Stevens Evolution

Published on Apr 3, 2018


Steven's Evolution Chapter 3

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

This story is a sequel to Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section.

Steven's Evolution


"Stoke it, Steven," Master Andre whispered as his dick began to pull in and out of me. Faster. Faster. Faster. Faster.

I fought to keep from exploding. We each took breaths in time with the other. Our hearts pounded like a precise rhythm section of a band. I knew instantly we were ready by the look in Master Andre's eyes.

"Cum with me, Steven," Master Andre bellowed. "Cum with me!"

Our bodies began to convulse. Both cocks erupted at the same time. As I felt my cum land on my abs, chest, and chin, I felt Master Andre's cum coat the inside of me.

I came back to earth with Master Andre's sweat covered body lying skin to skin atop me. Our breathing calmed as we both recovered.

"I love you, Steven," Master Andre whispered without moving.

"I love you, too, Master."


Chapter 3: Into the Sky We Go

Leaving on a Jet Plane

"My brother looks forward to meeting you, Steven," Master Andre said as we were airborne and on our way to London. I sat naked next to my fully clothed Master.

"I'm excited to meet him as well, Master," I replied. "Is he anything like you?"

"Physically, yes," Master Andre replied. "Our lives have taken different turns, however. He isn't interested in having a long-term relationship with anyone, so he has several boyfriends. More than one has masochist tendencies. He's inquired about renting you, but I haven't decided if I will or not. He sometimes overplays a scene."

"Do the two of you get along well?" I asked.

"Yes," Master Andre replied. "He's somewhat stubborn at times, but we do get along well. I've learned to work around his stubborn streak. I wanted you involved with this venture to ward off any possible conflict between us."

"What business do you both want to buy?" I asked.

"We want to diversify," Master Andre explained. "We're looking into possible ventures in the media industry. So, when this opportunity appeared, we thought it would be a perfect opening for us. We did, however, find a few irregularities in the company's financials."

"I'm eager to return to a small role as a business person," I replied.

"Good," Master Andre continued. "I've gotten a lot of inquiries from men who want to rent you. I don't plan to rent you out immediately. I want you around for the holidays and Connor and Theo's school breaks. I suspect you're eager to get back to work."

"Yes, Master," I said. I tried not to cum. It became harder until Master Andre stopped stroking my hard dick.

"Of course, I could change my mind," Master Andre continued. "Sometimes one just cannot refuse a lucrative offer. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Andre continued. "Now back to business. I wanted to start our journey in London so you and my brother Gabe have an opportunity to bond. Beginning Monday we will have a series of meetings. The first at 11 am will be with the CFO and his staff. We'll meet with the VP of Operations tomorrow afternoon. Your forensic accountant will arrive tomorrow in time to join us for an early dinner before we sample my newly refurbished playroom. Questions?"

"No, Master," I replied.

Master Andre continued. "Our research into the company led Gabe and me to decide on a rather different approach to buying the business. We uncovered a key player in the sale of the media unit. The parent company brought him in a year ago to reorganize the media side of the business and prepare for its sale. We've also found he's a sadist. It will be your responsibility to befriend him and drag as much information out of him as possible. He'll meet us in the lobby and move us through the fact-finding portion of our work here."

"When you said `befriend' him, I'm assuming you meant I'll need to have sex with him," I said.

"Exactly," Master Andre replied. "You and he will spend a fair amount of time with each other."


Meeting Master Gabe

Our limo pulled into the underground garage and stopped beside an elevator. I stepped naked out of the limo as the elevator arrived. The elevator whisked us to the top floor. The doors opened into the vast entry hall of Master Andre's penthouse. A man who looked amazingly like Master Andre stood in the middle of the entryway. He was dressed in full leather. Tight body fitting leather.

"Welcome to London!" the man said to us.

"Thank you, Gabe," Master Andre said. "I'd like you to meet my boy, Steven. Steven, this stud is my brother Gabe. Assume the position, boy. Prepare for inspection."

I stood perfectly erect with my legs shoulder width apart, hands clasped behind my neck, and set my eyes on Master Gabe's big, leather clad feet.

"Very nice, Andy," Master Gabe said as he circled around my naked body. The energy of his body circling mine sent waves of pulsing force through my entire body. And my dick began to plump.

The second trip around my body became even more sensual than the first. His hands caressed my body as he circled. Master Gabe paused behind me and investigated every muscle in my ass cheeks. His hands travelled up my spine and began to feel their way down my back.

Master Gabe continued to move around my body until he stood in front of me. His hands moved slowly and sensuously across my chest. He flicked each nipple as he pushed his hands down the front of my body. He carefully explored my abs.

Finally, Master Andre's leather clad brother stepped back. "An excellent piece of meat, Andy. Perfectly muscled. Perfectly inked. Perfectly pierced. Perfectly hairless. He makes my blood boil, Andy. Of course, you already knew he would."

"Yes, Gabriel," Master Andre replied as he stepped closer to Master Gabe. "I knew you would like my new boy. Everyone so far likes my new boy. Garrett. Farrell. The grounds crew. The boy's handlers, Gregory and Wrigley. My personal assistant and personal attendant, Alistair and Sol."

While Master Andre spoke to Master Gabe, Alistair and Sol began to remove Master Andre's clothing.

Alistair and Sol picked up Master Andre's clothing and left the room leaving Master Andre standing naked.

"I'm happy you offered to share your new boy with me this weekend, Andy," Master Gabe said to his brother.

Master Alistair and Master Sol returned with several pieces of clothing—all black leather. Master Alistair and Master Sol helped Master Andre step into his black leather pants. Master Alistair began tightening the lace on Master Andre's left leg from his ankle to his waist. Master Sol did the same with the right leg.

"We always share, Gabriel," Master Andre said as Master Alistair and Master Sol laced up the crotch of Master Andre's now skin-tight leather pants. My dick stirred even more.

"It's what twin brothers do," Master Andre continued as Master Alistair and Master Sol began putting Master Andre's skin-tight leather shirt on his torso. "We share everything. We even share our bodies, don't we, Gabriel?"

"Yes," Master Gabe replied. "Yes, we do share our bodies. It's been some time, though. We're long overdue. I'll enjoy getting reacquainted with your body, Andy. Especially with your new boy as part of the equation."

Master Alistair and Master Sol finished with Master Andre's harness, and then helped Master Andre step into his boots. Master Alistair and Master Sol left the three of us alone in the entry hall.

Master Gabe and Master Andre stepped closer to one another. Their lips met, and I could feel the explosion of energy around them. The mere force of the explosion sent shockwaves through my body. My dick hardened even more.

"I want you to collar the boy for tonight, Gabriel," Master Andre explained as the two men separated from their kiss. "I know you will enjoy the power of having your collar around the boy's neck. Take the power and own him, Gabriel. Own him."

Master Gabe strode to a side table and picked up a black and red leather collar. His eyes fixed on mine as he positioned himself close to me. I could see the same fire and lust filled eyes as his twin brother, Master Andre, and I could feel the power of his circle of energy.

He positioned the collar around my neck and locked it.

"Thank you, Master," I began. "I am at your service, Master."

He put his arms around my neck and pulled me into his lips. My body shook and convulsed as though I was having an orgasm. I almost collapsed as Master Gabe pulled away from me.

"Good boy!" Master Gabe whispered to me. "I like the fire in him, Andy! Hot, blinding fire!"

"He'll have even more fire in him before we're done with him this evening," Master Andre said in a husky, almost menacing, voice. His eyes fixed onto mine. I saw the lust in his eyes dancing with energy and power.

I swallowed hard.

Master Gabe reached out to my chest and began squeezing, pulling, and twisting my nipples.

"Impressive tits, Andy," Master Gabe added as he squeezed, pulled, and twisted harder and hard.

"They're great fun to play with," Master Andre added.

Master Andre turned to me. "Boy, I don't want you to say a word until you're told to speak. And I don't want you to move regardless of what my brother or I do to your body. You can have a one-word response to my next question. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes," I replied. My eyes were still focused on the floor in front of me.

I remembered Master Andre's words, `And I don't want you to move regardless of what my brother or I do to your body.'

 "Very good, boy," Master Andre said as Master Gabe backed away.

Master Gabe attached a leash to my collar and led me to a stair case. I followed Master Gabe down the stairs until we reached a darkened room.

At the bottom of the stairs, a flood light illuminated a circular area in front of us.

"Present your hands, boy," Master Gabe ordered. With every syllable of his voice and every touch of his hands sent my dick to a totally erect state.

Master Gabe and Master Andre fitted leather restraints on my wrists and connected each one to an overhead chain. Master Andre stepped outside the circle of light.

"Such a magnificent sight," Master Gabe said as he studied my naked, restrained body. "Your skin glistening under the lights. Hard dick. The ink! The ink looks so vibrant."

Master Gabe stepped closer to me. His hands reached out to my tits. He began to gently stroke them with the tips of his fingers.

"Don't move and don't speak," I heard Master Andre say from the darkness.

Master Gabe's eyes lit up with lust. His hands started caressing my chest. A gentle touch filled with power moved downward. My abs. The cheeks of my ass. My thigh. Back up the inner thigh. My balls. My dick. I shuddered during the whole journey of Master Gabe's hands on my body.

Master Gabe's hands reached up to my tits again and began pulling, twisting, and pinching. I wanted to scream because Master Gabe's touch electrified everything in my body. I felt as though I was having a continuous orgasm while Master Gabe pulled, twisted, and pinched my nipples.

"Don't move, boy," Master Andre said as he moved from the darkness into the light. "Don't make a sound."

Master Andre took Master Gabe's place.

"Look at the light coming from the darkness," Master Andre said in a soft, calming voice.

I spotted a pin of a light shining from the darkness

"See the light, boy," Master Andre continued. "The light comes for you, boy. The light takes you to new heights. The light owns your mind. The light controls your body. Take the light and let it own you, boy. Let in own you. Give yourself to the light."

I focused on the pin of light coming from the darkness. Master Andre's masculine smell overwhelmed my senses. My body longed for Master Andre's touch. Instead the pin of light touched by body.

"We'll see you in the morning, boy," Master Andre softly added as I concentrated on the light.

As Master Andre walked away the circle of light began to dim. Lower and lower and lower and lower. Then off.

I plunged into the darkness with only the pin of light to keep me company.

I heard sounds in the distance. Tiny sounds. Soft sounds growing harsher. Sounds of the thump, thump, thump of percussion. Drumming. Pounding. Raging sounds. Driving sounds. The sounds of sex. The sounds of submission.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed into the silent darkness and heard my voice reverberate around me.

I felt the energy pulse through my body, awakening my desires. Sexual desires. My body tensed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again as my hard, untouched dick shot loads and loads of cum into the darkness



"Good morning, boy," I heard a voice say to me.

My eyes fluttered open. I looked around not knowing where I was. I saw this man to my left. Naked. Him on his side with his head propped up.

I nearly came when I saw the full beauty of the naked man lying next to me. Five-eleven. Jet black hair. Shimmering green eyes. Stunning olive skin. Smooth chested with a treasure trail of neatly trimmed hair running down to his trimmed pubic hairs. And, his dick! Huge. At least twelve inches. Thick. Meaty. Uncut. Hard.

"Who... Who are you?" I asked as my dick shifted to full attention.

"I'm Cal," the naked man said. "Calpernicus Lanslow. I'm a friend of Andre's. I live two floors down. Andre and Gabe had some business to take care of this morning. They asked me to sleep with you last night to keep you company."

"Did we... you know... did we fuck?" I asked as my eyes began to focus on Cal's really big, hard, uncut dick.

"Yes," Cal replied. "Twice. You're one terrific fuck, let me tell you! We'll be spending the day together. After we grab a bite to eat in the coffee shop next door, we'll have a chance to go at it again. We'll meet Andre and Gabe at the Cave around eleven tonight. Twelve hours from now. I have instructions about what you will wear tonight."

"How did I get here?" I asked.

"I don't know," Cal replied. "I let myself in and found you here in bed. Naked. Hard dick. Sweaty, glistening body on top of the sheets."

"I see," I replied. "I should take a shower before we go eat. I smell like sex, sex, and more sex."

"No," Cal responded. "You won't shower before we go out to breakfast. We want the entire coffee shop to know you've been whoring around all night. Get dressed, boy. I'm hungry."

I grabbed the jeans Wrigley had left on the chair beside the bed. He had selected the tightest pair of stretch jeans in my collection. They looked as though they had been painted on me. I slipped on an equally tight, thin, short, white t-shirt.

"You even look like a whore, boy!" Cal said to me. "I like the way the upper crack of your ass shows, and the tattoos peak out of the front of the waist band. Let's go."

We found the coffee shop, took a seat, gave the waiter our order, and waited silently for a moment.

"I understand you get a lot of money for being a whore," Cal finally said. "I can certainly understand the price structure after having your ass twice last night. How long have you been a whore?"

"About three years," I replied.

"I'll bet you've met some really interesting people," Cal continued. "Kinky ones, too, right?"

"Yes," I replied. "Some kinkier than others. Most favor the extreme kink. Hence the price."

"I have three boys of my own," Cal explained. "I left Stephanie and Igor in Gunther's custody. He can be a mean son-of-a-bitch when he wants to be. He always wants to please me. I told him to be mean while I was away. All three have the smoothest ebony skin you've ever seen. Triplets. My boys are triplets. Huge dicks. Of course, it's too bad they don't get to use them much. They work out every day. Perhaps you'll get to meet them tonight."

"I'd like to meet your boys," I said. "How do you and Andre know each other?"

"We met in a social situation while we both vacationed in the South of France," Cal explained. "We've kept in touch over the years. He knew I sold real estate. When he decided to buy a condo in the city, he asked me to locate a place. Do you get off on being fisted, Steven?"

"Ahm... Yes...," I replied. "Yes, I do enjoy getting fisted. I take it you like to fist."

"Yea," Cal replied. "One of my hobbies. I'm a big-time ass and tit man. I could play with an ass for hours. Same with tits. I'm not much on whipping a boy, but man do I love to watch someone with a whip pound away on some boy's back."

"Why are we going to the Cave tonight, Master?" I asked.

"I'm not certain, Steven," Cal replied. "Andre told me to bring you to the Cave at eleven. So, I'll bring you to the Cave at eleven. We'll both find out, right, Steven?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. I smiled at him because I saw lust boiling in Master Cal's eyes. "The memories of having your dick in me last night have returned, Master."

"And I'll bet you want more," Master Cal added.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Within what seemed to be seconds, Master Cal had paid the bill and we rushed outside.

Afternoon with Cal

"Strip, boy," Master Cal ordered as we stepped off the elevator into Master Andre's apartment.

"Yes, Sir," I replied and quickly began to remove my clothes. I threw my jeans, t-shirt, and shoes in a corner.

I assumed the position in front of Master Cal with my hands clasped behind my neck.

"Take off my clothes, boy," Master Cal ordered.

"Yes, Sir," I replied and hurriedly began to remove Master Cal's clothing. I pulled his t-shirt up and over his head. I knelt in front of him and removed his shoes. He didn't wear socks. I began to unbutton his extremely tight, thinning jeans and began to pull them down.

When his cock popped out of confinement, I immediately wanted to suck it, but I continued to lower Master Cal's jeans so he could step out of them.

"Very good, boy," Master Cal said as I continued to kneel in front of him with my hands clasp behind my neck. "I'm impressed with your speed. I'm betting you undressed me so quickly because you want my dick inside you. Am I correct, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. My eyes fixed on Master Cal's beautiful twelve inch, extremely thick, uncut, hard dick, and his low hanging balls.

"Crawl behind me, boy," Master Cal ordered as he turned.  We made our way to the guest room where I slept with Master Cal last night. I crawled behind him.

"On the bed, boy face down," Master Cal ordered.

I slipped onto the bed and chose the middle of the bed to lay face down. My legs and arms were spread wide. The energy in the room enhanced every movement as Master Cal slipped between my legs and prepared to mount me.

"I'm claiming you for the afternoon, boy," Master Cal said as his hand caressed my ass cheeks. "You'll be mine until I return you to your Master Andre."

I turned my head to look at Master Cal who positioned himself on his knees between my legs. He stroked his massive, hard dick. His lust filled eyes locked onto mine.

My memories of last night finally returned. "I remember you fucking me last night, Master," I hissed as my eyes still connected with Master Cal's. "You energized me from the time you put your dick in me until you shot your first load inside my ass. You owned me. Own me again, please, Master. Own me again."

"I'll definitely own you again, boy," Master Cal said in a sexy, soft voice. "I'd own you forever if it were up to me, boy."

"But it's not up to you, Cal," a deep English accented voice to my left said.

I turned to find the owner of the voice. Another God like sexy naked man stood in the doorway of the bedroom.

"Someone else owns him, Cal," the voice added. "He's only yours, Cal, until you need to give him back to his Master. Would you like to share the boy, Cal?"

"Definitely," Cal hissed at the naked man.

"I'm Cal's husband, boy," the naked man said to me. His soft voice charged my sexual desire even further. "I'm Sullivan. Sullivan Chester Lambeth the third. My husband and I share everything, don't we, Cal?"

"Everything," Cal said. I heard something in Cal's voice. It seemed different. His voice seemed to fill the room with lust dripping from every syllable. "We share everything. Especially a good sexy bottom boy."

I watched Master Sullivan slowly stride to the side of the bed. I looked up at Master Sullivan. He looked like a God. Six-four. Muscles everywhere. Chestnut brown hair hanging to his shoulders with every hair perfectly placed. A fine layer of chest hair highlighted his huge, muscled chest. I took in the beauty of the man before me. His eyes matched the color of his hair. My eyes moved down to his eight-pack abs. I traced the treasure trail downward.

"Ohhh!" I gasp as I realized he stroked his huge dick.

"You like my dick, don't you, boy?" Master Sullivan asked.

I couldn't make words come out of my mouth.

"It's fourteen inches long," Master Sullivan continued. "Some have compared the girth of my dick to a baseball bat. It fills most asses to a breaking point. I'll rip your ass to shreds as soon as my husband finishes his first round with you. Fuck him, Cal. I want to watch you fuck him hard. Fuck him, Cal. Send him over the edge. Fuck him, Cal. Fuck him hard. Take your time and get his ass ready for me."

Master Cal rested his rock-hard dick against the crack of my ass and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Get ready for the fuck of your life, boy," Master Cal whispered. "Every time Sullivan and I share fucking a boy, we both get really horny, really energetic, and really long-lasting."

I felt the heat from Master Cal's body invigorate my body. The heat. The touch of naked skin to naked skin. The beating of Master Cal's heart. His breathing.

The kiss on the back of my neck drove me over the edge.

"Please, Sir," I hissed.

Master Cal stirred. He pushed my legs underneath me to raise my ass up to accommodate him. I heard the top of the lube bottle loosen. I heard Master Cal recap the lube. The tube of lube landed beside Master Cal. The touch of cold liquid on my well used asshole sent shivers through my body. Sexual tension in the room rose significantly.

"Ohhhhh," I cooed as the tip of Master Cal's dick touched my overly sensitive asshole.

"Feel it baby," Master Cal hissed moments before he shoved his giant dick inside my ass.

"Ahhhhh! Fuck yes!" I bellowed encouragement to Master Cal.

Master Sullivan slipped onto the bed beside me just as Master Cal's dick bottomed out in my ass. Master Sullivan's musky smell sent me even further into the bliss of getting fucked by Master Cal.

"Fuck yes! His ass... his ass... perfect," Master Cal hissed at Master Sullivan. Two seconds later he began to pound my ass with the fury of a battering ram.

Master Sullivan moved so his lap rested near my face.

"Suck it, boy," Master Sullivan hissed as he slid closer to my face. My mouth slipped over Master Sullivan's huge hard cock. It barely fit into my mouth.

Master Sullivan's dick touched the opening of my throat. He put his hands clasped together on my head and push his dick down my throat.

I found myself in sensory overload as both assailants shifted into a synchronized rhythm. Two huge dicks sliding in and out of my body.

`Oh God yes!' I thought to myself.

Master Sullivan pulled his dick out of my mouth and backed away. I wanted more until I caught sight of the sexiest man I'd ever met. The way his muscles rippled with even the slightest motion. The way he starred at me with his big chestnut brown eyes. His eyes blazed with lust, desire, and, most of all, power. His body, his muscles, his hair, his eyes... all turned him into the guttural definition of sex.

I'd almost forgotten the ravenous pounding Master Cal delivered until I heard him scream in unreserved energy and unmitigated ecstasy. I felt shot after shot of Master Cal's cum slap at the walls of my ass.

Master Cal lowered his sweaty body on top of me to rest. His breathing was fierce. His heart pounded like the sounds of a percussion section. His dick remained hard and inside me.

"What're you thinking slave boy?" Master Cal asked as he began to breathe more normally.

"Amazing," I whispered. I felt as though I had all my energy fucked out of me.

Master Cal raised his body off mine as though he were ready to fuck me again.

"Just wait...," Master Cal exclaimed as he slammed his dick in me to punctuate his words. He continued with every thrust of his dick, "until... my husband... gets his... big dick... in your ass... He'll... rip... your insides... apart..., and you'll... be begging... for more!"

After the last stab, Master Cal pulled his dick out. I felt so empty and lonely.

I looked up from my position on the bed. Master Sullivan began a slow journey from his position in front of me to the other side of the bed. He slammed his bare hand across my ass.

"Ahhhh!" I screeched at the sudden slap on the butt.

"On your back, boy," Master Sullivan ordered. "I want to see the pain in your eyes as I shove my big dick into your sloppy asshole."

I moved slowly to reposition myself to face Master Sullivan. I looked up to the man between my legs as I settled into position. I took in the sight of the six-four God before me. His eyes told a story of lust, power, and cunningness. My eyes continued down the front of Master Sullivan's body to his chest. A soft shaft of life bounced off his glistening skin giving him an aura of a God-like creature. His abs. His dick.

"Oooooo," I moaned as I watched this huge, beautiful, sexy man stroke his massive dick. Uncut, hard, hairless cock. Watching him made my entire body twitch with anticipation of being ripped apart by the power of his dick. The power of his eyes. My view returned to Master Sullivan's eyes and face.

His eyes lit the room. A slight smile crossed his face as he reached for the lube on the bed beside me. Master Sullivan's facial expression didn't change in the time he spent applying lube to his giant dick.

He threw the lube on the bed next to him. His eyes seemed to glow brighter as he aligned his giant dick with my asshole. He leaned down, with his dick still positioned at my asshole, and brought his lips to mine. The desire to experience Master Sullivan's dick inside me grew exponentially as our lips met and I let him in.

He pulled his lips away from mine and watched my face. His smile turned into a lustful smirk.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed and almost passed out as Master Sullivan rammed his dick balls deep inside me with one rapid, powerful thrust.

The pain became excruciating as Master Sullivan began to move slowly out before he slammed into me. Over and over and over and over.

I watched Master Sullivan's face as he pounded in and out of my ass. The look of satisfaction on his face grew with every thrust. My lust grew at the same rate as Master Sullivan's. Soon the pain no longer felt like pain. It became greed. Greedy to have more of Master Sullivan's dick.

He drove me practically insane with the repetitive thrusts in and out of my ass. And, then, when Master Sullivan's long hair started to dance lightly on my chest, I hit sensory overload and nearly came.

I quickly learned Master Sullivan had mastered the art of edging. He must have watched how my eyes reacted because as I almost went over the edge, he slowed to a gentle, slow pace.

He would bring me to the edge and take me away from the summit over and over again until I felt his body tense. His breathing became labored.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Master Sullivan bellowed as I felt his cum coat my insides with every moan.

Master Sullivan lowered his sweat covered body to rest on mine. I listened to his heart pounding and his breathing recover. It wasn't until several minutes after he shot the first load of cum in my ass that he spoke.

"We'll do this again, boy," Master Sullivan said as he moved so he could see my face. "Can you handle another thrashing?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Do you want another round?" Master Sullivan asked.

"Definitely, Master," I said as I saw a smile break across his face.

"Good," Master Sullivan said. "I'll arrange some regular time for you to be with my husband and me. Andre agreed to let us try you before we bought. And I definitely want to buy."

"I can't wait, Sir," I replied before Master Sullivan leaned down to kiss me.

"Cal and I are neuropsycologists," Master Sullivan explained.


The Cave

Master Sullivan and Master Cal led me from the limo to the entry of the Cave.

"Welcome, gentlemen," the bouncer said to Master Cal and Master Sullivan. "Is this Andre's boy?"

"Yes," Master Cal replied. "Isn't he a magnificent creature?"

"Yes," the bouncer agreed. "No wonder Andre wanted the boy to be on display tonight. He'll certainly call attention to Andre's new property."

"He's an amazing fuck, too," Master Cal added.

Master Sullivan and Master Cal dressed me in simple clothes tonight. Black leather lace up Greek slave sandals, flimsy white loin cloth in front. I wore Master Andre's collar. The rest of my body was on exhibit.

 "He'll turn out to be Best Display Boy of the month," the bouncer added. He handed Master Cal and Master Sullivan their passes for the evening.

We stepped into the dark space and began to feel the vibration of the music. A strobe flashed in a distant room. People mingled. Some naked. Others fully clothed in leather.

Master Cal tugged on the thin strap holding the loin cloth in place. The loin cloth dropped to the floor. We left it on the floor as Master Sullivan tugged on my leash. I followed him into the main bar.

The main bar's dimly lit interior added to the mystic of the Cave. Some of the slave boys lined the wall to the left. Their Masters had put restraints on the wrists or ankles to keep them in place.

"This way, boy," Master Sullivan said as he tugged on the leash again. He and Master Cal led me to the center of the room. Restraints hung from the ceiling and were resting on the floor. We stopped underneath the restraints hanging from the ceiling.

Master Cal stood on my left side and Master Sullivan on my right. They started with my wrists and finished with my ankles. I stood in the middle of the room bound by the restraints. A small circle of light surrounded me.

"Don't make a sound, boy," Master Cal said.

Master Cal and Master Sullivan retreated into the crowd. One by one the other Masters began to drift toward me. Most circled my restrained body three or four times before standing off to the side to let other Masters inspect me.

Master Cal returned with a black felt marker. He wrote something on my back. Soon the same Masters who had inspected me assembled behind me to read the information Master Cal had written on my back.

"The price is a little steep," one guy said to another. "But he might be worth it. Look at his body. His muscles. His ink. His piercings. I'll definitely want to try him."

"Me, too," another guy said.

"I can make a reservation for you so you can participate in our free trial offer," I heard a familiar voice say to the two Masters. "Just add your information on the tablet. I'll put you on the list for next weekend."

"Great," the first Master said to the familiar voice.

A few moments later the first Master said to the familiar voice, "Here's my contact information. Are you for rent, too, sweet thing?"

"No, Sir," the familiar voice replied.

Several of the other Masters also signed up for a trial with familiar voice.

The familiar voice moved in front of me.

I opened my mouth to say his name, but I remembered my order.

`What the fuck is Sid doing here?' I asked myself.

"Hello, Dad," Sid said to me. He stood in front of me. He had tight leather pants, black lace up boots, and nothing else. His silky white perfect skin made my dick throb! "You're probably wondering why I'm here... It's a long story, but I can give you the short version. I almost had a nervous breakdown in school. Dad T suggested I meet you and Dad A while you were in London. Dad A suggested I accompany you to Barcelona and then onto Cambridge. It's great to see you again, Dad."

Sid leaned in and kissed me on the cheek before he left the area.

I watched everyone filter in and out of the main room. I heard sounds of whips hitting bare skin behind me. Master Andre, Master Gabe, Master Cal, and Master Sullivan lingered near the bar talking animatedly. Sid continued to have conversations with the Masters who were interested in sampling me. Some patrons stared at me as though I were an anomaly for the Cave.

The First Meeting

"You look extra sexy, Steven, in your tailored suit," Master Andre said to me as we exited the car in front of the building where our meetings would occur.

"From both the front and back," Master Gabe said to me. "The more I see, the more I want. Last night whetted my appetite for your ass, Steven."

"Thank you, Sirs," I replied.

"Remember, Steven, during our time in these meetings, please refer to me as Andre and to my brother as Gabe," Master Andre reminded me.

"Yes, Ma... Andre," I responded.

"One other point, Steven," Master Andre added. "You're here with us because we both value your business sense. Raise questions when you feel a topic has not been fully discussed or something needs clarification. We want them to know we are not just two Greeks and an American. We play only by our rules. I won't explain further except to say you need to play up to Mr. Cromwell's assistant."

"I'll do my best, Andre," I replied. "Perhaps we should have perfected our mind reading abilities before these meetings."

"Perhaps," Master Andre added with a smile. "I believe you know me and I know you well enough by now to read between the lines."

Master Andre pressed the button for the fortieth floor—the top one. A well-dressed man in the lobby of the office greeted us as we stepped off the elevator. He looked as though he were about my age. His perfect skin could put him a few years younger. Five-eleven. Well-built with an obviously muscled chest. His buzz cut jet-black hair, piercing steel gray eyes, and long lashes pulled me immediately toward him. His eyes cut through the air and landed on me.

"Welcome, Mr. Xanthis," the man explained. "I'm George Phillipe. I am Mr. Cornwall's personal assistant."

"This is my brother Gabe Xanthis and our business partner Steven Caden-Caldwell," Master Andre explained.

"Please follow me, gentlemen," Mr. Phillipe said as he turned on his heels and led us into the depths of the executive office.

Master Andre looked at me, smiled, and nodded his head toward our leader.

I stepped up and walked in sync with Mr. Phillipe as he led us to our destination.

"Nice suit, Mr. Phillipe," I said. "Brooks Brothers, right?"

"Why yes," Mr. Phillipe responded. "How did you know?"

"I used to wear custom made Brooks Brothers suits until a few weeks ago," I explained. "Andre and I use a new designer who does exquisite custom work. His name is Emilio Jackson. Perhaps you've heard of him?"

"The Emilio Jackson?" Mr. Phillipe asked. "He's an up and coming designer from Italy, I believe."

"Yes," I explained "He's signed on to do exclusive work for Andre and me."

"I must say he does excellent work, Mr. Caden-Caldwell," Mr. Phillipe added as he admired the front of my suit.

"Steven, please," I responded. "Please call me Steven."

"Thank you, Steven," Mr. Phillipe said. "You may use my first name as well, George."

"Thank you, George," I said as George paused in front of a huge, heavy oak door which led into a plush reception room. Another gentleman joined us from the inner sanctum.

"Mr. Cornwall, this is Andre Xanthis, Gabe Xanthis, and Steven Caden-Caldwell," George began introduction. "Gentlemen, this is Harrison Cornwall, our chief financial officer."

"Welcome," Mr. Cornwall enthused. "I thought we'd be more comfortable in our executive conference room. Please follow me."

`Mr. Cornwall could upgrade his suit collection,' I thought to myself as we followed him into the executive conference room. Personally, it looked like any other conference room in any other company in any other country.

I smiled at Master Andre, and he smiled back.

We settled into seats around the conference table. Mr. Cornwall distributed a packet of information. He fired up the power point presentation and launched into his story.

We listened to Mr. Cornwall present his information. Two hours of listening. I had to work to keep from yawning.

"So, gentlemen," Mr. Cornwall said as he shut down the PowerPoint projector. "This concludes our review of our financials. If you have no other questions, we can break for lunch."

No one asked any questions. None of us wanted to hear more of the droning voice of Mr. Cornwall.

George stepped beside Master Andre, Master Gabe, and me as we exited the dreary conference room. "I'd like to invite you to join me for lunch across the street at a lovely Italian bistro."

"Thank you for your invitation Mr. Phillipe," Master Andre replied. "However, Gabriel and I have some family business matters to discuss. I'm sure Steven would enjoy joining you, right, Steven?"

"Of course, George," I said to our smiling host. "I'd love to join you."

I watched George's eyes survey my body from head to toe as though I were a piece of meat resting inside a butcher's display case. His eyes locked onto mine when he'd finished his exam. My dick twitched inside my well-tailored suit pants. I looked at Master Andre and Master Gabe. They were both smiling broadly.

"We'll walk you downstairs," Master Andre said to George and me.

George and I separated from Master Andre and Master Gabe at the front door of the office building. I followed George across the street to the bistro. My eyes focused on George's perfectly shaped ass. We had left our jackets in the conference room.

The effervescent restaurant host led us to our table in the front window of the bistro. Our waiter brought water and the wine list. George ordered a 2012 Marchesi Incisa Della Rochetta Sassicaia Italy Cabernet Sauvignon.

"So, Steven," George began. "Where in the United States do you live?"

"I used to live in Chicago," I explained. "I've been traveling on business with Andre for several months, so I've forgotten where I live anymore."

"How long have you and the Xanthis brothers been involved in business dealings?" George asked.

"Only a few months," I continued. "Andre and I met quite by accident as we explored mutually shared interests. We clicked, and here we are. What about you, George?"

"Mine is a very boring story, really," George began. "I graduated from Harvard and Harvard Business several years ago. I continued my studies at Harvard Law where I specialized in international business law. I had intended on joining my Harvard roommate's business in Barcelona, but, right before I graduated from Harvard Law, someone approached him with a generous offer to buy the business. He sold it. The sale prompted my interest in the media industry, and I landed here. How often do you work out, Steven?"

"Usually every day," I replied. "Wrigley, my personal attendant, serves as my trainer among other duties."

"He must be very knowledgeable in planning an exercise routine," George added as he focused on my obviously erect nipples inside my tailored white shirt. "Your body is stunning, and the tailoring of your suit and shirt highlights all your muscles. You must be very proud of the results."

"Thank you, George," I said. "And, yes, I am very proud of the results. Wrigley has become more than my personal attendant, he's become a dear friend. What about you, George? Do you work out often?"

"Not as much as you, obviously," George added. "I try to work out three times a week, but sometimes it becomes impossible with my schedule."

"You should join Wrigley and me at the gym some morning while we're in London," I suggested. "Wrigley could give you tips to help you improve the results of your workout."

"Thank you, Steven," George said as his eyes lit up. "I'd enjoy working out with the two of you. We can look at our schedules later."

George continued to flirt with me throughout lunch. I countered every nuanced word with another. It was an enjoyable flirt fight.

"Thank you for lunch, George," I said as we prepared to leave. "I enjoyed getting to know you better. I hope we can do this again before we leave London."

"It's been my pleasure, Steven," George gushed a little too much. "Next time I can take you to another little place not far from here. It's more intimate."

"Tomorrow?" I suggested.

"I'll arrange the reservations," George said as he followed me out of the restaurant. I felt his eyes burn holes through my slacks as he ogled my ass.

We arrived at the executive conference room to find Master Andre, Master Gabe, and another older gentleman already sitting at the conference table. The older gentleman served as vice president of operations, Mr. Bemus Hamell.

"How was your lunch, Steven?" Master Andre asked.

"Excellent, Andre," I replied. "George and I became much better acquainted. I even suggested we work out together some morning. Yours?"

"I'm sure not as enjoyable as yours, Steven," Master Andre explained. "But we accomplished what we needed to accomplish."

Mr. Hamell's presentation seemed ten times more boring than the first one. He had as much energy as a log in a swamp.

"Gentlemen," George said as Mr. Hamell finished his presentation. "It's been a pleasure working with you today. I'm looking forward to tomorrow afternoon. Two o'clock. This conference room."

"We look forward to working with you as well, Mr. Phillipe," Master Andre added as we prepared to leave. "If I may be so bold, Mr. Phillipe, why not join Steven tomorrow morning for a workout. I have a gym in my building. I'll make certain the door staff escort you directly to the gym."

"Since we won't be meeting until two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, I'd be delighted to join Steven to work out," George agreed.

"Here is my card with my home address, Mr. Phillipe," Master Andre continued. "Oh! We have a locker room so you can change in and out of your street clothes."

"I'm looking forward to it, Steven," George said as we left him standing in the conference room. I couldn't be certain, but I believe I saw George's crotch bulge during our conversation.

"Wonderful job, Steven," Master Andre said as we left the building for our walk back to the condo.

"Thank you, Master," I said as I walked between Master Andre and Master Gabe.

"You seem to have George wrapped around your little finger. You've made him think with his dick. Perfect! He'll be an excellent source of information."

"George is a sadist," I added.

"How do you know he's a sadist?" Master Gabe asked.

"He attended a Hellfire event in Chicago about six or seven years ago," I explained. "I remember him whipping this bottom boy in the public area of the club. He seemed very experienced even though he's about two years younger than me. He wouldn't recognize me because I had hair then."

"Remarkable, Steven," Master Gabe said to me as he put his arm around my shoulder. "Your boy does excellent work, bro!"

"Yes, he does," Master Andre said as he grabbed my hand as we continued our walk.

"I assume you'll want me to take my time changing into my gym clothes, Master," I said.

"Yes," Master Andre replied. "Perhaps you and he could shower together after your work out."

"Of course," I replied. "Do you have any particular information you want me to gather?"

"Everything you can find out about his personal proclivities and life," Master Andre replied. "Especially information which would not appear on a background check."

"I'll do my best, Master," I replied. "Who knew this business trip would be such fun?"


The Gym

Master Wrigley and I walked into the gym promptly at 7 am. George nervously awaited our arrival.

"George," I said after we shook hands. "This is my personal attendant and trainer Wrigley. Wrigley this is George Phillipe. I met him yesterday during our business meetings."

"Welcome, George," Master Wrigley said. "I'm delighted you could join us this morning. Steven always works harder when we have company. Let's go change, shall we?"

Master Wrigley led us to the locker room. George followed Master Wrigley, and I followed George.

I dropped my gym bag on a bench in front of three empty lockers.

"You can use this locker, George," I said. "We have an extra lock."

"Thank you," George replied as he also dropped his bag on the same bench as mine. Master Wrigley took over the bench next to us with George in the middle.

Without fanfare, I pulled the hem of my shirt up and slipped it over my head. I heard George gasp.

"Amazing," George said as he focused his attention on me. His words barely audible.

"Steven's body definitely responds to a vigorous work out," Master Wrigley explained as he slipped his shirt off and threw it into the locker.

George watched Master Wrigley intently before he slipped his shirt off.

"You're nicely packaged, George," Master Wrigley said as he watched Master George removed his shirt.

"Thank you," George replied.

I toed off my shoes and stashed my shoes and shirt in the locker. I faced George and began to push my work out slacks down my hips until my already hard dick slapped my abs as I freed it. I let the pants fall to the floor and stepped out of them. I turned away from George and reached down to pick up the pants. I noticed George still standing with his mouth gaping open as he watched me pick up my gym pants.

"God! You're beautiful, Steven," George managed to get out. "Your tattoos are a work of art."

"Steven also has an issue with his dick," Master Wrigley replied. "He's almost constantly hard. Sometimes it is distracting."

"The gym has the most amazing showers, George" I began. "The perfect ending to an arduous work out. You'll enjoy a nice hot shower after our work out, right, George?"

"Yes," George said as his pants slid to the floor. His dick stood hard and proud. He began to rummage in his gym bag for his gym shorts and jock. Once he had slipped on his jock strap and shorts, his attention turned back to me.

I took my shorts out of my bag and slipped them on.

"Steven doesn't wear underwear," Master Wrigley explained. "He sometimes has difficulty controlling himself if he's dressed in a suit and sees some really hot man. Bang! Instant hard dick. It's amazing how people around him react."

I pulled on my skimpy, tight tank top and stuck my feet into my shoes. I felt eager to work out.

George kept watch as Master Wrigley put me through my paces. Master Wrigley did suggest some improvements to George's workout plan. We sauntered back into the locker room to shower and change.

Once in the locker room, I quickly stripped out of my clothes and prepared the clothing I'd wear when Master Wrigley and I went upstairs. I grabbed three towels which meant parading across the now crowded gym and back.

George looked frazzled by the time we finished our showers. We separated in the lobby of the condo.

"Will you be joining me for lunch, Steven?" George asked.

"I'm looking forward to lunch with you," I replied.

"Meet me in the lobby of our building at noon," George suggested.

"I'll see you shortly, George," I said. "And thank you for joining us."


Home at Last

The week passed quickly thanks to the flirtatious lunches with George despite the boring drone of voices at endless meetings. Master Andre pulled me aside on Friday afternoon before we left the offices.

"Steven," Master Andre said to me in his quiet, do what I tell you voice. "You'll be spending the weekend with George. I've promised to let him use you this weekend in exchange for some extremely valuable information."

"Thank you, Master," I replied as my dick hardened inside my suit pants. "I'll take good care of him."

"I know you will," Master Andre said as he and Master Gabe turned to leave the office lobby.

George moved in front of me. His suit pants tented as we talked.

"First we'll get coffee, and then I'll take you to my home," George said to me. "I am so looking forward to this weekend!"


George and I had settled into a table in an out of the way corner of the coffee shop. We had given our drink orders to the waiter and began our discussion.

"I know you went to Harvard, but what drove you into a career in international business?" I asked.

"I'll give you the simplified version of my background," George began. "I grew up in a West Virginia coal mining town. All of the men in our family worked in the mines until there were no mines. They still live in the same coal mining town, but now they sit on their butts all day and complain about how the liberal, tree hugging Democrats have ruined a perfectly good industry. I accidentally won a scholarship to attend Phillips Andover for the four years of high school. I started living the moment I took the first step out of town. I never looked back."

"Do you ever see your family?" I asked.

"No," George continued. "My father died when I started my junior year in high school from black lung disease. My mother died in abject poverty six months later. I attended both funerals. I haven't been back since. My four brothers hate me because I managed to get out, and they're stuck in a rundown coal mining town."

"Did they know you're gay?" I asked.

"God no," George replied. "The subject didn't really come up because I haven't talked to any of them since my mother's funeral... I've never told anyone about my family. You're the first, Steven. It's not because I'm ashamed. It's because just thinking about my whole childhood makes me nauseous. My father raped me when I was in the eighth grade. Unfortunately for me, my father decided he liked his son's ass. He took it whenever he wanted. Usually when he was drunk. And he was a violent drunk."

"Did you tell anyone? Your mother? Anyone?" I asked.

"I knew my mother wouldn't believe me," George continued. "I went to a teacher I thought would be sympathetic. He wanted to go to the cops, but I begged him not to do it. I'd have been dead if he had. He's the one who arranged for my scholarship. He was on the alumni association board for Phillips Andover. I thank God every day I went to him. Otherwise, I'd be sitting in a West Virginia coal mining town engaged in conversation with my brothers about liberal, tree hugging Democrats."

"But you made it out," I suggested. "You struggled, but you made it out. You tried and succeeded. You didn't sit back and rot in a West Virginia coal mining town. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Steven," George responded. "Some people look at me now and think I'm a person of privilege. They piss me off! It's also probably why I became a sadist!"

We finished our coffee and pastry quickly after George admitted he was a sadist. My dick hardened.

Master George grabbed my hand and hurried towards the waiting car. Once in and the car rolled forward, Master George gave me my first order of the day, "Strip."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I hurriedly pulled off my jacket and shirt. I toed off my shoes and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. I lifted my ass off the car seat and slid the pants off. Everything lay on the floor in a pile.

Master George resumed planting kisses on my lips until we rolled to a stop in front of Master George's house. The driver opened Master George's car door and Master George pulled me out with him. I stood naked on the curb as the car sped away. We slowly walked the twenty feet to the front door. Several people watched as Master George took his time opening the door.

Master George grabbed my hand again and led me into his office.

"Bend over the desk, boy," Master George roared as he unzipped his pants and pushed them to the floor before stepping out of them.

Master George retrieved the lube from a desk drawer and began to slather his cock with it. He flung the lube container on the desk and took his place between my legs.

"Ooooooo," I moaned as I felt the tip of his massive cock touch my asshole.

"I've thought of this moment the entire day, boy," Master George said as he began to push his dick into my ass.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed as he bottomed out in my ass. His huge fourteen-inch dick nearly ripped my ass to shreds.

"So sweet!" Master George exclaimed and began to pound my ass like a madman on LSD. "Won't be long!"

Master George's body tensed and in sync with his thrusts I felt the cum flood my asshole. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Fuck! Fuck! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

He lowered his body on top of mine to recover from his massive orgasm. We didn't speak for several more minutes. He finally raised his body off mine and pulled me up with him. His still impaled dick in my ass.

"I'm sorry I was so quick, Steven," Master George whispered in my ear before nibbling on it. "I needed you so badly. I could barely restrain myself in the coffee shop."

"I don't mind, Master," I replied as he continued to nibble on my ear. "Every moment with you is a treat."

"Thank you, boy," Master George said as he slowly pulled his dick out of my ass. "Let's go upstairs. I have something I want to wear for you tonight."

"Yes, Master," I responded as Master George nodded towards the doorway of the office and led me to his bedroom on the fifth floor.

"Sit, boy," Master George said as he nodded to an empty chair. "I'll get my clothes for tonight. Then, you can clean off my dick."

"Yes, Master," I said as I sat on the chair.

I waited only a few minutes. Master George arrived naked with leather garments draped over a wooden hanger. He put the garments on the back of another chair and stood in front of me.

I didn't need to be told. I dropped to my knees and began to feverishly lick Master George's dick. I worked his dick for at least ten minutes.

"Enough," Master George said as he pulled away from me. "Please sit while I change."

"Yes, Master," I said as I returned to the chair.

Master pulled a garment off the hanger. He held it up. It was a pair of black leather shorts with a cod piece attached to the crotch. Master worked the leather shorts up and over his massive thighs and tightened the laces on each outside leg of the shorts. He hurriedly stuffed his growing dick into the cod piece.

"What do you think of my shorts, boy?" Master George asked.

"Amazing, Master," I replied as I watched him show the back side as well as the front. "An excellent fit. Your body looks amazing with them on."

"Thank you, boy," Master George said as he pulled another garment off the hangar.

He slipped on the black leather half harness and fastened it securely. He retrieved one black leather arm band and strapped it around the upper part of his bicep. Then the second arm band. Lastly, he slipped his feet into a pair of black leather lace up boots.

"Amazing," I hissed as I looked at my hot, hot Master.

"I'm happy you like it, boy," Master George said as he picked up the leash and led me out of the bedroom into the elevator. He pushed a button two stops below the first level. The door opened as Master George led me out of the elevator and into near darkness. A bank of bright lights snapped on.

I looked around the room. The lights formed a perfect circle on the floor. An odd piece of equipment sat in the middle of the circle of light. Master George tugged on my leash and led me closer to the piece of equipment.

"This, my boy, just arrived yesterday," Master George explained.

I studied the shimmering stainless-steel piece of equipment. "It looks like a medical exam table, Master. Is it?"

"Yes," Master George explained. "It's a very flexible medical exam table. It functions as an exam table and a bondage table. "You'll be spending the night here; however, I want to talk with you before we begin tonight's activities."

Master George tugged on my leash and led me out of the circle of light to a dimly lit bar area. John, Master George's butler stood behind the bar. He wore a tight pair of simmering black leather briefs pulled so tightly I could see every feature of his body. His cock and balls. The perfectly shaped ass cheeks. A definite outline of the crack of his ass.

His smooth, heavily muscled chest drew my attention as did the enormous biceps. I watched the muscles in every part of his upper body stretch and contract with every movement.

"Two Vodkas on the rocks, John," Master George said.

"Right away, Sir," John replied.

"I have questions about you I need to ask," Master George said as John slipped the drinks in front of Master George and me. Master George picked up his vodka on the rocks and proposed a toast. "Here's to our future, boy. May we always have the passion as we do now. Cheers!"

"Cheers, Sir," I said as we clinked glasses. "What questions did you want to ask me, Master?"

"What are your safe words for `stop' and `slow?'" Master George asked.

"Red for `stop,'" I replied. "Yellow for `slow.' Green for `more.'"

"Very good, boy," Master George replied. "I hope we get to know each other well enough we can dispense with safe words. In the meantime, use them whenever you need to use them."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied and waited for the next question.

"You seem as though you're actually my boy right now," Master George began. "How do you manage to give yourself to other men?"

"I belong to whomever I serve, Master," I began my explanation. "Tonight, and this weekend, I belong to you. While I'm with you, I don't belong to Master Andre. He, in turn, focuses the man he uses in my absence. When you return me, I belong to Master Andre again until he gives me or rents me to someone else. Then, I serve only the man I'm with until I return. No thoughts of other men cloud my mind when I am in use. Master Andre, Master Joshua, and Master Gabe are not my Masters this weekend. You are, Master, and I'm very pleased to serve you. You are my focus."

"Is this a skill you learned?" Master George asked.

"I don't remember learning it," I continued. "It came to me naturally when I served my first Master. And every Master afterward gets the same focus. I did it with my ex-husband. I did it with Master Ajmal. I did it with Master Marcus. I did it with Master Jose and Master Buba. I did it with Master Andre. I did it with Master Connor and Master Theo. I did it with clients. I'm doing it now with you. It is part of my being."

"Master Connor and Master Theo?" Master George asked.

"This could get complicated, Master," I began. "My ex-husband and I took in two sixteen-year-old twin brothers after their parents went berserk. My ex-husband and I later permanently adopted them. Connor and Theo enrolled at Harvard this fall. They both consider themselves as sadist Masters. I have become their masochist of choice."

"Interesting," Master George responded. "What do they look like?"

"They have become the most perfect specimen of young, well developed men," I began. I felt my dick growing just telling Master George about them. "Six one, blond hair, blue eyes, perfect muscles, flawless skin, and horny all the time."

"And you serve them?" Master George asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"I'd enjoy meeting them, I believe," Master George finally said.

"They also will charm the pants off you," I added. "Literally."

"I see," Master George said as he began to stroke my already hard dick. Master George looked me in the eyes. "Go take a cold shower, boy. I need to cage your dick before you get too excited. The shower is there."

Master George pointed beyond the bar. A light cast its beam on an open shower.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I hoped I could make my dick soften.

I entered the open shower with several shower heads on the wall and on the ceiling. I turned the temperature selector to cold, stood in front of the shower head, and turned it on.

"Ahhhhh!" I exclaimed as the coldness of the water hit my naked body. I turned around and around in the stream of the shower until my dick had softened.

I presented myself to Master George. Water still dripped off my body.

"Very good, boy," Master George said as he began installing a plastic chastity device on my dick. "There! Perfect! I haven't decided how long I will keep you locked up. Are you ready to serve me, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. My eagerness must have been obvious because I saw Master George's crotch grow.

"Assume the position, boy," Master George ordered. His look drove shivers through my body.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I assumed the position. Hands clasp behind my neck. Feet shoulder width apart. Eyes looking down at Master George's boots.

Master George disappeared into the darkness and returned with something in his hand.

"Look into my eyes, boy," Master George ordered.

I raised my gaze, and I looked directly into Master George's eyes. Blazing eyes. Lust filled eyes.

"I had these tit clamps custom made," Master George explained as he held them so I could see them while he continued his explanation. "The fulcrum points of the clamps make them impossible to pull them off under most circumstances. I had the area of the clamp which meets the nipple studded with diamonds. I've not used these on anyone until tonight with you. I'm eager to see your reaction."

He began to knead my left nipple with his fingers. He pulled, squeezed, and twisted my nipple.

"I want you to look into my eyes until I tell you to stop," Master George continued. "I don't want you to react in any way when I put these on your nipple. No flinching. No sounds. Eyes always open. Just look into my eyes."

I sharpened my focus of Master George's eyes. I watched as his eyes squinted just like when he smiled.

The pain hit. I strained not to move my eyes from Master George's, not to utter a moan of pain, and not to flinch a muscle. I refocused my eyes on his. My endorphins kicked in, and I felt like I began to fly.

The second pain hit when the clamp closed on my right nipple. I held my eyes on Master George's. I did not move. I did not make a sound. I did not blink my eyes.

"You're on your way, aren't you, boy?" Master George asked.

I stayed in position while not moving my eyes.

"Answer, boy," Master George ordered.

"Yes, Master," I responded. "I'm flying, Sir."

"Good boy," Master George added. "This is only the beginning. At ease!"

I tried to make my body relax. My dick strained against the plastic of the chastity device. My nipples ached when I tried to obey Master George's request. I kept my hands clasped together behind my back.

Master George pulled me toward him and pressed his lips against mine.

"Concentrate on my lips pressed to yours and my tongue in your mouth," Master George ordered. "Feel it, boy. You're flying higher every second, aren't you?"

"Yes, Master," I whispered to Master George.

Master George pulled his lips away from mine and stepped back. He surveyed my body.

Master George disappeared into the darkness and returned with four coiled ropes. One red. One black. One white. One yellow.

"I'm an ardent fan of Shibari," Master George began. "Have you experienced Shibari before, boy?"

"No, Master," I replied. "I've seen it done. I haven't participated."

"Good," Master George said to me with a hint of mischief in his voice. "I'll add a little Kinbaku to the mix. I'll start slowly and work into a massive art installation. You can watch the progress on the screen in front of you. The left image shows your back. The right image shows your front."

I watched Master George begin his creation by wrapping four ropes around my waist three times and secured it with some intricate looking knots. The ropes alternated with black rope, red rope, white rope, and yellow rope.

He moved to my upper chest and wrapped four ropes in a similar fashion to the ones around my waist.

Master George continued adding an intricate pattern of multiple ropes to somehow form a rope suspension harness with long ropes connected to a pulley.

"What do you think, boy?" Master George asked.

"Amazing, Sir," I replied as I looked at the video image. Black, red, white, and yellow rope crisscrossed my body. My arms secured behind my back. My legs tucked up close to my body as though I were in a yoga meditation pose.

"I thought you'd like my creation," Master George replied. "It looks as though you are meditating, so I've decided to let you meditate while I take a nap. I won't be napping more than three or four hours. Meditation. Meditation. Meditation. Meditation."

Total darkness engulfed me. I only heard birds chirping in the distance. The sound of the birds turned into total silence.

Master George's words kept filling my head. `Meditation. Meditation. Meditation...'

I suddenly felt my eye lids droop. I could barely keep them open. The word, `Meditation,' Kept running through my mind

Meditation and Beyond

I saw myself standing on a hill overlooking a babbling creek several feet below me. I zoomed in on the scene before me.

I saw the boys. All ten of them. Frolicking naked in the creek. Master Andre, Master Gabe, and Master Tim sat on the banks watching the kids. I couldn't understand why Master Tim sat with Master Andre and Master Gabe.

Then Master Andre leaned in and kissed Master Tim. Lovingly. Tenderly. Master Gabe joined them. They continued their three-way kissing session. Lovingly. Tenderly.

I saw Master Grant and Master David walking slowly down a path on the other side of the creek. They walked hand in hand away from the group on the creek. I realized they were both naked as they walked down the path.

The scene shifted. Master Tim, naked, positioned himself on his back with a beach towel underneath him. He raised his legs and motioned for Master Andre, now naked, too, between his legs. I watched Master Andre mount and take Master Tim. Then Master Gabe. Two other naked men walked down the path toward Master Andre, Master Tim, and Master Gabe. I realized I knew the two. Master Garrett and Master Ferrell. They each mounted and took Master Tim.

`They've enjoyed themselves this lovely afternoon," I heard a voice say to me.

I turned toward the voice and saw the man who watched Master Andre fuck me in an alley in Mykonos.

"Yes, boy," he said. "I'm Garson Macrocordatos from Mykonos. Remember me, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "You watched Master Andre fuck me in an alley in Mykonos. You both seemed hostile to one another."

"Andre and I have known one another for a long time," the man replied. "We became rivals at an early age. The rivalry continues to this day."

He stood in front of me now. The man looked exactly like he did on the street the first time we met. He stood about five ten with a broad build. He wore tight Levi jeans with his shirt tucked into the back of them. His sweat coated chest glistened in the sunlight.

"What do you want here?" I asked.

"I came for you," the man replied.

"I'm not going anywhere without Master Andre's permission," I said with my voice quickly escalating into an angry one.

"You don't have a choice," the man said. His voice also began to sound angrier with each word.

The man reached out and touched my shoulder. I turned numb. Still standing but couldn't move... Numbness and sleep overtook me.

The numbness cleared. I lay on a bondage table. Legs and arms secured. The man stood beside me looking down and smiling.

"Your awake!" the man said. "Perfect timing. When you address me, use the word `Sir,' `Master,' or `Master Garson.' You will behave according to my instructions. Do you understand, boy?"

"You're not my Sir, Master, or Master Garson," I replied. Where am I? Where is Master Andre?"

The blow of a flogger slammed against my stomach.

"You know better than to talk back to your Master, boy!" the man exclaimed before he slammed the flogger against my stomach for the second time. "The faster you realize I am your Master, the less likely it is you'll be put out on the street. A street you have no idea where it leads. Who's your Master, boy?"

"Master Andre," I replied.

The flogger again slammed against my stomach.

"WHO'S... YOUR... MASTER..., BOY...!" the man exclaimed even louder than the last time.

"Master Andre," I replied.

One hit. Two hits. Three hits. Four hits. Five hits. The flogger slammed against my stomach five times.

"You'll eventually learn, boy," the man added. His voice had quieted. "Just relax, boy. Just relax. It'll take affect soon, boy."

"What will take affect?" I asked.

"Oh!" the man exclaimed. "Your former Master, George, gave you a glass of water with Peyote dissolved in it while you slept. Peyote. Mescaline. It causes long-term psychedelic experiences. We'll enjoy ourselves, boy. Just wait a few more minutes."

The flogger slammed against my stomach five more times.


To be continued...

I would enjoy hearing your comments about this story. You can write to me at

The following lists links to all my stories on

John's Journey Forward found in the Beginnings section

Together Forever found in the Beginnings Section (Sequel to John's Journey Forward)

Sam and Chris in the College section.

We're in This Together found in the Relationships section. (Sequel to Sam and Chris)

Jeffery Comes Home  in the Beginnings section.

Taking a Stand in the College section. (Sequel to Jeffery Comes Home)

Other Stories by the Author


Please note, the following stories are not for everyone because there are several scenes depicting Master/slave and BDSM relationships. So, if you are not interested in this type of literature, please, please do not read this story.

Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section

Steven's Evolution in the Authoritarian section. (Sequel to Life with Tim)

Visit my website:

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Next: Chapter 4

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