Steve the Teenage Master

By Johnny Walker

Published on Jul 11, 2013


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please be kind since this is my first time ever writing a story. I am not a writer by any stretch of the imagination. This is just the beginning, future chapter will be more intense but I just want to know if people like this beginning. If you like the story let me know and if you have any ideas for the story let me know and I might use them for future chapters.


I am John Semore, a 30 year old highschool teacher, and this story is one of my downfall and ultimate sexual servitude at the hands of one of my students, now my owner and master, Steve. I had just finished grading many of my student's essays which were really horrible to be honest. After that I went to take a shower and grabbed my prostate massager, it is really small though, I found out about 2 years ago how amazing orgasms were when you came while stimulating the prostate. I was very sure of my hetero sexuality.

I did not get anything too big since I just liked it for the pleasure of the orgasm. Unfortunately when my wife of 6 years found the massager about a year ago the marriage just was not the same, she accused me of being a secreted closet fag, and I was pretty sure she started having an affair. I never expected her to be so bigoted and change her thought of me for something so small as a prostate massager but our economic situation made it impossible to break up and still maintain a living. Once I finished my shower, it was close to 11 pm and my wife was not back from going out with her friends, or so she said. I decided to take a stroll to the gay bar about a block from my house. I had been there a couple of times before, even though I am not gay it was very convenient for me since I could walk there and not have to drive, and the drinks were pretty cheap. I sat in the farthest chair in the bar and started ordering drinks. I have a fade haircut and blue eyes, and I was never much into exercising but always had a good metabolism so I was skinny and had some muscles by default, so I got hit on more than I was comfortable with. I simply showed my wedding ring and most would walk away, others seem to be more interested, but I simply had to make it very clear I was not looking for anything but getting my drink on. After a while I lost count of the drinks, and I had drank way too much for my own good, the biggest mistake of my now miserable life.

Chapter 1

When I woke up, I was in my bed still in the clothes I wore the night before and had a pounding headache. My wife Barbara was sitting in a chair in front of the bed in her nightgown. "Hello faggot, had a good night out in the town?" She then took a sip from her cup of coffee.

"Barb how many times must I tell you, I am not gay damn it!" I don't know how much longer I could put up with her crap. She then tossed me an envelope which she had ripped open already, it did not have any address on the outside.

"Yeah, well tell that damn lie to the gorgeous teen who dropped you off last night. He said you two had quite a blast. He was pretty attractive. You sure know how to pick them John"

No matter how hard I tried, I could not remember anything from the night before, other than drinking too much and telling all the guys to fuck off. I was now terrified of what might have happened last night. I took out the letter and it just said: Hey john, you sure were a wild ride last night, you really know how to let loose. See ya soon, sincerely, S.

"So you plan on meeting again huh? You are a faggot John, why keep denying it?"

"Barb, you must believe me, I do not have any recollection of last night and have no idea who this mysterious "S" is and I don't plan on meeting him anytime soon"

She then just left without saying another word. I knew now she was never going to believe me on my heterosexuality. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and brush my teeth, I also noticed my throat was a bit sore, so I decided to just spend the rest of my Sunday relaxing. The next day I taught all of my classes and handed out all the final essays. After all the kids left my last class the very cocky and arrogant jock quarterback Steve whom has made no quarrel in showing his distaste for me stayed behind and dropped his essay on my desk.

"Hey teach I am going to need for you to give me an A on this essay since you must have made a mistake and given me a C."

"Steve I have no time for your bull today, you got a C and that is final, if that lands you in summer school, that's your problem, trust me, I don't want to see you in the summer any more than you want to see me"

He then just laughed and took out his cell and after a few clicks he slid the phone over to me. To my shock and horror I realized who the mysterious "S" was. On the phone, clear as day, was me with a huge cock in my mouth. He had the biggest smirk on his face.

"I did tell you that you would be seeing me soon didn't I?

Chapter 2

"So faggot are you going to change my grade now?" Steve said with that cocky smile of his.

"You can't talk to me like that Steve"

His expression changed on a dime and now had the meanest expression. He grabbed me and slammed me against the blackboard. For being only a student he stood at an impressive 6'3 and towered my 5'7 frame. He is also stronger than me, he is a power house of muscle which I could not compare to. He definitely was a gym rat. He grabbed me by the throat and I could not speak, I was quickly turning red.

"I can call you whatever the fuck I want you faggot ass cocksucker. Listen to me very carefully, I have more pictures of you and me in very compromising positions and if word got out you seduced me, a 17 year old, you would be in very big trouble"

He let go of me and I catched my breath and tried to reason with him

"Steve I did not seduce you, I do not remember anything from last night"

"Of course you don't, you were so wasted. I was just there cause my friend told me if I wanted a cheap drink to check out that bar, but to my surprise there you were, slurring your words, and barely were able to walk to the bathroom, and then the bartender told you he was cutting you off . Sooo I decided to pick you up and take you home, but I decided to use you to my advantage, and made a detour to my house. But hey, it's your word versus mine"

He had such a devilish smile on him and I knew he had me, I could not fight him, I was now at the whims of this brute.

"So change this grade and I might take it easy on you"

I then grabbed my white out and changed the C to an A like he wanted. He then went over to the door and locked it, I was becoming terrified now.

"Aw you look so scared, now get on your knees John"

I started to protest but he slapped me really hard cutting my words mid sentence.

"Did you forget the last 5 minutes bitch? You must have some serious short term memory, but I have a feeling you will learn real quick. First lets get some things straight now, you will never address me unless I ask you a direct question and when you do you must call me Master, I am no longer Steve to you, I am your Master and you will do everything I ask you to. Now open your mouth and suck my dick like the good little bitch you are"

"Please" I said with tears forming in my eyes "I am straight"

He started choking me again "I don't give a fuck if you are straight, you now are my little bitch slut to do everything I ask, so start getting with the program John. Is that clear?"

He let go of my throat and I said yes. He looked at me and I realized I fucked up again "Yes master, I am sorry"

He then slapped me and said "I was going to go easy on you since this will be your first time sucking a dick, but you are so stupid maybe the hard way will be better for you to understand."

He then took out his cock and I am guessing that having control over me was a turn on for him since his cock was rock hard. I was shocked that his cock was nearly 8", he shoved the entire thing in my mouth and my throat closed up and I was coughing.

"You better learn to open up your throat cause you will be having my cock more often than you care to"

He shoved his cock again and it went down my throat with me coughing and gagging. He then started face fucking me roughly and putting his thumbs on the side of my mouth.

"Yeah, look at you, with a fine cock down your throat"

I was drooling all over my shirt and my throat was getting quite the treatment. He then tensed up and took out his cock and spurted all over my face and hair. "Yeah, that's how you should always look, like the cock guzzler you are"

I was in such a daze with his cum all over my face and hair. My throat was also feeling raw after the forceful face fucking. "Bitch, this weekend I want you in my summer house with me"

I felt like my life was spinning out of control and I had no way to get back to old self. I asked "Master what am I suppose to tell my wife?"

"I don't give a fuck bitch, I just want you on my front door no later than 8 pm on Friday and plan to be in my house for the weekend."

Chapter 3

All week I was thinking of the weekend to come. I told my wife I was going to be indisposed for the weekend since I was going on a trip with my friends. She didn't buy it for a bit but didn't insist on knowing too much which was good enough for me. I was really nervous came Friday, after class Steve stayed behind and started opening his back pack

"Since I know you probably don't have what I want you to wear I brought it for you, just wear this and nothing else" He then handed me a black tight lycra shorts and a see through mesh shirt and just walked away. Thankfully when I got home my wife was not home so I just changed and went to his house. It was 7:55 and I was just getting to his house. I arrived at his address and was astounded, it was gated and it looked rather large. I then drove up to his house and he was outside, he then started walking to my car and opened my door.

"Move over" he said and I got in the passanger seat. He started driving and I realized I was going out so undressed, the lycra shorts were super tight and I didn't wear any underwear as per his instruction and my upper body was visible with the mesh shirt, I felt my stomach drop and he must have noticed.

"Don't worry bitch, it's not like I am taking you out for a night on the town so relax a little bit and help me out"

I looked at him confused and he was pointing at his crotch. I could not believe it, I looked around and realized we were going on the highway. He never looked away from the road but his voice changed to a more pointed tone.

"I am not going to ask you nicely again" He then screamed "NOW SUCK MY COCK!"

I jumped and took off my seatbelt and started to unzip his pants. In that moment, I saw all those pictures on his cell come back to my mind and knew that I rather be screamed by him that by some mean prisoner in prison for having sex with a minor.

"Yeah that's better, you know your place. Also we are going to be there in about 30 minutes and you better time it right or you will be sorry. You better make this blow job last"

I then took out his cock and it was uncomfortable to give him a blow job in this position and this was just my second time. I just kept sucking and stroking his rock hard cock, but he just kept driving calmly. I realized I had been going at this for a long while and I am pretty sure he expected to cum before our destination so I started sucking harder, even though I was so uncomfortable and in a few minutes he said we had reached our destination. He parked and zipped up his pants

"You didn't time this right, I am going to have to walk in there with this boner you stupid slut. You are going to get it when we go back to my house"

"I am sorry Ste..., Master, it was uncomfortable and.." He slapped my face and I shut up instantly.

We then walked out of the car and noticed we were at a huge sex store, I had never even knew this place existed. Steve then headed to the cash register and there stood the most hairiest, buffest man I had ever seen, he must have been at least 6'5 tall and I wouldn't even knew what to guess in muscle weight. He looked to be in his early 40s.

He looked at Steve and smiled " If it isn't Richie rich. Hey thanks your dad for me for the loan man. The expansion of this place, and the updated and refurbished video booths have really paid off" "Hey Jack, that's nice to hear, but you got my order?"

Then buff man, who I just learned is named Jack, took out 3 huge paber bags and said the total was $658 and that included Steve's special order. He looked around and took out a bottle of pills and dropped them in one of the bags.

"Now about our payment plan Steve" Jack smiled and looked at me. He then got on his phone and dialed 3 numbers. "Hey Gus, can you take over the register for a bit? Thanks man"

As soon as a man came out from the back, Steve, Jack and I walked to the warehouse in the back and walked to an office. As soon as the three of us were in the room Steve spoke to me in that rough voice of his.

"Ok bitch, my friend here offered me a 100% off coupon called `the slut special,' now I am going to go out to the store to see if I forgot anything, and for the following hour will do anything my friend here says and no talking back." He then looked at Jack "Her ass is mine, but you can do anything else you want." Steve slapped my ass and walked out. I did not like that he called me a her, but there was nothing I could do.

"Ok, you heard your man, undress for me baby"

That didn't take long since all I had to do was take of my shorts and shirt. He then came over to me. I really hated this entire situation and all the names, I felt like crying. When Jack was in front of me he just pushed me down. Now I was in front of this hairy muscular man who did not waste time and pulled out his cock and slapped my face with it. His cock was normal, unlike Steve's massive tool. It must have been a regular 6" but the head of his cock was massive, it looked too big for his cock. I could not believe Steve had lent me to this stranger to settle a debt, I felt so humiliated; specially when I knew Steve would not have any problems paying. I started sucking on his head which was no easy task.

"I really wish I could fuck your tight ass and show you a really good time, but this is pretty good too." He then pushed more of his cock in my mouth. I gagged when his cock tried to make it past my throat.

"Come on, a slut like you should be able to swallow any sized cock down your throat."

I could not help the intruder in my mouth as it kept inching more and more. I kept gagging, but then my throat gave way and I then was able to take his entire cock in my mouth. He took my head and kept his cock down my throat as I kept gagging. I could feel his balls on my chin, and also the saliva drooling out of my mouth.

"Oh yeah, that's what I am talking about, swallowing my entire fat tool down your slutty throat" He then took his cock out my mouth and I was able to catch my breath. He kept his assault on my mouth for a while until I felt him tense up and he took his cock out and told me to open my mouth. He then grabbed his cock and blew his load directly into my mouth, he ejaculated about 6 times and I could feel my mouth filling up. Once he finished he told me to swallow his semen. I did, and it tasted kind of sour, and I gagged a bit, not the best flavor I have ever tasted. Once I finished swallowing he checked his watched and told me I had about 10 minutes till Steve came back. I thought I was about to have a 10 minute break, but Jack had obviously other ideas. He sat on his chair and told me to lay on his lap. I didn't know what he was thinking but I had a feeling I was not going to like it. Jack then started slapping my ass as hard as he could, he did not hold back. After a while I could not stand the stinging pain in my ass cheeks and had tears coming out of my eyes, my ass felt like it was on fire. Then I heard Steve come in, and I was so grateful since Jack stopped his abuse on my cheeks.

I then heard Steve tell Jack "Wow man, you really worked on that ass really hard, it looks redder than a cherry"

I felt Steve touch my ass and it felt so tender. I tried to compose myself after all the crying I had done. I then dressed up and Steve took his bags and we headed out. I was really uncomfortable on the drive back since I could not sit in any position without my ass stinging so bad. When we arrived at Steve's house I was dreading what was to come.

Next: Chapter 2

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