Stately Servitude

By moc.loa@284kcirreD

Published on Apr 6, 2023


Stately Servitude is a story that will touch the hearts of many. It is a story about the training of a young male. He is to be turned from a disobedient unruly life to become a compliant servant within the confines of the stately home.

If you are under 18 years of age, Do not like reading fiction about the training of a young male which includes. pain, bondage, sex with other males and boys, punishment and training methods to the extreme. LEAVE THIS PAGE RIGHT NOW!


The rain beat against the windscreen of the black limousine as it drew up outside the building. A dark figure walked out from the shadows approaching the window of the limo which slowly wound down. Words were exchanged the figure entered the vehicle and it drove off the road through the huge open iron gates. The vehicle pulled up at the entrance to what looked like an overground tunnel that reached back into the miserable looking three story building. The dark figure and two men exited the vehicle walking swiftly into the void to get out of the howling rain and wind.

Steel shoe heels echoed as they met with the dry flagstones. Approaching two worn concrete steps all three figures entered through the heavy oak door. The stairwell was dimly lit as the three ascended the spiral staircase past a landing and on up to the third floor.

The two men were shown into a dim office red leather couches ran the length of one wall while an oak desk was very present at the far wall. To the left of the desk was just one single oak panelled door. They sat on one of the leather couches.

The two visitors were beckoned to be seated and the dark figure left them. Several minutes passed when the oak door slowly opened. A middle age man around 6ft entered, turned and closed the door behind him. No chair was visible but he reached under the desk and withdrew a heavy leather bound stool.

Not until he was comfortable on the stool did he look up. He placed on top of the desk a file. The only item to lay on the highly polished surface. He gave the impression that he was a man of the world with rugged looks, dark piercing eyes, black short hair and well tailored clothes.

The voice was clear and crisp when it rose from his throat. I have your goods gentlemen. As you requested. I assume you have come to collect and therefore are in possession of the necessary paper work (this being a some of money) to complete the transaction.

One of the visitors stood and without speaking approached the desk, reaching into his overcoat he retrieved a large brown envelope, placing it on the desk with the sealed flap facing towards the seated he returned to his seat.

The well manicured fingers took the envelope and carefully tore along its length. Money in various denominations poured from it, sliding along the polished desk top as if trying to escape. The eyes gazed at it and calculated swiftly the amount. All seems to be in order he stated as he began to collect up the bundles of currency and return them to their brown prison.

Reaching under the desk top he noticed a slight panic on the faces of the two men sat in front of him, had they been cheated and he was sounding some kind of alarm......

Slowly the door they had entered through opened. A tornado erupted into the office. Two uniformed men with their charge struggled into the room. Their charge unable to do much more than struggle on account of the way he was tethered. The dark lanks of hair stuck to his sweat laden face he was eighteen but looked sixteen the black boiler suit gave nothing away but he seemed to be sleight of frame about 5' 8" tall, the hazel eyes were everywhere drinking in his surroundings. Eventually he was drawn up to stand in front of the man at the desk. So the time has come for you to leave us. Maybe these people will succeed where we have fallen short. We have received payment for your keep during your stay with us and you will now be released to them. The boy turned looking at the two seated men.

Gentlemen, this is Aden. Be warned he is wild. We have tried everything to control him but as you can see, without success. They looked at the youth the only clue to his stature was the restraint belt around his waist to which his elbows were shackled to allow some degree of control over him, his feet were tethered by shackles and 18 inches of chain. His eyes were cold but alert as he again turned to face the man in front of him.

One of his captors passed a key to one of the two seated men. The key to the shackles was placed in his trouser pocket. saying nothing they both approached the desk and after taking charge of the file, shook the hand of the man, again no conversation took place. The youth, his captors and the two men left the office and took the spiral stairs back down to the lower floor and back to the limousine.

The driver opened the two rear doors but then was also instructed to open the large boot. The youth was handed over to the two men and his guards returned to the building. dragging the youth around to the gaping boot a roll of duck tape was taken out and without ceremony his eyes and mouth were covered. The boot swallowed him like a whale as he was lifted and dropped into its jaws. All the youth heard was the boot close on him.

As the limousine pulled away the two men spoke as they looked at the contents of the folder. Passing photographs back and forth to each other, reading pages of reports and letters. Aden had been in and out of several institutions, no family, a rough and ready youth whom the authorities had failed to tame. A thief, vandal and finally an assault carried out on a fourteen year old boy he had befriended, enticed into some woodland where he had stripped him and carried out a series of sexual and sadistic acts. At court he had shown no remorse for his actions and now unknown to him he was on the road of no return, a life he would become accustomed to (eventually) where he would live by STRICT! rules, never again to return to his old ways.

Aden rolled slightly as the limousine drew up and applied the brakes. He could not see it but, the building he had arrived at was deep in the countryside. A huge edifice, half castle, half mansion. he felt the cool night air on his face as the boot sprung open. To him it could have been any time of day except no birds sang. Where he was going night ran into day and day into night, it would not matter to him..........?

To be continued if ..................sufficient response demands! This is going to be a rough ride. You may not want to be Aden! You may not be able to take what is in store for him!

Next: Chapter 2

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