Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Jun 6, 2008


Chapter 13 ~ Huh ***************

"Will you PLEASE stop hovering."? Mani said

It had been over 3 weeks since the surgery and Aikrii hadn't gone too far from Mani and if he wasn't around someone else was. It was driving Mani insane. All this fuss for nothing you swear to god he had crapped out gold they way they were all over him. He pouted when he saw the look his mom gave him the "Hairy eyeball" as he called it.

Mani's dad was there to and just chuckled, "I think our boy is getting better" he said grinning

"I wasn't sick in the first place, I am in recovery," he said in the "like hello" you're a dumass voice he use to use as a preteen.

This prompted Aikrii to fuss more. "Awww, I think he's over tired he's getting very cranky maybe we should get stuff ready for him for a nap."

Main screamed "AGGGGRRR!!"

He threw the heavy green and burgundy sheets off his legs, and got out of bed, Aikrii panicked, it was too soon he needed rest.

Aikrii grabbed his arm, trying to restrain him from going any further. Mani looked at him and very politely and sarcastically said.

"If you love me hun, let me go pee before I let it run down my leg." Aikrii was shocked and let go.

Mani was totally off, it was totally unlike him to be so...touchy. He left their room and flopped out on the couch he has been sleeping on the last two weeks. Mani's parents joined him in the living room.

"He'll come around Aikrii, just wait and give it time." Dan looked at his watch "Hun it's time we head out I have to get ready for my meeting."

Alice nodded her head and smiled kissing Aikrii on his cheek and giving him a gentle squeeze.

"Call if you need us ok."

"I will mom don't worry." he said to her.

He liked calling her mom it was easy since her and Marie were so similar and even the two women agreed on that observation made of them. It was uncanny some days how they seemed to think for and with each other.

Mani's parents left. He poked his head from around the corner. Aikrii seeing him got up immediately thinking he needed something or help.

"Do you want help?"

"Noooo." he said, he blushed instead.

Aikrii was puzzled, what was wrong, he put his hand on Mani's head to feel if he was getting a temperature.

Mani reached up to his extended arm feeling his head and pulled it down but not out of protest to his hovering, he slid his hand up Aikrii's arm, sending tickling sensations. He missed having this kind of attention from Aikrii who was more intent on his recovery, he felt fine he was more interested in pleasures of another kind and maybe with some encouragement... maybe he would to. The hairs on Aikrii's arm stood on end of their own accord, reacting to the sensory stimulus that Mani was creating with his fingers.

He looked at Mani who didn't look ill, but he was flushed. Mani's arm snaked around his waist and pulled Aikrii in towards him, he said "I'm hot hunny, but not with that kind of fever." as he pulled him forward and kissed him with so much hunger it even jolted him to his toes.

Aikrii was worried yet swimming in the hunger of his demanding kiss, he didn't want him to hurt himself but good god this felt good, it had been too long. Aikrii got lost and gave in to the pleasures Mani was creating moaning in joy. Mani knew he had won over his resolve.

Taking over he nipped across his lips and plunged his tongue deep into his mouth, colliding with another eager participant. Lifting his head only as often as they needed to breath, panting in gasps, he kneaded his bottom encouraging Aikrii to grind against him, rubbing his own excitement hard against him in turn.

Aikrii broke the contact, which made Mani groan he didn't want to stop. Aikrii panting and hair all mussed gulped and gasped out, "Your not better yet, we should wait" he was still aroused thou, the hunger in Mani's kisses that time was so full of heat he though he was going to melt, his legs felt like rubber and were barely holding him straight now as it was.

Mani ignored his protests, and grunted out "If I wanted a nursemaid darlin' I'd have bought you a dress" with that he pushed him on to the couch and straddled him, grinding his arousal against him suggestively. He looked down into his boyfriend's sexy green eyes, which were searching his own violet ones, questioning...

"I'll be ok." Mani said, reassuring him. He stroked Aikrii's cheek then butterfly stroked his lips with his own, tenderly at first and each progressively getting more demanding, both working in to a heated frenzy, Aikrii was lost again but this time he didn't want it to end and he wasn't about to fight it either. Mani had him half naked in an instant and Aikrii didn't know how it had happened. Giggling at Mani's swiftness he ran his hands over his own arousal and then smacked Mani's hands away when he tried to touch.

Mani was too damn frustrated to play games he'd been cooped in a hospital for over a week and two weeks of hovering yet nothing more then a peck here and there, to scared he was going to break make him crack from sexual tension that had been building up for far too long. He growled fiercely and demanded satisfaction from Aikrii.

Aikrii was concerned for the first time about how rough he was going to be but not for his sake but for his own since he was still recovering.

"Easy big boy," he muttered to Mani, "Don't go hurting yourself."

Mani only half heeded his warning and nearly effortlessly slid himself home making Aikrii not only scream in pain but in pleasure to. He didn't waste anytime, gripping his hips he thrusted himself home, making Aikrii whimper and wail in ecstasy, Mani heard him say "ooohh...harder..."

So he did, thrusting faster and faster, he to feeling the wondrous sensations he reached for Aikrii's arousal and stroked him as he rode, both sensations caused a multi effect on both of them, and nearly simultaneously they reached their peaks Mani gripping Aikrii's hips tightly pulling him hard against his body, Aikrii bucked from his own explosion which his juices actually reached his chin, Mani happily licked him clean, savoring his warm salty taste, this only caused Aikrii to get aroused again.

"See what happens when we neglect other needs" Mani said grinning.

"Yeah you threaten to dress me in drag then have your way with me..." There was a long pause then a big smile from Aikrii, he pipes up "That was fun..Wanna do it again?"

Mani roared with laughter now this was much better.

Mani never felt better and his love making for most of that day proved to Aikrii he was more than able to handle things.

They snuggled in each others arms for most of the day, the burgundy and green sheets strewn around them, they had made it to their room for the second and third rounds of play, Aikrii was still smiling. Mani was sleeping now, spent after finally getting his fill.

Aikrii slipped from the bed and went to the washroom. When he comes out of the bathroom he's surprised to see Mani is awake again.

"You ok?" he asked him.

"Never felt better actually," Mani said stretching, showing off his well-muscled torso. Aikrii still couldn't believe how he still reacted to seeing him in all his wondrous glory.

"We should go out this week," Aikrii said out of the blue.

"What on a date?" Mani said

"Yeah! Sure, why not?" He was grinning, "Did you forget what happens in the next few days?"

"Ummmm... I haven't the foggiest" Mani said looking at Aikrii who was just standing there grinning and still nude.

"But with you standing there like the Michelangelo statue of David, it's kind of distracting to even think of anything but ravishing you over again."

Aikrii contemplated that option but decided three rounds was enough for one evening of fun. He walked over to Mani,

"You goose, you forgot your own birthday?"

Mani slapped his forehead "Oh shit, I did!" he grinned sheepishly, "See I told you, you were distracting!"

Aikrii chuckled, he crawled back into bed next to Mani, and he snuggled against his side and smiled yawned and repeated

"We should go out this week"

Mani looked down at Aikrii, he figured he had really worn him out; he on the other had was full of energy, too much after nearly a month of resting. Aikrii drifted off to sleep with Mani watching him. Little did Aikrii know Mani had plans for his handsome sleeping prince in the near future he just hoped things kept going for the better.

Aikrii woke up the next morning and he found Mani gone. He was confused on where he could have gotten to till he heard the music from next door; He knew Mani had a photo session going on. He was going to head over but the phone rang.

Picking it up he answered "Hello"

"Good day sir, is Mr. Orati in at the moment?" the somewhat familiar voice asked

"Speaking" Aikrii, said he was puzzled he recognized the voice but couldn't put a name to it.

"Hey there, Aikrii right?" Mr. cheerful asked "its Troy MacKinnon from Nessix."

Aikrii nearly choked on his coffee when the caller identified himself. 'Oh my god', he thought 'A personal call!'

He cleared his throat.

"Yes it's Aikrii, what can I do for you?" he said trying his utmost to sound like an adult.

Mr. MacKinnon chuckled, "Relax Aikrii," he said "I'm calling to check in on our newest team member."

Aikrii did choke that time, coffee flying across the table, he couch and sputtered "HUH! Team member?"

Troy laughed a hearty chuckle and said "Yes, your agents and lawyers went through the paper work, checked all offers and decided what My team through Nessix is offering is your best bet, hence the call."

Aikrii was still stunned "Holy shit!" he blurted "Oh man, sorry...I'm still freaking here..."

Troy laughed again "No need to. I remember my first time being picked up by a programming team I damn nearly choked on my retainer."

Now it was Aikrii's turn to laugh.

"So" Troy asked "How is you and yours and how would you two like to come to Kearney to view the business and check around the plant where you'll be working."

"Oh wow Mr. MacKinnon, I'd love to come down, but unfortunately I don't think my partner can travel he only had surgery a month ago." Aikrii ran a nervous hand through his hair.

"Well how about this" Troy offered "You call me Troy and not Mr.," he laughed "and how about we send the private jet and if your partner needs any specialized stuff let us know prior and we'll provide it for your trip."

Aikrii was still flabbergasted. "Sure, I'll need a number where I can reach someone to provide that info thou, who do I call your secretary?"

Troy shot off a number to him and said "That's my cell call direct ok."

Aikrii didn't know what to think, "Wow thanks, I'm going to let Mani know now."

"Take care Aikrii, We'll see you when you can come down.

Aikrii set the phone back into the charger, shaking full of excitement. He picked the phone back up calling Susan to find out if he could travel. Susan informed him he should be able to it only really takes 4-5 weeks to heal up; he could even go back to work.

"Oh he's already back doing photo shoots," Aikrii said chuckling. "Thanks for the info Susan, I think I got an idea even better than what I had planned now."

He turned off the phone only to turn it back on again, his brain working over time on a plan he had, dialing the number to his agent who was monitoring his product offers and accounts. His finical advisor was the one who actually answered the phone.

"Hey Ben," Aikrii said cheerfully "how are you?"

Ben was thrilled "AIKRII! My boy your voice is a sound for sore ears! Congrats!"

"Thanks, I just got the call from Mr. MacKinnon." he was so happy.

Ben asked him "Did he tell you what their company offered for your name and product as an exclusive Nessix product?"

"No" he said rather confused, "should have he?"

Ben laughed "Well not really but I figured he may"

"It will be listed in the financial records thou." Aikrii stated, "So it's not really a big deal is it?"

Ben was shocked to hear this young man say this now considering he was quite well off.

"Aikrii, records or not, we still like to announce thinks like this, simple reason, sounds bites and quotes for the press, from the creator"

Aikrii was thrown off balance, Press? Wow!

"Ok so how much?" he waited for the answer

A shuffling of papers came across the line and then he continued. "You better sit down for this one ok"

Aikrii was still not getting why Ben seemed to be all excited over a simple bid for a company product.

"Winning bid from Nessix Corporation, exclusive rights to product and creator (with amended release from contact clause) for a total sum of six hundred and thirty five million for a legal term of twenty five years unless removal comes under amended release clause" he read from the paper.

The phone slipped from his hand and clattered to the floor.

"Hello? Hello? Aikrii?"

He sat down right there on the spot. He was floored beyond belief. Snapping out of it somewhat but still semi dazed he picked up the phone. "Ye-Yeah I'm still here."

"So what do you think?" Ben asked him.

"I think I best make sure my partner has a doctor on hand when I tell him how much I got offered for my design!" he heard a room full of people laugh. "Oh is the team there now?" he waited for a reply. "Yes along with two press team members who just happened to be lucky enough to be here when you called."

Aikrii couldn't believe it, he was now well off. He could give his mom anything she could ever want. He thanked Ben, asked that it be kept hushed and explained a plan he had, then after all of that he asked about how he could access funds for purchases since he was now financially stable he needed to make sure he had cash on him when he needed it, and with what he had planned he would need some. He was provided with his financial info and told that if he went to the local bank and spoke to the director there they could hook him up with an unrestricted credit card. All he'd have to do would be send in the bill monthly to the company who would pay it in full each month.

Aikrii was thrilled. He called his mom and told her to come over to the apartment, he called Nye told him about a planned party, when question he just said to show and that was it, he in turned helped call the others as well. By the time they were done they had about 60 people he and his family and other knew on their way, He also called the press and offered for them to be present for clips ect. He called for special security through a Special Forces agency and he called for a few caterers and then called Josh and asked if he'd like to make a grand in a night by waitering for him. Josh was stunned.

"My gosh baby where did you get that kind of stash?"

"Well if you say yes, you'll be one of the first few to know when I announce it, so say yes make some cash and possibly more in the future" Aikrii said smiling while writing info on a page and waiting for his reply...

"Oh.. Ok you peaked my interest, what do I need to work?"

"Nothing of your own, go here to get your uniform for the night ok" He gave an address and then said his good byes.

Mani came over from the studio he was loaded with his camera and a few rolls of film. "I have to go get a few of these developed, want to come for the drive?"

"I wish I could dear but I have plans to make." Aikrii said, "How long will you be out?" he asked looking at Mani who was confused.

Mani mumbled "About two hours why?"

"Cause I need to give enough time for you to get ready before our guests start to show." he said nonchalantly.

Mani looked and with bewilderment in his voice said, "We have guests comming here? Tonight?"

"Yes." Aikrii said still writing stuff down, he was trying his hardest to not bust with the news.

"Awww shit, Aikrii the place looks a mess!" he wailed.

"BUZZ!" On cue the front doors buzzer went off. Mani walked to the door, punched the intercom and asked, "Yeah who is it?"

"Carrie's Careful Cleaners!" Said the voice. Mani hit the monitor to see a figure with a ton of cleaning supplies with her on the screen. Mani looked over at Aikrii Ok now he though 'what the hell is going on?'

He never had much time to think about it thou, he had a new session soon and he needed to get the pictures he had developed. Aikrii would fill him in when he got back. He gave Aikrii a peck on the cheek and headed off.

Aikrii just grinned. The cleaners came in and started while he worked, the lady who operated the service only asked a few questions about preferences and then got to work, she was quite the worker. He thanked her for such an excellent job on such last minute notice and gave her check. She packed up her stuff and headed out.

Aikrii turned the monitor for the Front doors on watching to see her leave. She stopped in the lobby waiting for her drive to come get her. She opened the check Aikrii gave her and squealed in delight at the figure she saw. He had given her three hundred dollars for a job that only requires a payment of eighty. He stood in his apartment chuckling over her delight on the monitor. He turned it off.

A few hours later Mani showed back up his second client waiting for him at the studio chatting to Aikrii like an old pal. Mani was surprised to see Aikrii being so easy with most since he was usually quite reserved unless it was with people he knew.

"When your done dear" Aikrii said to him "pop over to the apartment quick I got your suit all ready, we'll need to bustle before guests arrive" Mani stopped fussing with his camera and did a double take at his beau...

"Did you say suit?" his eye wide in surprise.

"Yes dear" Aikrii was playing coy.

Mani was getting annoyed now... "What the hell is going on?" he asked

"Well...if you do what I ask you to do, you'll find out and it will be worth your while to." he grinned.

OK though Mani what the hell has he planned. "It's not some surprise party is it?"

"Well if you know there's a party it's not much of a surprise now is it?" he said chuckling, "No; it's not, but I would love it if you were here when things start."

"Ok, I'll be about forty five minutes ok." he walked to his studios staging with his client following close behind him and started to work.

Aikrii had to get a move on, he hurried to the apartment and then walked to the spare room and looked around, all the staff were using this room for their necessary changes, item pick ups ect... The kitchen was fancily blocked off with dividers that had decorations and designs from China all over them.

The mid point in the living room and the kitchen had a table set up with a buffet of food all over it. The buzzer rang. He checked the front monitor and saw it was his security. He let them in and waited for them to show at the door. When they go there he passed the three burley guys clipboards with a list of guests.

"First things first, if they are not on the list I MAY have over looked them but I'm sure I got everyone listed. My partners brother will be helping you for a bit so you will know which are family and which aren't, you can not miss Cleo and Nye both have the funkiest hair do's you'll ever see ok. The big guys chuckled at Aikrii and even harder when they saw a pic of the two teens. "Nope boss we won' t miss em"

"Anyone not on the list and that Nye or Cleo doesn't' t know page me; I'll see if I want them here or not, I'll show you where to stand with them so I can see who it is ok."

The security guards were ok with the arrangements and got themselves set up, one guard watched the main lobby doors, another watched the main floor and the apartment was watched by the last. Aikrii was ready for the guests.

Mani left his studio and headed to the apartment and was greeted but a huge thug. "Name" he said. "Excuse me?" Mani said, "This is MY apartment, who the hell are you?"

"Hired by Mr. Orati, you must be Mani?" the thug with the arms the size of trees said. Mani fumed he was so pissed now, just what the hell was going on anyway?

He walked into his apartment after the security guard cleared him. "AIKRII!" he bellered. Then he stopped dead in his tracks, there were tons of people all around already, most in white uniforms scurrying around with food, there was a table in the middle of his floor by the kitchen with so much food on it would feed a third world village for a year!

Aikrii smiling popped his head around the corner, Josh with him...

"Come on boyfriend, we have some dressing up to do" Josh said joyously as he got his chance to "Play dress up" with Mani. Mani let out an "eep" as he was grabbed and hauled down the hall to his and Aikrii's room.

Aikrii was giggling a fit and a half "Ok Josh don't molest the poor guy, leave some for me!" Mani went six shades of red at that comment. He got madder then and started to wriggle, "Jesus Mani take a chill pill would ya and stand still!"

Josh said taking his queenie pose. Aikrii giggle, he kissed Mani and said "Baby, be good for me this one time ok PLEASE... just get dressed, Josh will help and he won't eat you..." he was going to say alive but Josh interjected before he had that chance.

"Not unless asked or paid to, and baby he's paying me well!" he was being a perverted little fart that he was.

Aikrii slapped Josh, "Jesus Josh he's petrified enough, don't scare the pants off of him!"

Josh frowned "Damn your no fun, how am I suppose to dress him if he leaves his pants on?"

Aikrii gave Josh a dirty look, "You know damn well what your suppose to do now do your job or I'll kick your ass, I can now ya know" he said giving an evil grin...

"You wouldn't!" he said pulling a drama queen scared stance.

"I'll tell you know who you like him." Aikrii said doing his infamous "I know" eyebrow wiggle.

Josh let out a girly squeal and then pushed Mani towards the bathroom with a hand full of clothes, get dressed he told him and stood by the door whistling.

Aikrii waved and left them to their own accord. He knew using Dante as a wild card would work, thing is Dante already knew about Josh's crush, the feeling was mutual now all Aikrii had to when he had time was get them together for more than the thirty seconds they usually had through the halls at school. His next party would be a perfect place for that, he though already planning things for that encounter.

Marie was astounded to see so many people and the press was there, Mani was beside Aikrii,

"Tell me what's going on will you" he hissed not liking people traipsing through his immaculate apartment.

Aikrii leaned over, and licked his nose! Which shocked the hell out of Mani, "What the fuck was that for?" he squawked.

"To get you to get your mind off of what's going on," he said grinning then winking Mani followed him while he was walking and greeting his guests.

Sefron's band was set up in the living room by the balcony; the door was opened to let out the heat that was being created by so many bodies in the apartment. None of the neighbors would be disturbed, Aikrii invited all who lived around them and said if they wish not to attend he'd provide accommodations at the regal hotel. Most attended which thrilled him.

Mani gripped Aikrii's arm like it was a lifeline, Aikrii was waiting for one main guest. He knew he was on his way he heard the chopper before he seen it.

It landed on the apartment buildings roof. Staff working at the party had been directed to greet the special party member. When Troy walked through the door people gasped, the murmurs went through the crowd like fire. Troy walked up to Aikrii and smiled greeting him and taking his hand in a hearty friendly hand shake, a friendly pat on the shoulder and he stood beside him smiling to everyone who was ogling him. Aikrii was thrilled and motioned for the band to stop. Troy dinged his wine glass to get everyone's attention. Aikrii had his non alcoholic wine drink as well swirling it slowly grinning so fiercely it made Mani wild with frustration wondering what the hell Troy MacKinnon was doing in his apartment.

Aikrii threw him off guard whispering in his ear, "Listen my sweets," he murmured

"I'd like to make a toast to this fine young man here," he paused and turned in Aikrii's direction.

"Mr. Aikrii Orati," he said "without him many disabled members of society wouldn't have easily obtainable and helpful programs they could use to help make their lives easier." He watched the crowd waiting for the suspension to build

"Now I know your all here problem wondering why you were invited and more stunned to see me show. Well I am here to announce to you, our fine press affiliates and many others especially Aikrii's family that Nessix has welcomed Mr. Orati to join our family as an exclusive programmer for our newest line of user friendly software for the disabled."

There were a few murmurs all around as the excitement built up.

He reached over and gripped Mani's hand and whispered, "Hold on baby the next bit is a doozie!" He knew what was comming but Mani was frustrated.

Troy continued, "We offered Mr. Orati to stay with our company for a term of twenty five years at a cool six hundred and thirty five million with other benefits included."

Mani turned sheet white in three seconds and started to studder. The whole room gasped, then the media went nuts! Aikrii was not only famous he was now Curre's youngest multi millionaire at just about 17 years of age. Aikrii's mom joined her son, she was crying.

"Mamma why are you crying, this should be a happy occasion." he said wiping her tears "It's all I ever wanted for you."

"I cry because I am so proud of you, your my little Kiki but all grown now. I am happy to see you have made a good thing of yourself."

She hugged him. Mani was still white as a sheet as he watched things play out before him still holding Aikrii's hand. He gave his head a shake. Then he tugged on Aikrii's hand.

Aikrii looked over, "Oh hi! Welcome back, I was wondering when you'd return," Aikrii said jokingly.

"I never left" Mani said growling, now wasn't the time to be teased. He pulled Aikrii to their room.

"You couldn't tell me this before these people got here?" he asked when they entered the room.

"I looked like an idiot!" his words had little impact on Aikrii; he thought his baby looked delicious in his black pin striped suit.

Aikrii smiled "You looked fantastic!" he leaned in and kissed Mani once again throwing him off kilter.

Mani pulled back breaking contact. "I was so shocked I stood there like a stone statue." he said with a frown, people got pictures of me looking like that!"

"So" Aikrii said, "If anyone asks tell them the truth, you didn't know I planned this as a surprise for you anyway.

He edged closer to him smiling up, "Come on say your happy about this!" he slipped his arms around his waist, touched his forehead to his and rubbed his nose against Mani's "Come on smile, dammit!" he grinned joking.

Mani couldn't' stay mad, it wasn't something he was expecting but he was ecstatic. Mani smiled at his boyfriend; he kissed him back for the earlier kiss and answered grinning "Happy, yes, very happy. Shocked, most definitely, so much so I thought my heart stopped and I had to actually force myself to breath!"

Aikrii though that was funny, "Well babe, your gonna have to get use to the shocks and heart stoppers, now that things are going to be more carefree for us, we can do a lot of things that will wow us" He paused "We're going to the head offices in Kearney in a week's time by the way, all expenses paid"

Mani's jaw dropped. "A trip to! Damn." he then proceeded to giggle, "You remember your paperered prince comment you made to me back when we first met."

"Yeah" Aikrii said "why?"

"Well now, it's can be true!" Mani eyes him smiling.

"For both of us" Aikrii said ginning, and then he bowed to Mani and said "Your majesty!"

"Umm I think your doing that wrong," Mani said.

"Huh?! How?" Aikrii said.

"YOUR the prince, not me you goose!" Mani said.

Aikrii blushed, "How about we take turns ok" he laughed at his silly kiddie remark and with a joyous "whoop!" yell he kissed Mani's lips then skipped out of the room into the throng of bodies in the middle of their living room.

Mani was ecstatic his baby got his contract. He smiled happy for him.

Aikrii came back to him with a box. The band stopped playing and the room got quite again.

Aikrii stood in front of Mani and presented him with a long dark purple box then spoke.

"In lew of everything that's happened and with Mani's birthday only two days away, I am presenting him with his Valentines and birthday present rolled into one a bit early, I figured this was the best time to present it to him, with our loved ones around us, and the rest as well" Mani took the box. Looking down at the long slender velvet case.

"What's this?"

"Open it silly and find out." Aikrii said smiling

Mani opened the case and there sitting nestled in around orange satin was the most beautiful guys bracelet he'd seen in a long time, on it instead of the standard flat face plate for a name was a hand made plate in the shape of a long flat key.

"Read the inscription," he said looking at Mani's face for a reaction.

On the front was inscribed, "I'm your Ki, your my heart, together we beat as one." he read out loud. There was a round of awwws from many of the ladies. Mani looked at the key, and stroked the bracelet with his fingertips he was speechless. He reached over and hugged Aikrii as hard as he could without breaking him and kissed him soundly. They hardly heard the whir of the cameras and the awwws from around them Aikrii and Mani were so both deliriously happy. Mani pulled back and smiled, "It's one of the best things you've ever given me and I'll hope to never loose it" he said and kissed him again.

Chapter 14 - Changes

The news of Aikrii's amazing job offer was all over the news; in the two days leading to Mani's birthday he had done six or seven interviews with the press and news companies. The last session with the Kearney news station KTV was a special for when they landed there. Aikrii was excited since there was a ball invitation as well and he and Mani got to go.

"It's so freaking cool!" Aikrii said he was grinning like mad while he hauled out suits from his and Mani's ever-growing wardrobe. Mani was just relaxing on the end of their bed watching and ever excited Aikrii fly through the outfits, shirts and two piece suits they owned. He had a charcoal gray one he held against Mani's chest and then a dark red shirt. Aikrii tilted his head and hmmmmed tossed the shirt and he switched to a deep green shirt and looked again. Mani chuckled while he became Aikrii's mannequin.

"Shit I think the red looks better" he walked back over to the chair where the red shit had landed and picked it up and brought it back to the bed.

"Ok now for a tie," Mani groaned, he hated ties.

Aikrii picked up the dark green tie that matched his eyes and gave it to Mani. "That's your outfit completed and here's mine," he said as he showed Mani his matching charcoal suit but his shirt was royal purple and with a deep red tie.

Mani looked and he started to grin, "You know we're going to look like a bunch of color coordinated queens," he said as he was imitating Josh to a tee.

Aikrii laughed and said, "Say that five times fast!" then he threw his head back and laughed harder. Both of them were enjoying their fun time, Mani looked at Aikrii whose eyes seemed to sparkle. He got up and walked over to him grinning.

"Your such a breath of fresh air you know that" he said running his hand down Aikrii's cheek Aikrii grinned.

"Now where did that come from all of a sudden?" he asked

"No where" Mani said 'I just feel so lucky to have gotten to know you; you could have picked anyone."

Aikrii tilted his head and smiled at Mani, "But I'm glad I picked you, you make everything seem worth while and the support you've given me has been amazing"

Mani grinned, he was glad that's how Aikrii felt, hearing it thou made his heart sing. He took Aikrii's hand and gave it a tug.

"I have something to show you," he said. Aikrii followed and was surprised to see that Mani led him from the apartment to the studio across the hall. When they made it to Mani's office he was also surprised to see a canvas propped on an easel, he couldn't see what was painted on it as it was facing the other way.

"You've been painting?" Aikrii said. He knew Mani drew and took photos but he never realized that he painted as well.

"Yep" he aid grinning, "and that's the surprise, I finished earlier today when you were doing one of your interviews."

Aikrii was curious now. Mani took the canvas and took it off the easel, staring at the image he had painted. He looked up at Aikrii and grinned,

"I think you'll like this; at least I hope you do." he slowly turned it around

"I call it my sleeping prince"

Aikrii was stunned to see his sleeping form projected back at him in such clarity it was like a picture taken in time.

"OMG I remember when you were doing the line art for this" he said excited,

"Damn this if freaking good!" he looked up at Mani he had a tear in his eye "I love it!" he whispered.

Mani was surprised how much emotion Aikrii was showing over a painting, thou he himself put all his love into that picture. Mani placed the image back on the easel. Aikrii hugged him fiercely as soon as he set the painting down. Mani looked down at his head and hugged him back, smiling.

"I'm glad you like it, I'm hanging it in the studio waiting area" Mani said

Aikrii was stunned... "Oh my, really!"

"Yep this way when I'm doing a shoot or even just sitting at my desk I can see your peaceful face, my sleeping prince."

Aikrii giggled, a sleeping prince, he found the notion so funny, but realized Mani only called him that because he loved him so much. Mani looked down at the obviously pondering Aikrii, "Penny for your thoughts" he smiled at the green sparking eyes that looked up at him

"I was thinking how lucky I was to love someone as great as you." he said. Mani was touched; he leaned in as Aikrii raised his face to meet him, kissing they melted into each other.

Valentines day was crisp, cold and beautiful, a perfect day for Mani to celebrate his nineteenth birthday and what a better way than with the handsome man he adored and a great ball that Nessix was holding. The chopper landed neatly in the field, Aikrii jumped from the passenger pit and reached his hand up for Mani was still thrilled at the ride, he had been in a plane before but not a helicopter. He reached down to his prince's awaiting outstretched hand and jumped down. He smiled, wrapped his arm over Aikrii's shoulder and both ducking they headed for the large building ahead of them. Once they were far enough away from the chopper they stood, least now they could hear each other.

"Wow that was an amazing ride" Mani was thrilled. He gave Aikrii's shoulder a squeeze.

Looking around he noticed that it was starting to snow lightly they both looked up watching the flakes. Aikrii shivered, his jacket was opened and the cold seeped in

"Come on I need to warm up" he said. Mani looked down at him winked and said

"Ummmm I think I can arrange that." There in the middle of the snow, a very happy Mani looked down slightly to his wonderful boyfriend reached for his cheeks with both warm hands and kissed him soundly; making Aikrii's heart race and it defiantly raised his temperature. Pulling back he looked at him again and said,

"I love you, you're my Ki, I'm your heart and together we will beat as one." He leaned in and kissed Aikrii again, making him sigh in satisfaction...

His kisses still sparked fireworks, it was still so amazing, and Aikrii melted and let his senses take him for a ride...

"You've made me one of the happiest guys on earth, you know that right," he said smiling down at Aikrii's sated grin and dreamy look in his eyes.

"Umm-hmmm" he sighed still grinning "I'll make you happier." he said winking as they started to walk to the building again. Mani blushed a very deep red right there. Good thing when they walked into the building, his red cheeks could be blamed on the cold air.

"Aikrii, Mani!" they heard Troy's booming voice across the lobby of the building they had been ushered to enter. Both men smiled and shook hands. Troy looked at Mani and wished him a happy birthday and told them to head off to the ballroom.

The reached the top of the stairs and was greeted by the door man who asked them to wait at the door till they were told to enter, Mani and Aikrii waited then heard the doorman announces their arrival.

"Mr. Aikrii Orati and his escort, Mr. Mani Tskii." They were ushered in and Aikrii and Mani were stunned to see how beautiful the ballroom was set up.

Reds, whites, pink, silver and gold all over the place, heart shaped balloons and white streamers, gold and silver glitters and pink roses.

They walked down the ballroom stairs together arm in arm, a spot light on them till they reached the bottom and they were greeted with a great surprise, Standing there with Troy who had slipped in through the back entrance was all of Mani and Aikrii's friends, Cleo, Nye, Josh and Sefron. They were all holding a gift for Mani and all excited!


They all cheered together, others who were also enjoying the ball cheered to and clapped for Mani who was blushing to beat the band. "Oh my god" he chuckled, "How did you all get here?"

"Troy flew us" Sefron volunteered the answer he wanted.

"Oh my!" Aikrii gasped

Troy chuckled, "Glad your happy about it" he said "Now on with the ball, enjoy the fun and be prepared of more to come" With that Troy wished off to do what ever it was a multi billionaire did.

The ball was fast paced entertaining and above all fun. Aikrii and Mani had a blast dancing, mingling and then they even got Aikrii with Sefron up on the Stage singing! It was a hoot. Aikrii was at the punch bowl watching Mani mingle with their friends and talking to Troy when he was approached.

He was tall, blonde and very French. "Bonsoir" he said. Aikrii was surprised at the smooth voice beside him, he didn't' even notice the guy approach him he was so quiet. It put Aikrii on edge, but out of politeness he said hello back.

"I am Jacques" he said in broken English, "pardon my English, I am; they say...awful" He smiled Aikrii laughed at his comment.

He looked at Jacques and said "I speak French as well but, un peu seulement" he threw in his Fringlish mix and Jacques laughed at his comment.

"Ainsi je ne serai pas totalement perdu?" In English Aikrii understood his comment to be "So I won't be totally lost?"

Aikrii chuckled and shook his head then extended his hand "I'm Aikrii, I will be working here soon," he said, some in English some in French.

Jacques told him he knew who he was and was impressed that he was such an open guy with everyone here at the ball. Aikrii didn't understand why he said that and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, like myself your very open about your orientation, most hide." He smiled at Aikrii who was shocked that the well-dressed guy whom he barley knew was telling him he was gay to.

Jacques laughed as the shock registered on Aikrii's face quite clearly. He commented again in broken English

"You be surprised, I am speak of this?"

Aikrii blushed since he clued in that his shock was written all over his face like a newspaper ad. Aikrii being the reserved but fun person he'd grown to be shot back

"Well it's not everyday people meet a bunch of openly gay guys who aren't afraid to show their affection towards their better half in public, little alone speak about it to a perfect stranger."

Jacques laughed a hearty laugh and then said "Touché!"

"I thinks we will be good friends when you works here" he said throwing an arm over Aikrii's shoulder. Aikrii liked this guy he was funny thou if not a tad overly friendly.

Mani looked over to see Aikrii laughing with some tall blonde guy, as he walked over towards them he could here them both speaking in broken French and English, he heard the comment about good friends from the French guy but it was when he seen the blond fella sling his arm over Aikrii that made Mani's heart feel like it was ripped from his chest. This guy was hitting on his man! The nerve! Mani approached the pair.

Aikrii spotted Mani and he grinned, "Hey Mani meet Jacques, he works here" The older guy still had his arm over him and it irritated Mani more.

Jacques reached out his hand to shake Mani's but it wasn't taken instead he just said hi and grabbed Aikrii's hand and pulled taking him out from under Jacques arm and he said loud enough to Mani, so Jacque could hear

"Come on Sefron and you HAVE to sing again!"

As hey walked away Jacques chuckled and said in broken French and English

"Au revoir monsieur Orati; till we meet again"

Mani looked back and glared at the older man.

"You know he was hitting on you, right?" Mani asked Aikrii as soon as they were out of earshot.

Aikrii was shocked, Mani was jealous and it was obvious. He grinned, looked at Mani and stroked his cheek and kissed him.

"It doesn't matter even if he was." Aikrii said

"What!" Mani gasped, slightly confused

Aikrii sighed looked at Mani and said "It really doesn't matter if he was trying to hit on me or not."

he looked at Mani and continued "I love you ok and regardless of who makes passes at me I will not be paying attention to them"

Mani smiled, Aikrii grinned, "Do you want to know why?" he asked.

"Why?" Mani asked taking his arm and snuggling in as they walked up to the stage where Sefron was waiting.

Aikrii stopped and looked at him, "Because you were here first, because you saved me, because you're my heart and I can't live without one."

Mani sighed, this contented his rambling mind for now, Aikrii was insecure about his past at one time, for Mani his insecurities laid in their future together, he only realized this recently and mostly because he didn't want Aikrii thinking he was only with him because he was well off and stable. Aikrii's statement about being first was nice to hear but the not being able to live without a heart cinched it pretty much, but Mani would continue to worry, and only because he loved him so damn much.

Aikrii hugged Mani tightly before going up on stage to sing with Sefron who was still trying to find a replacement singer for his band.

Aikrii got on stage and grabbed the mic looked out at the crowd of workers, visitors and guest who were enjoying the festivities of the Nessix Valentine's ball, and then he spoke to Sefron who shook his head yes and they started to play.

Aikrii stood and spoke, "To my heart on his special day, lets give this song a beat and take it away, love you tons hun, Happy birthday"

He started to sing to Mani, staring at him intently he belted out the Bryan Adams tune, everything I do. The crowd ate it up, everyone loved it when Aikrii sang, Sefron though he was amazing to...for a geek.

Jacques on the other hand watched him intently from across the room. This boy was amazing, not only was he an apparent wiz kid from what he learned over the last week but he also learned he was talented in singing as well. He had to get to know him better; this boy could be his ticket to the top since Aikrii was already up there.

Jacques wanted fame to but being the lowly accounts receiving wasn't enough for him, so if it ment trying to steal away one innocent boys heart then so be it, Jacques enjoyed a good challenge, not to mention the possibility of fresh meat.

Chapter 15 - Spoiled

Aikrii and Mani pulled up to the fourth place the real estate agent had listed. The log styled home was small in stature but double the size of their current apartment. Situated at the edge of the beach, Aikrii was thrilled at what he saw he grabbed Mani's hand eagerly and nearly dragged him to the door, giddy like a child on Christmas day.

The agent opened the door and let them walk into the foyer, Mani gasped. The place was beautiful, the front foyer alone was huge and it had a single starting staircase but it split into two sides as it went up, one going to either side, left and right. They were led though the majestic home, absorbing the wondrous view. The lower floor had a huge kitchen and a very large sunk in dining room and a smaller den off to the right side of the foyer door.

Upstairs was just as beautiful if not more so since looking over the banister one could see down onto the semi circled foyer down onto the white marble floors. The second floor had three main room right along the railing area and another to the left hand side, the main one being the master room which contained a very large wide-open picture window to the left that met another one in the corner, making one side of the room like a half glass cube. The middle room was the master bathroom and it was also amazing with black marble floors, and a shower stall walls and all also done in the black marble and full rippled glass. The tub was a Jacuzzi styled and had many jets in it, Aikrii groaned just imagining a relaxing time in that tub. The whole back wall where the tub was faced the water with floor to ceiling windows. They were informed that the windows in the bathroom were adjustable privy windows, where with a turn of a knob one could turn it so the windows couldn't be seen into, a very nice privacy feature if they ever heard of one. The next room on the main drag was to the right of the bathroom and it was a simple room but with more ceiling to floor windows, also with the privacy option. The last room to be viewed was the Guest room which contained it's own mini bathroom and it to had the cubed window feature where the two sets of windows met in the corner.

"And if you look out the window to the right side of the house, you can see Nessix tower." The agent said.

Aikrii looked up at Mani, "It's up to you what you want me to do" He smiled "we can keep this place or keep looking"

Aikrii and Mani had to find a second residence due to Aikrii's job. If it was a small apartment, or condo Aikrii would mainly use the place between commutes to and from work since Aikrii's job wouldn't need him there twenty four seven. Thou there would be a week here and there he would have to be in Kearney but if Mani wanted he could move his studio and do jang to Kearney and they could get a house instead, which would make it a bit easier on both of them but Aikrii wanted Mani to choose and he would go with that.

Mani had planned on relocating his business as soon as he could anyway he just never expected it to happen so soon and he didn't want to do it on Aikrii's expense either and he told him as much as well but Aikrii insisted that Mani could choose and he would go with what Mani needed just so things could be comfortable for them both since Aikrii really had no ties to Curre except his mom which whom he could fly out at anytime for her to visit.

"How about we keep looking and pick later." he said smiling at Aikrii, he was happy that Aikrii wanted to keep him happy but he wouldn't take advantage either.

Aikrii gave him a knowing look.

"Hun, I'm young not naive or stupid." he paused "I know your thinking again and if your train of thought is heading down that track of worry, you best take a detour." His hands went on his hips, giving that queen in charge look his eyebrows scrunched and he looked frustrated.

"Ok, ok, you know how much I worry." Mani walked forward wrapped his arms around Aikrii's waist and pouted.

"Ok no fair, no puppy dog eyes either!" Aikrii said not moving but looking Mani almost directly in the eyes now.

Aikrii had grown in more ways that one in the last year, not just mentally but physically as well.

Mani Played hard ball and used his sneak attack, leaned his head touching Aikrii's forehead and kissed his nose. Aikrii's green eyes registered surprise and then laughter as it bubbled forth, Mani grinned.

"I worry because I care about you," he said

"I'm a big boy now, thanks to you and believe it or not my dad." Aikrii said he paused, pondered and then continued. "I need you to hold my hand and walk with me as I make my own way, I don't need you to lead me, as I have to make my own mistakes in life, but if I have you at my side so I have a shoulder to lean on then it's a good thing"

Mani was impressed he listened as Aikrii continued.

"I don't think loving you and giving to you what you need is a mistake, so just walk with me and enjoy what we have together."

Listening to Aikrii talk made Mani's heartache with the admiration and love he held for Aikrii.

"I'll try my best, but I will always worry." He said, "it's my nature hun, you'll have to get use to that part."

Aikrii grinned he was happy and he had Mani content as well.

"So what do you think of this place?" he said looking around and then back at Mani.

"You know what" he whispered, "I could see us living here easily enough, I'd just have to figure out what to do with the do jang and the studio"

Mani took his hand and looked out the main floors side window in the kitchen and looked up.

"At least I would know that you were close by instead of miles away, I'd worry less I think."

Aikrii looked over to Mani who still had a dreamy look in his eyes, he reached over with his left hand and caught Mani's waist and tucked him close to his leaning his head against Mani's shoulder, He grinned as Mani reached for his hand that was holding his waist, he felt fingers intertwine into his own.

The quiet in the home was peaceful; Aikrii felt her presents before he heard her.

"Mr. Orati, shall we move on to the next place?" He didn't move from the spot Mani and he were standing at.

"No" Aikrii said "This is the one we want" he waited till she was beside them, Mani still didn't move but Aikrii could hear his breathing and noticed the sigh of relief.

"We don't need any other residences but we will require a large place for a dual business." He informed her snuggling Mani in closer who was quite ready to protest, and he knew it to.

"How large?" she asked him, noticing how large Mani's eyes got when he had mentioned the business. "About five thousand square feet" he said off the top of his head. Mani started "Bu..But that's too big!" Aikrii growled gave Mani a jostle to keep him quiet and then continued speaking to the real estate agent.

"It has to have a dividing wall and a minimum of two entrances."

"I think I just may have just the place for you." The real estate agent said.

She hauled out her laptop computer placed it on the table that was in the home and plugged it in while it booted up she spoke. "The virtual tour is amazing, this place is conveniently located a block away from Nessix and is just about five thousand square feet, not right on the nose but quite close." She said as she clicked on a buildings picture and she walked them through a virtual tour of a building she spoke of. They both saw what she was speaking of the front had two separate entrances and was quite large when she went through one door they noticed as she moved the camera around that there was a inner entrance in the middle retaining wall to the complex that would go over to the next space in the building something Mani would need. The end of one wall of the area, which Mani automatically deemed the photography studio was a huge wall and this wall was one that had hundreds of holes in the board, it would be perfect to hang images from and artwork to. Aikrii was even impressed and from the look on Mani's face he was impressed to but he commented "We'd have to's too much dear"

"We'll take it!" Aikrii said then he looked at Mani and said "Don't you worry about the renovations we'll deal with it, all you have to do is give Hazel your notice on the apartment and the studio ok, then we can get things moving here ok."

Mani was still dumbfounded but excited at the same time. He smiled shook his head yes and hugged Aikrii.

Aikrii smiled at him, the real estate agent walked out of the room while she spoke to Aikrii's financial broker and banker to finalize things along with his lawyer.

"I'm happy to give you what you need to make you happy and to help you prosper" he said facing Mani hugging him around the waist. Mani leaned in his head against Aikrii's.

"I love you ya silly lug" he smiled.

"I know you do." Aikrii kissed him "That's why I plan on spoiling you."

February 20th...oops. The planned move didn't go as smoothly as they had hoped it would. Nye was extremely depressed and he begged his brother not to move. Mani looked at his baby brother and told him "I'm sorry bro but I gotta go I can't leave Aikrii's side he needs me as much as I need him, hell some days I think I need him more."

Nye pouted it was two days after on the twenty second that Nye got to get his move in with Mani and Aikrii, Cleo ran away from home and landed on Aikrii and Mani's door step. No one had heard anything much about Cleo's mom in a long time and when she told them she had died back in January they were all shocked, "How the hell come no one told us!" Mani asked her. "You had other things to worry about there Mani," Cleo sobbed "I had my own things to deal with, I thought I could be a big girl and do it on my own I guess I couldn't but I also can't live with my step-dad and he told me to get out, so I left."

Mani looked at Aikrii, then Nye, "Call mom I have to talk to Cleo's dad" Cleo protested "No! He won't talk to you he's been nasty as hell the last month you'll be lucky to get him to grunt little alone speak to you." Cleo said with fear in her eyes holding on to Mani's arm.

Nye took the house phone and Mani flipped opened his cell phone and dialed Cleo's phone number. Her step-dad answered.

"Hi Mr. Inochie," Mani started "I'm calling on the behalf of Cleo, your daughter." he waited for a response but got nothing except a grunt as Cleo said he would do.

"I just want to make sure your adamant on her removal of self from your home as we may have a placement for her and will be needing information on you personally as she will have to gather maintenance from you as per the legal courses required by social services."

That got his attention, "Look that ungrateful freakish brat isn't even my real kid, tell it to go away, she won't get a fucking cent from me." with that he slammed the phone in Mani's ear.

Mani looked at Cleo and started to cry as he hugged her. Cleo was shocked to see that kind of response from Mani. She hugged him back and then look at him, "You can stay with us" he said "I'm sure Aikrii won't mind, but..." he stressed, "You have to go back to school just in Kearney that's all."

She sighed a huge sigh of relief and then looked at Nye who was on the phone telling his mom what was going on Mani took the phone from him,

"Mom, can Nye come stay with us?" he waited to get a response, "Yes."

Nye was biting his lips to see what was going to be said he was only getting one side of the convo after all.

"I can't see there being a problem, we have a big place and I know Aikrii won't mind."

Aikrii was watching things unfold, he was still allowing Mani main control over things since it was Mani he wanted to keep happy and he liked everyone so to him it was already ok, he would have offered on his own anyway.

"Ok, yes mom we all love you very much, but I think it's for the best, he will come home often we'll make sure of it or you can visit ok." he paused before saying "Yes mom, I love you, ok."

He put the cordless that Nye had been on down in it receiver, "Well it's official; we're all roomies." everyone whooped Nye piped up.

"All we need now is Sefron" then he laughed, joking about the comment.

Mani's eyes were then the next to shoot up when he heard Aikrii say, "Then call him and tell him we have the room and ask him if he wants to follow us."

Even Nye and Cleo stopped in their tracks, Aikrii was and had been so quiet just watching and then they all started to roar with laughter and then they all hugged him and ruffling his hair for being such a great sport over it all.

"Hey this won't be a free ride all, Cleo you and Nye Have to finish school, Sefron will be helping Mani with renovations and running the businesses when he's not doing a gig. After school Nye you will be helping your brother, Cleo you will be responsible for the house, sound fair?"

They all stopped "So no rent?"

"As long as you keep to your set chore and follow reasonable and flexible rules I have no problems with you all staying but I don't want free loaders, Mani's always insistent on not 'using' so no one else will either ok."

"SWEET!" they all yelled. Mani grabbed the phone called Sefron who was thrilled at the offer and accepted wholeheartedly."

February 28th.... groan...

The truck was late, not even ten days had passed but Aikrii and Mani had given Hazel their land lady their notice paid for rent till April first anyway and then started to move early even thou they had till the fourteenth of March to move. Nye was leaning against the building and tapping his foot to music on his MP3 player and grinning. Cleo was pacing waiting for the truck and Sefron; he was driving with the truck driver so they had no idea why they were late in the first place.

"Hey there it is!" Cleo shouted and pointed as they seen it come around the corner. It pulled up to the curb and stopped. Sefron jumped out of the cab and slapped Mani on the shoulder and grinned

"Sorry dude, driver can't speak a lick of English had issues with getting him to understand directions."

Mani was not impressed when he heard this, "Oh great, what does he speak?"

"French!" Cleo shouted out then she went back to speaking to the driver

"Least we have someone here who understands him" Mani said rolling his eyes.

"Hey! Aikrii pouted, "I'd understand him, probably not as good as Cleo but I would!"

Sefron and Mani laughed at Aikrii's failed attempt of puppy dog eyes.

Cleo rambled off very quickly instructions to the driver about the move in French so he would be clear on where everything was going. She watched him write stuff down and then she gave him Nye's Cell phone number so if he needed help he could call her. Things got packed quickly, Hazel came out a few times and gave a sad look, and always mentioned each time how much she would miss them both. Aikrii gave her a huge hug before the last of the furniture was moved.

"We'll miss you to Hazel." He looked down smiled and then said "You were one of the nicest landladies we've ever had."

When she left Mani looked at Aikrii, "She was the only landlady we had." They both giggled. "I was trying to make her feel better," Aikrii said between chuckles. He threw his arm over his boyfriends shoulder and then looked at the truck with all their stuff in it.

"Ready for our new adventure?" he asked him. "I'd follow you to the moon and back hun" Mani said smiling. They headed back up to their old apartment to double check for stuff then locked up.

Nye and Cleo and Sefron were still down in the lobby waiting when they got down stairs.

"Come on guys, time to go." They all headed like a posse to the mustang parked on the street, Aikrii and Mani arms over each others shoulder and grinning, Nye and Cleo holding each others hand while Cleo sort of danced and laughing at Sefron who was bopping to Nye's tunes on his MP3, they were all ready for a new life and what better way then with people they all knew.

Next: Chapter 6: Steppin Out 16 21

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