Steve Recaptured

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 19, 2023


When steve got to the loft Friday afternoon, Vic wasn't waiting for his nightly blow job. Instead, steve saw the bondage chair in the middle of the living area, with the hitachi rod on it. "I gotta finish a gig so I'm gonna be occupied. That means you're gonna be occupied too, boy. Get in position." "Yes sir." steve knew that meant hands behind his back and legs spread. "Good boy. One of these days you'll make a perfect sub." Vic laughed as he tossled steve's hair, and gagged him. He had already bound his wrists, ran rope above and below his pecs so that his nips stood out, and had bound his ankles to the back legs of the chair. "Should take me about as long as the charge on the hitachi. OH WAIT. That's right, heh heh. I can plug this in and take all the time I need. " He gave steve's nips a flick. "I'm gonna set it at 3, and I'm gonna come back in twenty minutes. If those tits aren't pointed, or if I see a spot on those jeans, well... we'll just have to see what happens." steve didn't try to moan through the gag, but his eyes got wide. He was unusually horny because Wyatt couldn't stop talking about what would happen that weekend, and all the sex talk, and talking through what might happen, had gotten steve more roused than he usually was when he got home.

To be fair, steve had started it. Wyatt had long hair: it was almost long enough to tie into a pony tail, and he knew - Vic HATED long hair. "OH SHIT. Should I see if I can get a cut by Saturday night???" Wyatt sounded nervous. "I think you shouldn't," steve answered. "Vic met you. He didn't tell me you should cut your hair. If you did, we might both get in trouble." Wyatt giggled. "You're gonna get in trouble anyway. I'm gonna tell him you referred to him as Vic and not Sir Vic or Master Vic." steve just smiled. There was gonna be enough punishment to go around that weekend. Later in the day, Wyatt asked what he should wear. He knew that Vic liked costumes and uniforms, but he didn't have any. "Sure you do. Come as a young colllege kid. Wear an oxford, a necktie, that kinda thing. Like you're going on a blind date." Wyatt had smiled. "I did that look once. The guy told me I was wicked hot." "It'll contrast with me. MASTER Vic likes a mature look on men, but occasionally, I've seen him look at a younger one. "OH SHIT. Maybe I shouldn't go that way. I mean, what if he doesn't like the look?" steve began to laugh. "Then he'll keep you face down for when he's fucking you. " "Does that mean he's gonna fuck me more than once?" "I. DON'T. KNOW WYATT. I know he told me to tell you what I did: to bring a change of clothing in case he wants you to stay until Sunday night. He didn't tell me anything else. " "Do you think YOU'LL like the look, steve? Maybe, I mean just maybe he'll change his mind and...." Wyatt DESPERATELY wanted to get fucked by steve. Before Vic was back on the scene, Wyatt had fantasies of "top man Steve" taking him home one day, and turning him into his love slave. He still thought about that. He thought if Vic got tired of steve, and let him out of the relationship, he could be right there to help steve recover. He wasn't sure a life of bottoming and subbing was right for steve.

Neither was Vic, and he had spent a good deal of time thinking about how to handle that. He knew, from experience, that steve would always bottom for him, and that their furture had steve as a sub. That is, IF they had a future: steve had left because he had wanted more freedom in the relationship, and Vic wasn't giving it to him. Vic had spent time on THAT too, before he went back after steve. He was much sterner, much stricter, much more of a DOM than he had been, and he could see that, if he had to put a number on it, steve was somewhere between 95 and 99 percent sub. It was that 1-5 percent that concerned him. His feeling was that steve was NEVER going to be a 100% sub: he had caught steve checking out guys who were clearly bottoms, and no matter how many times he had punished him with the ball paddle, or with an ass flogging, or the dildo up his ass at work, the looking continued. He had no idea what went on at the gym, or how steve interacted with Wyatt or anyone else at work. He DID know that there were times when he took steve to bed and he found precum already there, before he started on him. steve would explain that he had dripped "just thinking" about what Vic was going to do to him. Vic was skeptical.

He knew that steve had a fondness for Wyatt: if he hadn't, he would never have brought Wyatt's request home to him. And he saw that steve was truly, TRULY stunned when he decided that if it happened, he was going to fuck Wyatt AND steve, and they weren't going to have sex with each other at all. Vic had thought to himself: "he's thinking that I'd fuck someone not my type just to make sure he knows HIS place. He's not wrong." Still, he wanted to keep steve around, without forcing him to stay around. That seemed , at least to Vic, to mean that there needed to be some more flexibility in the relationship."

He walked into the room after 17 minutes, surprising steve, who did NOT have his nipples out. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" was how "fuck" got out of steve's mouth. The look on Vic told him: punishment was on the way. "I'm not quite finished yet, and neither are you steve." Vic reached down and turned the hitachi to 5. "Gonna be a challenge stevie. You've never gotten above 5 without cumming.. Maybe I'll turn to another project." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" steve rolled his eyes at the increased vibration frequency. He was going to have to close his eyes and concentrate on something else, but when he closed his eyes, all he could think of was "the steve sandwich," which was something he REALLY wanted.

He wasn't going to make it. That was for sure. steve was SO hard he was going to die, or shoot from the hitachi. His hips were thrusting and he was moaning. Vic must have heard. He came in from the work area. He turned off the hitachi and started rubbing his thumbs over steve's pecs. "You sound SO HOT when you moan, stevie. Interrupts my work but... it's fucking worth it. " He pulled the gag out of steve's mouth. "You wanna get fucked before dinner?" "YES SIR. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. I.. I WANT YOU SO BADLY." "More than you want Wyatt?" steve gulped. "HELL YEAH SIR. I WANT YOUR COCK. IN ME. FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME HARD." Vic moved steve from the chair to the bed, where he stripped him down before he tied his wrists to the bed posts. Vic was pretty hard too. "That butt hole is still fucking pretty. SO fucking pretty. I'm gonna wreck it. TRASH IT." "YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR. " steve winced as Vic's cock began pushing into him. He couldn't imagine subbing for any other man than Vic. There was something about the way he just controlled steve, knowing when to step in so steve didn't get to cum without Vic's intervention, pushing just the right button for him at a particular point in time, and the way... well, the way people looked at them. Yes, some looked because they still couldn't believe that "top man steve" had been conquered, but also out of jealousy: Vic's reputation was that he was a brutal, complete, and amazing top and DOM. Many subs wanted him, but he didn't stray often, and never for more than a one nighter: it was true that steve was his property, but you could say: Vic was steve's property too: as long as you didn't say that to Vic.

As Vic filled his "boy" as he called him, he began toying with steve's nipples. He looked steve in the eye and his gaze was one steve hadn't seen before. "You looking forward to tomorrow, stevie?" "Yes Sir. I am. I think.... I'm sorry Sir. What I'm looking forward to isn't important." Vic took a deep breath. "Tell me the truth. Cause if you don't, I'll massacre your feet. You still wanna top, don't you steve?" Now steve gulped. "Not often Sir, but... occasionally. I'll get over it. I promise." "No, you won't. That's ok. There are MANY punishments that are out there that I don't even know about." He grinned. "I haven't tied your balls with wet rawhide yet, for example." "That sounds hot Sir. " "Well, we'll figure this out, sub boy. Now, take my tongue." Vic pushed his tongue as far into steve's throat as he could. steve wanted to hug him but with his wrists tied down, he couldn't. The best he could do was to wrap his legs around Vic's middle. He was surprised Vic didn't do something like tickle his feet or grab his balls in response. "I gotta feed you, boy. Then an early night. We got a busy day tomorrow."' "Yes sir."

If you had walked into the loft on Saturday, you would have felt the tension - not good or bad tension, just tension (maybe apprehension or anticipation would be better). Vic and steve weren't always in the loft together: steve had to make his regular gym visit, and Vic ran errands and worked. Had you gone to Wyatt's place, however, you would have felt the sheer terror. Wyatt had left work on Friday and begged the stylist he used to cut his hair. It had happened, but only after Wyatt had promised to blow the stylist in gratitude for staying late (and the stylist went home to his wife with a smile on his face). Now, though, looking at himself in the mirror, Wyatt was panicking. "OH SHIT. THIS ISN'T HOW VIC SAW ME AND STEVE SAID... WHY DID I DO THIS? SHOULD I CANCEL? " He knew cancelling was not an option: if he did, he'd never get invited. "Please God please God please God. Don't let me get into trouble over this. Don't let Steve get into trouble. " Then he panicked again. "I have to pack a night bag just in case. With a change of clothes. What do I bring? OH OH ...." The plan was for Wyatt to meet Vic and steve at the bar. They'd hang out for a while, and then go back to the loft, and ... as steve put it "Vic says we'll take it from there." Wyatt looked at the clock on the wall: it was time to leave. He put on the trim blue oxford shirt and tied the necktie. Then he put on a pair of very tight khakis. And his penny loafers. "I DO look like a college student," he smiled, and then thought: "WAIT. I hope STEVE likes it. But, but...." He grabbed the bag and headed out.

"Is he always late?" Vic asked steve, knowing the answer full well. Wyatt was the type who was NEVER on time. THAT would have to change. Vic had worn his harness that night, and his leather Muir cap. steve was shirtless, and wearing what Vic called his "Jim West" pants: a pair of snug black athletic pants that showed off his crotch, and his ass. You could tell he was hard. You could also, of course, see the bar in his nipple, as well as the band on his arm, and the collar that Vic had put on steve before they left. Each piece sent a shiver through steve's groin. He had almost shot a load when Vic put the handcuffs on him before they walked in. "There's another pair for Wyatt. He'll come home the same way you do." Vic had just finished when steve saw Wyatt come in the door. "He cut his hair! Oh GOD. I hope he doesn't tell Sir that I told him to do it." Wyatt started off on the wrong foot. He said "Hi Steve" and then "Hi Vic." The look of fear on steve's face, and the look that could curdle milk on Vic's face, made him realize what he had done. "I started on the wrong foot, didn't I Sir? My apologies." He bowed his head. Vic snorted. "I remember you with long hair. Am I forgetting things as I get older?" "No Sir, I cut it because... steve told me you hate long hair." "I'm in trouble. I'm REALLY in trouble," steve thought. "Well, yes and no. stevie here isn't going to let his hair get longer than it is now, just like you'll never see another hair on his chest. But on some guys... long hair is good. Lets you have something to hold the reluctant cocksucker in place." "I'm... I'm not a reluctant cocksucker Sir. I love sucking cock." "That's what I hear. " steve remembered that Sir Vic had sent Wyatt home with a friend one night, some weeks ago. Is that where he heard it?" "You were smart enough to bring something I could tie you with, Wyatt." Vic grabbed the necktie. "But we won't be using it. Turn around." "Yes sir. Absolutely Sir." "Yes sir is sufficient." Wyatt hadn't been handcuffed often, and when he heard the click on his wrists, and could smell the musky scent Vic was giving off, his pants tented. "Look at this. I'm the richest guy in the bar. Gonna be going home with TWO subs. Eat your hearts out guys, if you still have them," he laughed, as he took the bicep of each of them. "Let's go. The logistics of this are gonna be... interesting."

When they got back to the loft, Vic ordered Wyatt to strip, and to stand in "prisoner position," with his hands behind his head. He put steve in the usual bondage chair, and told him not to take his eyes off the two of them. Vic was doing a full body search of wyatt, spreading his cheeks, reaching under his balls (and getting a moan), and then running his hands up and down wyatt's body. He whispered, loud enough for steve to hear. "Why the fuck aren't you wearing the jockstrap I told you to wear?" wyatt didn't dare turn around. He saw the look on steve's face. He wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "I... I'm sorry Sir. I forgot. " "Well, I don't believe you forgot. " He looked at steve. "Did you pass on the instructions?" "No Sir." "Figured. You thought you'd get a good spanking for not doing what I told you to do. Well, you'd be wrong. wyatt here is gonna get the spanking. I'm gonna make his ass as red as you hoped yours would get stevie boy. And you're gonna have the clamps on while I do." He looked at wyatt. "Stand in place and get that miserable cock of yours to stop dripping. " "Yes sir! Sorry Sir." Vic got the clamps and ran them over steve's nips before he closed them. They were the heavy duty ones. Then he went back to wyatt. "No piercings, no tats, nothing. Just a clean, almost hairless body. " He whispered again. "A bitch boy without a tit piercing is like a woman without jewelry. " "I... I haven't belonged to a man, Sir. That's why I don't have one." Well, whether you belong to a man or not, you should have one. Alright. Bend over, stretch your arms out in front of you." "Yes sir. " wyatt was bent forward, with his long arms stretched out. Vic took two long strips of leather, and secured his wrists to the regular bed restraints. He moved back and kicked his legs apart. "Now the way this is going to work, men cunts, is that for every whack I give blondie's ass, studmuffin's chain is gonna get pulled. I wanna hear THANK YOU SIR" after each one." wyatt winced at the first paddle strike. "OW...." Then he remembered "Thank you Sir." steve was experienced enough to just wince and say "Thank you Sir." Then Vic repeated it. Over and over again. At one point he yelled at steve. "I HATE SAGGY TITS. GET THEM POINTED." "Yes sir. Sorry Sir." "And as for you, short haired wyatt, boys cry, men grin and bear it. GOT IT?" "Yes Sir. Thank you Sir." They both took ten more of their particular torments, before a sweaty, muskier Vic said "I think it's time we initiated wyatt into the family." He took steve's clamps off. "I want your FULL attention so you know how lucky you are to get my cock." "Yes sir," steve answered, as Vic stepped out of his jeans. steve licked his lips. He saw how big and how thick his Master was, and he wanted that cock. He wanted it way more than wyatt could EVER want it. That's what he thought. wyatt was as horny as a cat in heat. He had heard stories, so many stories, about how Master Vic fucked his boys and now.. he'd experience it. "OH FUCK" he yowled, and then remembered "THANK YOU SIR." steve began to get very jealous. HE got that cock. No one else. wyatt moaning as he took thrust after thrust wasn't helping. steve couldn't restrain himself. "PLEASE SIR. I WANT THAT COCK. I DESERVE IT MORE THAN HE DOES." Vic pushed his cock into wyatt one more time. It was the hardest thrust he had given him. "steve is right. HE'S alpha sub around here. IF I decide you can stay around, you'll be beta. YOU get cock when he doesn't want it." "Yes sir. I understand." What neither one of the boys knew is that Vic had seen the way steve looked at wyatt. Nor did they know that while Vic was fucking wyatt, he was thinking of steve. He had thought out some of this earlier in the day: there was room in the loft for three. He'd move wyatt in, treating him as he had just said, as beta slave. He'd be steve's to play with, when wyatt thought he deserved it. IF he decided he wanted wyatt's mouth or ass, he'd have to give it up. They'd discuss those logistics on Sunday. He untied wyatt from the bed, but immediately retied him. Then he got steve out of the chair. "YOU BITCH. GET IN MY FAVORITE POSITION." "YES SIR. " It was steve's favorite position as well. He saw how hard Vic was. He was gonna get the jizz, and a good fucking. First though, he got some serious kissing in front of wyatt. It got steve even hotter: Vic was showing him what the status of things was: he hadn't kissed wyatt. If wyatt was gonna get tongue, it was gonna be from steve. For now, though, steve was more concerned about getting his Sir's jizz in him. wyatt sat in the chair enviously. All the stories about Vic were true. He knew how to fuck an ass, and wyatt was definitely jealous of what steve was getting every night. He began rethinking his crush on steve: surely he didn't fuck as well as Master Vic did. That wasn't possible. He heard steve moaning and begging. Vic grinned. He knew steve was play acting: he was never that noisy during sex. But he exploded in steve, sending jizz into him further than he usually did. He smiled and he pulled out. "I bet you worthless pukes both wanna jizz don't you?" Weak "Yes sirs" came out of both sets of lips. "I was gonna do something else, prove your beta status wyatt, but I think you understand that. Instead, we're gonna celebrate new beginnings with my favorite number: 69. You're gonna 69 each other on the bed, and I'm gonna enjoy watching the two of you go at it. " Vic untied the two of them, and allowed them to pick the position they wanted. He saw the vigor: steve was more tired from all the domination from Vic over the last few days, but he sucked gamely. wyatt was more energetic. Still, they both blew loads at just about the same time. "Very entertaining boys. Very entertaining. wyatt, you're spending the night here." "May I Sir? Thank you." "The positions in bed are this: wyatt at one end, steve in the middle, I'll be at the other end. Behind steve. No discussions. Any questions? "NO Sir" came from both of them. "I'm going to the bathroom to get ready for bed. You boys clean up. Get the bed ready. Tomorrow, we have things to discuss so everyone should try to get a good night's sleep." The two subs did. Vic slept, but not as well as his boys. He was figuring out how he was going to make this work. It wouldn't be difficult, but it wouldn't be easy either. He was making lists: "they work together. Cages. Tit pierce for wyatt. More dildos. " He snuggled up with his cock against steve, who pushed his ass back in response. Soon, Vic began to snore. Sunday would be another day.

Next: Chapter 7

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