Steve Recaptured

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 15, 2023


"Good morning," steve gave a pained smile to Wyatt, as he pulled out his chair to sit down. Wyatt responded and smiled. He saw steve wincing as he sat down, but that was something he had gotten used to: steve always hurt on Mondays, because Vic had more access to him, and used him harder on Saturday and Sunday than the rest of the week combined. As steve moved into his seat, Wyatt saw the rings through the tight black jeans. That was something new: Vic hadn't been caging steve, so.

"Did you piss him off, steve? I can see that." steve smiled. "I'll explain everything to you. Just let me.... ease myself into the seat. " He winced some more. "DAMN. Have you ever been fucked by a pile driver cock and then a ten inch vibrator, with less than five minutes rest?" "Sounds hot" Wyatt tried to make a joke. "Yeah, I guess it is when it happens. Not the morning after. WOOOO. I may need to see if someone has a cushion. Cause there's probably more coming tonight." He smiled. "I guess this is what I asked for, huh?" "Seems like you got MORE than you asked for this weekend. What happened?" "I'll tell ya, since part of it involves you." "Oh, you brought up the threeway." "I did. It's a yes and a no. I'll explain."


It had been late Sunday afternoon/early Sunday evening when steve brought it up. He asked right after Vic had given him a brutally hard, long fuck. That fuck had come after Vic had spread eagled steve, naked, and had run the very sharp edge of a razor over his whole body very, VERY gently. It wasn't a shave: the touch was too light for that, but the edge was sharp and steve could feel it. His nerve endings were waking up, and he wanted to squirm but... with the blade passing over EVERY inch of his body, he had to try to keep very, VERY still. Vic did this while steve had on a set of nipple clamps. Vic wasn't cruel enough to pull the clamps, but that made staying still even harder. And it made steve harder. When Vic was finished passing the blade over steve's body: it took nearly an hour - he whispered in his husky voice: "You want my DICK in you stevie?" Why did he even ask? steve wondered. He knew it was going into him and he wanted it. He ALWAYS wanted it. No matter how much he hurt the next morning, he ALWAYS wanted Vic in him. "Yes sir. Please. I want your cock desperately. I need it. PLEEEASE" he whined. Vic chuckled as he untied the ankle restraints. The way he shoved steve's legs back let steve know that Vic was exceptionally horny that afternoon, and the fuck was going to be brutal. It was. Vic plunged ALL the way into steve at once. "OH SHIT SIR. " "QUIET SUB BOY. I GOT PLENT OF GAGS IF I NEED THEM." "Yes sir." steve pressed his lips together as he began to take the pounding. GOD Vic knew what he was doing. His dick had been big when it went in, and now, it seemed to be growing. How did he do that? And tonight, instead of what normally happened when steve took it all at once, Vic did NOT cum immediately. He was reaming steve, and he was reaming him good. "OH SHIT.." Vic smacked steve's balls. "I TOLD YOU TO KEEP QUIET." steve took a deep breath and struggled to keep his mouth closed. It was SO TOUGH. SO TOUGH. Finally, it happened, and the cascade of Vic's jizz began filling steve's hole. He wasn't sure if he could say anything, so he just twisted his head back and forth, whispering "thank you sir thank you sir thank you." Vic took a deep breath and paused for a minute. He hadn't spilled a single drop on steve's body, which was a disappointment to steve: he wouldn't get the cum massaged into his skin. Something was up though: Vic grabbed each ankle and retied steve in the spread eagle. That was unusual. steve couldn't remember a time when VIc had done that. "I'm not done with you steve. Just not sure what's next." He ran his hand over steve's chest, the clamps still in place. "Is there enough hair to justify another shave? Not sure. " He pulled the clamps and laughed. "I don't wanna cause an infection or anything like that. But let's see cause.... I feel like I'm going away from the table hungry." That's when steve asked. "Sir. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you something?" "You want me to do something in particular? Cause you know you don't have that right." "I know Sir. I know. But... I think I know the answer to this but.. Wyatt wanted to know: is there a possibility of a three way with us?" Vic sat back on his calves. He didn't expect this question. Wyatt was a "type" and he was cute, he just wasn't HIS type. But a threeway? Hmmm. "Well, let's put it this way, stud. I'm not against it, but it has to be done my way. How did you and Wyatt want to do it?" "Sir, what we thought was: he'd be on the bottom, I'd be fucking him, and you'd be on top of me, fucking me." "Sorta a steve sandwich huh?" "Well, yeah, I guess." "That's what I thought. That ain't happening. " He pulled the clamps harder. "I guess I wasn't clear about things. Or you just weren't listening. When I said you're my sub, that's absolute. He grabbed steve's cock and steve moaned. "This is here for one reason: my pleasure. That's it. And you are not gonna use it on any man, period. " He sneered at steve. "You want me to put you in permanent chastity?" steve raised his head. "NO SIR. PLEASE." "Heh heh. Well, I may have to. What is clear to me now, though, is as of tomorrow, you ARE going into chastity when I'm not around. You just spilled the beans steve-o. You got some hots for Wyatt and I can't trust you so...." "NO SIR. That's not it, it's... he has the hots for me." "Well, he's gonna have to get over it. Cause this is how it'll happen. One of you is gonna get tied up by me and watch me fuck the other one. Then you're gonna reverse roles. And we may repeat it. As often as I like." Vic was almost drooling. "Now, you don't have anything to say about this, but Wyatt is still a free agent, so you'd best run it past him. That is the ONLY way it's gonna happen. " "Yes sir." "Now, let's see... Hmmm. I KNOW. Let me get the vibrator. You haven't shot yet, and I think we gotta empty that load before you get locked, just outta courtesy." Vic had used that vibrator on steve, but never right after a real fucking. It didn't feel good. It was a little painful and steve groaned. Vic's big hand went over his mouth. "Maybe I'll make you sit on this while I fuck Wyatt." He began to laugh. "Oh, he's gonna say yes. The thought of seeing the boy he has a crush on get his ass pounded. It's gonna be enough for him to put up with old Vic making him realize he hasn't ever had good dick before." It took Vic about 20 minutes of vibrator play before steve lost control and shot a mighty load. He had bottomed for many guys, and more than a view had dicked him with a vibrator. No one knew how to use one the way Vic did. Granted, he knew steve's hot spots better than anyone did, but anytime he used one on steve, he seemed to find a new place. And his control: steve was so horny and desperate from not cumming for the whole weekend, he thought that, for sure, he would shoot as soon as the first wave of vibration hit his man pussy, but Vic was too good at that.

Yes, he was sore when they were done. And he gulped after Vic had taken the tit clamps off of him, wiped up all the mess, and then locked on the cage. "We'll do the shaving next week. Or whenever Wyatt is over. I'd love to see him watch you get shaved with a dildo vibrating up his ass." He wasn't teasing: Vic was serious and steve knew it. For all of his soreness, and all of the torment, when Vic pulled steve into his arms that night, and moved his calloused hand over steve's pierced nipple, whispering "you're the fucking sexiest bottom in the goddamn city," steve pushed back, and he felt his cock bang up against the cage. It did it again when Vic licked his earlobe. "Get some sleep fucktoi. You have a busy day tomorrow."


"So, if this is gonna happen, it's gonna be Vic that fucks me, and not you?" Wyatt asked. "That's how my Master wants it, so...." Wyatt shook his head. "steve, don't take this the wrong way but... I don't know how you put up with him and... well, the word is that his fucks are brutal." steve gave a smile. "They are." "I don't know if I could take all of him." steve tried to make a joke. "What makes you think you could take all of me?" "Well, one thing is... I know that if I said STOP you would. I don't think Vic knows the stop word." "He doesn't" steve answered and smiled again. Wyatt looked at him. "You're really INTO this aren't you? I mean, there are subs but then.. is he the only DOM who kept you satisfied?" steve blushed and said meekly: "Yes. He knows what I need and he gives it to me." "WOW. Just fucking WOW." steve was getting hard thinking about the fucks Vic had thrown into him that weekend. He wondered what he had planned for Monday. "Anyway, Wy, that's how it has to be. Vic's orders. You give it some thought and... if you want it, we'll do it." Wyatt smiled. "By the way, you're looking much sexier since you're back with Vic. I like that shirt." steve was wearing a polo with very broad horizontal stripes. A white stripe covered the part of his chest where his pecs were, so the outline of the handcuff piercing could just barely be seen. It fit him snugly. Vic insisted on that: he wanted steve to look "trashy but unavailable." People would get that from the pierce, and the cage. steve, in his mind, had belonged to him at the start, and now he had recovered him, like some lost work of art. He wasn't getting away again.

Vic had his rituals, and his requirements. steve had to text him before he left work. A simple "I'm on my way home, Sir" was all he needed to type. Vic would then set a timer: 30 minutes. That's how long steve had to get home. Vic knew that steve hated flogging and spanking, so for every minute it took him over 30 minutes to get home, there'd be five of one or the other. That would happen after the blow job: there were three small steps that led down from Vic's front door, and he put a mat at the lowest one. When steve got home, he was to kneel on the mat, put his hands behind his back, and wait for Vic to present him with his cock. It must be said that, for the last ten minutes of any trip home, steve began to get very eager for that cock. It served for him the way the after work drink served for some other men. Vic insisted on being sucked to climax. steve would try to swallow every drop because if he didn't, he was responsible for cleaning up, just as he was responsible for the laundry: if Vic dripped on that beautiful polo, for example, it was steve's job to get it clean over the weekend. After the evening blowjob, there would be a period of bondage. Just simple bondage where Vic would tie steve up, either on the bed, in a chair (Vic's preference), or up against the wall, using the handcuff chains that were installed in the wall. Sometimes Vic would have steve strip, but not always. He'd tease steve's cock with his foot, or scruff his neck, or tease his nipples, or some combination of those. If he got aroused enough again before bed, he'd bend steve over and fuck him. That was the big variable, and because it happened, if it happened, so close to bedtime, steve woke up in the mornings with a very sore hole. As he was sucking Vic that Monday night, Vic grabbed steve's ears, and shoved his face forward, nearly choking him. "Did you speak to Wyatt?" steve tried to shake his head without getting his teeth on Vic's cock, which Vic hated. "AND?" Now steve had a dilemma. Should he stop sucking to tell Vic, or keep sucking? He moved his mouth back less than half an inch and got an answer. "WHEN I'M DONE FUCKTOI. FINISH ME OFF." steve sucked harder. He knew that if Vic got impatient, the flogger WOULD come out. He ran his tongue around Vic's shaft, the way he did when he knew Vic wanted to be finished and....... the explosion. steve pushed forward to make sure he got all the jizz, and he licked the head of Vic's cock carefully. The slight smile on Vic's face let him know: he had done a good job. "You'll tell me after you're tied up, stevie. And you better hold back nothing because... your favorite nipple clamps are waiting. So is the foot brush." "Yes sir. I'll tell you everything. Every single word." steve moved to Vic's favorite bondage chair and sat as still as he could while Vic bound his wrists. "Spread em bitch" "Yes sir," steve spread his legs. Vic pulled up a chair and rested his boot against steve's cock. The combination of the boot and the cage was intense: Vic had never done that to steve before, and he wasn't letting up. steve winced and struggled as he told Vic everything. Vic wasn't pleased and steve knew it, from the pressure he was applying. "HE HAS TO THINK ABOUT IT? WHAT THE FUCK?" "Yes sir. That's what he said. " "FUCK THAT SHIT. " Vic reached into steve's pocket and pulled out his phone. He looked up Wyatt's number and dialed. "What's up steve? That bastard Master give ya five minutes?" "This IS the bastard Master, bottom. Now listen up. You get your ass over here on Saturday, 4pm. And be ready to turn it over to me. Any questions?" "No Sir" was the answer. Vic cut off the phone and put it back down. "You better hope he shows up because if he doesn't.... YOU'RE the one who'll take the blame." "Yes Sir. I understand Sir." Vic began manipulating steve's nips through the shirt. "I shouldn't do this, but I'm gonna uncage you for the night. It goes back on in the morning. And you're gonna get twenty minutes to shoot. " "YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR" "You're gonna do it standing up. Then you're gonna clean the floor. " "Yes Sir." Vic laughed. "If Wyatt were here, I'd have him lying down in front of you catching your jizz in his mouth. That boy needs more discipline." "Yes Sir. I agree." "You're wating your 20 minutes, stevie. Get going. " "YES SIR." steve didn't care for cleaning jizz off the floor, but he needed to cum, desperately. He closed his eyes and began thinking about how that Saturday was going to happen. Vic had threatened to fuck him in front of people, but never had. The thought was getting steve excited. Being humiliated by one of the city's most desirable DOMS. In public. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" steve's voice was high, like it was when he had been a choir boy and sucked off the priests. He opened his eyes and saw the mess he had to deal with. "I'd get to work, stevie. Dinner will get cold." "Yes sir."

steve and Wyatt didn't talk about what was going to happen on Saturday. When Wyatt left the office on Friday he simply said, "see you tomorrow, steve" before he left. "Oh, Wyatt. Master Vic gave me one instruction for you. No jerking off before tomorrow afternoon. " steve didn't tell Wyatt that he was supposed to wear a jock strap. He wanted to see Wyatt get punished the way he would if he didn't dress as Vic instructed. He looked forward to Saturday afternoon.

Next: Chapter 6

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