Start of Something Great

By Mike James

Published on Dec 29, 2001


The Start of Something Great! Chapter 5 "come out or not to come out" Disclaimer" This is fake this isn't real this is fiction and i do not know the memebers of Nsync or Backstreet boys or any other person that might appear.

Jc take one more long look into his boy friends beautiful blue eyes and then with a serious face say's, "How dare you ask me first. I was totally going to ask you tommorow."

"Well I beat you two it, and talk about ruining a beautiful evening." Justin said smirking.

"Well the answer is yes silly. Of course I will marry you. I love you." jc said.

"well you still have to ask me tommorow."

"Just, baby. I don't want to ask you now. You already asked me."

"So, that's not the point. The point is, is that you said you were going to ask me, and now you have to." Justin said and turned around to go to the restroom.

Justin is in the restroom and Jc runs across the room and grabs the little box with Justin's ring in it. It was just like the one Justin got him. White gold with 3 diamonds in it. Jusitn came out o fhte restroom and crawled back into bed with his fiancee'. Jc turned to him and looked him right in the eyes and said.

"Baby, I can't marry you, not yet. Not until you Marry me first." Jc said and sliped the ring on Justin's finger.

"You are so corny. I think that is what I love most about you." Justin said.

They kissed and then went to bed. The next morning they were awoken early for there phto shoot. Once they got there they realized that they were not alone.

The Backstreet Boys were there to. Jc shoot Lance a smile and Lance started to walk over towards Kevin. Kevin had a huge ass grin on his face as well.

"Hey Lance, buddy. How are you?" Came from Kevin.

"Where is he? He is here isn't he." Lance asked.

"Yeah, he is here. He flipped when he found out you were going to be here and had to go get ready. He said he looked like shit and you couldn't see him like that." Kevin laughed out.

Jc looked over towards Lance and Kevin and, then realized that there was a hand on his shoulder that wasn't Justin's. He turned around to see that it was Aj and stepped back for a second.

"What the hell! Why are you over here when you should be over there." Asked Jc.

"O so he really does like me. This isn't some stupid game or anything is it. There is no way. You guys can't be gay." Aj said.

"Well to tell you the truth Aj, Lance, Justin and myself are all gay. The fact is me and Justin are engaged. Lance wants you. So go talk to him."

Aj looked at him thinking he must be joking. There is no way that Jc and Justin timberlake were going to get married. His quikly changed his mind when he saw Justin come over to them and kiss Jc on the mouth. Aj quikly walked over to Lance and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Umm, hi. I .. I... I..." Aj stumbled.

"I know who you are Aj. Can we go somewhere else and talk." Lance asked the stuttering Aj.

"Sh..shhh..sure" Aj said.

They went off to a secluded area to talk. Jc and Justin were talking about what to do next. They still haven't told anyone but Lance that they are engaged. They need to call and tell Justin's mom, and they Need to tell Britt. They also need to tell Johnny. Jc's cell rang.

"Hello.....O hi Tyler......Yeah Justin is here......What do you mean......I didn't tell you...... Are you sure.....Yeah hold on." Jc hands the phone to Justin. "He wants to talk to you baby."

"Hey Ty......I know, I'm so sorry......It's just we have been so busy......I know I know.....How did you.....O my mom.......Well then you can be the first to know the we are engaged.......Yeah....Aright....Orlando in a few days......K.....see ya there....Bye." Justin hung up the phone and handed it back to Jc.

"He is coming to Orlando to kick your ass. I am the good one because I told him we were engaged. I can't believe you forgot to tell your family about us." Justin said

"I know, but with telling everyone else and wanting to spend all my time with you I lost track of time. I know I know. I am a asshole. I will call mom tonight and talk to her. She is going to want to talk to you two you know. So don't think you won't get yelled at for telling Tyler we were engaged before I told her. That is on you." jc said

" Yeah but it got Tyler off my back for right now. (turns his head) There is Johnny. You want to or should I." Justin said.

"Go ahead, it's all on you baby." Jc said

Justin and Jc walked up to Johnny and asked for a minute of his time. They walked to a quite part of the studio and began to talk. No one could here a thing they were saying but they all knew that it was about them being together. Johnny however didn't seem to get to upset. Maybe it wasn't about them at all some of them thought. Then Johnny walked over to the photographer with Jc and Justin. The next thing that everyone knew They were getting there picture taken together and the whole thing turned into a Jc and Justin thing. Not that anyone minded that. They all got to sit around all day and do nothing but eat and drink coffee and soda. Justin and Jc had to do all the work.

"Well you two have a interview with YM and CosmoGirl. A interview with Rosie, and Trl. Trl tommorow Rosie on friday. Ym and Cosmo in orlando. Any questions?" Came from Johnny.

"Nope we are totally fine. Then they walked out of the photo shoot.

At Trl. They are all back stage but only Jc and Justin are on the show at first.

"Let's welcome to TRL JC and Justin from NSYNC." Carson yelled.

Justin and Jc came out and walked up next to Carson.

"Well I hear you guys are here to make a anoucment of some kind. So go for it." Carson said.

"Well, To start out with, Justin and I are both gay. We always have been so that mean Britt and Justin are not together people. Next thing. Me and Justin are together...Like I said that means Justin and Britt are not togther. The last thing is, is that Justin and I are engaged to be married." Jc said.

"Whoa, what news. Let's take some call's" Carson said.

"I have a question, (a little girls voice over the phone said) Jc, will you kiss Justin.

"Sure I will" Jc said as he leaned in and Kissed Justin for the first time in the public eye.

The crowd accepted them, there family's accepted them, and there friends. Now it is time for Rosie and The magazine's. Will the world accept them. Or will there world come crashing down is all they can think.


One more thing, what happened with Aj and Lance. whoa ooooooo lol

Will find out next time feedback feedback

Next: Chapter 5

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