Steve Recaptured

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 2, 2023


The time steve spent with Vic had been good. Vic was a very demanding Master, which suited steve: the firmer the hand, the harder the discipline, the better. steve had very specific tasks, both sexual and non-sexual. He had to take care of laundry, and to make sure that the refrigerator was stocked with food and beer. Sexually? Well, since Vic mostly worked from home, while steve went to work, Vic was almost always ready for the sexual gratification of one of steve's blow jobs. He wasn't even supposed to ask: he'd kneel in front of Vic, put his hands behind his back and wait for Vic to unzip his pants. On those rare occasions that Vic did NOT want to be sucked off, he'd raise steve by grabbing his nipples, and order him to get the humbler, or the handcuffs, or something that would keep steve in bondage for at least an hour. Vic shaved him every two weeks: all over. Getting almost nightly blow jobs was far from sufficient for Vic's huge sexual appetite, and steve could count on a good ass fucking at least 4-5 times a week. If Vic were under a deadline and was especially stressed, it could go to 7-8, because Vic would fuck him more than twice on the weekends.

Vic also paid attention to how steve reacted to whatever he did to him. That's how he learned that there was a small spot on steve's neck that reacted especially strongly to his goatee, and that he could get steve to "fly at full mast" as he put it, by chewing on steve's chin, whether steve was tied down (most of the time), or not.

It might surprise that Vic did not use chastity. Instead, he would check on what fluid or stains were in steve's jock (only jocks: no briefs or boxers) and, depending on what he found, punish steve. Sometimes it was the hitachi for a half hour or more, sometimes clamps for the same period, sometimes both. steve was ALWAYS gagged when Vic was using him, and the type of gag he used, varied on his mood. steve was quite fond of the tight tape gags Vic used, but gagging him was another way to get him hard - and Vic noticed.

There were other things that Vic did to keep steve in line, and you'll hear about them as we go along. One thing he COULDN'T control, however, was steve's wishes, which grew stronger, to be on top for at least a little while, or at least to have a "boy's night out" one night a week when he could do whatever he wanted to do, with whomever he wanted to do it. Vic vetoed each one of those requests: they just pissed him off, which usually resulted in an ass flogging before a fucking. It was the last flogging, that was so severe steve literally couldn't sit at his desk for two days, that pushed steve to the point where he left.

"You never stop being a sub, steve. Just remember that. You're leaving because I'm letting you leave. If I decide I want you back, I'm taking you just like I took you the first time. And you'll do it willingly." steve just answered "yes sir," but a shiver went up his spine. He had learned enough about Vic to know that he carried grudges, and he liked to cause pain. He also knew that the sex he had had with Vic was exponentially better than any he had ever had bottoming, and he hoped that he would half as satisfying to the men he would be topping as Vic had been to him. But, overriding all of that, was the wish to be off on his own.

steve had gone out the night Vic retook him, planning to bring some guy back home and stretch him out, maybe put a ball spreader on him, some clamps, and torment him for about two hours until he fucked him. He couldn't help but remember when Vic had done the same things to him and that thought was making him hard. He tamped them down. "You're a TOP tonight, steve-O. A DOMINANT top." He finished dressing in a black t shirt, his black jeans and his leather jacket, and headed off to the bar. He had been working out - he had always worked out, but Vic had pushed his workouts to another level, and his biceps showed well when he threw the jacket over his shoulder, and his belly was flat. He'd bring someone home that night. He knew it.

"You know who's here tonight, Steve? Vic." The news was like cold water hitting Steve in the face. He hadn't seen Vic since he had broken up their relationship. It was as if he and Vic had agreed to go to the bars on different nights. They never had, but it surprised Steve that he hadn't seen him since then. "He's here? Really?" "Yeah, I saw him go into the backroom with some cute blond thing. Probably a stock broker or someone like that who told his prissy wife he had to work late. " Steve laughed. "He really DID get into abusing that kind of guy. Pissed on them, everything." "Yeah, until he met you. You kinda tempered him." "Hey, Jeff, can we not talk about that tonight? Vic and I had something good but... it was limiting." "Sure thing. I just wanted you to know in case you need to make a quick exit. I heard he never quite accepted you leaving." Steve believed that very strongly. He thought about how Vic had made it as clear as he could that he would regard Steve as his sub forever. That was something he couldn't control. He walked around the bar, looking for someone to take home and fuck. But... "DAMN." The thought of Vic, and their time together, was filling his brain. He wasn't looking at bottoms: he was looking at tops. He had tricked with some of them. Vic had been better. There were new ones. None appealed to him. He finally focused on a guy with salt and pepper hair, about 6'2", who was having his cock played with, through his dress pants, by a black haired leather man who was smiling. "I gotta get them separated," he thought to himself. Then, he felt the familiar arms grab him in a bear hug. "Well, well, well. Look who I found." He heard the rich baritone of Vic's voice and the strong grip that had kept him helpless so many times. "Vic! They told me you were here." "Now I know why I was. I didn't think I'd find you here." "Well, you did. Now, I'm gonna make a play for that silver fox so, if you'd let me go." Steve winced as he felt the goatee against his neck. "No, you're making a play for no one." Steve felt his arms pulled behind his back. "You're taking me back to your place and...." he whispered into Steve's ear. "I'm gonna show you I meant it when I said: you'll always be my sub."

Steve knew it would be pointless, but he squirmed in Vic's grip. "I'll bottom for you but I'm not going to be your sub ever again". Vic laughed. "Aw, Stevie Nips, you know that's not true. " Now Steve squirmed some more, and winced a little. "Stevie Nips" was a nickname that Vic had given him because he liked the band so much, and his tits were so sensitive. He used it because it reminded Steve of what he had been to Vic. "DON'T CALL ME THAT. THAT'S OVER!" VIc continued laughing and put his mouth over Steve's ear before he whispered: "Mancunt." He followed that with a lick across the entire ear, and Steve was done. "Mancunt" was a trigger word for him: he knew it was accurate. All the playing at being a top, all the posturing, fake. He WAS a mancunt, and no one had brought out that part of him the way Vic did. His stopped struggling.

"Ok, Vic. You got me" he said resignedly. "GOOD BOY. You got toys at your place?" Vic had a strand of rope that he was winding around steve's wrists. steve felt his cock began to stiffen as VIc pulled the rope tight. "I have some, not the collection you do.... Sir" "We'll make tonight work. Then tomorrow we'll be back at my place. Enough living on your own. Time to get back to normal. " steve gulped, but he didn't resist. "Yes sir. I understand."

"Hmmm. Place is pretty nice for a sub shack" Vic smiled and rubbed his hand over steve's ass as they entered steve's apartment. "I'll untie you so you can get outta that jacket - it's pretty sexy though - then you're gonna sit so I can get to work. " Vic undid the ropes, but held onto one of steve's wrists all the way through, and kept very close behind him as steve doffed the jacket. Vic knew what he was doing: he had handled reluctant subs before, and while he didn't get a sense of reluctance from steve, he wanted to make sure. And the thought of steve giving him an excuse to punish him... well, that was making VIC hard. "Should I take my t shirt off Sir?" steve asked before he sat down. Vic thought about that for a minute. He was considering finding a scissor and cutting small holes right over steve's nips, but ... he'd save that for another day. "Yeah, strip down. Let's see what my smooth sub has allowed his body to do." The "gulp" that rose from steve was loud. He hadn't shaved since he got away from Vic, and his chest was covered with hair. "My my my. So much like a topman bear," Vic spoke as he bound steve at the wrists, and at the thighs. "I'll take care of that later this weekend. For now, push out that chest and tell me where your clamps are." "On the bed table Sir. Right out in view." "AH. So they are. And they're GOOD ones. At least you remember quality is important, steve." As Vic moved over to the table, he saw a used jock on the floor. He got just a little more aroused. He came back with both. "Open your mouth, mancunt." When steve did, Vic rolled up the jock and stuffed it in steve's mouth. He looked around and found a big handkerchief that he used to hold the jock in steve's mouth. Then he began rolling steve's nips in his fingers, getting them "tenderized" as he put it, before he put on the clamps. steve's eyes widened as Vic opened the clamps. He had used them on a few bottoms, but he had never tried them on himself. The howls from the guys he used them on had been music to his ears. Now, as the first one closed on his right nip, he tried to scream and could only hear the muffled sound of pain that came out of the gag. A light seemed to turn on in Vic's eyes. He tweaked steve's left nip before he put on the second one.

"KEEP EM POINTED STEVIE NIPS. " "mmmmmmmmmsir" steve moaned , as he pushed his chest forward. He knew what was about to happen, as Vic began slowly twisting the clamps. "I think it's good that a sub gets some experience sowing his wild oats. Then he realizes...." He stopped and yanked the chain on the clamps, causing steve to try to scream. "ONCE A SUB ALWAYS A SUB. CONQUERED IS CONQUERED. DEFEATED IS DEFEATED ." tears were forming in steve's eyes over the pain, but his cock was getting harder and harder. Vic was wearing a loose pair of jeans, so he couldn't see it, but he knew: his former and now present Master, was getting harder and harder. When he closed his eyes, steve remembered the first time he had seen that thick piece of meat aiming for his ass. He was about to get it again. He thought.

Vic continued to play with steve's nipples for about 15 minutes. When he took the clamps off, and the blood rushed back, all steve could do was moan. He was exhausted. "You have ropes on the bed, stevie manbitch?" Vic had pulled steve's head back and stared down into his eyes. "mmmphhmmmm" "Heh heh. I guess that's a yes. Let's try them." He untied the restraints he had used on steve but he left the gag in. "On the bed. Gonna take you face up tonight. Next one.... Doggy style. " Once steve got on the bed, Vic pulled off his boots, his jeans, and then the black jock steve had worn. Vic began to laugh. "GEEZ. You went all in. Who'd you think you were gonna kid?" He took steve's balls in his hands. "You remember who these belong to?" steve shook his head yes. "They belong to me?" The affirmative shake was more vigorous. "How about this?" Vic reached underneath steve and fingered his hole. "Mine?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" "NO ONE ELSE goes in there. We clear on that, fucktoi?" More affirmative shakes. "Good. Because now... we can get started." Vic lowered his voice. "That fur IS going. This weekend. Manbitch. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" steve felt the tip of that thick cock at his ass. It was coated with pre-cum and it slid into steve's ass that showed how familiar Vic was with fucking him. "You know something stevie? You really COULD pass as a top. It's just that...." and Vic rammed in harder. "You're not. " steve's eyes began to roll in his head. It felt SO good as that cock probed him. Vic was experienced enough NOT to work on steve's nipples at that point, but he DID start gently running his goatee over each side of steve's neck. If working his tits could render steve helpless, playing with his neck and ears would make him surrender every single time. That's what happened that Friday night: his body relaxed completely, and Vic had easy passage for his whole dick, which was swallowed up by steve's eager hole. "What the hell was I thinking?" ran through steve's head. "THIS is where I belong. Underneath him. Serving him. " The thrusting from Vic was becoming harder and stronger. Vic had clearly been waiting for this for some time. Usually, he could control his orgasms, and keep steve on edge for up to an hour. Not tonight. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" he yelled as he shot hot, almost burning cum into steve's recaptured ass. "Please let me cum, Sir. Please let me cum," steve was trying to get out of the gag. Smiling, Vic pulled the gag out. "You got something to say, stevie nips?" "Yes sir...." steve breathed hard. "yes sir. Please. Please SIr. I'm so close. Please let me cum." steve's hips were thrusting desperately. "Well, let's see. I think a trade is proper. " Vic took steve's balls again. "If you wanna cum, you're gonna have to let me shave that chest with no trouble. No argument." steve caught his breath the best he could. He REALLY needed release and.. well, if he were going to go back to being a sub, he didn't have anything to say about this. "No trouble Sir. No argument. I'm your sub. You make the rules." Vic smiled. "You wanna do yourself or you want me to do you?" steve knew that Vic liked the control. "Please Sir. It's up to you but.... if I had anything to say about it, I'd like you to do it." Vic began slowly, running one of his long fingers underneath steve's dick and then running a circle around his cockhead. steve was groaning and gasping and when Vic took the stem of his cock in his hand and squeezed, well.... it was ripe fruit. "OH SHIT THANK YOU SIR THANK YOU...." steve's jizz spilled out all over his bound body. He smiled, and Vic covered steve's lips with his. "Back to where you belong, stevie. My property." He leaned back in to whisper into steve's ear. "Mancunt. Manbitch."

Next: Chapter 3

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