Start of Something Great

By Mike James

Published on Jan 27, 2002


The Start Of Something Great!

Chapter 10 Recovery!

Disclaimer: Don't know them, Don't own them...

So when we left off we had just found out that the man that blew up our young lovers hotel room was indeed a woman. Now let's see what this young woman is going to try to do this time...and who is it..?

Chapter 10 RECOVERY!

Are young woman turns around and reveals her is indeed the young pop diva herself Christina Aguilera. She was enraged at how much publicity the group and Brittney had got from this and the fact that she had wanted Justin for herself anyway didn't help. She hated all the rumors about Brittney and Justin being together. So she just decided that if she couldn't have a happy life with Justin no one would especially another man.

She finished writing the letter and sent it to the hospital in care of Jc Chasez. Once the letter got there the officer handed the note to Jc who was sitting beside Justin's bed. Jc opened the note and began to read it. "YOU WILL NOT MARRY MY JUSTIN AND IF YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU ARE SADLY MISTAKEN" after he finished it he dropped the note to the floor and began to cry. The officer hurried and grabbed the note from the floor to show to the other officers. Lynn had walked in after the officer had run out to see what the hell was going on.

"What happened josh, what was that note?" Lynn asked.

"It was from the boomer again, only this time he said that if I even thought about marrying Justin it wasn't going to happen.!" Jc said.

"We will find this bastard and we will make him pay for all the hurt he has caused you two. He will pay." Lynn said in a almost possessed voice.

" I don't know what else to do Lynn." Jc said as he let go of Justin's hand and walked out the door.

Lynn looked confused for a second then realized what Jc had meant. So she ran out into the waiting room and just as she had thought he was gone. He wasn't coming back if he was doing what she had thought he was doing. Jc was walking along the street thinking to himself about all the good times that he and Justin had had together. Then the day that had changed all that. All there family and friends and most of there fans accepted them... What else could they had wanted.


Justin had woken up to find that Jc wasn't there but Brittney was.

"Hey Just, how you feeling hun?" Brittney asked.

"Where's Jc at?" Justin asked back.

"No one knows, we just know that he got a note today and then disappeared. Who ever it is wants me and him away from you just. And I think they may have succeeded with JC. I am not leaving you that easy though. I am however going to go out and try to find josh soon... Your mother and Lance are out looking right now." Brittney said.

"Who is doing this?" Justin cried out.

"I have no clue hun, but they are all saying a man, I so think this is a woman. It just smells of a woman." Brittney said.

"You think so." Justin asked.

"I am almost positive." Britney said.

With that Brittney had left the room. Justin switched on the TV and he saw a familiar woman on MTV.

Christina was giving a speech about the events that were going on with Nsync and BSB and Brittney.

"I think that this is a total tragedy. I feel however that homosexuality is wrong and that they are just getting punished by our ol holy god above for behaving the way they were. As for the backstreet boys and Brittney Spears they are just being punished for letting this go on so long. That is all I have to say on the whole sick mess of it all. But I am sorry that this happened and that they are being threatened by some sicko... And that is all."

Justin's mouth dropped to the floor, when he heard the last part, they hadn't told anyone about the notes so how did she know. And what gave her the right to just publicly hurt our rep on national TV like that. O the Bitch Justin thought to himself.

A few days later...

Justin is going into recovery, and Jc had finally come back. Justin had told Jc and Brit about the MTV thing and then the police. They are looking into it now. Lynn had to go back home to take care of some business and Nsync and BSB are set to do a press conference this afternoon. Justin had made a point to defend his honor against that white trash bitch Christina.

"Who the hell does that little bitch think she is downgrading me and my friends on TV I still don't get it. Wait till I see her somewhere we are going to scrap." Brittney said.

After the laughter from Justin and Jc had calmed down Justin looked at Jc and frowned.

"Where were you all that time?"

"I was walking around thinking about us."

"Why did you let her get to you, why did you let her make you question us?"

"I don't know, I guess I am not that strong Justin aright. I thought maybe she was right, maybe I didn't deserve you, Maybe there was someone else out there better for you and maybe it was her. I love you with all of my heart but can you honestly tell me that you never once questioned us.?"

"Yes I can, I always wanted to be with you Jc, I never once doubted us until now. This is the first time I ever wished I was with someone else." Justin shot back.

Jc looked at him with hurt eyes, He knew that this was his fault that he is the reason that the man he loved was almost ready to give up on him all together. When Justin took his hand and pulled him over."

"But at the same time I am glad that you are the one here." Justin said and then kissed him.

They continues to kiss as Brittney snuck out of the room. A officer walked towards the Door and saw the two kissing..

"Ummm, (he knocks) Excuse me." The officer said

"Sorry, what is it, what do you need?" Jc asked.

"We found her, but we really don't have much to go on.

So far all we can get her for is what she did on TV.

She won't even get time for that one." the officer said.

"So what you are saying is that you will need a confession of some sort or you have to let her go right." Justin said.

"Yeah that is what I am saying." the officer said.

Brittney was listening at the door and after she heard that she headed out. She found out that they had Christina at the downtown police station and she decided it was time to pay her a visit.

Once she got downtown, she walked into the station and asked to see Mrs. Aguilera. She then walked back to her cell and saw Christina just sitting there with this smug look on her face. She wanted so much to slap it off but kept her cool as to not end up in there with her. Christina saw Brittney and put on her fake friendly smile.

"I heard you were down here so I thought I would come down and see you. What the hell are you doing in here anyway.?" Brittney asked.

"They think I had something to do with that whole booming shit." She answered back.

"Omg that is ridiculous, don't they know that we were on the Mickey mouse club with them. We would never hurt them. " Brittney said, hoping that that one would make Christina trust her.

"That is what I said, maybe you should tell them.. Everyone just seems to think of me as a bitch and you as a little Angel so could you hun, try and get me out of here." Christina asked.

Brittney agreed to try thinking to herself that this had to work. Christina was sitting in her cell think that Brittney was up to something and that that was the only way to get rid of her. But when Brittney came back with the keys to the cell she wondered if perhaps Brittney really believed she was innocent.. If she did that could come in handy.

Justin is released from the hospital and they all head home. The tour has been postponed for a little while longer and no one has seen Brittney since the smorining. Jc and Justin start to get worried when they get a phone call. (Brittney on the phone) "I can't talk right now , but I will try to call again later, just know that I am okay and I am getting a confession from the beast if it kills me."


I thought that would be a nice place to leave off this

Next: Chapter 10

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