Steve and Steve

By Steve J

Published on Apr 22, 2006


Disclosure: The following rambling journal is a true (names changed) account of my own personal experiences. It is not my intent to offend or to challenge anyone with my narrative. I just thought it might be interesting to share my thoughts with this forum which I have viewed with enthusiasm for a few years. I am not gay, but I enjoy all kinds of erotica, especially descriptions of men enjoying their sexuality. Please do not read this if you are offended by descriptions of sex.


Steve and I had just returned to my living room from an interrupted jerk-off session in my shower, and we were pretty sexed up. We dropped onto the air mattress to continue watching porno, and were gently jacking each other's cocks. Steve had earlier expressed some frustrations and mixed emotions about our sexual explorations, but our conversation had reassured him (and me!) that what we were doing was special and cool. Our secret pact from high school was reaffirmed and Steve had come out of his shell.

"If the stuff in high school was okay, do you think its okay to continue experimenting?" he asked, looking at me with one raised eyebrow.

"Let's say that `anything that goes on between us stays between us...' I started.

"...'and anything that we're not comfortable with we can just say "no" to...'" he finished.

I agreed, and before I'd finished nodding Steve pushed me back on the mattress and lowered himself to my pulsing cock...

Steve & Steve, Part 7

Steve's right hand had a firm grip on my shaft which he held away from my abdomen. As I flopped back onto the mattress my cock was left behind, sticking up out of his fist, it's purple head swollen and leaking a large amount of pre-cum. Steve slowly slipped himself down on the mattress until his mouth was inches away from my swollen shaft. He paused for a couple of seconds and time slowed down as his tongue traced around his lips a couple of times, making them wet and shiny. Then, turning his eyes up to look at me, he dropped his mouth over the head of my cock. I stopped breathing as his warm breath and hot mouth suckled on my dick. His lips had closed around the cock head, and as he sucked I felt his tongue first tentatively flicking and circling over its top, and then more assertively exploring my cock head and piss slit. He then slowly backed off my cock, which emerged with its head nice and shiny; a drop of pre-cum latched onto his lips, and stretched away from my cock head before breaking and falling onto his chin. His tongue darted out and swiped it up, and Steve finally broke his gaze from mine and turned his eyes to stare at my cock.

I let out a long sigh and shivered a bit as my body started to breathe again. Steve didn't move his hand or face at all, and just held my cock with his fist and stared. It was like he was seeing a cock for the first time, and it was probably the first time he'd seen one so close. I too watched as my cock swelled and twitched in reaction to the cleaning his mouth had provided. I had never had a blow job before, and this new sensation nearly blew my mind and my load. Another large drop of pre-cum oozed out of my cock. Steve pulled his grip up my shaft and watched the drop ooze out of my piss slit, and then licked his tongue across the head to collect it and savor it.

"What does it taste like?" I asked.

"It doesn't really have much of a taste" he said, thoughtfully. "Kind of salty, I guess." And then he took me back into his mouth. I rolled my head back in ecstasy, feeling his warm wetness again envelope my cock head. After sucking and licking around my head his lips inched down my shaft until about half of my cock was twitching and jerking in his mouth. Splaying his hands together at the base of my shaft he started to bob up and down on the end of my dick, his tongue running up and down the underside of my cock. His moist mouth lubricated my shaft with each pass, leaving it shiny and wet. With each bob his lips traveled further and further down the shaft, the line of wetness getting closer and closer to my pubes. I let out a moan as his nose started tickling my pubes and another when my cock head started to pass into his throat. Something about the position of his head or the hardness of my erection made it impossible for him to swallow the last couple of inches of my cock, but he tried a few more times to deep throat me before pulling back and sucking on the head again. His hands pumped my well-lubricated cock while his lips and tongue teased the head. A couple of times he licked the length of my shaft right down to the base, and even licked and sucked on my ball sack.

Having my cock sucked felt awesome, and after the initial surge of feeling and tension, my penis started to have a kind of warm tingling sensation. Steve alternately sucked and licked my cock, then paused to jerk a few times and lick off any pre-cum he could find before continuing to suck. He was clearly fascinated by the act of sucking a cock for the first time and was in some kind of trance. With a bit more determination he tried to deep-throat me. It felt great having the head of my cock forced to the back of his mouth and I tried to help him by gently thrusting my hips up. This only caused him to gag a bit, so when he pulled away to recover I rolled around on the mattress to put us in a sixty-nine position. My thinking was that the upward angle of my cock pointing back at him would make it easier to get it down his throat, but the new position had another obvious advantage. My mouth was now level with Steve's thick and dripping log.

"May I...?" I asked, gripping his cock in my hand. He had been leaking a large amount of pre-cum and some more dripped out when I squeezed him. Steve answered by sliding his hips closer to my face, pressing his cock against my cheek. Waiting no further I decided to copy Steve's technique, and gently licked at the head. He hissed as my tongue rubbed around his huge helmet, and tickled his piss slit. His cock felt so hot, and the bitter saltiness of his slippery pre-cum coated my tongue. I savored the unique qualities of his taste before lathering his shaft with my tongue. Satisfied that it was well lubricated I opened my mouth to engulf the head. It was a bit of a stretch; the extra thickness of Steve's large dick made it difficult to accommodate, especially as I had never tried this before. Steve complained a bit when the underside of his head got snagged on my teeth, and asked me to open my mouth wider. I tried but couldn't, so just kept on licking at the head, sometimes "kissing" it to suck as much of it into my mouth as possible without risking contact with my teeth. He didn't say anything, but his cock swelled noticeably and leaked a steady stream of pre-cum so I figured I was doing alright.

Steve brought his mouth back down my shaft until the head was pushing against his throat and then did something I couldn't see (it felt like he'd opened his mouth real wide, but his lips never left my shaft) and I felt myself slide down his neck. His lips reached the base of my cock and I felt the tip of his tongue poking at my ball sack before he pulled back a bit. He started going down on me very slowly and it got easier to pass his tonsils each time. Gradually he sped up his movements, and before long he was bobbing up and down the length of my pole, and his tongue started to assault my cock head. He was a natural cock sucker, and I felt my cock start to swell up and my balls start to tighten.

"Let me know when you're going to shoot," he said while pausing to pump my cock. His saliva had totally saturate my cock and balls and I heard the "schlep, schlep, schlep" sound that his practiced hand made and I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

"I'm going to cum if you keep on pumping like that" I told him and he immediately let go of my cock and started to tongue my balls. First he paddled them around from side to side, and then started to suck and lick each one. I felt them loosen up a bit as his tongue lathered them and renewed my pumping of his cock. Making sure that his shaft and balls were well-coated with spit I started to pump him hard. His shaft was so thick I was amazed that I could produce enough saliva to keep him lubricated. As my hand traveled up his shaft I watched as his cock head would swell and stretch out again, the piss slit opening and closing with each pumping. I was enjoying the taste and sensation of licking his pre-cum, and also enjoyed the way his body squirmed when I circled my tongue around the swollen glans. Moving my left hand down beneath his nuts, I started to press against his prostrate at the root of his shaft. This new combination of my licking and pumping and pressing got him hotter, and I could actually see his balls tighten up.

Feeling my own orgasm building I pushed back on his hips to force him onto his back, and then straddled his face so his mouth was directly beneath my cock and balls. Looking down I watched him direct my cock into his mouth and I moved my hips forward slowly until my cock bottomed out in his throat.

Seeing my swollen cock buried in his mouth was more than I could take and my cock started pulsing and twitching. He felt my cock head swell and I told him to watch out as my cock started spewing its load. Releasing my cock from his mouth, he used his lips to jack the underside of my cock as my orgasm continued, the cum shooting hard and falling mostly on his chest and abs. Still in the clutches of my orgasm I slammed my fist down hard on Steve's cock, pressing down against his balls and forcing it to swell up to its maximum size. Then, careful to stretch my lips over my teeth I rammed as much of his cock into my mouth as I could, taking it all the way to the back of my mouth. With no warning I felt the first thick shot of Steve's cum blast into my mouth. Its volume and strength surprised me and I pulled off his cock and pumped my fist up and down to draw out his orgasm. The second shot went up, over my shoulder and landed on my back. The next two caught me in the face, and the rest more or less stuck to his cock, and I was quick to work it into his shaft with my strokes. Swallowing the cum in my mouth I started to lick at his cock head but he pushed me back, the intensity of feelings too much now that his orgasm had finished.

I rolled back onto my side, and we both lay together panting and reveling in the afterglow, our hands still gently caressing each others cocks, our bodies coated in sweat.

"What do you say to Tracy after she gives you head?" I asked him.

"Thanks!" he answered.

"Well, thanks back!" I said. "That was incredible. How did you learn to suck cock like that?"

"I just know what feels good and feels bad. Believe me, I'm always trying to teach Tracy how to do it better. Like using her teeth; she used to do that too, but she's better now."

I apologized and promised to try harder to which he replied by sucking my semi-hard cock right down to the base again, then saying "practice makes perfect."

We hadn't noticed that the video had ended and the player had turned itself off. Our first cock-sucking session had taken almost 2 hours, and I was totally exhausted. Steve cleaned the cum off his chest with some Kleenex and I went to brush my teeth. His cum had tasted good in my mouth, but had become unpleasantly bitter. It was different than mine which always tasted sweet and never had an aftertaste. I wondered if every guys' cum tasted different, just like fingerprints are unique. Saying goodnight I collapsed in bed, and didn't move or feel anything until noon the next day. When I woke up, Steve was already gone. He left a note saying that he had some errands, but that he'd pick up some food for us later. It was Sunday, and I had to work the afternoon at one of my other jobs, waiting tables at a hotel restaurant. My jaw ached from the night before. I wondered if I could exercise the muscles in my jaw to eventually take Steve's cock down my throat, like he did for me. During my break I swiped a couple of bananas from the buffet and, hiding in the toilet, practiced sucking on them. Just thinking about sucking on Steve's cock got me excited, but I couldn't get past my gag reflex.

Steve picked up some take-out and we joked around a bit while eating dinner (he gave a blow-job to one of his dinner rolls) but we didn't fool around that night. He was anxious to get a good night's sleep before his interview, and my first exam was at ten o'clock. We showered (separately) and went to bed early. At breakfast Steve didn't say much, but he was never a morning person. He promised to call me when he got back home to let me know how his interview went, and I wished him good luck. The next time I saw him was about six weeks later, during my summer vacation, and I used the interval to practice my oral techniques...

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Next: Chapter 8

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