Star Crossed

By Chica

Published on Jul 8, 2000


DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexuality of any of the BSB. So do not come to my house and rape me. That made no sense, oh well.

Chapter 3-Two Stars Under the Stars

Kevin, Nick, and Brian had returned to the party. Nick had gotten swept away by beautiful young ladies while Brian shrugged them off. With nothing better to do, Kevin went to the bar. He pulled up a stool and sat down on it. He looked around the beach scene, trying to see where everyone was. Nick danced with a young blonde girl, Howie was dancing with two spanish looking girls, A.J. was wandering around aimlessly, and Brian sat alone at a table. Poor Bri. 'No booty tonight' Kevin thought to himself. Just then the bartender walked over to him and asked, "What would you like to drink sir?" Kevin thought and answered.

"I would like a margarita on the rocks." Kevin answered. While the bartender made the drinks, he made small talk.

"So, what's your name?" He asked nicely. "Kevin" Kevin answered. "Ah. That's a very sexy name." The old man told him. Kevin gave him a funny stare and replied, "I guess." The old man handed him a drink. Kevin sipped on it and noticed the old man staring at him. Kevin raised his eyebrows.

"My name is Bill. I'm a Scorpio and I like shopping." He said in a low, husky voice. Kevin shifted uncomfortably and answered.

"That's nice. I'm a Scorpio too." Bill looked longingly at him. "You have beautiful eyes. I think you are the sexiest man I've ever seen." Kevin gulped down the rest and Bill handed him another.

"Um...Bill, you're not really.... my...type?" Kev said almost like a question.

"What's wrong? I may be an old piece of leather but I'm still put together!" Bill told him. Kevin winced and tried to leave.

"Hold on! I want you, sexy pants." Bill told him, grabbing Kevin by the collar. Kevin had a look of horror on his face as Bill tried to kiss him. Just when Kevin thought those old, cracked, crusty lips were going to touch his lips, a familiar voice announced, "That's my boyfriend!" Bill released Kevin and Kevin looked for his savior. Nick! Nick pulled Kevin up and put an arm around his shoulder.

"Are you O.K., baby?" Nick asked sweetly, brushing Kevin off. Kevin kept a smile to himself and said, "Yes honey. Thank you." Nick smiled and looked disgustedly at the man.

"Lay your nappy hands off my man!" Nick told him, kissing Kev lightly on the lips. Kevin was shocked for a second before regaining composure. They walked away. When they got out of hearing range, Kevin asked frustrated, "What was that?!" Nick looked at him innocently and answered, "It worked, didn't it?" Kevin stared at him then forgot about it.

"Hey! You're Nick Carter! My name's Natelie!" A girl rushed up to Nick and began a conversation.

"I'm Jamie!" "I'm Lila!" "I'm Stephanie!" "I'm Toya!"

Immediately a small crowd of girls circled him. Nick laughed at their eagerness and was about to choose a lucky girl when he noticed Brian sitting alone at a table. Nick's heart fell when he saw the sad expression on his face. His head was hanging low and he was fighting tears. 'There's no way in hell Bri's gonna be sad as long as I'm here.' Nick concluded. Nick politely excused himself from the group of girls and headed towards Brian. Nick laid a hand on his shoulder and Brian smiled brightly when he saw it was Nick. Nick pulled Brian up and started to walk him away from the crowd. Nick leaned down to his ear and whispered.

"We're gonna have fun with just the two of us!"

Brian shuddered for some reason. 'Probably the cold air.' Brian thought.

A couple of hours later, Nick and Brian were alone of a sailboat in the middle of the ocean. Nick sighed contentedly as he started at the gentle waves. The feeling of being out on the water alone with Brian sent chills down his spine. Him and Brian hardly ever got to be alone. Either they were performing, riding on a tour bus, in the public eye, or even sitting around with the other guys. Him and Brian haven't been really alone in a while. Most of the time, Nick hated talking about deep issues for a long time. But with Brian, it was easy for him to share his mind. Too bad he was getting married soon. A frown fell across Nick's face. He detested LeighAnne. She was so snotty to Brian and he felt Brian deserved someone better. Someone who could understand him and always be there. Someone who was like him. Again, feelings of frustration consumed him. Why was this happening all the time? Why? Nick felt Brian tap his shoulder and Nick turned around. Brian looked at him worridly. Brian enveloped him in a hug and patted his back. Nick sighed, clutching him tighter in his arms. Brian let go and stared at him, concerned.

"Nick, what are you thinking about?" Brian asked nicely. Nick sighed, not wanting to lie to his best friend.

"I'm kinda bummed cause when you marry her we'll see less of each other than we do now." Nick said truthfully. 'Funny' Nick thought, 'I can't say her name outloud for some reason.' Brian sighed and looked at him.

"Nick, I honestly don't know if I'm ready for this." Brian stated, falling into a chair. Nick immediately pulled up a chair and sat next to Brian. Brian's head was in his hands. Nick waited patiently until Brian lifted his head.

"I mean, I don't feel a 'rush' when we kiss. I can live a few days without her. But she does love Tyke." Brian informed Nick.

Nick smiled muttering "Damn rat." Brian snickered at Nick's hatred for Tyke.

"I think I'm making a mistake. I feel so...frustrated." Brian told Nick. Nick's ears perked up and he matched what Brian was saying to what he was feeling.

"I feel frustrated too. It's so wierd. I can't figure out why either. I know I'm only 20, but I feel so old." Nick stood up and walked to the railing.

"I feel like there's something I've been missing. Remember what the fortune teller said? About me finding my true love? I think she's right. I understand why she'd say 'not a normal woman' Is the person you're meant to be with forever normal? Hell no! Maybe I'll find her. I feel like I'm so close, yet so far to finding her...." Nick sighed and turned around to face Brian. Brian smiled at him and nodded his head slowly.

"I know what you mean. I keep having these dreams....oh god, I've never told anyone about them...." Brian confessed.

"It's OK Frick. I'll try to understand." Nick assured him. Brian smiled at his certainty and let out a breath.

"They're all different, but it's a few scenes all mixed together. In one I'm in a room with like 1,000 candles burning. There's no other light, but a window is open and a salty breeze flows through these long white curtains. I'm like, passionately kissing someone, and then I can remember feeling such....ecstasy, as we make love. I can't see the person's face in the dream, but I was on top....In this other one I'm having a wedding and am marrying LeighAnne.....In another I am running down a street in the rain, and all I can think about it getting someone. Then I remember seeing a gun and it pointing at me, and I feel happy..." Brian vaguely told Nick. Nick stood there, transfixed by his words.

"How often do you have these dreams?" Nick asked.

"I've been having them as long as I can remember. They all started a couple of days after I met all of y'all. Mostly the bedroom ones. I liked those alot." Brian smiled misteviously. Nick smacked the back of his head lightly.

"No getting horney out here with me. I've seen all them stranded movies on how guys get horney after being alone for a long time!" Nick playfully yelled at him.

"I wouldn't get horney if you weren't so darn cute. Especially that nice, long, hard...." Brian trailed off. Nick smacked his again.

"....paddle." Brian covered playfully, picking up an oar. Nick smiled and took the oar away.

"But getting back to the question....the gun and running thing only started happening recently." Brian had a dark look on his face and Nick knew the fun and games were over. Nick held Brian's hand and pulled him into another one of his tight hugs. Brian gratefull accepted Nick's hug and soon let go.

"I'm hungry. Make me something to eat, slave." Brian barked at Nick.

"Yes master. Nick replied, dragging one foot over to the small kitchen. Brian lauged at Nick's antics. Nick came back 10 miniutes later with two salads.

"Salad? I was expecting something like Strawberries, whipped cream, chocolate edible underwear..." Brian suggested jokingly.

"But this is Caesar salad. It's the mos sexiest food in the world." Nick argued, picking up a piece of lettuce and staring lustfully at it.

"How?" Brian asked, letting a smile grace his lips at Nick's attempt to be sexy. "How?! Look at it. Juicy, cruchy, crisp lettuce. Flavorful, wet, dressing.....dressing...UNdressing...." Nick went into his own world, licking the piece of lettuce thoughtfully. Brian burst out laughing. Nick snickered and ate the salad for awhile. After a few miniutes, Brian spoke up.

"Nick, I think we need to go on back. The guy's probably think our bodies are being sacrificed to teenyboppers by now." Brian informed Nick. Nick swallowed the last of his salad and nodded. They both got up and went to turn the wheel. Their hands fell on top of each other's and a waved of electricity passed through their bodies. They both let go and Nick grabbed the wheel.

After 2 hours, Brian was walking around in the hallway, trying to get to his room without waking everyone. He heard a door open. 'Well, forget that idea.' Brian thought. It was Howie dressed in only boxers and a wife beater. He walked towards Brian.

"Hey Brian." Howie greeted warmly.

"Hi sir cum-a-lot." Brian said with a 100% straight face. Howie gave him 'the look' and Brian shut up.

"Brian, I have been meaning to ask you something important." Howie told him, moving over to the side and lowering his voice. Brian got the hint and moved to where Howie was.

"Brian, I'm gonna be blunt here. Do you love LeighAnne?" Howie asked. The question caught Brian by surprise. He didn't know what to say.

"I'm marrying her." Was all Brian could answer.

"That's not what I asked." Howie told him, crossing his arms.

"Look, I'm tired. Can we talk later D?" Brian asked drowsidly. Howie nodded and stepped aside. Brian went past and opened his door. Brian saw Nick was in his bed. He walked closer to his sleeping form. Then he smiled as he saw Tyke cuddled up in his long arms. 'He will never admit he likes that dog.' Brian thought smugly to himself. After he took a shower, Brian's head hit the pillow and he stared at Nick sleeping peacefully next to him. Howie's words circled around his head, preventing him from sleeping.

"Do you love LeighAnne?"

;>]3 ^^^^ It's Howie!!

Next: Chapter 5

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