Steps to Sucking Cock

By Victoria Boy

Published on Aug 27, 2003


Steps to Sucking Cock


comments & gifts (yeah right) welcome M/m/M+, dorms, oral, mild domination, one way sex. Part 9

The pre-cutting of the condoms continued through the next few days. There was no mistaking that I could taste something after each time Brad came, but I was rationalizing that it could be pre-cum, and that I was not actually drinking sperm. At the time I viewed that as the line between gay and experimenting. That was not always where the line had been, but every time I thought I had it defined, Brad would help to blur it with a little justification. One night I had to go out and work on a project with some classmates in the evening. Brad and I ran into each other in the cafeteria, and Brad hinted that he wanted some head after dinner. I explained that I had a friend stopping by to pick me up, but he figured we still had time if we hurried. Shortly thereafter we were back in the dorm room and I was fixing the rubber cap on the head of Brad's dick. I knew my friend was to be by to pick me up in only fifteen minutes so I did not waste any time. As I was sucking, Brad told me he had a great idea, and the said he would share with me a little later. Brad was not putting much effort in, and just sat there to let me do all the work. Work I did, bobbing hard, using my tongue well, and playing with his balls, ass cheeks, and inner thigh. I was working hard when I heard my friend call from the ground through the open window. We were on the second floor and the building had no intercom, so people just walked below your room and yelled. I froze, not knowing what to do. Brad smoothed things over by yelling down to my friend that I was just using the can and would be down in a minute. I started pulling back to get going, but Brad just pushed me down on his cock again. He started doing a little riding of my face, and only a minute or two later blew his load. I quickly removed his condom, spilling a little on my hand, and Brad gave me a little cup to put it in. He told me to save it for when I got home. I was headed out the door when Brad told me I hadn't cut the next condom yet. I quickly ran over and cut the rubber, and dashed out the door. When I got outside I found my friend talking to Brad who was hanging out our window up above. As we walked away, Brad asked if we were going near Shopper's. I prayed he was not going to ask me to buy condoms. Thank god he did not. Instead I was to pick up some Listerine mouthwash. On the way home from my project I stopped in the Shopper's and was pleased to find out the clerk from before was not working. I made a mental note to buy all future condoms at half past two in the morning. I bought the Listerine and headed back to the dorms. When I got back, Brad was fast asleep and snoring loudly. Brad had left me a note saying he had a quiz in the morning and needed some sleep, asking if I could be quiet as I got ready for bed. The cup and used condom from a few hours before held the note in place. The end of the note had a P.S. of "happy wanking."

In the morning I woke up as Brad returned to the room from his morning shower. I half listened and half watched him walk around the room, totally naked, getting ready for his day. Brad was not hard, but did have a little bit of "fill" to his cock. When he was pausing to look at himself in the mirror, or to pick his clothes, he would touch or hold his dick with one hand, and became about one quarter aroused.

At one point he looked over at me and stared for a second. To cover my spying on him I pretended to be just waking up. I don't think he bought it, but he didn't make a fuss. Instead he told me he was glad I was awake because he could sure use a blowjob before his quiz. I looked at him a little funny and he walked over to the bed, grabbing the already cut condom off the dresser. By the time he was standing in front of me he was three-quarters hard, and rising quickly. He handed me the condom tip while I was still in bed and he stood close to the head of the bed so I wouldn't have to get up. I reached for his dick, put the condom on, and slowly took his dick in my mouth.

I sucked Brad for at least five minutes--maybe longer--before he really got into it and started pushing back to my sucking mouth. He said something to me, but I was too caught up in sucking to understand. He repeated, "Did you buy the Listerine?" I did my best to grunt my confirmation. Brad said "Good," drifting off into and orgasm "very good... ughhh... ... yeah." He started to cum and I sat there feeling his dick pulse and quiver in my mouth.

As his orgasm passed, I was moving my tongue around the head of his penis, feeling the border between bare dick and the covered head. As I was doing this, Brad leaned forward again and I felt a definite gush of a bit of his cum escaping the condom and entering my mouth. I closed my eyes as this happened, but did nothing to stop it. Again I reasoned that it would do no good to say anything to Brad as what was done was done, and if I said something I would just be admitting that I had swallowed some of his sperm.

Brad let his dick soften a little more in my mouth, pulled back for me to remove the condom, then got dressed and left. I was wide-awake, fully aroused with Brad's used condom in one hand, the taste of his dick in my mouth, and my own cock in the other hand.

Next: Chapter 10

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