Steps to Sucking Cock

By Victoria Boy

Published on Aug 23, 2003


Steps to Sucking Cock


comments & gifts (yeah right) welcome M/m/M+, dorms, oral, mild domination, one way sex. Part 8

Rolling up the condom was great for Brad, but soon he had another suggestion that would keep the rolled up part out of the way. Before I rolled the rubber on him one day, he presented me with some scissors, and had me cut the bottom of the condom off. When I finally got his dick into the rubber, it only stretched down about one-third of his dick. Brad said this would be much better because my mouth would be able to slide up and down without having to bump over the rolled up rubber. After trying this for a while, I found Brad was right. It also started Brad into a little bit more face fucking. He would hold my head still and thrust his dick in and out, as if he were fucking a girl's pussy. I was a little afraid the condom would get stuck in the back of my throat and I would choke to death. As time went on, Brad had me cut more and more of the condom off. Soon I was cutting them so they only passed the head of his dick by about a half-inch. This pleased Brad immensely. He was getting a lot more feeling when more of his skin was bare in my mouth, and he didn't have any of the inconvenience of the rolled up condom. Taking one of the used condoms off was tricky without spilling any of Brad's seed. It was OK in the dorm room, but when Brad had me suck him at the library or in one of the classrooms there was hardly enough rubber to use to tie it up with. The second on campus blowjob with a cut condom was in a classroom, and I was just holding the condom in my pocket because I could not tie it. I didn't even make it out of the building when I started to spill some cum on my fingers. I ducked into one of the bathrooms and decided to take care of business right there. The box of twenty-four condoms did not last long. Including the previous box of six, and Brad's single donation of one, I had given Brad over thirty blowjobs in two weeks. The clerk at Shopper's noticed how many condoms I was buying as well. The clerk told me he never had seen a guy get as much head as I was getting. Only if he knew. I walked away with another box of two-dozen.

Sam called one night while I was working on Brad's dick. Brad rested kept my head on his cock with one hand while he answered the phone with the other. He talked with Sam for a few minutes while I kept sucking. From the one side of the conversation I could tell that Sam had guessed what I was doing. I could also tell that Sam was going to visit on the weekend, and could hardly wait to get a blowjob. Brad told Sam he was going to hang up so he could blow his load.

That Friday Sam arrived as promised. He couldn't have been in the door two minutes before he cut to the chase and said he wanted to be sucked off. He was looking at Brad when he said that, so Brad looked over at me, then at the drawer where I kept the condoms. When I went over to the drawer, Sam started to strip naked. I turned around to see him propping up the pillows on my bed, and sitting over the covers looking over himself to where I was to crawl up. I took my position, and opened the condom package to place on his dick. He stopped me as I brought the condom to his cock saying, "Hey now, Brad said you cut it off so just the end is covered. I want that!" I went back to the drawer to get the scissors, and cut the bottom off and went back to Sam. He could hardly contain his excitement as I put the condom on.

"This is going to be great." He watched intently as I placed the cock in my mouth for the first time.

Sam acted quite hyper as I gave him his first blowjob, but he enjoyed every part of the experience. He kept saying things like "Yeah," "Suck it," or "Blow me." As he started to get close he told me he was going to cum, and then started moaning loudly. I was concerned that people in the hall would be able to hear Sam's groans as he blew his load. I waited with his dick in my mouth for a minute until he told me that was enough.

I had started to take the condom off Sam's dick when Brad told me to make sure I didn't spill anything. I carefully removed the rubber, and Sam just sat back in utter exhaustion. Brad had me hold Sam's load in the rubber with one hand as I fished out his cock from his pants with the other. I then got a new condom, opened it, cut it, and put it on Brad's dick without spilling any of Sam's cum. I then took Brad's penis in my mouth and sucked him off while feeling the warm load in my hand. I must have been working extra hard on Brad as he only lasted five minutes before he came hard in the condom. With the difficulty in cutting Brad's condom while holding Sam's, I had cut it quite short. The short condom combined with Brad's big load made just a tiny bit of Brad's semen seep out of the rubber into my mouth. I thought I could taste something, but didn't realize it until after Brad had taken his dick out of my mouth and had me dump the condom on my face.

Sam was amazed that I would not only suck a dick, but then take cum from the rubber and dump it on my face. Apparently this had not been discussed on the phone. Brad explained that he didn't like to touch his cum, but he sure didn't want it to go to waste in a rubber. Brad then had me add Sam's load to the mix, and I had forgotten how much cum two guys our age could produce.

After a few seconds of smelling cum I realized that it was also the taste I had after I sucked Brad's dick. It was as I was making this connection that Brad and Sam left to go get a bite to eat.

While I was sucking their dicks that weekend, and I sucked them lots that weekend, Brad discovered that I would always cut the second condom shorter than the first. Brad and Sam reasoned that it must be because I was turned on after sucking the first dick, so they started having me cut the first condom for their next session before letting me masturbate. I was cutting the condoms short^×just barely covering the head of their dicks. Sam had a little bit of loose skin that would come up around the outside of the condom so I couldn't even feel the seam of the rubber on his dick. I also was sure I could taste a tiny bit of seepage from the condoms after each blowjob. The condoms were so short it was difficult to keep their loads contained in the rubber while I was sucking the second dick. Condom usage went way up during that weekend too. I was sucking two guys off each time, and the number of times per day was way up compared to when it was just Brad. By mid day Saturday it became obvious that there were not going to be enough condoms to last the weekend, so Brad had me go to Shoppers again. That same damn clerk was working, and he could not believe I was out of condoms again. He joked that I must be supplying the whole floor with both my rubbers and my girl. I wished he would not talk to me. He also told me that for the cost alone I should ditch the rubbers and start making her swallow. I never wanted to return to that store again.

For the last set of blowjobs before Sam left, Brad was the first one getting sucked off. I had my eyes open as I watched Brad work his dick in and out of my mouth over and over. It took about twenty minutes, as it was probably Brad's tenth blowjob since Sam arrived. For the last two minutes of sucking Brad also rode my face a little harder than usual, and hand his hands holding my ears when he finally blew his load. He controlled my pace as he came, and held me still after he finished. Just before removing his dick, Brad slowly made one last thrust deep into my mouth, pushing the condom and the cum there contained against the back of my mouth. The pressure was too much and I could definitely taste a good amount of Brad's cum escape from the rubber. I was too panicked to take any action to stop this, and do not remember spitting anything out after. I guess I thought I could avoid acknowledging the situation by pretending it had not happened. When I had the condom off, I could tell it contained about a third of the normal amount of sperm Brad usually deposited.

Sam also rode my face hard, and kept talking to Brad while I sucked his dick. Sam kept saying how good I was, and how Brad should bring me over to the mainland. Sam said the guys on his floor were open minded, and could all use some good head. The whole time I sucked Sam I could taste Brad in my mouth. I sucked hard and Sam had what he described as a great orgasm.

Next: Chapter 9

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