Stepping into the Spotlight

By Brant Higgins

Published on Jun 28, 2011


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Chapter Four

So, there lay Tim. I imagine my mouth was on the floor - not because of his hot body in front of me, but because not even ONCE did I suspect it was Tim, or even think Tim would be interested in guys. He and I never talked about sex related stuff. It was always about swimming or school or stuff we did and people we knew in high school.

I don't know how long I stood there not knowing what to say. Tim broke the ice:

Tim: "You look totally hot in a Speedo."

Me: I blushed and smiled and my eyes scanned his body. I remember starting to talk and just gurgled and had a hard time swallowing.

Tim: You like wearing that don't you?"

Me: "Yea."

Tim: "You've been checking me out in mine. We've never had the conversation, are you into guys?"

Me: (sigh) "Um....yea, but I haven't done anything....."

Tim: "I haven't done much, some, nothing major, but I like guys"

Tim: (sat up and looked at me) "I thought you were hot since I met you last fall. I've seen you checking me out and I've noticed you looking at other guys. I wanted to see if you were open to exploring a little. I'm sorry I didn't just come right out and ask you, but I was too scared to do that. I wanted to know if you would take the step of showing up here today."

Me: "It's okay Tim."

Tim: (smiling) "Cool"

Me: "When I got here I honestly thought it was one of the lifeguards."

Tim: "Really? What made you think that?"

Me: "Nobody else was here this morning, but didn't have that thought until today. I had been trying to figure out who could have seen me enough around here to know what locker to put the note in. I figured with the mass of people here last weekend someone could have following us in after we swam and gotten a pretty good idea of where my locker was and then just had to look the one with my suit hanging in it."

Tim: "You had a lot of people checking you out last weekend."

Me: "I did? Really?" (loved that idea)

Tim: "Oh yea man, I kept noticing people looking at your butt and legs as you were walking around. You were trying to get checked out, weren't you?"

Me: (shit - I didn't think I was that obvious) I let out a little grin and said "Yea, kinda"

Tim: "I wanna check you out - come stand closer"

I walked over closer to Tim. I was a little nervous cause someone might walk in on us, but we were just two guys in Speedos in a lockerroom sauna, no big deal I figured. Tim slowly looked me up and down my body. "Turn around", he said. I did. I felt kinda awkward but at the same time it was really exciting. I had at times in the past thought it would be cool to be a swimsuit model, having people checking out all of my body and wondering what was beneath my swimsuit. I imagined guys jerking off while looking at me, since that's what I did so many times looking at pictures of guys in swimwear or underwear.

"Nice," Tim said as I turned back around. He has been looking at my butt and now was looking at my crotch. "You fill that thing up pretty well dude", he said. "Wanna check me out?"

"Yea, stand up". Tim hadn't tied the drawstring of his Speedo, and the suit could barely contain him as he shifted his weight to his legs from the bench and stood up. I don't know what gave me the boldness to do and say what I did next, but I was in the "go for it mode". I stepped forward, reached down, grabbed the drawstring, pulled it tight and tied it as I said "I wanna untie this later". With that I put my hand around as much of his cock as I could cover and gently squeezed it. I had never felt a cock other than my own before - it was amazing. I couldn't feel a lot of detail through the tight fabric of the Speedo, but what I did feel was alive, and warm, and hard. Tim reached down and did the same. Then he flashed me a wicked grin and said, "Bryan's gone till tonight, let's head back".

We went to our lockers, threw on our clothes with the Speedos on under them and headed back to the dorm.

As we walked back to the dorm we made small talk about whatever we could. There was definitely some tension of apprehension in the air, but the time passed soon enough. We decided it would be just fine to head into Tim's room together. That's something which was common anyway as we'd hang out from time to time there. If someone asked where we were we'd say we went for an early swim.

It was a little after ten when we got back there. Bryan and Tim's room was next to one of the entry doors to the dorm and we were able to slip in there un-noticed. It would have been fine if someone saw us go in, but we thought it best if nobody really knew if either of us were there. Most of the RA's had single rooms, but Bryan's had it's own shower and a separate bedroom, so he got a roommate too. Where you could hear noises from within most of the rooms from outside through the door, the bedroom in Bryan's room was on an outside corner of the building and had a door separating it from it's little living room. Put another way, nobody would know what was going on in there from outside the room.

Tim locked the door as we went in and said "let's get that chlorine off of you". He stepped into the bathroom and started the shower. "Leave your suit on", he instructed as I started taking off the rest of my clothes and left them on their living area room floor. I was down to my Speedo and stepped into the bathroom. Tim checked me out, grined, and motioned me towards the shower. His and Bryan's shower was like a normal bathroom tub/shower combination like you'd see in a house. The rest of us had shower stalls with water conserving shower heads. There's was the kind of shower head which really gets you wet - nice perk. I stepped into the shower and started rinsing off.

A minute later Tim poked his head in, stepping in behind me and said "I think I'll join you". He reached around me from behind and ran his hands across my shoulders, then down my arms. Then he pushed his arms under mine and felt my chest, then slowly moved his hands down my stomach and then pulled himself close. I could feel my Speedo getting tighter and he moved behind me and I felt his crotch press against my butt crack. I closed my eyes to take it all in. I think we were in that position for a few minutes as I enjoyed the hot water running all over us.

"You ready for more?", he asked? "Yea, Tim - it's cool," I said. He then slid his hands, both hands, down to my cock. As we stood there he would squeeze with his hands or tease it with just a finger or two. "I want to see it", he said. "Go for it", I responded. He put his hands back on my shoulders, turned me around, put his hands to my chest, then slowing moved them down to my Speedo. He untied the drawstring, pulled the waist out to loosen it up and peeled them off me down to my knees. I let them slide down to my feet and stepped out of them. I'm sure I went hard instantly. Tim held the shaft of my cock in his hand as we both looked down and it. This felt so good, so right. Althought it was a dream of mine to be have guys see me naked and turned on by it, I wondered if I would feel awkward or maybe creeped out by it. No issues as all. It was a rush and I was totally comfortable. It felt natural and I was totally cool with it.

"I told you I was going to untie those later", I said. Tim withdrew his hand from my cock, giving access to the front of his Speedo which with his cock so hard, looked like it was about two sizes too small instead of what it normally did. I reached down and untied it. Then I reached around the back and gave his ass a squeeze. His cock twitched as I did that. I put my hands between his butt and the Speedo and slid it off him. As I pulled it down I bent my knees and got a close up look at his cock. This is the first hard cock I've had in front of me, just for me. It was awesome to look at. It was almost perfectly straight with a slight curve up, where my own makes a slight curve to the left. His balls hung a little lower I think than mine. As I stood up I cupped his balls in my hand gently and then moved my hand to his hard shaft. Tim's eyes closed as I stroked him a little and he put his hand back on my hard cock.

"I need to clean you off after that swim", he said and grabbed the bar of soap. Tim started lathering me up with soap and rubbing his hands all over my body. I took the bar from him and then did the same. Our hands eventually went to each others cocks. I also rubbed my hands all over his body. I wanted to feel his arms, his shoulders, his chest, his butt. After a little bit he grabbed my hands and stopped me. "I just want to look at you", he said. He pushed me under the shower head and stepped to the back of the shower. I was so hard already, but there was energy in his eyes, a hunger to look at my body and that just increased the state of my arousal. I tried to smile coyly as he looked at me, turning around a few times and flipping my head back under the showerhead, closing my eyes to let him look at me without my seeing where he was looking. This was such a turn on, such a rush. "You're loving showing off for me aren't you?", he asked. I nodded and he smiled. Tim sure had my number - don't know how he figured it out, but he did.

I stepped out from under the shower head, grabbed the soap and lathered up again. My cock was wanting a release soon and I decided to make a move. I lathered him up a bit more too. Again our hands got to each others cocks. I was leaning up against the back wall of the shower. Tim was leaning into me, bracing himself against the wall with his left arm and we stroked each other. Occasionally he would take his hand off the wall and to my chest or down to my stomach, but he kept pumping my cock. I either had my eyes closed or was looking into his. How intense this was, it was like I was in a trance. As Tim jacked my cock and I jacked his, I thought about my walking across the pool deck last Saturday with all the people watching. I thought about Tim checking me out in the sauna an hour earlier and I thought about Tim checking me out in the shower only minutes ago. Those thoughts, the hardness of his cock in my hand and the stroking he was doing to me was too much. "Tim, I'm gunna cum soon", I said. "Yea", was all he managed to get out as he exahaled a short breath.

Not long after that we both came. I blew first and him very soon afterwards. It was so intense - like nothing I had experienced before, and so many waves of it. I had never been that charged up sexually, ever. It was a total rush to be checked out like that, knowing that it was my body which was turning Tim on so much and to have had all that building and gotten off on it was simply amazing. Tim must have cum onto my chest and stomach cause it was covered with cum and I'm pretty sure I didn't shoot there. Mine landed mostly between his navel and his cock. He grabbed a bunch of my cum off his stomach and rubbed it on my chest and I did the same to him with his cum. As our hardons went into semis, we lathered up again rinsed off our cum. As I stepped out of the shower to dry off Tim was checking me out again, smiling and biting his lower lip as he did.

Me: "I want to do more Tim."

Tim: "I do too".

Again, if you're digging this, let me know!

Next: Chapter 5

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