Star Crossed

By Chica

Published on Jul 3, 2000


DISCLAIMER: O.K. I do not know the sexuality (tee-hee! Song quote! DWYB!) of any of the BSB, their friends, family, dogs, cats, fish, fleas, etc. This is totally fiction and came from my messed up head.

THANKS: I would like to say thank all of you for all the support I was getting. That includes my internet buds (I have only two I talk to more than once: Colleen and J)

THE BITCH IS BACK: I have just returned from a 3 day trip, and I was DYING to check my e-mail. Shit, this damn internet is more addictive than smoking, drinking, sniffing, and sticking needles combined! (Not really. It's a joke.)

LET'S GO: Enough shit. Let's get to the damn story. Enjoy!!

Chapter 1-Jet Lag and Other Ailments

"We're going to the Bahamas! Let me hear you say 'hey'! Let me hear you say 'hooo'!" A.J. yelled, pointing to each side of the jet plane. Everyone burst out laughing, relieveing the tense atmosphere around them. Kevin and A.J. sat in separate chairs on one side of the jet, while Howie and Nick sat on a loveseat on the other. Brian sat in a chair behind Nick and Howie.

"Maybe I can find me a sexy little senorita!" Howie told them, giggleing a bit. "Don't you mean senior?" Nick asked, poking Howie suggestively in the ribs. "Both!" A.J. announced, cracking everyone up again.

"On a serious note guys, we must have a moment of silence for Kevin, who can no longer chase after booty like the rest of us. He has monogimous stamped on his ass." Nick said, keeping a semi-straight face. "Nick, have you been looking at my ass?" Kevin asked, raising an amused eyebrow.

"No, not lately. Howie told me about the stamp. Along with the tatto, the large amount of hair, the mole..." Nick joked, trailing off. Kevin picked up a couch cushion and chunked it at Nick. Nick ducked down and the pillow hit Brian smack in the face. Brian, who was quietly reading, looked up bewildered from his book and yelled, "Hey!!" Everyone burst out laughing again as Brian grabbed the pillow and threw it at Nick.

"I didn't do it!" Nick yelled, throwing up his hands in defense.

"I know. I just lke hitting on you!" Brian laughed out as a chorus of 'oohs' and 'ahhs' rose up from the others mouths.

"Is that a closet I hear opening? I swear I heard a creak..." A.J. joked, dodging a pillow coming from Brian.

"I don't think so. I have LeighAnne." Brian stated firmly. "And?" Howie couldn't help but asking. Brian threw another of his pillows at Howie, hitting him in the crotch. "You know what he's thinking of!" A.J. yelled, jumping over another pillow.

"Well," Kevin said in his best country accent, "I think the only reason Brian is with her is because she's got...she's got...HOOTERS!!" Kevin yelled as A.J. Nick and Howie rolled on the floor with laughter. "I'M GONNNA PEE IN MY PANTS!!" Nick yelled as Brian chunked a pillow at Kevin's head. Brian then yelled, "And you better not pee on my dog!!" As he threw his last pillow at Nick, the pillow landing on his butt.

"He's hitting on Nick again!" A.J. announced. "Watch out Tyke: You could be next." Kevin told Brian's Chihuahua, Tyke.

"Does anyone here smell an ambush?" Howie asked, stroking a pillow. The other three besides Brian grabbed a pillow. Before Brian could react, the other four lunged at Brian, beating him with the pillows. After everyone got a hit, the pillows were discarded and Nick yelled the most horrible word.


Nick jumped in Brian's lap and soon the other piled on top. Brian's eyes popped wide open as he realized that Nick was sitting on his lap. An overwhelming rush came over him. His skin became covered in goosebumps and he felt his body shudder in delight. After the other three got off, Nick lingered where he was at. Brian's heart beat faster and his blood pumped excitedly, rushing to his loins. Then Brian was hard, rock hard. His breatheing became shallow and his lips parted slightly in pleasure. Before Nick could notice, he got off and proceded to take A.J.'s sunglasses away.

As A.J. chased Nick and threatened to kill him, Brian sat dazed and confused. What the hell just happened? Was he tripping or something? He glanced down at his erection trying to break free from the confines of his pants. Nope. He was definately turned on. By Nick? 'No fucking way!' Brian thought to himself, staring off into space. Brian then chalked this all down to hormones. But still there was something definately...."Bri!! Wake up! We're landing! Are you O.K.?" A voice asked him sincerely. Brian looked up and was met by Nick's concerned face.

"I'm just fine." Brian said slowly, collecting himself. He stood up and threw an arm around Nick. "I think i need a little vacation time, that's all." Brian lied.

Nick nodded his head as if he understood, but knew deep down that Brian had a big problem. Really big if he couldn't tell even him. 'He'll end up telling me later. He always does.' Nick thought to himself, ignoring a nagging feeling in his head.

"We'd better get our stuff together before Kevin "stick up the ass" Richardson gets pissed." Nick stated, taking Brian's hand to lead him towards their stuff. "You're gonna grab Tyke, right?" Brian asked Nick lightly, knowing his answer.

"Hell no. I am not carrying that rat on acid." Nick stated, causing Brian to laugh. Brian grabbed Tyke and acted like his was going to scratch Nick.

"Here lizard, lizard, lizard!!" Brian imitated the Taco Bell dog's voice, guiding the dog down toward Nick's crotch.

"If he even LICKS my lizard I shall cut off both of y'alls balls, sew them on the wrong animal, and then you'll never get a woman because you're nuts will be small and hairy, and he won't get no 'yo queiro Taco Bell' Cause his balls will drag the ground and fall off eventually. Then he'll be a no nut dog." Nick went off on Brian. Brian thought about it and pulled the dog away.

"We're here!" Kevin yelled, grabbing his bags and leaving the plane. A.J., Howie and Brian followed. Nick lagged behind and noticed the book Brian was reading earlier was still on the floor. Nick picked it up and curiously read the cover. Stamped in gold letters was the name of one of the most tragic love stories ever.

Romeo and Juliet.

Which got Nick to thinking.....

BTW: You should read the following stories: "Tears in Your Eyes" -it's starting to be very good. (Go Colleen, go Colleen...) "Because I Love You" -My absolute favorite story so far. Lucas writes it, and it's so good! "Open Arms" -Another good one. Love the fourth chapter. Keep 'em coming! "BSB/NSYNC Chronicles" -Not really been updated, but this story is SO good. It's different from ANY story I've read. If you like fairy tales, read here! "Superman Can't Fly" -crazy. Never again will I think of a sex shot the same way again. "Fixing the Backstreetboys" Really ,really suck ending. Well, people die in mine. Can't be too hypocritical! I can't think of anymore. But I LOVE good Nick and Brian stories. Can you tell? Don't forget my first story, "I Need You Tonight" It's my first, so be VERY gentle.

Next: Chapter 3

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