Steps to Sucking Cock

By Victoria Boy

Published on Aug 21, 2003


Steps to Sucking Cock


comments & gifts (yeah right) welcome M/m/M+, dorms, oral, mild domination, one way sex. Part 7

Brad had called Sam to let him know what was going on. Sam was quite excited, and Brad said he couldn't wait to visit again. That night Brad told me I should head out tomorrow and get some more condoms. He also suggested I get the unlubricated ones, or I could try flavored ones if I wanted. Between second and third class I went over to Shopper's and looked around. One of the clerks helped me out, and asked what I was looking for--he was a guy I had seen around campus before but we didn't know each other. I explained I needed some unlubricated condoms, and blushed as I told him. He smiled and laughed: "Blow job condoms! Getting head is noting to be embarrassed about--they're over here," he said as he took me over one aisle. "One night stand or a regular thing?" "What?!?" I asked, so embarrassed. "Do you want a small box or a big box." "Small box please." "No problem. I tell ya, blow jobs are great--better than screwing if you ask me." I hadn't asked him, but just nodded for fear of being discovered. "Head is all about the guy--just having your dick sucked on `till you cum. Too bad about the rubbers, bareback is the way to go for head. Enjoy the condoms!" The clerk walked away giving me a big smile. I wanted to disappear. The second I got back to the dorm room Brad noticed the bag from Shopper's. "Great! I have been looking forward to this all day!" He stood and started taking his pants off. I walked over and sat in the chair. "I'd like to sit this time, if you don't mind." He sat down, spread his legs, and I knelt in front of him. I grasped his cock and started stroking it to make sure it was hard. Brad interrupted. "Get one of the condoms out." I did, and opened the package. I took the condom out and rolled it down his erection. He reached back and took my head in his hand, guiding it down to his cock. I think he knew it would make it easier for me to start if he pulled me down. There was no pre-tense of just licking his cock this time. Brad pulled my head down so that his dick was at least three inches in right off the bat. I just sat there for the first minute, and then started slowly bobbing up and down. I hadn't noticed Brad's hands had been folded behind his head, and I was sucking cock all on my own. I kept going, unaided and unprompted: just there sucking cock. "This is so much better," Brad moaned as I continued. "Take some more," he said as he thrust forward ever so slightly. His cock hit the back of my mouth after he started jumping up from the chair a little more each time. Eventually, I gagged and came up to re-evaluate the situation. I looked up at Brad who looked like he was just emerging from a great dream. "Don't stop," was all he managed to say as I went back to sucking him off. At this point, I could tell he wouldn't last long. I closed my eyes (which had been open to this point) and worked on making Brad cum. As he started to moan a little more, I opened my eyes again, and watched his dick and stomach as he went through an orgasm. I had learned from last time not to stimulate his dick much after he had made his first few shots, so I just sat there and rested. Eventually, he started to move and I sensed it was time for me to come off his dick. I did as he was standing up, holding is dick directly over top of me. "Take it off," he said again, and I pulled the condom off to drain on my face. I had figured out that after he came, if I pushed all the cum to the reservoir at the end and then pinched it off, there was hardly any jizz on left on the head of Brad's cock. He still didn't like any cum to be touching him, and pointed that out every chance he got.

The first box of six condoms did not last two more days. Brad had me blow him four more times in the dorm room, and called me to meet him in a class--sucking him under the professor's desk. That time he had me take the condom off, tie it up, and take it home. I walked the whole way home feeling the hot wet cum all tied in a little bag in my jacket pocket. I passed some people from our building, and am glad they did not see my erection.

The clerk at the store recognized me the next day when Brad sent me to get more condoms. This time he suggested I get a bigger box, and I walked away with the "economy" pack of twenty-four. As I left the store, I did the math and figured out twenty-four condoms would hardly last seven to eight days. Brad got me started the second I arrived back at our room and two more times before he went to bed.

About four condoms into that second box, Brad stopped me as I was rolling a condom on his dick. "I want to feel a little bit of your lips on my dick. Let's just let the bottom end stayed rolled up this time." I rolled the condom about two-thirds the way down his cock, and found that my lips met his bare skin when I went down most of the way. Brad kept pushing my head a little bit down so that he could feel my lips, and I kept coming up for air.

As this motion repeated, the condom would roll up ever so slightly. I could distinctly feel the inside of my lips surrounding his shaft for at least the bottom two-thirds of his cock. Brad rested his hands on my head, and held me still with his cock deep in my mouth. I moved my tongue slightly around inside my mouth, and could feel the rolled up rubber along his shaft. I could taste his skin where it was bare. Brad moved one hand so he could trace my lips surrounding his cock with one finger. He traced all the way around, and then traced my lips back, obviously pleased I made a good seal.

Brad resumed his thrusting and I resumed my sucking. The thrusting became harder, and I heard Brad tell me he was going to cum. He said it again as I looked up at his face. He was looking down at me, and was in direct eye contact as I felt his dick begin to spasm in my mouth.

I arrived home from dinner one night and Brad had still not returned from main campus. I had become used to him coming home straight after class to blow a load, and then returning if he wanted to study. He had called and left a message. On the machine he told me that he was studying for a quiz the next day, but was having trouble concentrating. He wanted me to come by the library, and to make sure I brought one of the condoms with me. When I arrived at the library I found Brad in his usual spot, but the rest of the library was virtually deserted. After we said "Hi," he immediately asked if I had the condom. I nodded, and he said, "Thank god! I so need some head." I asked if we should go to the washroom, but he said we could do it right there. He said it was quiet, and we would be able to hear if anyone was near by. I was objecting, saying it was too dangerous, but when he pushed his chair back I began to kneel in front of him. I reached up to his zipper, and pulled it down, rubbing my hand against his already hard cock. I was still saying this wasn't right--a classroom was one thing because it had doors, but this was just too much. As I was making this argument, I had fished out his cock and began to play with it. Brad told me to get the condom, and I opened the package. The condom was rolled down about half way when Brad stopped me, and I could tell he wanted it left partly up. I leaned forward and started sucking his dick. He was excited by the situation, and was doing his best to keep quiet as I manipulated his cock. I was nervously sucking away when I felt Brad suddenly move, and try to sit up. Before I knew what was going on, he was pushing me off his dick, and had a book covering his crotch. I looked up to see a lady reach the top of the stairs. I wiped the drool from my lips. The lady paid us no attention before she found a row to disappear down. Brad and I looked at each other, and Brad was trying not to laugh. The lady left the row with a book and went down the stairs. We watched her go down and start walking on the level below us. Brad let out a laugh as he pulled the book away from his crotch and my head back to his cock. I quickly had this dick back in my mouth and it only took a few moments for him to cum. Again, I removed the condom and Brad had me tie it for when I got home.

Next: Chapter 8

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