a minute. Had anyone ever told him they felt lucky to have him? No, never. This one was a keeper. If he ... OH FUCK... Stan was going past rick's "safe zone," and he had to concentrate. How Stan hadn't ripped him apart yet, he didn't know. But he smiled and moaned "Yes sir. Yes sir. Gimme that cock. ALL of it." Stan was smiling. He had clients who were cock pigs. He didn't think of rick as a cock "PIG" but he loved Stan's cock. And he loved how rick always made him work before giving in. That thought was pushing him right to the edge and than... BAM. He began shooting into rick. (Rick had told him to forget the condoms a while ago. He loved the raw feel of Stan's cock. " "Bring me off baby. Bring me off..." That wasn't hard to do. Stan squeezed rick's balls and then... he just exploded. "Oh man, that was great sex, Daddy man." (Stan didn't know where Rick had gotten that nickname for him, but he liked it). Stan rolled over and ran his fingers over rick's chest. "What am I gonna do now? Retie you in that chair, and let you suffer some more, or get you ready for bed with me?" "How about I order some dinner, Topman, and we eat before I crawl into your arms. " "Sounds good to me." Rick ordered in their usual Chinese food order. They had a bit of time to watch the news before bed, Stan's arm draped over rick, lying right on his nip. That acted like a pacifier for rick, before they headed off to Stan's bed. Stan's last thought before he fell asleep was "I'm gonna break him. He's gonna be mine, completely, when I'm done."

Next: Chapter 9

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